js_bindings library


The interface represents a controller object that allows you to abort one or more Web requests as and when desired. You can create a new object using the AbortController() constructor. Communicating with a DOM request is done using an AbortSignal object.
The interface represents a signal object that allows you to communicate with a DOM request (such as a fetch request) and abort it if required via an AbortController object.
The interface of the Sensor APIs describes the device's physical orientation in relation to the Earth's reference coordinate system. To use this sensor, the user must grant permission to the 'accelerometer', 'gyroscope', and 'magnetometer' device sensors through the Permissions API. If a feature policy blocks use of a feature it is because your code is inconsistent with the policies set on your server. This is not something that would ever be shown to a user. The Feature-Policy HTTP header article contains implementation instructions.
The abstract interface is the base class upon which all DOM range types are defined. A range is an object that indicates the start and end points of a section of content within the document.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the Sensor APIs provides on each reading the acceleration applied to the device along all three axes. To use this sensor, the user must grant permission to the 'accelerometer', device sensor through the Permissions API. If a feature policy blocks the use of a feature, it is because your code is inconsistent with the policies set on your server. This is not something that would ever be shown to a user. The Feature-Policy HTTP header article contains implementation instructions.
The dictionary of the Web Crypto API represents the object that should be passed as the algorithm parameter into SubtleCrypto.encrypt(), SubtleCrypto.decrypt(), SubtleCrypto.wrapKey(), or SubtleCrypto.unwrapKey(), when using the AES-CBC algorithm.
The dictionary of the Web Crypto API represents the object that should be passed as the algorithm parameter into SubtleCrypto.encrypt(), SubtleCrypto.decrypt(), SubtleCrypto.wrapKey(), or SubtleCrypto.unwrapKey(), when using the AES-CTR algorithm. AES is a block cipher, meaning that it splits the message into blocks and encrypts it a block at a time. In CTR mode, every time a block of the message is encrypted, an extra block of data is mixed in. This extra block is called the "counter block". A given counter block value must never be used more than once with the same key:
The dictionary of the Web Crypto API represents the object that should be passed as the algorithm parameter into SubtleCrypto.encrypt(), SubtleCrypto.decrypt(), SubtleCrypto.wrapKey(), or SubtleCrypto.unwrapKey(), when using the AES-GCM algorithm. For details of how to supply appropriate values for this parameter, see the specification for AES-GCM: NIST SP800-38D, in particular section on Input Data.
The dictionary of the Web Crypto API represents the object that should be passed as the algorithm parameter into SubtleCrypto.generateKey(), when generating an AES key: that is, when the algorithm is identified as any of AES-CBC, AES-CTR, AES-GCM, or AES-KW.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the Sensor APIs returns the current light level or illuminance of the ambient light around the hosting device. To use this sensor, the user must grant permission to the 'ambient-light-sensor' device sensor through the Permissions API. If a feature policy blocks use of a feature it is because your code is inconsistent with the policies set on your server. This is not something that would ever be shown to a user. The Feature-Policy HTTP header article contains implementation instructions.
The interface represents a node able to provide real-time frequency and time-domain analysis information. It is an AudioNode that passes the audio stream unchanged from the input to the output, but allows you to take the generated data, process it, and create audio visualizations. An has exactly one input and one output. The node works even if the output is not connected.
The extension is part of the WebGL API and allows to draw the same object, or groups of similar objects multiple times, if they share the same vertex data, primitive count and type. WebGL extensions are available using the WebGLRenderingContext.getExtension() method. For more information, see also Using Extensions in the WebGL tutorial.
The interface of the Web Animations API represents a single animation player and provides playback controls and a timeline for an animation node or source.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the Web Animations API defines current and future animation effects like KeyframeEffect, which can be passed to Animation objects for playing, and KeyframeEffect (which is used by CSS Animations and Transitions).
The interface represents events providing information related to animations.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The AnimationPlaybackEvent interface of the Web Animations API represents animation events. As animations play, they report changes to their playState through animation events.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the Web Animations API represents the timeline of an animation. This interface exists to define timeline features (inherited by DocumentTimeline and future timeline types) and is not itself directly used by developers. Anywhere you see , you should use DocumentTimeline or any other timeline type instead.
The interface represents one of an element's attributes as an object. In most situations, you will directly retrieve the attribute value as a string (e.g., Element.getAttribute()), but certain functions (e.g., Element.getAttributeNode()) or means of iterating return instances. The core idea of an object of type is the association between a name and a value. An attribute may also be part of a namespace and, in this case, it also has a URI identifying the namespace, and a prefix that is an abbreviation for the namespace. The name is deemed local when it ignores the eventual namespace prefix and deemed qualified when it includes the prefix of the namespace, if any, separated from the local name by a colon (:). We have three cases: an attribute outside of a namespace, an attribute inside a namespace without a prefix defined, an attribute inside a namespace with a prefix:
The interface represents a short audio asset residing in memory, created from an audio file using the AudioContext.decodeAudioData() method, or from raw data using AudioContext.createBuffer(). Once put into an AudioBuffer, the audio can then be played by being passed into an AudioBufferSourceNode. Objects of these types are designed to hold small audio snippets, typically less than 45 s. For longer sounds, objects implementing the MediaElementAudioSourceNode are more suitable. The buffer contains data in the following format: non-interleaved IEEE754 32-bit linear PCM with a nominal range between -1 and +1, that is, a 32-bit floating point buffer, with each sample between -1.0 and 1.0. If the has multiple channels, they are stored in separate buffers.
The interface is an AudioScheduledSourceNode which represents an audio source consisting of in-memory audio data, stored in an AudioBuffer. This interface is especially useful for playing back audio which has particularly stringent timing accuracy requirements, such as for sounds that must match a specific rhythm and can be kept in memory rather than being played from disk or the network. To play sounds which require accurate timing but must be streamed from the network or played from disk, use a AudioWorkletNode to implement its playback.
The dictionary of the Media Capabilities API defines the audio file being tested when calling MediaCapabilities.encodingInfo() or MediaCapabilities.decodingInfo() to query whether a specific audio configuration is supported, smooth, and/or power efficient.
The interface represents an audio-processing graph built from audio modules linked together, each represented by an AudioNode. An audio context controls both the creation of the nodes it contains and the execution of the audio processing, or decoding. You need to create an before you do anything else, as everything happens inside a context. It's recommended to create one AudioContext and reuse it instead of initializing a new one each time, and it's OK to use a single for several different audio sources and pipeline concurrently.
The interface of the WebCodecs API represents an audio sample.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the WebCodecs API decodes chunks of audio.
The interface represents the end destination of an audio graph in a given context — usually the speakers of your device. It can also be the node that will "record" the audio data when used with an OfflineAudioContext. has no output (as it is the output, no more AudioNode can be linked after it in the audio graph) and one input. The number of channels in the input must be between 0 and the maxChannelCount value or an exception is raised. The of a given AudioContext can be retrieved using the AudioContext.destination property.
The interface of the WebCodecs API encodes AudioData objects.
The interface represents the position and orientation of the unique person listening to the audio scene, and is used in audio spatialization. All PannerNodes spatialize in relation to the stored in the BaseAudioContext.listener attribute. It is important to note that there is only one listener per context and that it isn't an AudioNode.
The interface is a generic interface for representing an audio processing module. Examples include:
The Web Audio API's interface represents an audio-related parameter, usually a parameter of an AudioNode (such as GainNode.gain). An can be set to a specific value or a change in value, and can be scheduled to happen at a specific time and following a specific pattern. Each has a list of events, initially empty, that define when and how values change. When this list is not empty, changes using the AudioParam.value attributes are ignored. This list of events allows us to schedule changes that have to happen at very precise times, using arbitrary timeline-based automation curves. The time used is the one defined in AudioContext.currentTime.
The dictionary of the Web Audio API specifies properties for AudioParam objects. It is used to create custom AudioParams on an AudioWorkletNode. If the underlying AudioWorkletProcessor has a parameterDescriptors static getter, then the returned array of objects based on this dictionary is used internally by AudioWorkletNode constructor to populate its parameters property accordingly.
The Web Audio API interface represents a set of multiple audio parameters, each described as a mapping of a String identifying the parameter to the AudioParam object representing its value.
Deprecated: This feature is no longer recommended. Though some browsers might still support it, it may have already been removed from the relevant web standards, may be in the process of being dropped, or may only be kept for compatibility purposes. Avoid using it, and update existing code if possible; see the compatibility table at the bottom of this page to guide your decision. Be aware that this feature may cease to work at any time. The Web Audio API represents events that occur when a ScriptProcessorNode input buffer is ready to be processed.
The interface—part of the Web Audio API—is a parent interface for several types of audio source node interfaces which share the ability to be started and stopped, optionally at specified times. Specifically, this interface defines the start() and stop() methods, as well as the onended event handler.
The interface represents a single audio track from one of the HTML media elements, <audio> or <video>. The most common use for accessing an object is to toggle its enabled property in order to mute and unmute the track.
The interface is used to represent a list of the audio tracks contained within a given HTML media element, with each track represented by a separate AudioTrack object in the list. Retrieve an instance of this object with HTMLMediaElement.audioTracks. The individual tracks can be accessed using array syntax.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the Web Audio API is used to supply custom audio processing scripts that execute in a separate thread to provide very low latency audio processing. The worklet's code is run in the AudioWorkletGlobalScope global execution context, using a separate Web Audio thread which is shared by the worklet and other audio nodes. Access the audio context's instance of through the BaseAudioContext.audioWorklet property.
The interface of the Web Audio API represents a global execution context for user-supplied code, which defines custom AudioWorkletProcessor-derived classes. Each BaseAudioContext has a single AudioWorklet available under the audioWorklet property, which runs its code in a single . As the global execution context is shared across the current BaseAudioContext, it's possible to define any other variables and perform any actions allowed in worklets — apart from defining AudioWorkletProcessor-derived classes.
Note: Although the interface is available outside secure contexts, the BaseAudioContext.audioWorklet property is not, thus custom AudioWorkletProcessors cannot be defined outside them.
The interface of the Web Audio API represents an audio processing code behind a custom AudioWorkletNode. It lives in the AudioWorkletGlobalScope and runs on the Web Audio rendering thread. In turn, an AudioWorkletNode based on it runs on the main thread.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the Web Authentication API is returned by CredentialsContainer.get() when a PublicKeyCredential is passed, and provides proof to a service that it has a key pair and that the authentication request is valid and approved. This interface inherits from AuthenticatorResponse.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the Web Authentication API is returned by CredentialsContainer.create() when a PublicKeyCredential is passed, and provides a cryptographic root of trust for the new key pair that has been generated. This response should be sent to the relying party's server to complete the creation of the credential. This interface inherits from AuthenticatorResponse.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the Web Authentication API is the base interface for interfaces that provide a cryptographic root of trust for a key pair. The child interfaces include information from the browser such as the challenge origin and either may be returned from PublicKeyCredential.response.
The interface of the Background Fetch API is the event type for background fetch events dispatched on the service worker global scope. It is the event type passed to onbackgroundfetchabort and onbackgroundfetchclick.
The interface of the Background Fetch API is a map where the keys are background fetch IDs and the values are BackgroundFetchRegistration objects.
The interface of the Background Fetch API represents an individual request and response. A is created by the BackgroundFetchManager.fetch() method, therefore there is no constructor for this interface. There will be one for each resource requested by fetch().
The interface of the Background Fetch API represents an individual background fetch. A instance is returned by the BackgroundFetchManager.fetch() or BackgroundFetchManager.get() methods, and therefore there has no constructor.
The interface of the Background Fetch API is an event type passed to ServiceWorkerGlobalScope.onbackgroundfetchsuccess and ServiceWorkerGlobalScope.onbackgroundfetchfail, and provides a method for updating the title and icon of the app to inform a user of the success or failure of a background fetch.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the Barcode Detection API allows detection of linear and two dimensional barcodes in images.
The interface of the Document Object Model represents the web browser user interface elements that are exposed to scripts in web pages. Each of the following interface elements are represented by a object.
The interface of the Web Audio API acts as a base definition for online and offline audio-processing graphs, as represented by AudioContext and OfflineAudioContext respectively. You wouldn't use directly — you'd use its features via one of these two inheriting interfaces. A can be a target of events, therefore it implements the EventTarget interface.
Deprecated: This feature is no longer recommended. Though some browsers might still support it, it may have already been removed from the relevant web standards, may be in the process of being dropped, or may only be kept for compatibility purposes. Avoid using it, and update existing code if possible; see the compatibility table at the bottom of this page to guide your decision. Be aware that this feature may cease to work at any time. The interface of the Battery Status API provides information about the system's battery charge level. The navigator.getBattery() method returns a promise that resolves with a interface.
The is fired at the Window.onbeforeinstallprompt handler before a user is prompted to "install" a web site to a home screen on mobile. This interface inherits from the Event interface.
The beforeunload event is fired when the window, the document and its resources are about to be unloaded. When a non-empty string is assigned to the returnValue Event property, a dialog box appears, asking the users for confirmation to leave the page (see example below). When no value is provided, the event is processed silently. Some implementations only show the dialog box if the frame or any embedded frame receives a user gesture or user interaction. See Browser compatibility for more information.
The interface represents a simple low-order filter, and is created using the BaseAudioContext/createBiquadFilter method. It is an AudioNode that can represent different kinds of filters, tone control devices, and graphic equalizers. A always has exactly one input and one output.
The object represents a blob, which is a file-like object of immutable, raw data; they can be read as text or binary data, or converted into a ReadableStream so its methods can be used for processing the data. Blobs can represent data that isn't necessarily in a JavaScript-native format. The File interface is based on , inheriting blob functionality and expanding it to support files on the user's system.
The interface represents events associated with a Blob. These blobs are typically, but not necessarily, associated with media content.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers.Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers.Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the Web Bluetooth API provides the operations that are valid on the given BluetoothRemoteGATTCharacteristic. This interface is returned by calling BluetoothRemoteGATTCharacteristic.properties.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The BluetoothRemoteGattCharacteristic interface of the Web Bluetooth API represents a GATT Characteristic, which is a basic data element that provides further information about a peripheral’s service.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production.
The interface of the Web Bluetooth API provides a way to look up Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) values by name in the registry maintained by the Bluetooth SIG.
The interface represents a named channel that any browsing context of a given origin can subscribe to. It allows communication between different documents (in different windows, tabs, frames or iframes) of the same origin. Messages are broadcasted via a message event fired at all objects listening to the channel. Note: This feature is available in Web Workers
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the Streams API provides a built-in byte length queuing strategy that can be used when constructing streams.
The interface provides a persistent storage mechanism for [Request] / [Response] object pairs that are cached in long lived memory. How long a Cache lives is browser dependent, but a single origin's scripts can typically rely on the presence of a previously populated Cache. Note that the interface is exposed to windowed scopes as well as workers. You don't have to use it in conjunction with service workers, even though it is defined in the service worker spec. An origin can have multiple, named objects. You are responsible for implementing how your script (e.g. in a ServiceWorker) handles updates. Items in a do not get updated unless explicitly requested; they don’t expire unless deleted. Use CacheStorage.open() to open a specific named object and then call any of the methods to maintain the . You are also responsible for periodically purging cache entries. Each browser has a hard limit on the amount of cache storage that a given origin can use. Cache quota usage estimates are available via the StorageManager.estimate() method. The browser does its best to manage disk space, but it may delete the Cache storage for an origin. The browser will generally delete all of the data for an origin or none of the data for an origin. Make sure to version caches by name and use the caches only from the version of the script that they can safely operate on. See Deleting old caches for more information.
The interface represents the storage for Cache objects. The interface:
The interface represents the video track contained in a MediaStream being generated from a <canvas> following a call to HTMLCanvasElement.captureStream(). Part of the Media Capture and Streams API.
The interface represents an opaque object describing a gradient. It is returned by the methods CanvasRenderingContext2D.createLinearGradient(), CanvasRenderingContext2D.createConicGradient() or CanvasRenderingContext2D.createRadialGradient(). It can be used as a fillStyle or strokeStyle.
The interface represents an opaque object describing a pattern, based on an image, a canvas, or a video, created by the CanvasRenderingContext2D.createPattern() method. It can be used as a fillStyle or strokeStyle.
The interface, part of the Canvas API, provides the 2D rendering context for the drawing surface of a <canvas> element. It is used for drawing shapes, text, images, and other objects. See the interface's properties and methods in the sidebar and below. The Canvas tutorial has more explanation, examples, and resources, as well.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface represents the caret position, an indicator for the text insertion point. You can get a using the Document.caretPositionFromPoint() method.
The interface represents a CDATA section that can be used within XML to include extended portions of unescaped text. When inside a CDATA section, the symbols < and & don't need escaping as they normally do.
The interface, often used in conjunction with its opposite, ChannelSplitterNode, reunites different mono inputs into a single output. Each input is used to fill a channel of the output. This is useful for accessing each channels separately, e.g. for performing channel mixing where gain must be separately controlled on each channel.
The interface, often used in conjunction with its opposite, ChannelMergerNode, separates the different channels of an audio source into a set of mono outputs. This is useful for accessing each channel separately, e.g. for performing channel mixing where gain must be separately controlled on each channel.
The abstract interface represents a Node object that contains characters. This is an abstract interface, meaning there aren't any objects of type : it is implemented by other interfaces like Text, Comment, CDATASection, or ProcessingInstruction, which aren't abstract.
The interface represents an executable context such as a Worker, or a SharedWorker. Window clients are represented by the more-specific WindowClient. You can get /WindowClient objects from methods such as Clients.matchAll() and Clients.get().
The interface provides access to Client objects. Access it via [self.clients] within a service worker.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface implements the Clipboard API, providing—if the user grants permission—both read and write access to the contents of the system clipboard. The Clipboard API can be used to implement cut, copy, and paste features within a web application.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface represents events providing information related to modification of the clipboard, that is cut, copy, and paste events.
The interface of the Clipboard API represents a single item format, used when reading or writing data via the Clipboard API. That is clipboard.read() and clipboard.write() respectively. The benefit of having the interface to represent data, is that it enables developers to cope with the varying scope of file types and data easily. Access to the contents of the clipboard is gated behind the Permissions API: The clipboard-write permission is granted automatically to pages when they are in the active tab. The clipboard-read permission must be requested, which you can do by trying to read data from the clipboard.
A is sent to clients using WebSockets when the connection is closed. This is delivered to the listener indicated by the WebSocket object's onclose attribute.
The interface represents textual notations within markup; although it is generally not visually shown, such comments are available to be read in the source view. Comments are represented in HTML and XML as content between '<!--]' and '[-->'. In XML, like inside SVG or MathML markup, the character sequence '--' cannot be used within a comment.
The DOM represents events that occur due to the user indirectly entering text.
The interface of the Compression Streams API is an API for compressing a stream of data.
The object provides access to the browser's debugging console (e.g. the Web console in Firefox). The specifics of how it works varies from browser to browser, but there is a de facto set of features that are typically provided. The object can be accessed from any global object. Window on browsing scopes and WorkerGlobalScope as specific variants in workers via the property console. It's exposed as Window.console, and can be referenced as . For example:
The interface—part of the Web Audio API—represents an audio source (based upon AudioScheduledSourceNode) whose output is single unchanging value. This makes it useful for cases in which you need a constant value coming in from an audio source. In addition, it can be used like a constructible AudioParam by automating the value of its offset or by connecting another node to it; see Controlling multiple parameters with ConstantSourceNode. A has no inputs and exactly one monaural (one-channel) output. The output's value is always the same as the value of the offset parameter.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the Contact Picker API represents a physical address. Instances of this interface are retrieved from the address property of the objects returned by ContactManager.getProperties(). It may be useful to refer to the Universal Postal Union web site's Addressing S42 standard materials, which provide information about international standards for postal addresses.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the Contact Picker API allows users to select entries from their contact list and share limited details of the selected entries with a website or application. The is available through the global navigator.contacts property.
The interface of the Content Index API allows developers to register their offline enabled content with the browser.
The interface of the Content Index API defines the object used to represent the contentdelete event. This event is sent to the global scope of a ServiceWorker. It contains the id of the indexed content to be removed. The contentdelete event is only fired when the deletion happens due to interaction with the browser's built-in user interface. It is not fired when the ContentIndex.delete method is called.
The interface is an AudioNode that performs a Linear Convolution on a given AudioBuffer, often used to achieve a reverb effect. A always has exactly one input and one output.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the Cookie Store API is the event type passed to CookieStore.onchange() when any cookie changes have occurred. A cookie change consists of a cookie and a type (either "changed" or "deleted"). Cookie changes that will cause the to be dispatched are:
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the Cookie Store API provides methods for getting and setting cookies asynchronously from either a page or a service worker. The is accessed via attributes in the global scope in a Window or ServiceWorkerGlobalScope context. Therefore there is no constructor.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the Cookie Store API allows service workers to subscribe to events for cookie changes. By using the subscribe() method a particular service worker registration can indicate that it is interested in change events. A has an associated ServiceWorkerRegistration. Each service worker registration has a cookie change subscription list, which is a list of cookie change subscriptions each containing a name and url. The methods in this interface allow the service worker to add and remove subscriptions from this list, and to get a list of all subscriptions. To get a , call ServiceWorkerRegistration.cookies.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the Streams API provides a built-in chunk counting queuing strategy that can be used when constructing streams.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the Reporting API represents the body of a crash report (the return value of its Report.body property). A crash report is generated when a document becomes unusable due to the browser (or one of its processes) crashing. For security reasons, no details of the crash are communicated in the body except for a general crash reason.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production.Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the Credential Management API provides information about an entity (usually a user) as a prerequisite to a trust decision. objects may be of 3 different types:
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production.Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the Credential Management API exposes methods to request credentials and notify the user agent when events such as successful sign in or sign out happen. This interface is accessible from Navigator.credentials.
The interface represents basic cryptography features available in the current context. It allows access to a cryptographically strong random number generator and to cryptographic primitives.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the Web Crypto API represents a cryptographic key obtained from one of the SubtleCrypto methods generateKey(), deriveKey(), importKey(), or unwrapKey(). For security reasons, the interface can only be used in a secure context.
The dictionary of the Web Crypto API represents a key pair for an asymmetric cryptography algorithm, also known as a public-key algorithm. A object can be obtained using SubtleCrypto.generateKey(), when the selected algorithm is one of the asymmetric algorithms: RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5, RSA-PSS, RSA-OAEP, ECDSA, or ECDH. It contains two properties, which are both CryptoKey objects: a privateKey property containing the private key and a publicKey property containing the public key.
The interface holds useful CSS-related methods. No objects with this interface are implemented: it contains only static methods and is therefore a utilitarian interface.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the Web Animations API represents an Animation object.
An object implementing the interface represents a single condition CSS at-rule, which consists of a condition and a statement block. Two objects derive from : CSSMediaRule and CSSSupportsRule.
The interface represents an @counter-style at-rule.
The interface represents an @font-face at-rule.
The interface of the CSS Object Model represents any CSS at-rule that contains other rules nested within it.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the CSS Typed Object Model API represents values for properties that take an image, for example background-image, list-style-image, or border-image-source. The CSSImageValue object represents an <image> that involves an URL, such as url() or image(), but not linear-gradient() or element().
The interface represents an @import at-rule.
The interface describes an object representing a set of styles for a given keyframe. It corresponds to the contents of a single keyframe of a @keyframes at-rule.
The interface describes an object representing a complete set of keyframes for a CSS animation. It corresponds to the contents of a whole @keyframes at-rule.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the CSS Typed Object Model API creates an object to represent CSS keywords and other identifiers. The interface instance name is a stringifier meaning that when used anywhere a string is expected it will return the value of CSSKeyword.value.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the CSS_Object_Model#css_typed_object_model represents a CSS calc() used as calc(1 / <value>). It inherits properties and methods from its parent CSSNumericValue.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the CSS_Object_Model#css_typed_object_model represents the CSS max() function. It inherits properties and methods from its parent CSSNumericValue.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the CSS_Object_Model#css_typed_object_model represents the CSS min() function. It inherits properties and methods from its parent CSSNumericValue.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the CSS_Object_Model#css_typed_object_model negates the value passed into it. It inherits properties and methods from its parent CSSNumericValue.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the CSS_Object_Model#css_typed_object_model represents the result obtained by calling add(), sub(), or toSum() on CSSNumericValue. It inherits properties and methods from its parent CSSNumericValue.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the CSS_Object_Model#css_typed_object_model represents the result obtained by calling add(), sub(), or toSum() on CSSNumericValue. A CSSMathSum is the object type returned when the StylePropertyMapReadOnly.get() method is used on a CSS property whose value is created with a calc() function.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the CSS_Object_Model#css_typed_object_model a base class for classes representing complex numeric values.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the CSS_Object_Model#css_typed_object_model represents the matrix() and matrix3d() values of the individual transform property in CSS. It inherits properties and methods from its parent CSSTransformValue.
The interface represents a single CSS @media rule.
The interface describes an object representing a single CSS @namespace at-rule.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the CSS_Object_Model#css_typed_object_model contains a list of CSSNumericValue objects.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the CSS Typed Object Model API represents operations that all numeric values can perform.
represents a single CSS @page rule.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the CSS_Object_Model#css_typed_object_model represents the perspective() value of the individual transform property in CSS. It inherits properties and methods from its parent CSSTransformValue.
The interface of the CSS_Properties_and_Values_API represents a single CSS @property rule.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface represents a pseudo-element that may be the target of an event or animated using the Web Animations API. Instances of this interface may be obtained by calling Element.pseudo().
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the CSS_Object_Model#css_typed_object_model represents the rotate value of the individual transform property in CSS. It inherits properties and methods from its parent CSSTransformValue.
The interface represents a single CSS rule. There are several types of rules which inherit properties from .
A represents an ordered collection of read-only CSSRule objects. While the object is read-only, and cannot be directly modified, it is considered a live object, as the content can change over time. To edit the underlying rules returned by CSSRule objects, use CSSStyleSheet.insertRule() and CSSStyleSheet.deleteRule(), which are methods of CSSStyleSheet. The interface has no constructor. An instance of is returned by CSSStyleSheet.cssRules and CSSKeyframesRule.cssRules.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the CSS_Object_Model#css_typed_object_model represents the scale() and scale3d() values of the individual transform property in CSS. It inherits properties and methods from its parent CSSTransformValue.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the CSS_Object_Model#css_typed_object_model is part of the CSSTransformValue interface. It represents the skew() value of the individual transform property in CSS.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the CSS_Object_Model#css_typed_object_model represents the skewX() value of the individual transform property in CSS. It inherits properties and methods from its parent CSSTransformValue.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the CSS_Object_Model#css_typed_object_model represents the skewY() value of the individual transform property in CSS. It inherits properties and methods from its parent CSSTransformValue.
The interface represents an object that is a CSS declaration block, and exposes style information and various style-related methods and properties. A object can be exposed using three different APIs:
The interface represents a single CSS style rule.
The interface represents a single CSS stylesheet, and lets you inspect and modify the list of rules contained in the stylesheet. It inherits properties and methods from its parent, StyleSheet.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the CSS Typed Object Model API is the base class of all CSS values accessible through the Typed OM API. An instance of this class may be used anywhere a string is expected.
The interface represents a single CSS @supports at-rule.
The interface of the CSS_Object_Model#css_typed_object_model is part of the CSSTransformValue interface.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the CSS_Object_Model#css_typed_object_model represents transform-list values as used by the CSS transform property.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the Web Animations API represents an Animation object used for a CSS Transition.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the CSS_Object_Model#css_typed_object_model represents the translate() value of the individual transform property in CSS. It inherits properties and methods from its parent CSSTransformValue.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the CSS_Object_Model#css_typed_object_model represents values that contain a single unit type. For example, "42px" would be represented by a CSSNumericValue.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the CSS_Object_Model#css_typed_object_model represents property values that reference custom properties. It consists of a list of string fragments and variable references. Custom properties are represented by and var() references are represented using CSSVariableReferenceValue.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the CSS_Object_Model#css_typed_object_model allows you to create a custom name for a built-in CSS value. This object functionality is sometimes called a "CSS variable" and serves the same purpose as the var() function. The custom name must begin with two dashes.
The interface provides methods for registering custom elements and querying registered elements. To get an instance of it, use the window.customElements property.
The interface represents events initialized by an application for any purpose. Note: This feature is available in Web Workers
The interface of the Document_Object_Model stores a list of possible states for a custom element to be in, and allows states to be added and removed from the set.
The object is used to hold the data that is being dragged during a drag and drop operation. It may hold one or more data items, each of one or more data types. For more information about drag and drop, see HTML Drag and Drop API. This object is available from the dataTransfer property of all drag events.
The object represents one drag data item. During a drag operation, each drag event has a dataTransfer property which contains a list of drag data items. Each item in the list is a object. This interface has no constructor.
The object is a list of DataTransferItem objects representing items being dragged. During a drag operation, each DragEvent has a dataTransfer property and that property is a . The individual items can be accessed using the array operator []. This interface has no constructor.
The interface of the Compression Streams API is an API for decompressing a stream of data.
The object (the Worker global scope) is accessible through the self keyword. Some additional global functions, namespaces objects, and constructors, not typically associated with the worker global scope, but available on it, are listed in the JavaScript Reference. See also: Functions available to workers.
The interface represents a delay-line; an AudioNode audio-processing module that causes a delay between the arrival of an input data and its propagation to the output. A always has exactly one input and one output, both with the same amount of channels.
The interface of the Reporting API represents the body of a deprecation report. A deprecation report is generated when a deprecated feature (for example a deprecated API method) is used on a document being observed by a ReportingObserver. In addition to the support of this API, receiving useful deprecation warnings relies on browser vendors adding these warnings for deprecated features.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The provides web developers with information about the speed of changes for the device's position and orientation.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers.Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. A object provides information about the amount of acceleration the device is experiencing along all three axes.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. A object provides information about the rate at which the device is rotating around all three axes.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The provides web developers with information from the physical orientation of the device running the web page.
The interface represents any web page loaded in the browser and serves as an entry point into the web page's content, which is the DOM tree. The DOM tree includes elements such as <body> and <table>, among many others. It provides functionality globally to the document, like how to obtain the page's URL and create new elements in the document.
The interface represents a minimal document object that has no parent. It is used as a lightweight version of Document that stores a segment of a document structure comprised of nodes just like a standard document. The key difference is due to the fact that the document fragment isn't part of the active document tree structure. Changes made to the fragment don't affect the document (even on reflow) or incur any performance impact when changes are made.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the Web Animations API represents animation timelines, including the default document timeline (accessed via Document.timeline).
The interface represents a Node containing a doctype.
The interface represents an abnormal event (called an exception) that occurs as a result of calling a method or accessing a property of a web API. This is how error conditions are described in web APIs. Each exception has a name, which is a short "PascalCase"-style string identifying the error or abnormal condition.
The interface represents an object providing methods which are not dependent on any particular document. Such an object is returned by the Document.implementation property.
The interface represents 4×4 matrices, suitable for 2D and 3D operations including rotation and translation. It is a mutable version of the DOMMatrixReadOnly interface. WebKitCSSMatrix is an alias to . This interface should be available inside web workers, though some implementations don't allow it yet.
The interface represents a read-only 4×4 matrix, suitable for 2D and 3D operations. The DOMMatrix interface — which is based upon —adds mutability, allowing you to alter the matrix after creating it. This interface should be available inside web workers, though some implementations doesn't allow it yet.
The interface provides the ability to parse XML or HTML source code from a string into a DOM Document. You can perform the opposite operation—converting a DOM tree into XML or HTML source—using the XMLSerializer interface. In the case of an HTML document, you can also replace portions of the DOM with new DOM trees built from HTML by setting the value of the Element.innerHTML and outerHTML properties. These properties can also be read to fetch HTML fragments corresponding to the corresponding DOM subtree. Note that XMLHttpRequest can parse XML and HTML directly from a URL-addressable resource, returning a Document in its response property.
A object represents a 2D or 3D point in a coordinate system; it includes values for the coordinates in up to three dimensions, as well as an optional perspective value. is based on DOMPointReadOnly but allows its properties' values to be changed. In general, a positive x component represents a position to the right of the origin, a positive y component is downward from the origin, and a positive z component extends outward from the screen (in other words, toward the user).
The interface specifies the coordinate and perspective fields used by DOMPoint to define a 2D or 3D point in a coordinate system. Note: This feature is available in Web Workers
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. A is a collection of four DOMPoints defining the corners of an arbitrary quadrilateral. Returning s lets getBoxQuads() return accurate information even when arbitrary 2D or 3D transforms are present. It has a handy bounds attribute returning a DOMRectReadOnly for those cases where you just want an axis-aligned bounding rectangle.
A describes the size and position of a rectangle. The type of box represented by the is specified by the method or property that returned it. For example, VREyeParameters.renderRect from the WebVR API specifies the viewport of a canvas into which visuals for one eye of a head mounted display should be rendered. It inherits from its parent, DOMRectReadOnly.
The interface specifies the standard properties used by DOMRect to define a rectangle whose properties are immutable.
A type returned by some APIs which contains a list of DOMString (strings).
The interface is used for the HTMLElement.dataset/SVGElement.dataset attribute, to represent data for custom attributes added to elements.
The interface represents a set of space-separated tokens. Such a set is returned by Element.classList or HTMLLinkElement.relList, and many others. A is indexed beginning with 0 as with JavaScript Array objects. is always case-sensitive.
The interface is a DOM event that represents a drag and drop interaction. The user initiates a drag by placing a pointer device (such as a mouse) on the touch surface and then dragging the pointer to a new location (such as another DOM element). Applications are free to interpret a drag and drop interaction in an application-specific way. This interface inherits properties from MouseEvent and Event.
The interface provides a compression effect, which lowers the volume of the loudest parts of the signal in order to help prevent clipping and distortion that can occur when multiple sounds are played and multiplexed together at once. This is often used in musical production and game audio. is an AudioNode that has exactly one input and one output.
The dictionary of the Web Crypto API represents the object that should be passed as the algorithm parameter into SubtleCrypto.deriveKey(), when using the ECDH algorithm. ECDH enables two people who each have a key pair consisting of a public and a private key to derive a shared secret. They exchange public keys and use the combination of their private key and the other entity's public key to derive a secret key that they — and noone else — share. The parameters for ECDH deriveKey() therefore include the other entity's public key, which is combined with this entity's private key to derive the shared secret.
The dictionary of the Web Crypto API represents the object that should be passed as the algorithm parameter into SubtleCrypto.sign() or SubtleCrypto.verify() when using the ECDSA algorithm.
The dictionary of the Web Crypto API represents the object that should be passed as the algorithm parameter into SubtleCrypto.generateKey(), when generating any elliptic-curve-based key pair: that is, when the algorithm is identified as either of ECDSA or ECDH.
The dictionary of the Web Crypto API represents the object that should be passed as the algorithm parameter into SubtleCrypto.importKey() or SubtleCrypto.unwrapKey(), when generating any elliptic-curve-based key pair: that is, when the algorithm is identified as either of ECDSA or ECDH.
is the most general base class from which all element objects (i.e. objects that represent elements) in a Document inherit. It only has methods and properties common to all kinds of elements. More specific classes inherit from . For example, the HTMLElement interface is the base interface for HTML elements, while the SVGElement interface is the basis for all SVG elements. Most functionality is specified further down the class hierarchy. Languages outside the realm of the Web platform, like XUL through the XULElement interface, also implement .
The interface of the Document_Object_Model gives web developers a way to allow custom elements to fully participate in HTML forms. It provides utilities for working with these elements in the same way you would work with any standard HTML form element, and also exposes the Accessibility Object Model to the element.
The interface of the WebCodecs API represents a chunk of encoded audio data.
The interface of the WebCodecs API represents a chunk of encoded video data.
The interface represents events providing information related to errors in scripts or in files.
The interface represents an event which takes place in the DOM. An event can be triggered by the user action e.g. clicking the mouse button or tapping keyboard, or generated by APIs to represent the progress of an asynchronous task. It can also be triggered programmatically, such as by calling the HTMLElement.click() method of an element, or by defining the event, then sending it to a specified target using EventTarget.dispatchEvent(). There are many types of events, some of which use other interfaces based on the main interface. itself contains the properties and methods which are common to all events. Many DOM elements can be set up to accept (or "listen" for) these events, and execute code in response to process (or "handle") them. Event-handlers are usually connected (or "attached") to various HTML elements (such as <button>, <div>, <span>, etc.) using EventTarget.addEventListener(), and this generally replaces using the old HTML event handler attributes. Further, when properly added, such handlers can also be disconnected if needed using removeEventListener().
The interface is web content's interface to server-sent events. An instance opens a persistent connection to an HTTP server, which sends events in text/event-stream format. The connection remains open until closed by calling EventSource.close().
The interface is implemented by objects that can receive events and may have listeners for them. In other words, any target of events implements the three methods associated with this interface. Element, and its children, as well as Document and Window, are the most common event targets, but other objects can be event targets, too. For example XMLHttpRequest, AudioNode, and AudioContext are also event targets.
The extension is part of the WebGL API and extends blending capabilities by adding two new blend equations: the minimum or maximum color components of the source and destination colors. WebGL extensions are available using the WebGLRenderingContext.getExtension() method. For more information, see also Using Extensions in the WebGL tutorial.
The extension is part of WebGL and adds the ability to render a variety of floating point formats. WebGL extensions are available using the WebGLRenderingContext.getExtension() method. For more information, see also Using Extensions in the WebGL tutorial.
The extension is part of the WebGL API and adds the ability to render to 16-bit floating-point color buffers. WebGL extensions are available using the WebGLRenderingContext.getExtension() method. For more information, see also Using Extensions in the WebGL tutorial.
The EXT_disjoint_timer_query extension is part of the WebGL API and provides a way to measure the duration of a set of GL commands, without stalling the rendering pipeline. WebGL extensions are available using the WebGLRenderingContext.getExtension() method. For more information, see also Using Extensions in the WebGL tutorial.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the Cookie Store API is the event type passed to ServiceWorkerRegistration.oncookiechange() when any cookie changes have occurred. A cookie change event consists of a cookie and a type (either "changed" or "deleted".) Cookie changes that cause the to be dispatched are:
The interface extends the lifetime of the install and activate events dispatched on the global scope as part of the service worker lifecycle. This ensures that any functional events (like FetchEvent) are not dispatched until it upgrades database schemas and deletes the outdated cache entries. If waitUntil() is called outside of the handler, the browser should throw an InvalidStateError; note also that multiple calls will stack up, and the resulting promises will be added to the list of extend lifetime promises.
The interface of the Service Worker API represents the event object of a message event fired on a service worker (when a message is received on the ServiceWorkerGlobalScope from another context) — extends the lifetime of such events. This interface inherits from the ExtendableEvent interface.
The WebGL API's extension allows blending and draw buffers with 32-bit floating-point components. WebGL extensions are available using the WebGLRenderingContext.getExtension() method. For more information, see also Using Extensions in the WebGL tutorial.
The extension is part of the WebGL API and enables to set a depth value of a fragment from within the fragment shader. WebGL extensions are available using the WebGLRenderingContext.getExtension() method. For more information, see also Using Extensions in the WebGL tutorial.
The extension is part of the WebGL API and adds additional texture functions to the OpenGL ES Shading Language which provide the shader writer with explicit control of LOD (Level of detail). WebGL extensions are available using the WebGLRenderingContext.getExtension() method. For more information, see also Using Extensions in the WebGL tutorial.
The extension is part of the WebGL API and adds sRGB support to textures and framebuffer objects. WebGL extensions are available using the WebGLRenderingContext.getExtension() method. For more information, see also Using Extensions in the WebGL tutorial.
The extension is part of the WebGL API and exposes 4 BPTC compressed texture formats. These compression formats are called BC7 and BC6H in Microsoft's DirectX API. WebGL extensions are available using the WebGLRenderingContext.getExtension() method. For more information, see also Using Extensions in the WebGL tutorial.
The extension is part of the WebGL API and exposes 4 RGTC compressed texture formats. RGTC is a block-based texture compression format suited for unsigned and signed red and red-green textures (Red-Green Texture Compression). WebGL extensions are available using the WebGLRenderingContext.getExtension() method. For more information, see also Using Extensions in the WebGL tutorial.
The extension is part of the WebGL API and exposes two constants for anisotropic filtering (AF). AF improves the quality of mipmapped texture access when viewing a textured primitive at an oblique angle. Using just mipmapping, these lookups have a tendency to average to grey. WebGL extensions are available using the WebGLRenderingContext.getExtension() method. For more information, see also Using Extensions in the WebGL tutorial.
The extension is part of the WebGL API and provides a set of new 16-bit signed normalized and unsigned normalized formats (fixed-point texture, renderbuffer and texture buffer). When this extension is enabled:
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers.Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface represents an instance of an eyedropper tool that can be opened and used by the user to select colors from the screen.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the Credential Management API provides information about credentials from a federated identity provider. A federated identity provider is an entity that a website trusts to correctly authenticate a user, and that provides an API for that purpose. OpenID Connect is an example of a federated identity provider framework. In browsers that support it, an instance of this interface may be passed in the credential member of the init object for global fetch().
This is the event type for fetch events dispatched on the service worker global scope. It contains information about the fetch, including the request and how the receiver will treat the response. It provides the event.respondWith() method, which allows us to provide a response to this fetch.
The interface provides information about files and allows JavaScript in a web page to access their content. objects are generally retrieved from a FileList object returned as a result of a user selecting files using the <input> element, from a drag and drop operation's DataTransfer object, or from the mozGetAsFile() API on an HTMLCanvasElement. A object is a specific kind of a Blob, and can be used in any context that a Blob can. In particular, FileReader, URL.createObjectURL(), createImageBitmap(), and XMLHttpRequest.send() accept both Blobs and s. See Using files from web applications for more information and examples.
An object of this type is returned by the files property of the HTML <input> element; this lets you access the list of files selected with the <input type="file"> element. It's also used for a list of files dropped into web content when using the drag and drop API; see the DataTransfer object for details on this usage.
The object lets web applications asynchronously read the contents of files (or raw data buffers) stored on the user's computer, using File or Blob objects to specify the file or data to read. File objects may be obtained from a FileList object returned as a result of a user selecting files using the <input> element, from a drag and drop operation's DataTransfer object, or from the mozGetAsFile() API on an HTMLCanvasElement. can only access the contents of files that the user has explicitly selected, either using an HTML <input type="file"> element or by drag and drop. It cannot be used to read a file by pathname from the user's file system. To read files on the client's file system by pathname, use the File System Access API. To read server-side files, use standard Ajax solutions, with CORS permission if reading cross-domain. Note: This feature is available in Web Workers
The interface allows to read File or Blob objects synchronously. Note: This feature is available in Web Workers Warning: This interface is only available in workers as it enables synchronous I/O that could potentially block.
The File and Directory Entries API interface is used to represent a file system. These objects can be obtained from the filesystem property on any file system entry. Some browsers offer additional APIs to create and manage file systems, such as Chrome's requestFileSystem() method. This interface will not grant you access to the users filesystem. Instead you will have a "virtual drive" within the browser sandbox. If you want to gain access to the users filesystem you need to invoke the user by eg. installing a Chrome extension. The relevant Chrome API can be found here.
The interface of the File and Directory Entries API represents a directory in a file system. It provides methods which make it possible to access and manipulate the files in a directory, as well as to access the entries within the directory.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the File System Access API provides a handle to a file system directory. The interface is accessed via the window.showDirectoryPicker() method.
The interface of the File and Directory Entries API lets you access the FileSystemFileEntry-based objects (generally FileSystemFileEntry or FileSystemDirectoryEntry) representing each entry in a directory.
The interface of the File and Directory Entries API represents a single entry in a file system. The entry can be a file or a directory (directories are represented by the FileSystemDirectoryEntry interface). It includes methods for working with files—including copying, moving, removing, and reading files—as well as information about a file it points to—including the file name and its path from the root to the entry.
The interface of the File System API represents a file in a file system. It offers properties describing the file's attributes, as well as the file() method, which creates a File object that can be used to read the file.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the File System Access API represents a handle to a file system entry. The interface is accessed through the window.showOpenFilePicker() method. Note that read and write operations depend on file-access permissions that do not persist after a page refresh if no other tabs for that origin remain open. The queryPermission method of the FileSystemHandle interface can be used to verify permission state before accessing a file.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the File System Access API is an object which represents a file or directory entry. Multiple handles can represent the same entry. For the most part you do not work with directly but rather its child interfaces FileSystemFileHandle and FileSystemDirectoryHandle.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the File System Access API is a WritableStream object with additional convenience methods, which operates on a single file on disk. The interface is accessed through the FileSystemFileHandle.createWritable() method.
The interface represents focus-related events, including focus, blur, focusin, and focusout.
The interface represents a single usable font face. It allows control of the source of the font face, being a URL to an external resource, or a buffer; it also allows control of when the font face is loaded and its current status.
The interface of the CSS Font Loading API manages the loading of font-faces and querying of their download status. It is available as Document.fonts.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the CSS Font Loading API is fired whenever a FontFaceSet loads.
The interface provides a way to easily construct a set of key/value pairs representing form fields and their values, which can then be easily sent using the XMLHttpRequest.send() method. It uses the same format a form would use if the encoding type were set to "multipart/form-data". You can also pass it directly to the URLSearchParams constructor if you want to generate query parameters in the way a <form> would do if it were using simple GET submission. An object implementing can directly be used in a for...of structure, instead of entries(): for (var p of myFormData) is equivalent to for (var p of myFormData.entries()).
The interface represents a formdata event — such an event is fired on an HTMLFormElement object after the entry list representing the form's data is constructed. This happens when the form is submitted, but can also be triggered by the invocation of a FormData() constructor. This allows a FormData object to be quickly obtained in response to a formdata event firing, rather than needing to put it together yourself when you wish to submit form data via a method like XMLHttpRequest (see Using FormData objects).
The interface represents a change in volume. It is an AudioNode audio-processing module that causes a given gain to be applied to the input data before its propagation to the output. A always has exactly one input and one output, both with the same number of channels. The gain is a unitless value, changing with time, that is multiplied to each corresponding sample of all input channels. If modified, the new gain is instantly applied, causing unaesthetic 'clicks' in the resulting audio. To prevent this from happening, never change the value directly but use the exponential interpolation methods on the AudioParam interface.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the Gamepad API defines an individual gamepad or other controller, allowing access to information such as button presses, axis positions, and id. A Gamepad object can be returned in one of two ways: via the gamepad property of the gamepadconnected and gamepaddisconnected events, or by grabbing any position in the array returned by the Navigator.getGamepads() method.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface defines an individual button of a gamepad or other controller, allowing access to the current state of different types of buttons available on the control device. A object is returned by querying any value of the array returned by the buttons property of the Gamepad interface.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The GamepadEvent interface of the Gamepad API contains references to gamepads connected to the system, which is what the gamepad events Window.gamepadconnected and Window.gamepaddisconnected are fired in response to.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production.Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the Gamepad API represents hardware in the controller designed to provide haptic feedback to the user (if available), most commonly vibration hardware. This interface is accessible through the Gamepad.hapticActuators property.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers.Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the Gamepad API represents the pose of a WebVR controller at a given timestamp (which includes orientation, position, velocity, and acceleration information.) This interface is accessible through the Gamepad.pose property.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface represents an object able to programmatically obtain the position of the device. It gives Web content access to the location of the device. This allows a Web site or app to offer customized results based on the user's location. An object with this interface is obtained using the navigator.geolocation property implemented by the Navigator object.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface represents the position and altitude of the device on Earth, as well as the accuracy with which these properties are calculated.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface represents the position of the concerned device at a given time. The position, represented by a GeolocationCoordinates object, comprehends the 2D position of the device, on a spheroid representing the Earth, but also its altitude and its speed.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface represents the reason of an error occurring when using the geolocating device.
The mixin describes the event handlers common to several interfaces like HTMLElement, Document, or Window. Each of these interfaces can, of course, add more event handlers in addition to the ones listed below.
The interface of the Sensor APIs provides on each reading the gravity applied to the device along all three axes. To use this sensor, the user must grant permission to the 'accelerometer' device sensor through the Permissions API.
The interface of the Sensor APIs provides on each reading the angular velocity of the device along all three axes. To use this sensor, the user must grant permission to the 'gyroscope' device sensor through the Permissions API. If a feature policy blocks use of a feature it is because your code is inconsistent with the policies set on your server. This is not something that would ever be shown to a user. The Feature-Policy HTTP header article contains implementation instructions.
The interface represents events that fire when the fragment identifier of the URL has changed. The fragment identifier is the part of the URL that follows (and includes) the # symbol.
The interface of the Fetch API allows you to perform various actions on HTTP request and response headers. These actions include retrieving, setting, adding to, and removing headers from the list of the request's headers. A object has an associated header list, which is initially empty and consists of zero or more name and value pairs. You can add to this using methods like append() (see Examples.) In all methods of this interface, header names are matched by case-insensitive byte sequence. For security reasons, some headers can only be controlled by the user agent. These headers include the forbidden header names and forbidden response header names. A Headers object also has an associated guard, which takes a value of immutable, request, request-no-cors, response, or none. This affects whether the set(), delete(), and append() methods will mutate the header. For more information see Guard. You can retrieve a object via the Request.headers and Response.headers properties, and create a new object using the Headers.Headers() constructor. An object implementing can directly be used in a for...of structure, instead of entries(): for (var p of myHeaders) is equivalent to for (var p of myHeaders.entries()).
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface provides methods for connecting to HID devices, listing attached HID devices and event handlers for connected HID devices.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the WebHID API represents HID connection events, and is the event type passed to HID.onconnect and HID.ondisconnect when an input report is received.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the WebHID API represents a HID Device. It provides properties for accessing information about the device, methods for opening and closing the connection, and the sending and receiving of reports.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the WebHID API is passed to HIDDevice.oninputreport when an input report is received from any associated HID device.
The interface allows manipulation of the browser session history, that is the pages visited in the tab or frame that the current page is loaded in.
The dictionary of the Web Crypto API represents the object that should be passed as the algorithm parameter into SubtleCrypto.deriveKey(), when using the HKDF algorithm.
The dictionary of the Web Crypto API represents the object that should be passed as the algorithm parameter into SubtleCrypto.importKey() or SubtleCrypto.unwrapKey(), when generating a key for the HMAC algorithm.
The dictionary of the Web Crypto API represents the object that should be passed as the algorithm parameter into SubtleCrypto.generateKey(), when generating a key for the HMAC algorithm.
The interface represents hyperlink elements and provides special properties and methods (beyond those of the regular HTMLElement object interface that they inherit from) for manipulating the layout and presentation of such elements. This interface corresponds to <a> element; not to be confused with <link>, which is represented by HTMLLinkElement)
The interface provides special properties and methods (beyond those of the regular object HTMLElement interface it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating the layout and presentation of <area> elements.
The interface provides access to the properties of <audio> elements, as well as methods to manipulate them. This element is based on, and inherits properties and methods from, the HTMLMediaElement interface.
The interface contains the base URI for a document. This object inherits all of the properties and methods as described in the HTMLElement interface.
The interface provides special properties (beyond those inherited from the regular HTMLElement interface) for manipulating <body> elements.
The interface represents an HTML line break element (<br>). It inherits from HTMLElement.
The interface provides properties and methods (beyond the regular HTMLElement interface it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating <button> elements.
The interface provides properties and methods for manipulating the layout and presentation of <canvas> elements. The interface also inherits the properties and methods of the HTMLElement interface.
The interface represents a generic collection (array-like object similar to arguments) of elements (in document order) and offers methods and properties for selecting from the list.
The interface provides special properties (beyond the regular HTMLElement interface it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating <data> elements.
The interface provides special properties (beyond the HTMLElement object interface it also has available to it by inheritance) to manipulate <datalist> elements and their content.
The interface provides special properties (beyond the regular HTMLElement interface it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating <details> elements.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface provides methods to manipulate <dialog> elements. It inherits properties and methods from the HTMLElement interface.
The interface provides special properties (beyond the regular HTMLElement interface it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating <div> elements.
The interface provides special properties (beyond those of the regular HTMLElement interface it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating definition list (<dl>) elements.
The interface represents any HTML element. Some elements directly implement this interface, while others implement it via an interface that inherits it.
The interface provides special properties (beyond the regular HTMLElement interface it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating <embed> elements.
The interface provides special properties and methods (beyond the regular HTMLElement interface it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating the layout and presentation of <fieldset> elements.
Deprecated: This feature is no longer recommended. Though some browsers might still support it, it may have already been removed from the relevant web standards, may be in the process of being dropped, or may only be kept for compatibility purposes. Avoid using it, and update existing code if possible; see the compatibility table at the bottom of this page to guide your decision. Be aware that this feature may cease to work at any time. Implements the document object model (DOM) representation of the font element. The HTML Font Element <font> defines the font size, font face and color of text.
The interface represents a collection of HTML form control elements. It represents the lists returned by the HTMLFormElement interface's elements property and the HTMLFieldSetElement interface's elements property. This interface replaces one method from HTMLCollection, on which it is based.
The interface represents a <form> element in the DOM. It allows access to—and, in some cases, modification of—aspects of the form, as well as access to its component elements.
Deprecated: This feature is no longer recommended. Though some browsers might still support it, it may have already been removed from the relevant web standards, may be in the process of being dropped, or may only be kept for compatibility purposes. Avoid using it, and update existing code if possible; see the compatibility table at the bottom of this page to guide your decision. Be aware that this feature may cease to work at any time. The interface provides special properties (beyond those of the regular HTMLElement interface they also inherit) for manipulating <frameset> elements.
The interface contains the descriptive information, or metadata, for a document. This object inherits all of the properties and methods described in the HTMLElement interface.
The interface represents the different heading elements, <h1> through <h6>. It inherits methods and properties from the HTMLElement interface.
The interface provides special properties (beyond those of the HTMLElement interface it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating <hr> elements.
The interface serves as the root node for a given HTML document. This object inherits the properties and methods described in the HTMLElement interface. You can retrieve the object for a given document by reading the value of the document.documentElement property.
The interface provides special properties and methods (beyond those of the HTMLElement interface it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating the layout and presentation of inline frame elements.
The interface represents an HTML <img> element, providing the properties and methods used to manipulate image elements.
The interface provides special properties and methods for manipulating the options, layout, and presentation of <input> elements.
The interface gives access to properties specific to <label> elements. It inherits methods and properties from the base HTMLElement interface.
The is an interface allowing to access properties of the <legend> elements. It inherits properties and methods from the HTMLElement interface.
The interface exposes specific properties and methods (beyond those defined by regular HTMLElement interface it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating list elements.
The interface represents reference information for external resources and the relationship of those resources to a document and vice-versa (corresponds to <link> element; not to be confused with <a>, which is represented by HTMLAnchorElement). This object inherits all of the properties and methods of the HTMLElement interface.
The interface provides special properties and methods (beyond those of the regular object HTMLElement interface it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating the layout and presentation of map elements.
Deprecated: This feature is no longer recommended. Though some browsers might still support it, it may have already been removed from the relevant web standards, may be in the process of being dropped, or may only be kept for compatibility purposes. Avoid using it, and update existing code if possible; see the compatibility table at the bottom of this page to guide your decision. Be aware that this feature may cease to work at any time. The interface provides methods to manipulate <marquee> elements. It inherits properties and methods from the HTMLElement interface.
The interface adds to HTMLElement the properties and methods needed to support basic media-related capabilities that are common to audio and video. The HTMLVideoElement and HTMLAudioElement elements both inherit this interface.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface provides special properties (beyond those defined on the regular HTMLElement interface it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating <menu> elements.
The interface contains descriptive metadata about a document. It inherits all of the properties and methods described in the HTMLElement interface.
The HTML <meter> elements expose the interface, which provides special properties and methods (beyond the HTMLElement object interface they also have available to them by inheritance) for manipulating the layout and presentation of <meter> elements.
The interface provides special properties (beyond the regular methods and properties available through the HTMLElement interface they also have available to them by inheritance) for manipulating modification elements, that is <del> and <ins>.
The interface provides special properties and methods (beyond those on the HTMLElement interface it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating the layout and presentation of <object> element, representing external resources.
The interface provides special properties (beyond those defined on the regular HTMLElement interface it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating ordered list elements.
The interface provides special properties and methods (beyond the regular HTMLElement object interface they also have available to them by inheritance) for manipulating the layout and presentation of <optgroup> elements.
The interface represents <option> elements and inherits all properties and methods of the HTMLElement interface.
The interface represents a collection of <option> HTML elements (in document order) and offers methods and properties for selecting from the list as well as optionally altering its items. This object is returned only by the options property of select.
The interface provides properties and methods (beyond those inherited from HTMLElement) for manipulating the layout and presentation of <output> elements.
The interface provides special properties (beyond those of the regular HTMLElement object interface it inherits) for manipulating <p> elements.
The interface provides special properties (beyond those of the regular HTMLElement object interface it inherits) for manipulating <param> elements, representing a pair of a key and a value that acts as a parameter for an <object> element.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface represents a <picture> HTML element. It doesn't implement specific properties or methods.
The interface exposes specific properties and methods (beyond those of the HTMLElement interface it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating a block of preformatted text (<pre>).
The interface provides special properties and methods (beyond the regular HTMLElement interface it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating the layout and presentation of <progress> elements.
The interface provides special properties and methods (beyond the regular HTMLElement interface it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating quoting elements, like <blockquote> and <q>, but not the <cite> element.
HTML <script> elements expose the interface, which provides special properties and methods for manipulating the behavior and execution of <script> elements (beyond the inherited HTMLElement interface). JavaScript files should be served with the application/javascript MIME type, but browsers are lenient and block them only if the script is served with an image type (image/*), video type (video/*), audio type (audio/*), or text/csv. If the script is blocked, its element receives an error event; otherwise, it receives a load event.
The interface represents a <select> HTML Element. These elements also share all of the properties and methods of other HTML elements via the HTMLElement interface.
The interface of the Shadow DOM API enables access to the name and assigned nodes of an HTML <slot> element.
The interface provides special properties (beyond the regular HTMLElement object interface it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating <source> elements.
The interface represents a <span> element and derives from the HTMLElement interface, but without implementing any additional properties or methods.
The interface represents a <style> element. It inherits properties and methods from its parent, HTMLElement. This interface doesn't allow to manipulate the CSS it contains (in most case). To manipulate CSS, see Using dynamic styling information for an overview of the objects used to manipulate specified CSS properties using the DOM.
The interface special properties (beyond the regular HTMLElement interface it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating table caption elements.
The interface provides special properties and methods (beyond the regular HTMLElement interface it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating the layout and presentation of table cells, either header or data cells, in an HTML document.
The interface provides properties for manipulating single or grouped table column elements.
The interface provides special properties and methods (beyond the regular HTMLElement object interface it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating the layout and presentation of tables in an HTML document.
The interface provides special properties and methods (beyond the HTMLElement interface it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating the layout and presentation of rows in an HTML table.
The interface provides special properties and methods (beyond the HTMLElement interface it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating the layout and presentation of sections, that is headers, footers and bodies, in an HTML table.
The interface enables access to the contents of an HTML <template> element.
The interface provides special properties and methods for manipulating the layout and presentation of <textarea> elements.
The interface provides special properties (beyond the regular HTMLElement interface it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating <time> elements.
The interface contains the title for a document. This element inherits all of the properties and methods of the HTMLElement interface.
The interface represents an HTML <track> element within the DOM. This element can be used as a child of either <audio> or <video> to specify a text track containing information such as closed captions or subtitles.
The interface provides special properties (beyond those defined on the regular HTMLElement interface it also has available to it by inheritance) for manipulating unordered list elements.
The interface represents an invalid HTML element and derives from the HTMLElement interface, but without implementing any additional properties or methods.
The interface provides special properties and methods for manipulating video objects. It also inherits properties and methods of HTMLMediaElement and HTMLElement. The list of supported media formats varies from one browser to the other. You should either provide your video in a single format that all the relevant browsers supports, or provide multiple video sources in enough different formats that all the browsers you need to support are covered.
Note: Not to be confused with IDBCursorWithValue which is just an interface with an additional value property.
The interface of the IndexedDB API represents a cursor for traversing or iterating over multiple records in a database. It is the same as the IDBCursor, except that it includes the value property. The cursor has a source that indicates which index or object store it is iterating over. It has a position within the range, and moves in a direction that is increasing or decreasing in the order of record keys. The cursor enables an application to asynchronously process all the records in the cursor's range. You can have an unlimited number of cursors at the same time. You always get the same object representing a given cursor. Operations are performed on the underlying index or object store. Note: This feature is available in Web Workers
The interface of the IndexedDB API provides a connection to a database; you can use an object to open a transaction on your database then create, manipulate, and delete objects (data) in that database. The interface provides the only way to get and manage versions of the database. Note: This feature is available in Web Workers Note: Everything you do in IndexedDB always happens in the context of a transaction, representing interactions with data in the database. All objects in IndexedDB — including object stores, indexes, and cursors — are tied to a particular transaction. Thus, you cannot execute commands, access data, or open anything outside of a transaction.
The interface of the IndexedDB API lets applications asynchronously access the indexed databases. The object that implements the interface is window.indexedDB. You open — that is, create and access — and delete a database with this object, and not directly with . Note: This feature is available in Web Workers
interface of the IndexedDB API provides asynchronous access to an index in a database. An index is a kind of object store for looking up records in another object store, called the referenced object store. You use this interface to retrieve data. You can retrieve records in an object store through the primary key or by using an index. An index lets you look up records in an object store using properties of the values in the object stores records other than the primary key The index is a persistent key-value storage where the value part of its records is the key part of a record in the referenced object store. The records in an index are automatically populated whenever records in the referenced object store are inserted, updated, or deleted. Each record in an index can point to only one record in its referenced object store, but several indexes can reference the same object store. When the object store changes, all indexes that refers to the object store are automatically updated. You can grab a set of keys within a range. To learn more, see IDBKeyRange. Note: This feature is available in Web Workers
The interface of the IndexedDB API represents a continuous interval over some data type that is used for keys. Records can be retrieved from IDBObjectStore and IDBIndex objects using keys or a range of keys. You can limit the range using lower and upper bounds. For example, you can iterate over all values of a key in the value range A–Z. A key range can be a single value or a range with upper and lower bounds or endpoints. If the key range has both upper and lower bounds, then it is bounded; if it has no bounds, it is unbounded. A bounded key range can either be open (the endpoints are excluded) or closed (the endpoints are included). To retrieve all keys within a certain range, you can use the following code constructs:
The interface of the IndexedDB API represents an object store in a database. Records within an object store are sorted according to their keys. This sorting enables fast insertion, look-up, and ordered retrieval. Note: This feature is available in Web Workers
The interface of the IndexedDB API provides access to the results of requests to open or delete databases (performed using IDBFactory.open and IDBFactory.deleteDatabase), using specific event handler attributes. Note: This feature is available in Web Workers
The interface of the IndexedDB API provides access to results of asynchronous requests to databases and database objects using event handler attributes. Each reading and writing operation on a database is done using a request. The request object does not initially contain any information about the result of the operation, but once information becomes available, an event is fired on the request, and the information becomes available through the properties of the instance. All asynchronous operations immediately return an instance. Each request has a readyState that is set to the 'pending' state; this changes to 'done' when the request is completed or fails. When the state is set to done, every request returns a result and an error, and an event is fired on the request. When the state is still pending, any attempt to access the result or error raises an InvalidStateError exception. In plain words, all asynchronous methods return a request object. If the request has been completed successfully, the result is made available through the result property and an event indicating success is fired at the request (IDBRequest.onsuccess). If an error occurs while performing the operation, the exception is made available through the result property and an error event is fired (IDBRequest.onerror). The interface IDBOpenDBRequest is derived from . Note: This feature is available in Web Workers
The interface of the IndexedDB API provides a static, asynchronous transaction on a database using event handler attributes. All reading and writing of data is done within transactions. You use IDBDatabase to start transactions, to set the mode of the transaction (e.g. is it readonly or readwrite), and you access an IDBObjectStore to make a request. You can also use an object to abort transactions. Note: This feature is available in Web Workers
The interface of the IndexedDB API indicates that the version of the database has changed, as the result of an IDBOpenDBRequest.onupgradeneeded event handler function. Note: This feature is available in Web Workers
The interface is used as the data type of the input parameter to idle callbacks established by calling Window.requestIdleCallback(). It offers a method, timeRemaining(), which lets you determine how much longer the user agent estimates it will remain idle and a property, didTimeout, which lets you determine if your callback is executing because its timeout duration expired. To learn more about how request callbacks work, see Collaborative Scheduling of Background Tasks.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the Idle Detection API provides methods and events for detecting user activity on a device or screen. This interface requires a secure context.
The interface of the Web Audio API is a AudioNode processor which implements a general infinite impulse response (IIR) filter; this type of filter can be used to implement tone control devices and graphic equalizers as well. It lets the parameters of the filter response be specified, so that it can be tuned as needed.
The interface represents a bitmap image which can be drawn to a <canvas> without undue latency. It can be created from a variety of source objects using the createImageBitmap() factory method. provides an asynchronous and resource efficient pathway to prepare textures for rendering in WebGL.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface is a canvas rendering context that provides the functionality to replace the canvas's contents with the given ImageBitmap. Its context id (the first argument to HTMLCanvasElement.getContext() or OffscreenCanvas.getContext()) is "bitmaprenderer". This interface is available in both the window and the worker context.
The interface of the MediaStream Image Capture API provides methods to enable the capture of images or photos from a camera or other photographic device. It provides an interface for capturing images from a photographic device referenced through a valid MediaStreamTrack.
The interface represents the underlying pixel data of an area of a <canvas> element. It is created using the ImageData() constructor or creator methods on the CanvasRenderingContext2D object associated with a canvas: createImageData() and getImageData(). It can also be used to set a part of the canvas by using putImageData(). Note: This feature is available in Web Workers
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the WebCodecs API provides a way to unpack and decode encoded image data.
The interface of the WebCodecs API represents an individual image track.
The interface of the WebCodecs API represents a list of image tracks.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the Input Device Capabilities API provides information about the physical device or a group of related devices responsible for generating input events. Events caused by the same physical input device get the same instance of this object, but the converse isn't true. For example, two mice with the same capabilities in a system may appear as a single instance. In some instances, represents the capabilities of logical devices rather than physical devices. This allows, for example, touchscreen keyboards and physical keyboards to be represented the same way when they produce the same input.
The interface of the Media Streams API gives access to the capabilities of the input device that it represents. objects are returned by MediaDevices.enumerateDevices() if the returned device is an audio or video input device.
The interface represents an event notifying the user of editable content changes.
The interface of the Intersection Observer API provides a way to asynchronously observe changes in the intersection of a target element with an ancestor element or with a top-level document's viewport. The ancestor element or viewport is referred to as the root. When an is created, it's configured to watch for given ratios of visibility within the root. The configuration cannot be changed once the is created, so a given observer object is only useful for watching for specific changes in degree of visibility; however, you can watch multiple target elements with the same observer.
The interface of the Intersection Observer API describes the intersection between the target element and its root container at a specific moment of transition. Instances of are delivered to an IntersectionObserver callback in its entries parameter; otherwise, these objects can only be obtained by calling IntersectionObserver.takeRecords().
The interface of the Reporting API represents the body of an intervention report. An intervention report is generated when usage of a feature in a web document has been blocked by the browser for reasons such as security, performance, or user annoyance. So for example, a script was been stopped because it was significantly slowing down the browser, or the browser's autoplay policy blocked audio from playing without a user gesture to trigger it. A deprecation report is generated when a deprecated feature (for example a deprecated API method) is used on a document being observed by a ReportingObserver. In addition to the support of this API, receiving useful intervention warnings relies on browser vendors adding these warnings for the relevant features.
JsMap<K extends Object, V>
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the Keyboard API provides functions that retrieve keyboard layout maps and toggle capturing of key presses from the physical keyboard. A list of valid code values is found in the UI Events KeyboardEvent code Values spec.
objects describe a user interaction with the keyboard; each event describes a single interaction between the user and a key (or combination of a key with modifier keys) on the keyboard. The event type (keydown, keypress, or keyup) identifies what kind of keyboard activity occurred.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the Keyboard API is a map-like object with functions for retrieving the string associated with specific physical keys. A list of valid keys is found in the UI Events KeyboardEvent code Values specification.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the Web Animations API lets us create sets of animatable properties and values, called keyframes. These can then be played using the Animation() constructor.
The extension is part of the WebGL API and enables a non-blocking poll operation, so that compile/link status availability (COMPLETION_STATUS_KHR) can be queried without potentially incurring stalls. In other words you can check the status of your shaders compiling without blocking the runtime. WebGL extensions are available using the WebGLRenderingContext.getExtension() method. For more information, see also Using Extensions in the WebGL tutorial.
The interface of the Largest Contentful Paint API provides details about the largest image or text paint before user input on a web page. The timing of this paint is a good heuristic for when the main page content is available during load.
The interface of the Layout Instability API provides insights into the stability of web pages based on movements of the elements on the page.
The interface of the Layout Instability API provides debugging information about elements which have shifted. Instances of are returned in an array by calling LayoutShift.sources.
The interface of the Sensor APIs provides on each reading the acceleration applied to the device along all three axes, but without the contribution of gravity. To use this sensor, the user must grant permission to the 'accelerometer' device sensor through the Permissions API. If a feature policy blocks use of a feature it is because your code is inconsistent with the policies set on your server. This is not something that would ever be shown to a user. The Feature-Policy HTTP header article contains implementation instructions.
The interface represents the location (URL) of the object it is linked to. Changes done on it are reflected on the object it relates to. Both the Document and Window interface have such a linked , accessible via Document.location and Window.location respectively.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the Web Locks API provides methods for requesting a new Lock object and querying for an existing Lock object. To get an instance of , call navigator.locks.
The interface of the Sensor APIs provides information about the magnetic field as detected by the device's primary magnetometer sensor. To use this sensor, the user must grant permission to the 'magnetometer' device sensor through the Permissions API. If a feature policy blocks use of a feature, it's because your code is inconsistent with the policies set on your server. This is not something that would ever be shown to a user. The Feature-Policy HTTP header article contains implementation instructions.
The interface represents any MathML element.
The interface of the Media Capabilities API provides information about the decoding abilities of the device, system and browser. The API can be used to query the browser about the decoding abilities of the device based on codecs, profile, resolution, and bitrates. The information can be used to serve optimal media streams to the user and determine if playback should be smooth and power efficient. The information is accessed through the mediaCapabilities property of the Navigator interface.
The MediaCapabilities dictionary of the Media Capabilities API describes how media and audio files must be configured, or defined, to be passed as a parameter of the MediaCapabilities.encodingInfo() and MediaCapabilities.encodingInfo() methods.
The dictionary of the Media Capabilities API is used to define the type of media being tested when calling MediaCapabilities.decodingInfo() to query whether a specific media configuration is supported, smooth, and/or power efficient.
The interface contains information that describes a single media input or output device. The list of devices obtained by calling navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices() is an array of objects, one per media device.
The interface provides access to connected media input devices like cameras and microphones, as well as screen sharing. In essence, it lets you obtain access to any hardware source of media data.
The interface represents an audio source consisting of an HTML5 <audio> or <video> element. It is an AudioNode that acts as an audio source. A MediaElementSourceNode has no inputs and exactly one output, and is created using the AudioContext.createMediaElementSource() method. The amount of channels in the output equals the number of channels of the audio referenced by the HTMLMediaElement used in the creation of the node, or is 1 if the HTMLMediaElement has no audio.
The dictionary of the Media Capabilities API is used to define the type of media being tested when calling MediaCapabilities.encodingInfo() to query whether a specific media configuration is supported, smooth, and/or power efficient.
The interface represents an error which occurred while handling media in an HTML media element based on HTMLMediaElement, such as <audio> or <video>. A object describes the error in general terms using a numeric code categorizing the kind of error, and a message, which provides specific diagnostics about what went wrong.
The Media Session API's dictionary describes the images associated with a media resource's MediaMetadata. Its contents can be displayed by the user agent in appropriate contexts like in a player interface to show the current playing video or audio track.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the EncryptedMediaExtensions API contains the content and related data when the content decryption module generates a message for the session.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of EncryptedMediaExtensions API represents a set of keys that an associated HTMLMediaElement can use for decryption of media data during playback.
The interface of the EncryptedMediaExtensions API represents a context for message exchange with a content decryption module (CDM).
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the EncryptedMediaExtensions API is a read-only map of media key statuses by key IDs.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the EncryptedMediaExtensions API provides access to a Key System for decryption and/or a content protection provider. You can request an instance of this object using the Navigator.requestMediaKeySystemAccess() method.
The interface represents the media queries of a stylesheet, e.g. those set using a <link> element's media attribute.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the Media Session API allows a web page to provide rich media metadata for display in a platform UI.
A object stores information on a media query applied to a document, with support for both immediate and event-driven matching against the state of the document. You can create a by calling matchMedia() on the window object. The resulting object handles sending notifications to listeners when the media query state changes (i.e. when the media query test starts or stops evaluating to true). This is very useful for adaptive design, since this makes it possible to observe a document to detect when its media queries change, instead of polling the values periodically, and allows you to programmatically make changes to a document based on media query status.
The object stores information on the changes that have happened to a MediaQueryList object — instances are available as the event object on a function referenced by a MediaQueryList.onchange property or MediaQueryList.addListener() call.
The interface of the MediaStream Recording API provides functionality to easily record media. It is created using the MediaRecorder() constructor.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the Media Session API allows a web page to provide custom behaviors for standard media playback interactions, and to report metadata that can be sent by the user agent to the device or operating system for presentation in standardized user interface elements. For example, a smartphone might have a standard panel in its lock screen that provides controls for media playback and information display. A browser on the device can use to make browser playback controllable from that standard/global user interface.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the Media Source Extensions API represents a source of media data for an HTMLMediaElement object. A object can be attached to a HTMLMediaElement to be played in the user agent.
The interface represents a stream of media content. A stream consists of several tracks, such as video or audio tracks. Each track is specified as an instance of MediaStreamTrack. You can obtain a object either by using the constructor or by calling functions such as MediaDevices.getUserMedia(), MediaDevices.getDisplayMedia(), or HTMLCanvasElement.captureStream(). Some user agents subclass this interface to provide more precise information or functionality, like in CanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrack.
The interface represents an audio destination consisting of a WebRTC MediaStream with a single AudioMediaStreamTrack, which can be used in a similar way to a MediaStream obtained from Navigator.getUserMedia(). It is an AudioNode that acts as an audio destination, created using the AudioContext.createMediaStreamDestination() method.
The interface is a type of AudioNode which operates as an audio source whose media is received from a MediaStream obtained using the WebRTC or Media Capture and Streams APIs. This media could be from a microphone (through getUserMedia()) or from a remote peer on a WebRTC call (using the RTCPeerConnection's audio tracks). A has no inputs and exactly one output, and is created using the AudioContext.createMediaStreamSource() method. The takes the audio from the first MediaStreamTrack whose kind attribute's value is audio. See Track ordering for more information about the order of tracks. The number of channels output by the node matches the number of tracks found in the selected audio track.
The interface represents a single media track within a stream; typically, these are audio or video tracks, but other track types may exist as well.
The interface is a type of AudioNode which represents a source of audio data taken from a specific MediaStreamTrack obtained through the WebRTC or Media Capture and Streams APIs. The audio itself might be input from a microphone or other audio sampling device, or might be received through a RTCPeerConnection, among other possible options. A has no inputs and exactly one output, and is created using the AudioContext.createMediaStreamTrackSource() method. This interface is similar to MediaStreamAudioSourceNode, except it lets you specifically state the track to use, rather than assuming the first audio track on a stream.
The interface represents events which indicate that a MediaStream has had tracks added to or removed from the stream through calls to Media Stream API methods. These events are sent to the stream when these changes occur.
The interface of the Insertable Streams for MediaStreamTrack API consumes a MediaStreamTrack object's source and generates a stream of media frames.
The dictionary is used to describe a set of capabilities and the value or values each can take on. A constraints dictionary is passed into applyConstraints() to allow a script to establish a set of exact (required) values or ranges and/or preferred values or ranges of values for the track, and the most recently-requested set of custom constraints can be retrieved by calling getConstraints().
The dictionary is used to return the current values configured for each of a MediaStreamTrack's settings. These values will adhere as closely as possible to any constraints previously described using a MediaTrackConstraints object and set using applyConstraints(), and will adhere to the default constraints for any properties whose constraints haven't been changed, or whose customized constraints couldn't be matched. To learn more about how constraints and settings work, see Capabilities, constraints, and settings.
The dictionary establishes the list of constrainable properties recognized by the user agent or browser in its implementation of the MediaStreamTrack object. An object conforming to is returned by MediaDevices.getSupportedConstraints(). Because of the way interface definitions in WebIDL work, if a constraint is requested but not supported, no error will occur. Instead, the specified constraints will be applied, with any unrecognized constraints stripped from the request.That can lead to confusing and hard to debug errors, so be sure to use getSupportedConstraints() to retrieve this information before attempting to establish constraints if you need to know the difference between silently ignoring a constraint and a constraint being accepted. An actual constraint set is described using an object based on the MediaTrackConstraints dictionary. To learn more about how constraints work, see Capabilities, constraints, and settings.
The interface of the Channel Messaging API allows us to create a new message channel and send data through it via its two MessagePort properties. Note: This feature is available in Web Workers
The interface represents a message received by a target object. This is used to represent messages in:
The interface of the Channel Messaging API represents one of the two ports of a MessageChannel, allowing messages to be sent from one port and listening out for them arriving at the other. Note: This feature is available in Web Workers
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the Web MIDI API provides methods for listing MIDI input and output devices, and obtaining access to those devices.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the Web MIDI API is the event passed to the onstatechange event handler of the MIDIAccess interface and the onstatechange event of the MIDIPort interface. This occurs any time a new port becomes available, or when a previously available port becomes unavailable. For example, this event is fired whenever a MIDI device is either plugged in to or unplugged from a computer.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the Web MIDI API receives messages from a MIDI input port.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The read-only interface of the Web MIDI API provides a Map-like interface to the currently available MIDI input ports. Though it works generally like a map, because it is read-only it does not contain clear(), delete(), or set() functions.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the Web MIDI API represents the event passed to the onmidimessage event handler of the MIDIInput interface. A midimessage event is fired every time a MIDI message is sent from a device represented by a MIDIInput, for example when a MIDI keyboard key is pressed, a knob is tweaked, or a slider is moved.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the Web MIDI API provides methods to add messages to the queue of an output device, and to clear the queue of messages.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The read-only interface of the Web MIDI API provides a Map-like interface to the currently available MIDI output ports. Although it works like a map, because it is read-only, it does not contain clear(), delete(), or set() functions.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the Web MIDI API represents a MIDI input or output port. A instance is created when a new MIDI device is connected. Therefore it has no constructor.
Deprecated: This feature is no longer recommended. Though some browsers might still support it, it may have already been removed from the relevant web standards, may be in the process of being dropped, or may only be kept for compatibility purposes. Avoid using it, and update existing code if possible; see the compatibility table at the bottom of this page to guide your decision. Be aware that this feature may cease to work at any time. The interface provides contains information about a MIME type associated with a particular plugin. Navigator.mimeTypes returns an array of this object.
Deprecated: This feature is no longer recommended. Though some browsers might still support it, it may have already been removed from the relevant web standards, may be in the process of being dropped, or may only be kept for compatibility purposes. Avoid using it, and update existing code if possible; see the compatibility table at the bottom of this page to guide your decision. Be aware that this feature may cease to work at any time. The interface returns an array of MimeType instances, each of which contains information about a supported browser plugins. This object is returned by Navigator.mimeTypes.
The interface represents events that occur due to the user interacting with a pointing device (such as a mouse). Common events using this interface include click, dblclick, mouseup, mousedown. derives from UIEvent, which in turn derives from Event. Though the MouseEvent.initMouseEvent() method is kept for backward compatibility, creating of a object should be done using the MouseEvent() constructor.
Deprecated: This feature is no longer recommended. Though some browsers might still support it, it may have already been removed from the relevant web standards, may be in the process of being dropped, or may only be kept for compatibility purposes. Avoid using it, and update existing code if possible; see the compatibility table at the bottom of this page to guide your decision. Be aware that this feature may cease to work at any time.
The interface provides the ability to watch for changes being made to the DOM tree. It is designed as a replacement for the older Mutation Events feature, which was part of the DOM3 Events specification.
A represents an individual DOM mutation. It is the object that is inside the array passed to MutationObserver's callback.
The interface represents a collection of Attr objects. Objects inside a are not in any particular order, unlike NodeList, although they may be accessed by an index as in an array. A object is live and will thus be auto-updated if changes are made to its contents internally or elsewhere.
The interface of the Service Worker API provides methods for managing the preloading of resources with a service worker.
The interface represents the state and the identity of the user agent. It allows scripts to query it and to register themselves to carry on some activities. A object can be retrieved using the read-only window.navigator property.
The interface of the User-Agent Client Hints API returns information about the browser and operating system of a user. An instance of this object is returned by calling Navigator.userAgentData. Therefore, this interface has no constructor.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers.Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the Web NFC API represents the content of an NDEF message that has been read from or could be written to an NFC tag. An instance is acquired by calling the NDEFMessage() constructor or from the NDEFReadingEvent.message property, which is passed to NDEFReader.onreading.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers.Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the Web NFC API is used to read from and write data to compatible NFC devices, e.g. NFC tags supporting NDEF, when these devices are within the reader's magnetic induction field.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers.Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the Web NFC API represents events dispatched on new NFC readings obtained by NDEFReader.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers.Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the Web NFC API provides data that can be read from, or written to, compatible NFC devices, e.g. NFC tags supporting NDEF.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface provides information about the connection a device is using to communicate with the network and provides a means for scripts to be notified if the connection type changes. The interfaces cannot be instantiated. It is instead accessed through the connection property of the Navigator interface. Note: This feature is available in Web Workers
The DOM interface is an abstract base class upon which many other DOM API objects are based, thus letting those object types to be used similarly and often interchangeably. As an abstract class, there is no such thing as a plain object. All objects that implement functionality are based on one of its subclasses. Most notable are Document, Element, and DocumentFragment. In addition, every kind of DOM node is represented by an interface based on . These include Attr, CharacterData (which Text, Comment, CDATASection and ProcessingInstruction are all based on), and DocumentType. In some cases, a particular feature of the base interface may not apply to one of its child interfaces; in that case, the inheriting node may return null or throw an exception, depending on circumstances. For example, attempting to add children to a node type that cannot have children will throw an exception.
A interface represents an object used to filter the nodes in a NodeIterator or TreeWalker. A knows nothing about the document or traversing nodes; it only knows how to evaluate a single node against the provided filter.
The interface represents an iterator over the members of a list of the nodes in a subtree of the DOM. The nodes will be returned in document order.
objects are collections of nodes, usually returned by properties such as Node.childNodes and methods such as document.querySelectorAll().
Note: This feature is available in Web Workers Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the Notifications API is used to configure and display desktop notifications to the user. These notifications' appearance and specific functionality vary across platforms but generally they provide a way to asynchronously provide information to the user.
The parameter passed into the onnotificationclick handler, the interface represents a notification click event that is dispatched on the ServiceWorkerGlobalScope of a ServiceWorker. This interface inherits from the ExtendableEvent interface.
The extension is part of the WebGL API and adds support for gl.UNSIGNED_INT types to WebGLRenderingContext.drawElements(). WebGL extensions are available using the WebGLRenderingContext.getExtension() method. For more information, see also Using Extensions in the WebGL tutorial.
The extension is part of the WebGL API and makes it possible to attach any level of a texture to a framebuffer object. WebGL extensions are available using the WebGLRenderingContext.getExtension() method. For more information, see also Using Extensions in the WebGL tutorial.
The extension is part of the WebGL API and adds the GLSL derivative functions dFdx, dFdy, and fwidth. WebGL extensions are available using the WebGLRenderingContext.getExtension() method. For more information, see also Using Extensions in the WebGL tutorial.
The extension is part of the WebGL API and exposes floating-point pixel types for textures. WebGL extensions are available using the WebGLRenderingContext.getExtension() method. For more information, see also Using Extensions in the WebGL tutorial.
The extension is part of the WebGL API and allows linear filtering with floating-point pixel types for textures. WebGL extensions are available using the WebGLRenderingContext.getExtension() method. For more information, see also Using Extensions in the WebGL tutorial.
The extension is part of the WebGL API and adds texture formats with 16- (aka half float) and 32-bit floating-point components. WebGL extensions are available using the WebGLRenderingContext.getExtension() method. For more information, see also Using Extensions in the WebGL tutorial.
The extension is part of the WebGL API and allows linear filtering with half floating-point pixel types for textures. WebGL extensions are available using the WebGLRenderingContext.getExtension() method. For more information, see also Using Extensions in the WebGL tutorial.
The OES_vertex_array_object extension is part of the WebGL API and provides vertex array objects (VAOs) which encapsulate vertex array states. These objects keep pointers to vertex data and provide names for different sets of vertex data. WebGL extensions are available using the WebGLRenderingContext.getExtension() method. For more information, see also Using Extensions in the WebGL tutorial.
The Web Audio API interface represents events that occur when the processing of an OfflineAudioContext is terminated. The complete event uses this interface.
The interface is an AudioContext interface representing an audio-processing graph built from linked together AudioNodes. In contrast with a standard AudioContext, an doesn't render the audio to the device hardware; instead, it generates it, as fast as it can, and outputs the result to an AudioBuffer.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface provides a canvas that can be rendered off screen. It is available in both the window and worker contexts. Note: This feature is available in Web Workers
The interface of the Sensor APIs is the base class for orientation sensors. This interface cannot be used directly. Instead it provides properties and methods accessed by interfaces that inherit from it. If a feature policy blocks use of a feature it is because your code is inconsistent with the policies set on your server. This is not something that would ever be shown to a user. The Feature-Policy HTTP header article contains implementation instructions.
The interface represents a periodic waveform, such as a sine wave. It is an AudioScheduledSourceNode audio-processing module that causes a specified frequency of a given wave to be created—in effect, a constant tone.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the WebOTP API contains the attributes that are returned when a new one-time password is retrieved.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers.Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the Media Capture and Streams API indicates that the set of desired capabilities for the current MediaStreamTrack cannot currently be met. When this event is thrown on a MediaStreamTrack, it is muted until either the current constraints can be established or until satisfiable constraints are applied.
The extension is part of the WebGL API and adds support for rendering into multiple views simultaneously. This especially useful for virtual reality (VR) and WebXR. For more information, see also:
The event object is available inside handler functions for the pageshow and pagehide events, fired when a document is being loaded or unloaded.
The interface represents the position and behavior of an audio source signal in space. It is an AudioNode audio-processing module describing its position with right-hand Cartesian coordinates, its movement using a velocity vector and its directionality using a directionality cone. A always has exactly one input and one output: the input can be mono or stereo but the output is always stereo (2 channels); you can't have panning effects without at least two audio channels!
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production.Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the Credential Management API provides information about a username/password pair. In supporting browsers an instance of this class may be passed in the credential member of the init object for global fetch().
The interface of the Canvas 2D API is used to declare a path that can then be used on a CanvasRenderingContext2D object. The path methods of the CanvasRenderingContext2D interface are also present on this interface, which gives you the convenience of being able to retain and replay your path whenever desired.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the Payment Request API describes the paymentmethodchange event which is fired by some payment handlers when the user switches payment instruments (e.g., a user selects a "store" card to make a purchase while using Apple Pay).
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The Payment Request API's interface is the primary access point into the API, and lets web content and apps accept payments from the end user on behalf of the operator of the site or the publisher of the app.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the Payment Request API is the object passed to a payment handler when a PaymentRequest is made.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface is used for events sent to a PaymentRequest instance when changes are made to shipping-related information for a pending PaymentRequest. Those events are:
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the Payment Request API is returned after a user selects a payment method and approves a payment request.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The dictionary represents objects providing information about any and all errors that occurred while processing a payment request. When validation of the PaymentResponse returned by the PaymentRequest.show() or PaymentResponse.retry() methods fails, your code creates a object to pass into retry() so that the user agent knows what needs to be fixed and what if any error messages to display to the user.
The dictionary of the Web Crypto API represents the object that should be passed as the algorithm parameter into SubtleCrypto.deriveKey(), when using the PBKDF2 algorithm.
The interface provides access to performance-related information for the current page. It's part of the High Resolution Time API, but is enhanced by the Performance Timeline API, the Navigation Timing API, the User Timing API, and the Resource Timing API. An object of this type can be obtained by calling the window.performance read-only attribute.
The interface of the Element Timing API reports timing information on a specific element identified by the page author. For example it could report timing information about the main image in an article.
The object encapsulates a single performance metric that is part of the performance timeline. A performance entry can be directly created by making a performance mark or measure (for example by calling the mark() method) at an explicit point in an application. Performance entries are also created in indirect ways such as loading a resource (such as an image). instances will always be one of the following subtypes:
The interface of the Event Timing API provides timing information for the event types listed below.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the Long Tasks API reports instances of long tasks.
is an abstract interface for PerformanceEntry objects with an entryType of "mark". Entries of this type are created by calling performance.mark() to add a named double (the mark) to the browser's performance timeline.
is an abstract interface for PerformanceEntry objects with an entryType of "measure". Entries of this type are created by calling performance.measure() to add a named double (the measure) between two marks to the browser's performance timeline.
Deprecated: This feature is no longer recommended. Though some browsers might still support it, it may have already been removed from the relevant web standards, may be in the process of being dropped, or may only be kept for compatibility purposes. Avoid using it, and update existing code if possible; see the compatibility table at the bottom of this page to guide your decision. Be aware that this feature may cease to work at any time. The legacy interface represents information about how the navigation to the current document was done.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface provides methods and properties to store and retrieve metrics regarding the browser's document navigation events. For example, this interface can be used to determine how much time it takes to load or unload a document.
The interface is used to observe performance measurement events and be notified of new performance entries as they are recorded in the browser's performance timeline. Note: This feature is available in Web Workers
The interface is a list of performance events that were explicitly observed via the observe() method. Note: this interface is exposed to Window and Worker.
The interface of the Paint Timing API provides timing information about "paint" (also called "render") operations during web page construction. "Paint" refers to conversion of the render tree to on-screen pixels. An application can register a PerformanceObserver for "paint" performance entry types and the observer can retrieve the times that paint events occur. Use this information to help identify areas that take too long to provide a good user experience.
The interface enables retrieval and analysis of detailed network timing data regarding the loading of an application's resources. An application can use the timing metrics to determine, for example, the length of time it takes to fetch a specific resource, such as an XMLHttpRequest, <SVG>, image, or script. The interface's properties create a resource loading timeline with high-resolution timestamps for network events such as redirect start and end times, fetch start, DNS lookup start and end times, response start and end times, etc.. Additionally, the interface extends PerformanceEntry with other properties which provide data about the size of the fetched resource as well as the type of resource that initiated the fetch.
Note: This feature is available in Web Workers Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface surfaces server metrics that are sent with the response in the Server-Timing HTTP header. This interface is restricted to the same origin, but you can use the Timing-Allow-Origin header to specify the domains that are allowed to access the server metrics. Note that this interface is only available in secure contexts (HTTPS) in some browsers.
Deprecated: This feature is no longer recommended. Though some browsers might still support it, it may have already been removed from the relevant web standards, may be in the process of being dropped, or may only be kept for compatibility purposes. Avoid using it, and update existing code if possible; see the compatibility table at the bottom of this page to guide your decision. Be aware that this feature may cease to work at any time.
The interface of the Web Periodic Background Synchronization API provides a way to run tasks in the service worker with network connectivity. An instance of this event is passed to the ServiceWorkerGlobalScope.onperiodicsync handler. This happens periodically, at an interval greater than or equal to that set in the PeriodicSyncManager.register() method. Other implementation-specific factors such as the user's engagement with the site decide the actual interval.
The interface of the Web Periodic Background Synchronization API provides a way to register tasks to be run in a service worker at periodic intervals with network connectivity. These tasks are referred to as periodic background sync requests. Access through the ServiceWorkerRegistration.periodicSync.
The interface defines a periodic waveform that can be used to shape the output of an OscillatorNode. has no inputs or outputs; it is used to define custom oscillators when calling OscillatorNode.setPeriodicWave(). The itself is created/returned by BaseAudioContext.createPeriodicWave.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The Permissions interface of the Permissions API provides the core Permission API functionality, such as methods for querying and revoking permissions
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the Permissions API provides the state of an object and an event handler for monitoring changes to said state.
The interface represents picture-in-picture-related events, including enterpictureinpicture, leavepictureinpicture and resize
The interface represents an object able to programmatically obtain the width and height and resize event of the floating video window. An object with this interface is obtained using the HTMLVideoElement.requestPictureInPicture() promise return value.
Deprecated: This feature is no longer recommended. Though some browsers might still support it, it may have already been removed from the relevant web standards, may be in the process of being dropped, or may only be kept for compatibility purposes. Avoid using it, and update existing code if possible; see the compatibility table at the bottom of this page to guide your decision. Be aware that this feature may cease to work at any time. The interface provides information about a browser plugin.
Deprecated: This feature is no longer recommended. Though some browsers might still support it, it may have already been removed from the relevant web standards, may be in the process of being dropped, or may only be kept for compatibility purposes. Avoid using it, and update existing code if possible; see the compatibility table at the bottom of this page to guide your decision. Be aware that this feature may cease to work at any time. The interface is used to store a list of Plugin objects describing the available plugins; it's returned by the navigator.plugins property. The is not a JavaScript array, but has the length property and supports accessing individual items using bracket notation ([plugins2]), as well as via item(index) and namedItem("name") methods.
The interface represents the state of a DOM event produced by a pointer such as the geometry of the contact point, the device type that generated the event, the amount of pressure that was applied on the contact surface, etc. A pointer is a hardware agnostic representation of input devices (such as a mouse, pen or contact point on a touch-enable surface). The pointer can target a specific coordinate (or set of coordinates) on the contact surface such as a screen. A pointer's hit test is the process a browser uses to determine the target element for a pointer event. Typically, this is determined by considering the pointer's location and also the visual layout of elements in a document on screen media.
is an event handler for the popstate event on the window. A popstate event is dispatched to the window every time the active history entry changes between two history entries for the same document. If the history entry being activated was created by a call to history.pushState() or was affected by a call to history.replaceState(), the popstate event's state property contains a copy of the history entry's state object.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production.Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The can be defined as two possible user agents in the context: Controlling user agent and Receiving user agent. In controlling browsing context, the interface provides a mechanism to override the browser default behavior of launching presentation to external screen. In receiving browsing context, interface provides the access to the available presentation connections.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production.Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. A object is associated with available presentation displays and represents the presentation display availability for a presentation request. If the controlling user agent can monitor the list of available presentation displays in the background (without a pending request to start()), the object MUST be implemented in a controlling browsing context. The value attribute MUST return the last value it was set to. The value is updated by the monitor the list of available presentation displays algorithm. The onchange attribute is an event handler whose corresponding event handler event type is change.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production.Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the Presentation API provides methods and properties for managing a single presentation. Each presentation connection is represented by a object. Both the controlling user agent and receiving user agent MUST implement .
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production.Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the Presentation API is fired on a PresentationRequest when a connection associated with the object is created. A controlling user agent fires a trusted event named connectionavailable on a PresentationRequest when a connection associated with the object is created. It is fired at the PresentationRequest instance, using the interface, with the connection attribute set to the PresentationConnection object that was created. The event is fired for each connection that is created for the controller, either by the controller calling start() or reconnect(), or by the controlling user agent creating a connection on the controller's behalf via defaultRequest.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production.Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the Presentation API is fired on a PresentationConnection when it is closed.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers.Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. is the collection of incoming presentation connections.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers.Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the Presentation API provides a means for a receiving browsing context to access controlling browsing contexts and communicate with them.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production.Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. A object is used to initiate or reconnect to a presentation made by a controlling browsing context. The object MUST be implemented in a controlling browsing context provided by a controlling user agent. When a is constructed, the given urls MUST be used as the list of presentation request URLs which are each a possible presentation URL for the instance.
The interface represents a processing instruction; that is, a Node which embeds an instruction targeting a specific application but that can be ignored by any other applications which don't recognize the instruction.
The interface represents events measuring progress of an underlying process, like an HTTP request (for an XMLHttpRequest, or the loading of the underlying resource of an <img>, <audio>, <video>, <style> or <link>).
The interface represents events which are sent to the global script context when JavaScript Futures are rejected. These events are particularly useful for telemetry and debugging purposes. For details on promise rejection events, see Promise rejection events in Using Promises.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface provides information about a public key / private key pair, which is a credential for logging in to a service using an un-phishable and data-breach resistant asymmetric key pair instead of a password. It inherits from Credential, and was created by the Web Authentication API extension to the Credential Management API. Other interfaces that inherit from Credential are PasswordCredential and FederatedCredential.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The dictionary of the Web Authentication API holds the options passed to navigator.credentials.get() in order to fetch a given PublicKeyCredential.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the Push API represents a push message that has been received. This event is sent to the global scope of a ServiceWorker. It contains the information sent from an application server to a PushSubscription.
The interface of the Push API provides a way to receive notifications from third-party servers as well as request URLs for push notifications. This interface is accessed via the ServiceWorkerRegistration.pushManager property.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the Push API provides methods which let you retrieve the push data sent by a server in various formats. Unlike the similar methods in the Fetch API, which only allow the method to be invoked once, these methods can be called multiple times. Messages received through the Push API are sent encrypted by push services and then automatically decrypted by browsers before they are made accessible through the methods of the interface.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the Push API provides a subcription's URL endpoint and allows unsubscription from a push service. An instance of this interface can be serialized.
The interface of the Push API represents the options associated with a push subscription. The read-only object is returned by calling PushSubscription.options on a PushSubscription. This interface has no constructor of its own.
The interface represents a collection of radio elements in a <form> or a <fieldset> element.
The interface represents a fragment of a document that can contain nodes and parts of text nodes. A range can be created by using the Document.createRange() method. Range objects can also be retrieved by using the getRangeAt() method of the Selection object or the caretRangeFromPoint() method of the Document object. There also is the Range() constructor available.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the Streams API represents a controller allowing control of a ReadableStream's state and internal queue. Byte stream controllers are for byte streams.
The interface of the Streams API represents a readable stream of byte data. The Fetch API offers a concrete instance of a through the body property of a Response object.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the Streams API represents a BYOB ("bring your own buffer") reader that can be used to read stream data supplied by the developer (e.g. a custom ReadableStream() constructor).
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the Streams API represents a pull request into a ReadableByteStreamController view. A view, as mentioned below, refers to a typed array representing the destination region to which the associated ReadableByteStreamController controller can write generated data.
The interface of the Streams API represents a controller allowing control of a ReadableStream's state and internal queue. Default controllers are for streams that are not byte streams.
The interface of the Streams API represents a default reader that can be used to read stream data supplied from a network (e.g. a fetch request).
The interface of the Sensor APIs describes the device's physical orientation without regard to the Earth's reference coordinate system. To use this sensor, the user must grant permission to the 'accelerometer', and 'gyroscope' device sensors through the Permissions API. If a feature policy blocks use of a feature it is because your code is inconsistent with the policies set on your server. This is not something that would ever be shown to a user. The Feature-Policy HTTP header article contains implementation instructions.
The interface of the Remote Playback API allows the page to detect availability of remote playback devices, then connect to and control playing on these devices.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the Reporting API represents a single report. Reports can be accessed in a number of ways:
The interface of the Reporting API represents the body of a report. Individual report types inherit from this interface, adding specific attributes relevant to the particular report.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the Reporting API allows you to collect and access reports.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The dictionary of the Reporting API allows options to be set in the constructor when creating a ReportingObserver.
The interface of the Fetch API represents a resource request. You can create a new object using the Request() constructor, but you are more likely to encounter a object being returned as the result of another API operation, such as a service worker FetchEvent.request.
The interface reports changes to the dimensions of an Element's content or border box, or the bounding box of an SVGElement.
The interface represents the object passed to the ResizeObserver() constructor's callback function, which allows you to access the new dimensions of the Element or SVGElement being observed.
The interface of the Resize Observer API is used by the ResizeObserverEntry interface to access the box sizing properties of the element being observed.
The interface of the Fetch API represents the response to a request. You can create a new object using the Response.Response() constructor, but you are more likely to encounter a object being returned as the result of another API operation—for example, a service worker FetchEvent.respondWith, or a simple fetch().
The dictionary of the Web Crypto API represents the object that should be passed as the algorithm parameter into SubtleCrypto.importKey() or SubtleCrypto.unwrapKey(), when importing any RSA-based key pair: that is, when the algorithm is identified as any of RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5, RSA-PSS, or RSA-OAEP.
The dictionary of the Web Crypto API represents the object that should be passed as the algorithm parameter into SubtleCrypto.generateKey(), when generating any RSA-based key pair: that is, when the algorithm is identified as any of RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5, RSA-PSS, or RSA-OAEP.
The dictionary of the Web Crypto API represents the object that should be passed as the algorithm parameter into SubtleCrypto.encrypt(), SubtleCrypto.decrypt(), SubtleCrypto.wrapKey(), or SubtleCrypto.unwrapKey(), when using the RSA_OAEP algorithm.
The dictionary of the Web Crypto API represents the object that should be passed as the algorithm parameter into SubtleCrypto.sign() or SubtleCrypto.verify(), when using the RSA-PSS algorithm.
The interface of the WebRTC API provides an object represents a certificate that an RTCPeerConnection uses to authenticate.
The interface represents a network channel which can be used for bidirectional peer-to-peer transfers of arbitrary data. Every data channel is associated with an RTCPeerConnection, and each peer connection can have up to a theoretical maximum of 65,534 data channels (the actual limit may vary from browser to browser). To create a data channel and ask a remote peer to join you, call the RTCPeerConnection's createDataChannel() method. The peer being invited to exchange data receives a datachannel event (which has type RTCDataChannelEvent) to let it know the data channel has been added to the connection.
The interface represents an event related to a specific RTCDataChannel.
The interface provides access to information about the Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) transport over which a RTCPeerConnection's RTP and RTCP packets are sent and received by its RTCRtpSender and RTCRtpReceiver objects. A object is also used to provide information about SCTP packets transmitted and received by an connection's data channels. Features of the DTLS transport include the addition of security to the underlying transport; the interface can be used to obtain information about the underlying transport and the security added to it by the DTLS layer.
The interface provides a mechanism for transmitting DTMF codes on a WebRTC RTCPeerConnection. You gain access to the connection's through the RTCRtpSender.dtmf property on the audio track you wish to send DTMF with. The primary purpose for WebRTC's DTMF support is to allow WebRTC-based communication clients to be connected to a public-switched telephone network (PSTN) or other legacy telephone service, including extant voice over IP (VoIP) services. For that reason, DTMF can't be used between two WebRTC-based devices, because there is no mechanism provided by WebRTC for receiving DTMF codes.
The interface represents events sent to indicate that DTMF tones have started or finished playing. This interface is used by the tonechange event.
The interface describes an error which has occurred while handling WebRTC operations. It's based upon the standard Exception interface that describes general DOM errors.
The WebRTC API's interface represents an error sent to a WebRTC object. It's based on the standard Event interface, but adds RTC-specific information describing the error, as shown below.
The interface—part of the WebRTC API—represents a candidate Interactive Connectivity Establishment (ICE) configuration which may be used to establish an RTCPeerConnection. An ICE candidate describes the protocols and routing needed for WebRTC to be able to communicate with a remote device. When starting a WebRTC peer connection, typically a number of candidates are proposed by each end of the connection, until they mutually agree upon one which describes the connection they decide will be best. WebRTC then uses that candidate's details to initiate the connection. For details on how the ICE process works, see Lifetime of a WebRTC session. The article WebRTC connectivity provides additional useful details.
The dictionary describes a pair of ICE candidates which together comprise a description of a viable connection between two WebRTC endpoints. It is used as the return value from RTCIceTransport.getSelectedCandidatePair() to identify the currently-selected candidate pair identified by the ICE agent.
The WebRTC dictionary reports statistics which provide insight into the quality and performance of an RTCPeerConnection while connected and configured as described by the specified pair of ICE candidates. If a RTCStats-based object's type is candidate-pair, it's an object.
The WebRTC API's dictionary provides statistics related to an RTCIceCandidate.
The dictionary specifies the username fragment and password assigned to an ICE session. During ICE negotiation, each peer's username fragment and password are recorded in an object, which can be obtained from the RTCIceTransport by calling its getLocalParameters() or getRemoteParameters() method, depending on which end interests you.
The dictionary defines how to connect to a single ICE server (such as a STUN or TURN server). Objects of this type are provided in the configuration of an RTCPeerConnection, in the iceServers array.
The interface provides access to information about the ICE transport layer over which the data is being sent and received. This is particularly useful if you need to access state information about the connection.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the WebRTC API represents the identity of a remote peer of the current connection. If no peer has yet been set and verified, then this interface returns null. Once set it can't be changed.
The WebRTC API's dictionary, based upon RTCReceivedRtpStreamStats and RTCStats, contains statistics related to the receiving end of an RTP stream on the local end of the RTCPeerConnection.
The dictionary is the RTCStats-based object which provides metrics and statistics related to an outbound RTP stream being sent by an RTCRtpSender.
The interface represents a WebRTC connection between the local computer and a remote peer. It provides methods to connect to a remote peer, maintain and monitor the connection, and close the connection once it's no longer needed.
The interface—based upon the Event interface—provides details pertaining to an ICE error announced by sending an icecandidateerror event to the RTCPeerConnection object.
The interface represents events that occur in relation to ICE candidates with the target, usually an RTCPeerConnection. Only one event is of this type: icecandidate.
The WebRTC statistics model's dictionary extends the underlying RTCSentRtpStreamStats dictionary with properties measuring metrics specific to outgoing RTP streams.
The dictionary provides parameters of an RTCP connection. It's used as the value of the rtcp property of the parameters of an RTCRtpSender or RTCRtpReceiver.
The dictionary is a data type used to describe the capabilities of an RTCRtpSender or RTCRtpReceiver in response to a call to the RTCRtpSender.getCapabilities() or RTCRtpReceiver.getCapabilities() static functions, both of which return an array of objects. An object contains an array of objects conforming to RTCRtpCodecCapability (each describing the capabilities of one codec) and an array of the supported RTP header extensions for that codec.
The WebRTC API's dictionary provides information describing the capabilities of a single media codec.
The dictionary, part of the WebRTC API, is used to describe the configuration parameters for a single media codec. In addition to being the type of the RTCRtpParameters.codecs property, it's used when calling RTCRtpTransceiver.setCodecPreferences() to configure a transceiver's codecs before beginning the offer/answer process to establish a WebRTC peer connection. Most of the fields in this property take values which are defined and maintained by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). References to relevant IANA documents are provided in the see also section at the end of this article.
The dictionary of the WebRTC API is used by getContributingSources() to provide information about a given contributing source (CSRC), including the most recent time a packet that the source contributed was played out. The information provided is based on the last ten seconds of media received.
An instance of the WebRTC API's dictionary describes a single configuration of a codec for an RTCRtpSender. This dictionary is used in the RTCRtpSendParameters describing the configuration of an RTP sender's encodings; RTCRtpDecodingParameters is used to describe the configuration of an RTP receiver's encodings.
The dictionary is the basic object describing the parameters of an RTP transport. It is extended separately for senders and receivers in the form of the RTCRtpSendParameters and RTCRtpReceiveParameters dictionaries. To obtain the parameters of a sender or receiver, call its getParameters() method:
The dictionary, based upon the RTCRtpParameters dictionary, is returned by the RTCRtpReceiver method getParameters(). It describes the parameters being used by the receiver's RTP connection to the remote peer.
The interface of the WebRTC API manages the reception and decoding of data for a MediaStreamTrack on an RTCPeerConnection.
The interface provides the ability to control and obtain details about how a particular MediaStreamTrack is encoded and sent to a remote peer. With it, you can configure the encoding used for the corresponding track, get information about the device's media capabilities, and so forth. You can also obtain access to an RTCDTMFSender which can be used to send DTMF codes (to simulate the user pressing buttons on a telephone's dial pad) to the remote peer.
The WebRTC API's dictionary is used to specify the parameters for an RTCRtpSender when calling its setParameters() method.
The dictionary is returned by the RTCPeerConnection.getStats(), RTCRtpSender.getStats(), and RTCRtpReceiver.getStats() methods to provide detailed statistics about WebRTC connectivity. While the dictionary has a base set of properties that are present in each of these cases, there are also additional properties added depending on which interface the method is called on. is the base class for all RTP-related statistics reports. It's based on RTCStats and adds the following additional fields.
The WebRTC interface describes a permanent pairing of an RTCRtpSender and an RTCRtpReceiver, along with some shared state. Each SDP media section describes one bidirectional SRTP ("Secure Real Time Protocol") stream (excepting the media section for RTCDataChannel, if present). This pairing of send and receive SRTP streams is significant for some applications, so is used to represent this pairing, along with other important state from the media section. Each non-disabled SRTP media section is always represented by exactly one transceiver. A transceiver is uniquely identified using its mid property, which is the same as the media ID (mid) of its corresponding m-line. An is associated with an m-line if its mid is non-null; otherwise it's considered disassociated.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface provides information which describes a Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) transport. This provides information about limitations of the transport, but also provides a way to access the underlying Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) transport over which SCTP packets for all of an RTCPeerConnection's data channels are sent and received. You don't create objects yourself; instead, you get access to the for a given RTCPeerConnection through its sctp property. Possibly the most useful property on this interface is its maxMessageSize property, which you can use to determine the upper limit on the size of messages you can send over a data channel on the peer connection.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface describes one end of a connection—or potential connection—and how it's configured. Each consists of a description type indicating which part of the offer/answer negotiation process it describes and of the SDP descriptor of the session. The process of negotiating a connection between two peers involves exchanging objects back and forth, with each description suggesting one combination of connection configuration options that the sender of the description supports. Once the two peers agree upon a configuration for the connection, negotiation is complete.
The dictionary is the basic statistics object used by WebRTC's statistics monitoring model, providing the properties required of all statistics data objects. Specific classes of statistic are defined as dictionaries based on . For example, statistics about a received RTP stream are represented by RTCReceivedRtpStreamStats.
Draft: This page is not complete.This page is currently incomplete and under active construction. Please be aware that it's not going to answer all of your questions just yet. The interface provides a statistics report obtained by calling one of the RTCPeerConnection.getStats(), RTCRtpReceiver.getStats(), and RTCRtpSender.getStats() methods. This statistics report contains a mapping of statistic category string names to objects containing the corresponding statistics data. Calling getStats() on an RTCPeerConnection lets you specify whether you wish to obtain statistics for outbound, inbound, or all streams on the connection. The RTCRtpReceiver and RTCRtpSender versions of getStats() specifically only return statistics available to the incoming or outgoing stream on which you call them.
The WebRTC API interface represents the track event, which is sent when a new MediaStreamTrack is added to an RTCRtpReceiver which is part of the RTCPeerConnection. The target is the RTCPeerConnection object to which the track is being added. This event is sent by the WebRTC layer to the web site or application, so you will not typically need to instantiate an yourself.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production.Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers.
The interface represents a screen, usually the one on which the current window is being rendered, and is obtained using window.screen. Note that browsers determine which screen to report as current by detecting which screen has the center of the browser window.
The interface of the Screen Orientation API provides information about the current orientation of the document. A instance object can be retrieved using the screen.orientation property.
Deprecated: This feature is no longer recommended. Though some browsers might still support it, it may have already been removed from the relevant web standards, may be in the process of being dropped, or may only be kept for compatibility purposes. Avoid using it, and update existing code if possible; see the compatibility table at the bottom of this page to guide your decision. Be aware that this feature may cease to work at any time. The interface allows the generation, processing, or analyzing of audio using JavaScript.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface inherits from Event, and represents the event object of an event sent on a document or worker when its content security policy is violated.
A object represents the range of text selected by the user or the current position of the caret. To obtain a object for examination or manipulation, call window.getSelection(). A user may make a selection from left to right (in document order) or right to left (reverse of document order). The anchor is where the user began the selection and the focus is where the user ends the selection. If you make a selection with a desktop mouse, the anchor is placed where you pressed the mouse button, and the focus is placed where you released the mouse button.
The interface of the Sensor APIs is the base class for all the other sensor interfaces. This interface cannot be used directly. Instead it provides properties, event handlers, and methods accessed by interfaces that inherit from it. If a feature policy blocks use of a feature it is because your code is inconsistent with the policies set on your server. This is not something that would ever be shown to a user. The Feature-Policy HTTP header article contains implementation instructions.
The interface of the Sensor APIs provides information about errors thrown by a Sensor or derived interface.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the Web Serial API provides attributes and methods for finding and connecting to serial ports from a web page.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the Web Serial API provides access to a serial port on the host device.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the Service Worker API provides a reference to a service worker. Multiple browsing contexts (e.g. pages, workers, etc.) can be associated with the same service worker, each through a unique object. A object is available in the ServiceWorkerRegistration.active property, and the ServiceWorkerContainer.controller property — this is a service worker that has been activated and is controlling the page (the service worker has been successfully registered, and the controlled page has been reloaded.) The interface is dispatched a set of lifecycle events — install and activate — and functional events including fetch. A object has an associated ServiceWorker.state, related to its lifecycle.
The interface of the Service Worker API provides an object representing the service worker as an overall unit in the network ecosystem, including facilities to register, unregister and update service workers, and access the state of service workers and their registrations. Most importantly, it exposes the ServiceWorkerContainer.register() method used to register service workers, and the ServiceWorkerContainer.controller property used to determine whether or not the current page is actively controlled.
The interface of the Service Worker API represents the global execution context of a service worker. Developers should keep in mind that the ServiceWorker state is not persisted across the termination/restart cycle, so each event handler should assume it's being invoked with a bare, default global state. Once successfully registered, a service worker can and will be terminated when idle to conserve memory and processor power. An active service worker is automatically restarted to respond to events, such as ServiceWorkerGlobalScope.onfetch or ServiceWorkerGlobalScope.onmessage. Additionally, synchronous requests are not allowed from within a service worker — only asynchronous requests, like those initiated via the fetch() method, can be used. This interface inherits from the WorkerGlobalScope interface, and its parent EventTarget.
The interface of the Service Worker API represents the service worker registration. You register a service worker to control one or more pages that share the same origin. The lifetime of a service worker registration is beyond that of the objects that represent them within the lifetime of their corresponding service worker clients. The browser maintains a persistent list of active objects.
The interface of the Shadow DOM API is the root node of a DOM subtree that is rendered separately from a document's main DOM tree. You can retrieve a reference to an element's shadow root using its Element.shadowRoot property, provided it was created using Element.attachShadow() with the mode option set to open.
The interface represents a specific kind of worker that can be accessed from several browsing contexts, such as several windows, iframes or even workers. They implement an interface different than dedicated workers and have a different global scope, SharedWorkerGlobalScope.
The object (the SharedWorker global scope) is accessible through the self keyword. Some additional global functions, namespaces objects, and constructors, not typically associated with the worker global scope, but available on it, are listed in the JavaScript Reference. See the complete list of functions available to workers.
The interface represents a chunk of media to be passed into an HTMLMediaElement and played, via a MediaSource object. This can be made up of one or several media segments.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface represents a simple container list for multiple SourceBuffer objects. The source buffer list containing the SourceBuffers appended to a particular MediaSource can be retrieved using the MediaSource.sourceBuffers property. The individual source buffers can be accessed using the array operator [].
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the Web Speech API represents a set of words or patterns of words that we want the recognition service to recognize. Grammar is defined using JSpeech Grammar Format (JSGF.) Other formats may also be supported in the future.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the Web Speech API represents a list of SpeechGrammar objects containing words or patterns of words that we want the recognition service to recognize. Grammar is defined using JSpeech Grammar Format (JSGF.) Other formats may also be supported in the future.
The interface of the Web Speech API is the controller interface for the recognition service; this also handles the SpeechRecognitionEvent sent from the recognition service.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the Web Speech API represents a single word that has been recognized by the speech recognition service.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the Web Speech API represents error messages from the recognition service.
The interface of the Web Speech API represents the event object for the result and nomatch events, and contains all the data associated with an interim or final speech recognition result.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the Web Speech API represents a single recognition match, which may contain multiple SpeechRecognitionAlternative objects.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the Web Speech API represents a list of SpeechRecognitionResult objects, or a single one if results are being captured in continuous mode.
The interface of the Web Speech API is the controller interface for the speech service; this can be used to retrieve information about the synthesis voices available on the device, start and pause speech, and other commands besides.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the Web Speech API contains information about any errors that occur while processing SpeechSynthesisUtterance objects in the speech service.
The interface of the Web Speech API contains information about the current state of SpeechSynthesisUtterance objects that have been processed in the speech service.
The interface of the Web Speech API represents a speech request. It contains the content the speech service should read and information about how to read it (e.g. language, pitch and volume.)
The interface of the Web Speech API represents a voice that the system supports. Every has its own relative speech service including information about language, name and URI.
The DOM interface extends AbstractRange to provide a method to specify a range of content in the DOM whose contents don't update to reflect changes which occur within the DOM tree. This interface offers the same set of properties and methods as AbstractRange. AbstractRange and are not available from web workers.
The interface of the Web Audio API represents a simple stereo panner node that can be used to pan an audio stream left or right. It is an AudioNode audio-processing module that positions an incoming audio stream in a stereo image using a low-cost equal-power panning algorithm. The pan property takes a unitless value between -1 (full left pan) and 1 (full right pan). This interface was introduced as a much simpler way to apply a simple panning effect than having to use a full PannerNode.
The interface of the Web Storage API provides access to a particular domain's session or local storage. It allows, for example, the addition, modification, or deletion of stored data items. To manipulate, for instance, the session storage for a domain, a call to Window.sessionStorage is made; whereas for local storage the call is made to Window.localStorage.
The interface is implemented by the storage event, which is sent to a window when a storage area the window has access to is changed within the context of another document.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers.Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the Storage API provides an interface for managing persistance permissions and estimating available storage. You can get a reference to this interface using either navigator.storage or WorkerNavigator.storage.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the CSS Typed Object Model API provides a representation of a CSS declaration block that is an alternative to CSSStyleDeclaration.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the CSS Typed Object Model API provides a read-only representation of a CSS declaration block that is an alternative to CSSStyleDeclaration. Retrieve an instance of this interface using Element.computedStyleMap().
An object implementing the interface represents a single style sheet. CSS style sheets will further implement the more specialized CSSStyleSheet interface.
The interface represents a list of CSSStyleSheet objects. An instance of this object can be returned by Document.styleSheets. It is an array-like object but can't be iterated over using Array methods. However it can be iterated over in a standard for loop over its indices, or converted to an Array.
The interface defines the object used to represent an HTML form's submit event. This event is fired at the <form> when the form's submit action is invoked.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the Web Crypto API provides a number of low-level cryptographic functions. Access to the features of is obtained through the subtle property of the Crypto object you get from the crypto property.
The interface provides access to the properties of an <a> element, as well as methods to manipulate them.
The interface is used to represent a value that can be an <angle> or <number> value. An reflected through the animVal attribute is always read only. An object can be designated as read only, which means that attempts to modify the object will result in an exception being thrown. An object can be associated with a particular element. The associated element is used to determine which element's content attribute to update if the object reflects an attribute. Unless otherwise described, an object is not associated with any element. Every object operates in one of two modes:
The interface represents attributes of type
The interface is used for attributes of basic SVGRect which can be animated.
The interface represents string attributes which can be animated from each SVG declaration. You need to create SVG attribute before doing anything else, everything should be declared inside this.
The interface corresponds to the <animate> element.
The interface corresponds to the <animateMotion> element.
The interface corresponds to the <animateTransform> element.
The interface is the base interface for all of the animation element interfaces: SVGAnimateElement, SVGSetElement, SVGAnimateColorElement, SVGAnimateMotionElement and SVGAnimateTransformElement.
The interface is an interface for the <circle> element.
The interface provides access to the properties of <clipPath> elements, as well as methods to manipulate them.
The interface defines a base interface used by the component transfer function interfaces.
The interface corresponds to the <defs> element.
The interface corresponds to the <desc> element.
All of the SVG DOM interfaces that correspond directly to elements in the SVG language derive from the interface.
The interface provides access to the properties of <ellipse> elements.
The interface corresponds to the <feBlend> element.
The interface corresponds to the <feColorMatrix> element.
The interface corresponds to the <feComponentTransfer> element.
The interface corresponds to the <feComposite> element.
The interface corresponds to the <feConvolveMatrix> element.
The interface corresponds to the <feDiffuseLighting> element.
The interface corresponds to the <feDisplacementMap> element.
The interface corresponds to the <feDistantLight> element.
The interface corresponds to the <feDropShadow> element.
The interface corresponds to the <feFlood> element.
The interface corresponds to the <feFuncA> element.
The interface corresponds to the <feFuncB> element.
The interface corresponds to the <feFuncG> element.
The interface corresponds to the <feFuncR> element.
The interface corresponds to the <feGaussianBlur> element.
The interface corresponds to the <feImage> element.
The interface corresponds to the <feMerge> element.
The interface corresponds to the <feMergeNode> element.
The interface corresponds to the <feMorphology> element.
The interface corresponds to the <feOffset> element.
The interface corresponds to the <fePointLight> element.
The interface corresponds to the <feSpecularLighting> element.
The interface corresponds to the <feSpotLight> element.
The interface corresponds to the <feTile> element.
The interface corresponds to the <feTurbulence> element.
The interface provides access to the properties of <filter> elements, as well as methods to manipulate them.
The interface provides access to the properties of <foreignObject> elements, as well as methods to manipulate them.
The interface corresponds to the <g> element.
The interface represents SVG elements whose rendering is defined by geometry with an equivalent path, and which can be filled and stroked. This includes paths and the basic shapes.
The SVGGradient interface is a base interface used by SVGLinearGradientElement and SVGRadialGradientElement.
The interface represents SVG elements whose primary purpose is to directly render graphics into a group.
The interface corresponds to the <image> element.
The interface corresponds to the <linearGradient> element.
The interface provides access to the properties of <line> elements, as well as methods to manipulate them.
The interface provides access to the properties of <marker> elements, as well as methods to manipulate them. The <marker> element defines the graphics used for drawing marks on a shape.
The interface provides access to the properties of <mask> elements, as well as methods to manipulate them.
The interface corresponds to the <metadata> element.
The interface corresponds to the <mpath> element.
The interface corresponds to the <number> basic data type. An object can be designated as read only, which means that attempts to modify the object will result in an exception being thrown.
The interface corresponds to the <path> element.
The interface corresponds to the <pattern> element.
The interface represents a list of SVGPoint objects. An can be designated as read-only, which means that attempts to modify the object will result in an exception being thrown.
The interface provides access to the properties of <polygon> elements, as well as methods to manipulate them.
The interface provides access to the properties of <polyline> elements, as well as methods to manipulate them.
The interface corresponds to the <RadialGradient> element.
The interface provides access to the properties of <rect> elements, as well as methods to manipulate them.
The interface corresponds to the SVG <script> element.
The interface corresponds to the <set> element.
The interface corresponds to the <stop> element.
The interface provides access to the properties of <svg> elements, as well as methods to manipulate them. This interface contains also various miscellaneous commonly-used utility methods, such as matrix operations and the ability to control the time of redraw on visual rendering devices.
The interface corresponds to the <switch> element.
The interface corresponds to the <symbol> element.
The interface is implemented by elements that support rendering child text content. It is inherited by various text-related interfaces, such as SVGTextElement, SVGTSpanElement, SVGTRefElement, SVGAltGlyphElement and SVGTextPathElement.
The interface corresponds to the <text> elements.
The interface corresponds to the <textPath> element.
The interface is implemented by elements that support attributes that position individual text glyphs. It is inherited by SVGTextElement, SVGTSpanElement, SVGTRefElement and SVGAltGlyphElement.
The interface corresponds to the <title> element.
The interface represents a <tspan> element.
The interface defines a commonly used set of constants used for reflecting gradientUnits, patternContentUnits and other similar attributes.
The interface provides access to the properties of <view> elements, as well as methods to manipulate them.
Non-standard: This feature is non-standard and is not on a standards track. Do not use it on production sites facing the Web: it will not work for every user. There may also be large incompatibilities between implementations and the behavior may change in the future. The interface represents a sync action that is dispatched on the ServiceWorkerGlobalScope of a ServiceWorker. This interface inherits from the ExtendableEvent interface.
The interface of the ServiceWorker API provides an interface for registering and listing sync registrations.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the Long Tasks API returns information about the work involved in a long task and its associate frame context. The frame context, also called the container, is the iframe, embed or object that is being implicated, on the whole, for a long task.
The interface represents a text node in a DOM tree.
The interface represents a decoder for a specific text encoding, such as UTF-8, ISO-8859-2, KOI8-R, GBK, etc. A decoder takes a stream of bytes as input and emits a stream of code points. Note: This feature is available in Web Workers
The interface of the Encoding API converts a stream of strings into bytes in the UTF-8 encoding. It is the streaming equivalent of TextDecoder.
The interface takes a stream of code points as input and emits a stream of UTF-8 bytes. Note: This feature is available in Web Workers
The interface of the Encoding API converts a stream of strings into bytes in the UTF-8 encoding. It is the streaming equivalent of TextEncoder.
The interface represents the dimensions of a piece of text in the canvas; a instance can be retrieved using the CanvasRenderingContext2D.measureText() method.
The interface—part of the API for handling WebVTT (text tracks on media presentations)—describes and controls the text track associated with a particular <track> element.
is an abstract class which is used as the basis for the various derived cue types, such as VTTCue; you will instead work with those derived types. These cues represent strings of text presented for some duration of time during the performance of a TextTrack. The cue includes the start time (the time at which the text will be displayed) and the end time (the time at which it will be removed from the display), as well as other information.
The array-like object represents a dynamically updating list of TextTrackCue objects. This interface has no constructor. Retrieve an instance of this object with TextTrack.cues which returns all of the cues in a TextTrack object.
The interface is used to represent a list of the text tracks defined by the <track> element, with each track represented by a separate textTrack object in the list. Retrieve an instance of this object with the textTracks property of an HTMLMediaElement object. For a given HTMLMediaElement object media, the individual tracks can be accessed using:
The interface, a part of SVG SMIL animation, provides specific contextual information associated with Time events.
When loading a media resource for use by an <audio> or <video> element, the interface is used for representing the time ranges of the media resource that have been buffered, the time ranges that have been played, and the time ranges that are seekable. A object includes one or more ranges of time, each specified by a starting time offset and an ending time offset. You reference each time range by using the start() and end() methods, passing the index number of the time range you want to retrieve.
The interface represents a single contact point on a touch-sensitive device. The contact point is commonly a finger or stylus and the device may be a touchscreen or trackpad. The Touch.radiusX, Touch.radiusY, and Touch.rotationAngle describe the area of contact between the user and the screen, the touch area. This can be helpful when dealing with imprecise pointing devices such as fingers. These values are set to describe an ellipse that as closely as possible matches the entire area of contact (such as the user's fingertip).
The interface represents an UIEvent which is sent when the state of contacts with a touch-sensitive surface changes. This surface can be a touch screen or trackpad, for example. The event can describe one or more points of contact with the screen and includes support for detecting movement, addition and removal of contact points, and so forth. Touches are represented by the Touch object; each touch is described by a position, size and shape, amount of pressure, and target element. Lists of touches are represented by TouchList objects.
The interface represents a list of contact points on a touch surface. For example, if the user has three fingers on the touch surface (such as a screen or trackpad), the corresponding object would have one Touch object for each finger, for a total of three entries.
The interface, which is part of the HTML DOM specification, is used for events which represent changes to a set of available tracks on an HTML media element; these events are addtrack and removetrack. It's important not to confuse with the RTCTrackEvent interface, which is used for tracks which are part of an RTCPeerConnection. Events based on are always sent to one of the media track list types:
The interface of the Streams API represents a set of transformable data.
The interface of the Streams API provides methods to manipulate the associated ReadableStream and WritableStream. When constructing a TransformStream, the is created. It therefore has no constructor. The way to get an instance of is via the callback methods of TransformStream.TransformStream().
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface represents events providing information related to transitions.
The object represents the nodes of a document subtree and a position within them. A can be created using the Document.createTreeWalker() method.
The interface of the Trusted Types API represents a string that a developer can insert into an injection sink that will render it as HTML. These objects are created via TrustedTypePolicy.createHTML() and therefore have no constructor. The value of a TrustedHTML object is set when the object is created and cannot be changed by JavaScript as there is no setter exposed.
The interface of the Trusted Types API represents a string with an uncompiled script body that a developer can insert into an injection sink that might execute the script. These objects are created via TrustedTypePolicy.createScript() and therefore have no constructor. The value of a TrustedScript object is set when the object is created and cannot be changed by JavaScript as there is no setter exposed.
The interface of the Trusted Types API represents a string that a developer can insert into an injection sink that will parse it as a URL of an external script. These objects are created via TrustedTypePolicy.createScriptURL() and therefore have no constructor. The value of a TrustedScriptURL object is set when the object is created and cannot be changed by JavaScript as there is no setter exposed.
The interface of the Trusted Types API defines a group of functions which create TrustedType objects. A object is created by TrustedTypePolicyFactory.createPolicy() to define a policy for enforcing security rules on input. Therefore, has no constructor.
The interface of the Trusted Types API creates policies and allows the verification of Trusted Type objects against created policies.
The interface represents simple user interface events. derives from Event. Although the UIEvent.initUIEvent() method is kept for backward compatibility, you should create a object using the UIEvent() constructor. Several interfaces are direct or indirect descendants of this one: MouseEvent, TouchEvent, FocusEvent, KeyboardEvent, WheelEvent, InputEvent, and CompositionEvent.
The interface is used to parse, construct, normalize, and encode URLs. It works by providing properties which allow you to easily read and modify the components of a URL. You normally create a new object by specifying the URL as a string when calling its constructor, or by providing a relative URL and a base URL. You can then easily read the parsed components of the URL or make changes to the URL. If a browser doesn't yet support the URL() constructor, you can access a URL object using the Window interface's property. Be sure to check to see if any of your target browsers require this to be prefixed. Note: This feature is available in Web Workers
The interface matches URLs or parts of URLs against a pattern. The pattern can contain capturing groups that extract parts of the matched URL. More information about the syntax of patterns can be found on the API overview page: URL Pattern API
The interface defines utility methods to work with the query string of a URL. An object implementing can directly be used in a for...of structure to iterate over key/value pairs in the same order as they appear in the query string, for example the following two lines are equivalent: [for (const key, value of mySearchParams) {} for (const key, value of mySearchParams.entries()) {} ] Note: This feature is available in Web Workers
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production.Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the WebUSB API provides attributes and methods for finding and connecting USB devices from a web page. Use navigator.usb to get access to the object. The USB interface inherits from EventTarget.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the WebUSB API provides information about a particular configuration of an interface provided by the USB device. An interface includes one or more alternate settings which can configure a set of endpoints based on the operating mode of the device.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the WebUSB API provides information about a particular configuration of a USB device and the interfaces that it supports.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the WebUSB API is the event type passed to USB.onconnect and USB.ondisconnect when the user agent detects that a new USB device has been connected or disconnected.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the WebUSB API provides access to metadata about a paired USB device and methods for controlling it.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the WebUSB API provides information about an endpoint provided by the USB device. An endpoint represents a unidirectional data stream into or out of a device.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the WebUSB API provides information about an interface provided by the USB device. An interface represents a feature of the device which implements a particular protocol and may contain endpoints for bidirectional communication.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the WebUSB API provides the result from a call to the transferIn() and controlTransferIn() methods of the USBDevice interface. It represents the result from requesting a transfer of data from the USB device to the USB host.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the WebUSB API is part of the response from a call to the isochronousTransferIn() method of the USBDevice interface. It represents the status of an individual packet from a request to transfer data from the USB device to the USB host over an isochronous endpoint.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the WebUSB API provides the result from a call to the isochronousTransferIn() method of the USBDevice interface. It represents the result from requesting a transfer of data from the USB device to the USB host.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the WebUSB API is part of the response from a call to the isochronousTransferOut() method of the USBDevice interface. It represents the status of an individual packet from a request to transfer data from the USB host to the USB device over an isochronous endpoint.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the WebUSB API provides the result from a call to the isochronousTransferOut() method of the USBDevice interface. It represents the result from requesting a transfer of data from the USB host to the USB device.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the WebUSB API provides the result from a call to the transferOut() and controlTransferOut() methods of the USBDevice interface. It represents the result from requesting a transfer of data from the USB host to the USB device.
The interface represents the validity states that an element can be in, with respect to constraint validation. Together, they help explain why an element's value fails to validate, if it's not valid.
The interface of the WebCodecs API represents the color space of a video.
The dictionary of the Media Capabilities API is used to define the video file being tested when calling the MediaCapabilities methods encodingInfo() and decodingInfo() to determine whether or not the described video configuration is supported, and how smoothly and how smooth and power-efficient it can be handled.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the WebCodecs API decodes chunks of video.
The interface of the WebCodecs API encodes VideoFrame objects.
The interface of the Web Codecs API represents a frame of a video.
A object is returned by the HTMLVideoElement.getVideoPlaybackQuality() method and contains metrics that can be used to determine the playback quality of a video.
The interface represents a single video track from a <video> element. The most common use for accessing a object is to toggle its selected property in order to make it the active video track for its <video> element.
The interface is used to represent a list of the video tracks contained within a <video> element, with each track represented by a separate VideoTrack object in the list. Retrieve an instance of this object with HTMLMediaElement.videoTracks. The individual tracks can be accessed using array syntax or functions such as forEach() for example.
The interface of the Visual Viewport API represents the visual viewport for a given window. For a page containing iframes, each iframe, as well as the containing page, will have a unique window object. Each window on a page will have a unique representing the properties associated with that window. You can get a window's visual viewport using Window.visualViewport.
The interface—part of the API for handling WebVTT (text tracks on media presentations)—describes and controls the text track associated with a particular <track> element.
The interface—part of the API for handling WebVTT (text tracks on media presentations)—describes a portion of the video to render a VTTCue onto.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the Screen Wake Lock API prevents device screens from dimming or locking when an application needs to keep running. The system wake lock is exposed through the global Navigator.wakeLock property.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the Screen Wake Lock API provides a handle to the underlying platform wake lock and can be manually released and reacquired. An Object representing the wake lock is returned via the navigator.wakelock.request() method. An acquired can be released manually via the release() method, or automatically via the platform wake lock. This can happen if the document becomes inactive or looses visibility, if the device is low on power or the user turns on a power save mode. Releasing all instances of a given wake lock type will cause the underlying platform wake lock to be released.
The interface represents a non-linear distorter. It is an AudioNode that uses a curve to apply a wave shaping distortion to the signal. Beside obvious distortion effects, it is often used to add a warm feeling to the signal. A always has exactly one input and one output.
The WebGL2RenderingContext interface provides the OpenGL ES 3.0 rendering context for the drawing surface of an HTML <canvas> element. To get an object of this interface, call getContext() on a <canvas> element, supplying "webgl2" as the argument: var canvas = document.getElementById('myCanvas'); var gl = canvas.getContext('webgl2');
The WebGLActiveInfo interface is part of the WebGL API and represents the information returned by calling the WebGLRenderingContext.getActiveAttrib() and WebGLRenderingContext.getActiveUniform() methods.
The WebGLBuffer interface is part of the WebGL API and represents an opaque buffer object storing data such as vertices or colors.
The extension is part of the WebGL API and adds the ability to render to 32-bit floating-point color buffers. WebGL extensions are available using the WebGLRenderingContext.getExtension() method. For more information, see also Using Extensions in the WebGL tutorial.
The extension is part of the WebGL API and exposes Adaptive Scalable Texture Compression (ASTC) compressed texture formats to WebGL. For more information, see the article Using ASTC Texture Compression for Game Assets by nvidia. WebGL extensions are available using the WebGLRenderingContext.getExtension() method. For more information, see also Using Extensions in the WebGL tutorial.
The extension is part of the WebGL API and exposes 10 ETC/EAC compressed texture formats. Compressed textures reduce the amount of memory needed to store a texture on the GPU, allowing for higher resolution textures or more of the same resolution textures. WebGL extensions are available using the WebGLRenderingContext.getExtension() method. For more information, see also Using Extensions in the WebGL tutorial.
The extension is part of the WebGL API and exposes the ETC1 compressed texture format. Compressed textures reduce the amount of memory needed to store a texture on the GPU, allowing for higher resolution textures or more of the same resolution textures. WebGL extensions are available using the WebGLRenderingContext.getExtension() method. For more information, see also Using Extensions in the WebGL tutorial.
The extension is part of the WebGL API and exposes four PVRTC compressed texture formats. Compressed textures reduce the amount of memory needed to store a texture on the GPU, allowing for higher resolution textures or more of the same resolution textures. WebGL extensions are available using the WebGLRenderingContext.getExtension() method. For more information, see also Using Extensions in the WebGL tutorial.
The extension is part of the WebGL API and exposes four S3TC compressed texture formats. Compressed textures reduce the amount of memory needed to store a texture on the GPU, allowing for higher resolution textures or more of the same resolution textures. WebGL extensions are available using the WebGLRenderingContext.getExtension() method. For more information, see also Using Extensions in the WebGL tutorial.
The extension is part of the WebGL API and exposes four S3TC compressed texture formats for the sRGB colorspace. Compressed textures reduce the amount of memory needed to store a texture on the GPU, allowing for higher resolution textures or more of the same resolution textures. WebGL extensions are available using the WebGLRenderingContext.getExtension() method. For more information, see also Using Extensions in the WebGL tutorial.
The WebContextEvent interface is part of the WebGL API and is an interface for an event that is generated in response to a status change to the WebGL rendering context.
The extension is part of the WebGL API and exposes two constants with information about the graphics driver for debugging purposes. Depending on the privacy settings of the browser, this extension might only be available to privileged contexts. Generally, the graphics driver information should only be used in edge cases to optimize your WebGL content or to debug GPU problems. The WebGLRenderingContext.getParameter() method can help you to detect which features are supported and the failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat context attribute lets you control if a context should be returned at all, if the performance would be dramatically slow. WebGL extensions are available using the WebGLRenderingContext.getExtension() method. For more information, see also Using Extensions in the WebGL tutorial.
The extension is part of the WebGL API and exposes a method to debug shaders from privileged contexts. This extension is not directly available to web sites as the way of how the shader is translated may uncover personally-identifiable information to the web page about the kind of graphics card in the user's computer. WebGL extensions are available using the WebGLRenderingContext.getExtension() method. For more information, see also Using Extensions in the WebGL tutorial.
The extension is part of the WebGL API and defines 2D depth and depth-stencil textures. WebGL extensions are available using the WebGLRenderingContext.getExtension() method. For more information, see also Using Extensions in the WebGL tutorial.
The extension is part of the WebGL API and enables a fragment shader to write to several textures, which is useful for deferred shading, for example. WebGL extensions are available using the WebGLRenderingContext.getExtension() method. For more information, see also Using Extensions in the WebGL tutorial.
The WebGLFramebuffer interface is part of the WebGL API and represents a collection of buffers that serve as a rendering destination.
The WEBGL_lose_context extension is part of the WebGL API and exposes functions to simulate losing and restoring a WebGLRenderingContext. WebGL extensions are available using the WebGLRenderingContext.getExtension() method. For more information, see also Using Extensions in the WebGL tutorial.
The extension is part of the WebGL API and allows to render more than one primitive with a single function call. This can improve a WebGL application's performance as it reduces binding costs in the renderer and speeds up GPU thread time with uniform data.
The is part of the WebGL API and is a combination of two compiled WebGLShaders consisting of a vertex shader and a fragment shader (both written in GLSL).
The interface is part of the WebGL 2 API and provides ways to asynchronously query for information. By default, occlusion queries and primitive queries are available. Another kind of queries are disjoint timer queries, which allow you to measure performance and profiling of your GPU. Disjoint timer queries are available with the EXT_disjoint_timer_query extension only.
The WebGLRenderbuffer interface is part of the WebGL API and represents a buffer that can contain an image, or that can be a source or target of a rendering operation.
The interface provides an interface to the OpenGL ES 2.0 graphics rendering context for the drawing surface of an HTML <canvas> element. To get an access to a WebGL context for 2D and/or 3D graphics rendering, call getContext() on a <canvas> element, supplying "webgl" as the argument: var canvas = document.getElementById('myCanvas'); var gl = canvas.getContext('webgl'); Once you have the WebGL rendering context for a canvas, you can render within it. The WebGL tutorial has more information, examples, and resources on how to get started with WebGL. If you require a WebGL 2.0 context, see WebGL2RenderingContext; this supplies access to an implementation of OpenGL ES 3.0 graphics.
The interface is part of the WebGL 2 API and stores sampling parameters for WebGLTexture access inside of a shader.
The WebGLShader is part of the WebGL API and can either be a vertex or a fragment shader. A WebGLProgram requires both types of shaders.
The WebGLShaderPrecisionFormat interface is part of the WebGL API and represents the information returned by calling the WebGLRenderingContext.getShaderPrecisionFormat() method.
The interface is part of the WebGL 2 API and is used to synchronize activities between the GPU and the application.
The WebGLTexture interface is part of the WebGL API and represents an opaque texture object providing storage and state for texturing operations.
The interface is part of the WebGL 2 API and enables transform feedback, which is the process of capturing primitives generated by vertex processing. It allows to preserve the post-transform rendering state of an object and resubmit this data multiple times.
The WebGLUniformLocation interface is part of the WebGL API and represents the location of a uniform variable in a shader program.
The interface is part of the WebGL 2 API, represents vertex array objects (VAOs) pointing to vertex array data, and provides names for different sets of vertex data.
The object provides the API for creating and managing a WebSocket connection to a server, as well as for sending and receiving data on the connection. To construct a , use the WebSocket() constructor. Note: This feature is available in Web Workers
The interface represents events that occur due to the user moving a mouse wheel or similar input device.
The interface represents a window containing a DOM document; the document property points to the DOM document loaded in that window. A window for a given document can be obtained using the document.defaultView property. A global variable, window, representing the window in which the script is running, is exposed to JavaScript code. The interface is home to a variety of functions, namespaces, objects, and constructors which are not necessarily directly associated with the concept of a user interface window. However, the interface is a suitable place to include these items that need to be globally available. Many of these are documented in the JavaScript Reference and the DOM Reference. In a tabbed browser, each tab is represented by its own object; the global window seen by JavaScript code running within a given tab always represents the tab in which the code is running. That said, even in a tabbed browser, some properties and methods still apply to the overall window that contains the tab, such as resizeTo() and innerHeight. Generally, anything that can't reasonably pertain to a tab pertains to the window instead.
The interface of the ServiceWorker API represents the scope of a service worker client that is a document in a browsing context, controlled by an active worker. The service worker client independently selects and uses a service worker for its own loading and sub-resources.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production.Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers.
The interface of the Window Controls Overlay API is passed to geometrychange when the size or visibility of a desktop Progress Web App's title bar region changes.
The mixin describes the event handlers common to several interfaces like Window, or HTMLBodyElement and HTMLFrameSetElement. Each of these interfaces can implement additional specific event handlers.
The interface of the Web Workers API represents a background task that can be created via script, which can send messages back to its creator. Creating a worker is done by calling the Worker("path/to/worker/script") constructor. Workers may themselves spawn new workers, as long as those workers are hosted at the same origin as the parent page. (Note: nested workers are not yet implemented in WebKit). Not all interfaces and functions are available to scripts inside a . Workers may use XMLHttpRequest for network communication, but its responseXML and channel attributes are always null. (fetch is also available, with no such restrictions.)
The interface of the Web Workers API is an interface representing the scope of any worker. Workers have no browsing context; this scope contains the information usually conveyed by Window objects — in this case event handlers, the console or the associated WorkerNavigator object. Each has its own event loop. This interface is usually specialized by each worker type: DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope for dedicated workers, SharedWorkerGlobalScope for shared workers, and ServiceWorkerGlobalScope for ServiceWorker. The self property returns the specialized scope for each context.
The interface defines the absolute location of the script executed by the Worker. Such an object is initialized for each worker and is available via the WorkerGlobalScope.location property obtained by calling self.location. This interface is only visible from inside a JavaScript script executed in the context of a Web worker.
The interface represents a subset of the Navigator interface allowed to be accessed from a Worker. Such an object is initialized for each worker and is available via the self.navigator property.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface is a lightweight version of Web Workers and gives developers access to low-level parts of the rendering pipeline. With Worklets, you can run JavaScript and WebAssembly code to do graphics rendering or audio processing where high performance is required.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the Streams API provides a standard abstraction for writing streaming data to a destination, known as a sink. This object comes with built-in backpressure and queuing.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the Streams API represents a controller allowing control of a WritableStream's state. When constructing a WritableStream, the underlying sink is given a corresponding instance to manipulate.
Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production. The interface of the Streams API is the object returned by WritableStream.getWriter() and once created locks the writer to the WritableStream ensuring that no other streams can write to the underlying sink.
The XMLDocument interface represents an XML document. It inherits from the generic Document and does not add any specific methods or properties to it: nevertheless, several algorithms behave differently with the two types of documents.
(XHR) objects are used to interact with servers. You can retrieve data from a URL without having to do a full page refresh. This enables a Web page to update just part of a page without disrupting what the user is doing. is used heavily in AJAX programming.
is the interface that describes the event handlers you can implement in an object that will handle events for an XMLHttpRequest.
The interface provides the serializeToString() method to construct an XML string representing a DOM tree.
The interface allows to compile and evaluate XPath expressions. It is implemented by the Document interface.
This interface is a compiled XPath expression that can be evaluated on a document or specific node to return information from its DOM tree. This is useful when an expression will be reused in an application, because it is just compiled once and all namespace prefixes which occur within the expression are preresolved. Objects of this type are created by calling XPathEvaluator.createExpression().
The interface permits prefix strings in an XPath expression to be properly bound to namespace URI strings. The XPathEvaluator interface can construct an implementation of from a node, or the interface may be implemented by any application.
The interface represents the results generated by evaluating an XPath expression within the context of a given node. Since XPath expressions can result in a variety of result types, this interface makes it possible to determine and handle the type and value of the result.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface creates anchors which keep track of the pose that is fixed relative to the real world. With anchors, you can specify poses in the world that need to be updated to correctly reflect the evolving understanding of the world, such that the poses remain aligned with the same place in the physical world. That helps to build an illusion that the placed objects are really present in the user’s environment.
The interface exposes a collection of anchors. It is returned by XRFrame.trackedAnchors and is a Set-like object.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The WebXR Device API's interface describes a virtual world reference space which has preset boundaries. This extends XRReferenceSpace, which describes an essentially unrestricted space around the viewer's position. These bounds are defined using an array of points, each of which defines a vertex in a polygon inside which the user is allowed to move. This is typically used when the XR system is capable of tracking the user's physical movement within a limited distance of their starting position. The specified bounds may, in fact, describe the shape and size of the room the user is located in, in order to let the WebXR site or application prevent the user from colliding with the walls or other obstacles in the real world. At a minimum, the boundaries indicate the area in which the XR device is capable of tracking the user's movement. See the article Using bounded reference spaces for details on how bounded spaces work and why they're useful.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the WebXR Device API is a base class that defines a set of common properties and behaviors for WebXR layer types. It is not constructable on its own. Several layer types inherit from :
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface contains depth information from the CPU (returned by XRFrame.getDepthInformation()).
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the WebXR Device API is a layer that renders directly from a cubemap and projects it onto the inside faces of a cube. requires the layers feature to be enabled for the XRSession. You can request it in XRSystem.requestSession(). To create a new , call XRWebGLBinding.createCubeLayer(). To present layers to the XR device, add them to the layers render state using XRSession.updateRenderState().
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the WebXR Device API is a layer that takes up a curved rectangular space in the virtual environment. Only the front of the layer is visible. requires the layers feature to be enabled for the XRSession. You can request it in XRSystem.requestSession(). To create a new , call either:
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface contains information about the distance from the user’s device to the real-world geometry in the user’s environment. This interface is the parent of:
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the WebXR Device API is a layer that maps equirectangular coded data onto the inside of a sphere. requires the layers feature to be enabled for the XRSession. You can request it in XRSystem.requestSession(). To create a new , call either:
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. A WebXR Device API object is passed into the requestAnimationFrame() callback function and provides access to the information needed in order to render a single frame of animation for an XRSession describing a VR or AR scene. Events which communicate the tracking state of objects also provide an reference as part of their structure. In addition to providing a reference to the XRSession for which this frame is to be rendered, the getViewerPose() method is provided to obtain the XRViewerPose describing the viewer's position and orientation in space, and getPose() can be used to create an XRPose describing the relative position of one XRSpace relative to another.
The interface is pair iterator (an ordered map) with the key being the hand joints and the value being an XRJointSpace. is returned by XRInputSource.hand.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the WebXR Device API contains a single result of a hit test. You can get an array of objects for a frame by calling XRFrame.getHitTestResults().
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the WebXR Device API handles hit test subscriptions. You can get an object by using the XRSession.requestHitTestSource() method. This object doesn't itself contain hit test results, but it is used to compute hit tests for each XRFrame by calling XRFrame.getHitTestResults(), which returns XRHitTestResult objects.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The WebXR Device API's interface describes a single source of control input which is part of the user's WebXR-compatible virtual or augmented reality system. The device is specific to the platform being used, but provides the direction in which it is being aimed and optionally may generate events if the user triggers performs actions using the device.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface represents a live list of WebXR input sources, and is used as the return value of the XRSession property inputSources. Each entry is an XRInputSource representing one input device connected to the WebXR system. In addition to being able to access the input sources in the list using standard array notation (that is, with index numbers inside square brackets), methods are available to allow the use of iterators and the forEach() method is also available.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The WebXR Device API's interface describes an event which has occurred on a WebXR user input device such as a hand controller, gaze tracking system, or motion tracking system. More specifically, they represent a change in the state of an XRInputSource. To learn more about handling inputs in a WebXR project, see the article Inputs and input sources.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The WebXR Device API interface is used to represent the inputsourceschange event sent to an XRSession when the set of available WebXR input controllers changes.
The interface is an XRPose with additional information about the size of the skeleton joint it represents.
The interface is an XRSpace and represents the position and orientation of an XRHand joint.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the WebXR Device API is the base class for WebXR layer types. It inherits methods from EventTarget.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the WebXR Device API is the event type for events related to a change of state of an XRLayer object. These events occur, for example, when the layer needs to be redrawn.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the WebXR Device API provides the estimated lighting values for an XRLightProbe at the time represented by an XRFrame. To get an object, call the XRFrame.getLightEstimate() method.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the WebXR Device API contains lighting information at a given point in the user's environment. You can get an XRLighting object using the XRSession.requestLightProbe() method. This object doesn't itself contain lighting values, but it is used to collect lighting states for each XRFrame. See XRLightEstimate for the estimated lighting values for an .
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface is used to create layers that display the content of an HTMLVideoElement.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface defines the object returned by calling navigator.permissions.query() for the xr permission name; it indicates whether or not the app or site has permission to use WebXR, and may be monitored over time for changes to that permissions tate.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. is a WebXR API interface representing a position and orientation in the 3D space, relative to the XRSpace within which it resides. The XRSpace—which is either an XRReferenceSpace or an XRBoundedReferenceSpace—defines the coordinate system used for the pose and, in the case of an XRViewerPose, its underlying views. To obtain the for the XRSpace used as the local coordinate system of an object, call XRFrame.getPose(), specifying that local XRSpace and the space to which you wish to convert: thePose = xrFrame.getPose(localSpace, baseSpace); The pose for a viewer (or camera) is represented by the XRViewerPose subclass of . This is obtained using XRFrame.getViewerPose() instead of getPose(), specifying a reference space which has been adjusted to position and orient the node to provide the desired viewing position and angle: viewerPose = xrFrame.getViewerPose(adjReferenceSpace); Here, adjReferenceSpace is a reference space which has been updated using the base frame of reference for the frame and any adjustments needed to position the viewer based on movement or rotation which is being supplied from a source other than the XR device, such as keyboard or mouse inputs. See the article Movement, orientation, and motion for further details and an example with thorough explanations of what's going on.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the WebXR Device API is a layer that fills the entire view of the observer and is refreshed close to the device's native frame rate. is supported by all XRSession objects (no layers feature descriptor is needed).
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the WebXR Device API is a layer that takes up a flat rectangular space in the virtual environment. An has no thickness. It is a two-dimensional object positioned and oriented in 3D space. The position of a quad refers to the center of the quad. Only the front of the layer is visible. requires the layers feature to be enabled for the XRSession. You can request it in XRSystem.requestSession(). To create a new , call either:
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the WebXR Device API is a geometric ray described by an origin point and a direction vector. objects can be passed to XRSession.requestHitTestSource() or XRSession.requestHitTestSourceForTransientInput() to perform hit testing.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The WebXR Device API's interface describes the coordinate system for a specific tracked entity or object within the virtual world using a specified tracking behavior. The tracking behavior is defined by the selected reference space type. It expands upon the base class, XRSpace, by adding support for several different tracking behaviors as well as to request a new reference space which describes the offset transform between the tracked object and another location in the world. All reference spaces—with the sole exception being bounded reference spaces—are described using the type. Bounded spaces are implemented as XRBoundedReferenceSpace objects. These are special spaces which let you establish a perimeter within which it's "safe" for the viewer to move. For XR systems that allow the user to physically move around, such as those that track movement with a real-world camera, this boundary establishes the edges of the area the user is able to move around in, whether due to physical obstacles or due to limitations of the XR hardware. See the article Using bounded reference spaces to protect the viewer for more on using boundaries to keep the user from colliding with obstacles both physical and virtual.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The WebXR Device API interface represents an event sent to an XRReferenceSpace. Currently, the only event that uses this type is the reset event.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the WebXR Device API contains configurable values which affect how the imagery generated by an XRSession gets composited. These properties include the range of distances from the viewer within which content should be rendered, the vertical field of view (for inline presentations), and a reference to the XRWebGLLayer being used as the target for rendering the scene prior to it being presented on the XR device's display or displays. When you apply changes using the XRSession method updateRenderState(), the specified changes take effect after the current animation frame has completed, but before the next one begins.
The is a WebXR API interface that represents the 3D geometric transform described by a position and orientation. is used to specify transforms throughout the WebXR APIs, including:
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The WebXR Device API's interface represents an ongoing XR session, providing methods and properties used to interact with and control the session. To open a WebXR session, use the XRSystem interface's requestSession() method. With methods, you can poll the viewer's position and orientation (the XRViewerPose), gather information about the user's environment, and present imagery to the user. supports both inline and immersive virtual and augmented reality modes.
The WebXR Device API's interface describes an event which indicates the change of the state of an XRSession. These events occur, for example, when the session ends or the visibility of its context changes.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the WebXR Device API is an abstract interface providing a common basis for every class which represents a virtual coordinate system within the virtual world, in which its origin corresponds to a physical location. Spatial data in WebXR is always expressed relative to an object based upon one of the descendant interfaces of , at the time at which a given XRFrame takes place. Numeric values such as pose positions are thus coordinates in the corresponding , relative to that space's origin.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the WebXR Device API represents what viewport of the GPU texture to use for rendering.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The WebXR Device API interface provides methods which let you get access to an XRSession object representing a WebXR session. With that XRSession in hand, you can use it to interact with the Augmented Reality (AR) or Virtual Reality (VR) device.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the WebXR Device API contains an array of results of a hit test for transient input, grouped by input source. You can get an array of XRHitTestResult objects for a frame by calling XRFrame.getHitTestResultsForTransientInput().
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the WebXR Device API handles transient input hit test subscriptions. You can get an object by calling the XRSession.requestHitTestSourceForTransientInput(). This object doesn't itself contain transient input hit test results, but it is used to compute hit tests for each XRFrame by calling XRFrame.getHitTestResultsForTransientInput(), which returns XRTransientInputHitTestResult objects.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The WebXR Device API's interface describes a single view into the XR scene for a specific frame, providing orientation and position information for the viewpoint. You can think of it as a description of a specific eye or camera and how it views the world. A 3D frame will involve two views, one for each eye, separated by an appropriate distance which approximates the distance between the viewer's eyes. This allows the two views, when projected in isolation into the appropriate eyes, to simulate a 3D world.
The WebXR Device API interface represents the pose (the position and orientation) of a viewer's point of view on the scene. Each can have multiple views to represent, for example, the slight separation between the left and right eye. This view can represent anything from the point-of-view of a user's XR headset to the viewpoint represented by a player's movement of an avatar using mouse and keyboard, presented on the screen, to a virtual camera capturing the scene for a spectator.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The WebXR Device API's interface provides properties used to describe the size and position of the current viewport within the XRWebGLLayer being used to render the 3D scene.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface is used to create layers that have a GPU backend.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface contains depth information from the GPU/WebGL (returned by XRWebGLBinding.getDepthInformation()).
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface of the WebXR Device API provides a linkage between the WebXR device (or simulated XR device, in the case of an inline session) and a WebGL context used to render the scene for display on the device. In particular, it provides access to the WebGL framebuffer and viewport to ease access to the context. Although is currently the only type of framebuffer layer supported by WebGL, it's entirely possible that future updates to the WebXR specification may allow for other layer types and corresponding image sources.
Secure context: This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers. The interface is used during rendering of WebGL layers.
Non-standard: This feature is non-standard and is not on a standards track. Do not use it on production sites facing the Web: it will not work for every user. There may also be large incompatibilities between implementations and the behavior may change in the future.Experimental: This is an experimental technologyCheck the Browser compatibility table carefully before using this in production.




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PropsReadableStreamBYOBRequest on ReadableStreamBYOBRequest
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PropsRTCCodecStats on RTCCodecStats
PropsRTCConfiguration on RTCConfiguration
PropsRTCDataChannel on RTCDataChannel
PropsRTCDataChannelEvent on RTCDataChannelEvent
PropsRTCDataChannelEventInit on RTCDataChannelEventInit
PropsRTCDataChannelInit on RTCDataChannelInit
PropsRTCDataChannelStats on RTCDataChannelStats
PropsRTCDtlsFingerprint on RTCDtlsFingerprint
PropsRTCDtlsTransport on RTCDtlsTransport
PropsRTCDTMFSender on RTCDTMFSender
PropsRTCDTMFToneChangeEvent on RTCDTMFToneChangeEvent
PropsRTCDTMFToneChangeEventInit on RTCDTMFToneChangeEventInit
PropsRTCEncodedAudioFrame on RTCEncodedAudioFrame
PropsRTCEncodedAudioFrameMetadata on RTCEncodedAudioFrameMetadata
PropsRTCEncodedVideoFrame on RTCEncodedVideoFrame
PropsRTCEncodedVideoFrameMetadata on RTCEncodedVideoFrameMetadata
PropsRTCError on RTCError
PropsRTCErrorEvent on RTCErrorEvent
PropsRTCErrorEventInit on RTCErrorEventInit
PropsRTCErrorInit on RTCErrorInit
PropsRTCIceCandidate on RTCIceCandidate
PropsRTCIceCandidateInit on RTCIceCandidateInit
PropsRTCIceCandidatePair on RTCIceCandidatePair
PropsRTCIceCandidatePairStats on RTCIceCandidatePairStats
PropsRTCIceCandidateStats on RTCIceCandidateStats
PropsRTCIceGatherOptions on RTCIceGatherOptions
PropsRTCIceParameters on RTCIceParameters
PropsRTCIceServer on RTCIceServer
PropsRTCIceTransport on RTCIceTransport
PropsRTCIdentityAssertion on RTCIdentityAssertion
PropsRTCIdentityAssertionResult on RTCIdentityAssertionResult
PropsRTCIdentityProvider on RTCIdentityProvider
PropsRTCIdentityProviderDetails on RTCIdentityProviderDetails
PropsRTCIdentityProviderGlobalScope on RTCIdentityProviderGlobalScope
PropsRTCIdentityProviderOptions on RTCIdentityProviderOptions
PropsRTCIdentityProviderRegistrar on RTCIdentityProviderRegistrar
PropsRTCIdentityValidationResult on RTCIdentityValidationResult
PropsRTCInboundRtpStreamStats on RTCInboundRtpStreamStats
PropsRTCInsertableStreams on RTCInsertableStreams
PropsRTCLocalSessionDescriptionInit on RTCLocalSessionDescriptionInit
PropsRTCMediaSourceStats on RTCMediaSourceStats
PropsRTCOfferOptions on RTCOfferOptions
PropsRTCOutboundRtpStreamStats on RTCOutboundRtpStreamStats
PropsRTCPeerConnection on RTCPeerConnection
PropsRTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent on RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent
PropsRTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEventInit on RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEventInit
PropsRTCPeerConnectionIceEvent on RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent
PropsRTCPeerConnectionIceEventInit on RTCPeerConnectionIceEventInit
PropsRTCPeerConnectionStats on RTCPeerConnectionStats
PropsRTCReceivedRtpStreamStats on RTCReceivedRtpStreamStats
PropsRTCRemoteInboundRtpStreamStats on RTCRemoteInboundRtpStreamStats
PropsRTCRemoteOutboundRtpStreamStats on RTCRemoteOutboundRtpStreamStats
PropsRTCRtcpParameters on RTCRtcpParameters
PropsRTCRtpCapabilities on RTCRtpCapabilities
PropsRTCRtpCodecCapability on RTCRtpCodecCapability
PropsRTCRtpCodecParameters on RTCRtpCodecParameters
PropsRTCRtpCodingParameters on RTCRtpCodingParameters
PropsRTCRtpContributingSource on RTCRtpContributingSource
PropsRTCRtpEncodingParameters on RTCRtpEncodingParameters
PropsRTCRtpHeaderExtensionCapability on RTCRtpHeaderExtensionCapability
PropsRTCRtpHeaderExtensionParameters on RTCRtpHeaderExtensionParameters
PropsRTCRtpParameters on RTCRtpParameters
PropsRTCRtpReceiver on RTCRtpReceiver
PropsRTCRtpScriptTransformer on RTCRtpScriptTransformer
PropsRTCRtpSender on RTCRtpSender
PropsRTCRtpSendParameters on RTCRtpSendParameters
PropsRTCRtpStreamStats on RTCRtpStreamStats
PropsRTCRtpTransceiver on RTCRtpTransceiver
PropsRTCRtpTransceiverInit on RTCRtpTransceiverInit
PropsRTCSctpTransport on RTCSctpTransport
PropsRTCSentRtpStreamStats on RTCSentRtpStreamStats
PropsRTCSessionDescription on RTCSessionDescription
PropsRTCSessionDescriptionInit on RTCSessionDescriptionInit
PropsRTCStats on RTCStats
PropsRTCTrackEvent on RTCTrackEvent
PropsRTCTrackEventInit on RTCTrackEventInit
PropsRTCTransformEvent on RTCTransformEvent
PropsRTCTransportStats on RTCTransportStats
PropsRTCVideoSourceStats on RTCVideoSourceStats
PropsSanitizer on Sanitizer
PropsSanitizerConfig on SanitizerConfig
PropsSaveFilePickerOptions on SaveFilePickerOptions
PropsScheduler on Scheduler
PropsSchedulerPostTaskOptions on SchedulerPostTaskOptions
PropsScheduling on Scheduling
PropsScreen on Screen
PropsScreenDetailed on ScreenDetailed
PropsScreenDetails on ScreenDetails
PropsScreenOrientation on ScreenOrientation
PropsScriptingPolicyReportBody on ScriptingPolicyReportBody
PropsScriptProcessorNode on ScriptProcessorNode
PropsScrollIntoViewOptions on ScrollIntoViewOptions
PropsScrollOptions on ScrollOptions
PropsScrollTimeline on ScrollTimeline
PropsScrollTimelineOptions on ScrollTimelineOptions
PropsScrollToOptions on ScrollToOptions
PropsSecurePaymentConfirmationRequest on SecurePaymentConfirmationRequest
PropsSecurityPolicyViolationEvent on SecurityPolicyViolationEvent
PropsSecurityPolicyViolationEventInit on SecurityPolicyViolationEventInit
PropsSelection on Selection
PropsSensor on Sensor
PropsSensorErrorEvent on SensorErrorEvent
PropsSensorErrorEventInit on SensorErrorEventInit
PropsSensorOptions on SensorOptions
PropsSequenceEffect on SequenceEffect
PropsSerial on Serial
PropsSerialInputSignals on SerialInputSignals
PropsSerialOptions on SerialOptions
PropsSerialOutputSignals on SerialOutputSignals
PropsSerialPort on SerialPort
PropsSerialPortFilter on SerialPortFilter
PropsSerialPortInfo on SerialPortInfo
PropsSerialPortRequestOptions on SerialPortRequestOptions
PropsServiceEventHandlers on ServiceEventHandlers
PropsServiceWorker on ServiceWorker
PropsServiceWorkerContainer on ServiceWorkerContainer
PropsServiceWorkerGlobalScope on ServiceWorkerGlobalScope
PropsServiceWorkerRegistration on ServiceWorkerRegistration
PropsSetHTMLOptions on SetHTMLOptions
PropsSFrameTransform on SFrameTransform
PropsSFrameTransformErrorEvent on SFrameTransformErrorEvent
PropsSFrameTransformErrorEventInit on SFrameTransformErrorEventInit
PropsSFrameTransformOptions on SFrameTransformOptions
PropsShadowAnimation on ShadowAnimation
PropsShadowRoot on ShadowRoot
PropsShadowRootInit on ShadowRootInit
PropsShareData on ShareData
PropsSharedWorker on SharedWorker
PropsSharedWorkerGlobalScope on SharedWorkerGlobalScope
PropsSlottable on Slottable
PropsSourceBuffer on SourceBuffer
PropsSourceBufferList on SourceBufferList
PropsSpatialNavigationSearchOptions on SpatialNavigationSearchOptions
PropsSpeechGrammar on SpeechGrammar
PropsSpeechGrammarList on SpeechGrammarList
PropsSpeechRecognition on SpeechRecognition
PropsSpeechRecognitionAlternative on SpeechRecognitionAlternative
PropsSpeechRecognitionErrorEvent on SpeechRecognitionErrorEvent
PropsSpeechRecognitionErrorEventInit on SpeechRecognitionErrorEventInit
PropsSpeechRecognitionEvent on SpeechRecognitionEvent
PropsSpeechRecognitionEventInit on SpeechRecognitionEventInit
PropsSpeechRecognitionResult on SpeechRecognitionResult
PropsSpeechRecognitionResultList on SpeechRecognitionResultList
PropsSpeechSynthesis on SpeechSynthesis
PropsSpeechSynthesisErrorEvent on SpeechSynthesisErrorEvent
PropsSpeechSynthesisErrorEventInit on SpeechSynthesisErrorEventInit
PropsSpeechSynthesisEvent on SpeechSynthesisEvent
PropsSpeechSynthesisEventInit on SpeechSynthesisEventInit
PropsSpeechSynthesisUtterance on SpeechSynthesisUtterance
PropsSpeechSynthesisVoice on SpeechSynthesisVoice
PropsStaticRangeInit on StaticRangeInit
PropsStereoPannerNode on StereoPannerNode
PropsStereoPannerOptions on StereoPannerOptions
PropsStorage on Storage
PropsStorageEstimate on StorageEstimate
PropsStorageEvent on StorageEvent
PropsStorageEventInit on StorageEventInit
PropsStorageManager on StorageManager
PropsStreamPipeOptions on StreamPipeOptions
PropsStructuredSerializeOptions on StructuredSerializeOptions
PropsStylePropertyMap on StylePropertyMap
PropsStylePropertyMapReadOnly on StylePropertyMapReadOnly
PropsStyleSheet on StyleSheet
PropsStyleSheetList on StyleSheetList
PropsSubmitEvent on SubmitEvent
PropsSubmitEventInit on SubmitEventInit
PropsSubtleCrypto on SubtleCrypto
PropsSvcOutputMetadata on SvcOutputMetadata
PropsSVGAElement on SVGAElement
PropsSVGAngle on SVGAngle
PropsSVGAnimatedAngle on SVGAnimatedAngle
PropsSVGAnimatedBoolean on SVGAnimatedBoolean
PropsSVGAnimatedEnumeration on SVGAnimatedEnumeration
PropsSVGAnimatedInteger on SVGAnimatedInteger
PropsSVGAnimatedLength on SVGAnimatedLength
PropsSVGAnimatedLengthList on SVGAnimatedLengthList
PropsSVGAnimatedNumber on SVGAnimatedNumber
PropsSVGAnimatedNumberList on SVGAnimatedNumberList
PropsSVGAnimatedPoints on SVGAnimatedPoints
PropsSVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio on SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio
PropsSVGAnimatedRect on SVGAnimatedRect
PropsSVGAnimatedString on SVGAnimatedString
PropsSVGAnimatedTransformList on SVGAnimatedTransformList
PropsSVGAnimationElement on SVGAnimationElement
PropsSVGBoundingBoxOptions on SVGBoundingBoxOptions
PropsSVGCircleElement on SVGCircleElement
PropsSVGClipPathElement on SVGClipPathElement
PropsSVGComponentTransferFunctionElement on SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement
PropsSVGElement on SVGElement
PropsSVGElementInstance on SVGElementInstance
PropsSVGEllipseElement on SVGEllipseElement
PropsSVGFEBlendElement on SVGFEBlendElement
PropsSVGFEColorMatrixElement on SVGFEColorMatrixElement
PropsSVGFEComponentTransferElement on SVGFEComponentTransferElement
PropsSVGFECompositeElement on SVGFECompositeElement
PropsSVGFEConvolveMatrixElement on SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement
PropsSVGFEDiffuseLightingElement on SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement
PropsSVGFEDisplacementMapElement on SVGFEDisplacementMapElement
PropsSVGFEDistantLightElement on SVGFEDistantLightElement
PropsSVGFEDropShadowElement on SVGFEDropShadowElement
PropsSVGFEGaussianBlurElement on SVGFEGaussianBlurElement
PropsSVGFEImageElement on SVGFEImageElement
PropsSVGFEMergeNodeElement on SVGFEMergeNodeElement
PropsSVGFEMorphologyElement on SVGFEMorphologyElement
PropsSVGFEOffsetElement on SVGFEOffsetElement
PropsSVGFEPointLightElement on SVGFEPointLightElement
PropsSVGFESpecularLightingElement on SVGFESpecularLightingElement
PropsSVGFESpotLightElement on SVGFESpotLightElement
PropsSVGFETileElement on SVGFETileElement
PropsSVGFETurbulenceElement on SVGFETurbulenceElement
PropsSVGFilterElement on SVGFilterElement
PropsSVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributes on SVGFilterPrimitiveStandardAttributes
PropsSVGFitToViewBox on SVGFitToViewBox
PropsSVGForeignObjectElement on SVGForeignObjectElement
PropsSVGGeometryElement on SVGGeometryElement
PropsSVGGradientElement on SVGGradientElement
PropsSVGGraphicsElement on SVGGraphicsElement
PropsSVGImageElement on SVGImageElement
PropsSVGLength on SVGLength
PropsSVGLengthList on SVGLengthList
PropsSVGLinearGradientElement on SVGLinearGradientElement
PropsSVGLineElement on SVGLineElement
PropsSVGMarkerElement on SVGMarkerElement
PropsSVGMaskElement on SVGMaskElement
PropsSVGNumber on SVGNumber
PropsSVGNumberList on SVGNumberList
PropsSVGPatternElement on SVGPatternElement
PropsSVGPointList on SVGPointList
PropsSVGPreserveAspectRatio on SVGPreserveAspectRatio
PropsSVGRadialGradientElement on SVGRadialGradientElement
PropsSVGRectElement on SVGRectElement
PropsSVGScriptElement on SVGScriptElement
PropsSVGStopElement on SVGStopElement
PropsSVGStringList on SVGStringList
PropsSVGStyleElement on SVGStyleElement
PropsSVGSVGElement on SVGSVGElement
PropsSVGTests on SVGTests
PropsSVGTextContentElement on SVGTextContentElement
PropsSVGTextPathElement on SVGTextPathElement
PropsSVGTextPositioningElement on SVGTextPositioningElement
PropsSVGTransform on SVGTransform
PropsSVGTransformList on SVGTransformList
PropsSVGURIReference on SVGURIReference
PropsSVGUseElement on SVGUseElement
PropsSyncEvent on SyncEvent
PropsSyncEventInit on SyncEventInit
PropsSyncManager on SyncManager
PropsTable on Table
PropsTableDescriptor on TableDescriptor
PropsTaskAttributionTiming on TaskAttributionTiming
PropsTaskController on TaskController
PropsTaskControllerInit on TaskControllerInit
PropsTaskPriorityChangeEvent on TaskPriorityChangeEvent
PropsTaskPriorityChangeEventInit on TaskPriorityChangeEventInit
PropsTaskSignal on TaskSignal
PropsTestUtils on TestUtils
PropsText on Text
PropsTextDecodeOptions on TextDecodeOptions
PropsTextDecoder on TextDecoder
PropsTextDecoderCommon on TextDecoderCommon
PropsTextDecoderOptions on TextDecoderOptions
PropsTextDetector on TextDetector
PropsTextEncoder on TextEncoder
PropsTextEncoderCommon on TextEncoderCommon
PropsTextEncoderEncodeIntoResult on TextEncoderEncodeIntoResult
PropsTextFormat on TextFormat
PropsTextFormatInit on TextFormatInit
PropsTextFormatUpdateEvent on TextFormatUpdateEvent
PropsTextFormatUpdateEventInit on TextFormatUpdateEventInit
PropsTextMetrics on TextMetrics
PropsTextTrack on TextTrack
PropsTextTrackCue on TextTrackCue
PropsTextTrackCueList on TextTrackCueList
PropsTextTrackList on TextTrackList
PropsTextUpdateEvent on TextUpdateEvent
PropsTextUpdateEventInit on TextUpdateEventInit
PropsTimeEvent on TimeEvent
PropsTimeRanges on TimeRanges
PropsTokenBinding on TokenBinding
PropsTouch on Touch
PropsTouchEvent on TouchEvent
PropsTouchEventInit on TouchEventInit
PropsTouchInit on TouchInit
PropsTouchList on TouchList
PropsTrackEvent on TrackEvent
PropsTrackEventInit on TrackEventInit
PropsTransformer on Transformer
PropsTransformStream on TransformStream
PropsTransformStreamDefaultController on TransformStreamDefaultController
PropsTransitionEvent on TransitionEvent
PropsTransitionEventInit on TransitionEventInit
PropsTreeWalker on TreeWalker
PropsTrustedHTML on TrustedHTML
PropsTrustedScript on TrustedScript
PropsTrustedScriptURL on TrustedScriptURL
PropsTrustedTypePolicy on TrustedTypePolicy
PropsTrustedTypePolicyFactory on TrustedTypePolicyFactory
PropsTrustedTypePolicyOptions on TrustedTypePolicyOptions
PropsUADataValues on UADataValues
PropsUALowEntropyJSON on UALowEntropyJSON
PropsUIEvent on UIEvent
PropsUIEventInit on UIEventInit
PropsULongRange on ULongRange
PropsUncalibratedMagnetometer on UncalibratedMagnetometer
PropsUncalibratedMagnetometerReadingValues on UncalibratedMagnetometerReadingValues
PropsUnderlyingSink on UnderlyingSink
PropsUnderlyingSource on UnderlyingSource
PropsUrl on Url
PropsURLPattern on URLPattern
PropsURLPatternComponentResult on URLPatternComponentResult
PropsURLPatternInit on URLPatternInit
PropsURLPatternResult on URLPatternResult
PropsURLSearchParams on URLSearchParams
PropsUsb on Usb
PropsUSBAlternateInterface on USBAlternateInterface
PropsUSBConfiguration on USBConfiguration
PropsUSBConnectionEvent on USBConnectionEvent
PropsUSBConnectionEventInit on USBConnectionEventInit
PropsUSBControlTransferParameters on USBControlTransferParameters
PropsUSBDevice on USBDevice
PropsUSBDeviceFilter on USBDeviceFilter
PropsUSBDeviceRequestOptions on USBDeviceRequestOptions
PropsUSBEndpoint on USBEndpoint
PropsUSBInterface on USBInterface
PropsUSBInTransferResult on USBInTransferResult
PropsUSBIsochronousInTransferPacket on USBIsochronousInTransferPacket
PropsUSBIsochronousInTransferResult on USBIsochronousInTransferResult
PropsUSBIsochronousOutTransferPacket on USBIsochronousOutTransferPacket
PropsUSBIsochronousOutTransferResult on USBIsochronousOutTransferResult
PropsUSBOutTransferResult on USBOutTransferResult
PropsUSBPermissionDescriptor on USBPermissionDescriptor
PropsUSBPermissionResult on USBPermissionResult
PropsUSBPermissionStorage on USBPermissionStorage
PropsValidityState on ValidityState
PropsValidityStateFlags on ValidityStateFlags
PropsValueEvent on ValueEvent
PropsValueEventInit on ValueEventInit
PropsVideoColorSpace on VideoColorSpace
PropsVideoColorSpaceInit on VideoColorSpaceInit
PropsVideoConfiguration on VideoConfiguration
PropsVideoDecoder on VideoDecoder
PropsVideoDecoderConfig on VideoDecoderConfig
PropsVideoDecoderInit on VideoDecoderInit
PropsVideoDecoderSupport on VideoDecoderSupport
PropsVideoEncoder on VideoEncoder
PropsVideoEncoderConfig on VideoEncoderConfig
PropsVideoEncoderEncodeOptions on VideoEncoderEncodeOptions
PropsVideoEncoderInit on VideoEncoderInit
PropsVideoEncoderSupport on VideoEncoderSupport
PropsVideoFrame on VideoFrame
PropsVideoFrameBufferInit on VideoFrameBufferInit
PropsVideoFrameCopyToOptions on VideoFrameCopyToOptions
PropsVideoFrameInit on VideoFrameInit
PropsVideoFrameMetadata on VideoFrameMetadata
PropsVideoPlaybackQuality on VideoPlaybackQuality
PropsVideoTrack on VideoTrack
PropsVideoTrackGenerator on VideoTrackGenerator
PropsVideoTrackList on VideoTrackList
PropsViewportMediaStreamConstraints on ViewportMediaStreamConstraints
PropsViewTimeline on ViewTimeline
PropsViewTimelineOptions on ViewTimelineOptions
PropsVirtualKeyboard on VirtualKeyboard
PropsVisualViewport on VisualViewport
PropsVTTCue on VTTCue
PropsVTTRegion on VTTRegion
PropsWakeLock on WakeLock
PropsWakeLockSentinel on WakeLockSentinel
PropsWatchAdvertisementsOptions on WatchAdvertisementsOptions
PropsWaveShaperNode on WaveShaperNode
PropsWaveShaperOptions on WaveShaperOptions
PropsWebAssembly on WebAssembly
PropsWebAssemblyInstantiatedSource on WebAssemblyInstantiatedSource
PropsWebGL2RenderingContextBase on WebGL2RenderingContextBase
PropsWebGL2RenderingContextOverloads on WebGL2RenderingContextOverloads
PropsWebGLActiveInfo on WebGLActiveInfo
PropsWEBGLCompressedTextureAstc on WEBGLCompressedTextureAstc
PropsWebGLContextAttributes on WebGLContextAttributes
PropsWebGLContextEvent on WebGLContextEvent
PropsWebGLContextEventInit on WebGLContextEventInit
PropsWEBGLDebugShaders on WEBGLDebugShaders
PropsWEBGLDrawBuffers on WEBGLDrawBuffers
PropsWEBGLDrawInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance on WEBGLDrawInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance
PropsWEBGLLoseContext on WEBGLLoseContext
PropsWEBGLMultiDraw on WEBGLMultiDraw
PropsWEBGLMultiDrawInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance on WEBGLMultiDrawInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance
PropsWebGLRenderingContextBase on WebGLRenderingContextBase
PropsWebGLRenderingContextOverloads on WebGLRenderingContextOverloads
PropsWebGLShaderPrecisionFormat on WebGLShaderPrecisionFormat
PropsWebSocket on WebSocket
PropsWebTransport on WebTransport
PropsWebTransportBidirectionalStream on WebTransportBidirectionalStream
PropsWebTransportCloseInfo on WebTransportCloseInfo
PropsWebTransportDatagramDuplexStream on WebTransportDatagramDuplexStream
PropsWebTransportDatagramStats on WebTransportDatagramStats
PropsWebTransportError on WebTransportError
PropsWebTransportErrorInit on WebTransportErrorInit
PropsWebTransportHash on WebTransportHash
PropsWebTransportOptions on WebTransportOptions
PropsWebTransportReceiveStream on WebTransportReceiveStream
PropsWebTransportReceiveStreamStats on WebTransportReceiveStreamStats
PropsWebTransportSendStream on WebTransportSendStream
PropsWebTransportSendStreamStats on WebTransportSendStreamStats
PropsWebTransportStats on WebTransportStats
PropsWheelEvent on WheelEvent
PropsWheelEventInit on WheelEventInit
PropsWindow on Window
PropsWindowClient on WindowClient
PropsWindowControlsOverlay on WindowControlsOverlay
PropsWindowControlsOverlayGeometryChangeEvent on WindowControlsOverlayGeometryChangeEvent
PropsWindowControlsOverlayGeometryChangeEventInit on WindowControlsOverlayGeometryChangeEventInit
PropsWindowEventHandlers on WindowEventHandlers
PropsWindowLocalStorage on WindowLocalStorage
PropsWindowOrWorkerGlobalScope on WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope
PropsWindowPostMessageOptions on WindowPostMessageOptions
PropsWindowSessionStorage on WindowSessionStorage
PropsWorker on Worker
PropsWorkerGlobalScope on WorkerGlobalScope
PropsWorkerLocation on WorkerLocation
PropsWorkerNavigator on WorkerNavigator
PropsWorkerOptions on WorkerOptions
PropsWorklet on Worklet
PropsWorkletAnimation on WorkletAnimation
PropsWorkletAnimationEffect on WorkletAnimationEffect
PropsWorkletGroupEffect on WorkletGroupEffect
PropsWorkletOptions on WorkletOptions
PropsWritableStream on WritableStream
PropsWritableStreamDefaultController on WritableStreamDefaultController
PropsWritableStreamDefaultWriter on WritableStreamDefaultWriter
PropsWriteParams on WriteParams
PropsXMLHttpRequest on XMLHttpRequest
PropsXMLHttpRequestEventTarget on XMLHttpRequestEventTarget
PropsXMLSerializer on XMLSerializer
PropsXPathEvaluatorBase on XPathEvaluatorBase
PropsXPathExpression on XPathExpression
PropsXPathNSResolver on XPathNSResolver
PropsXPathResult on XPathResult
PropsXRAnchor on XRAnchor
PropsXRBoundedReferenceSpace on XRBoundedReferenceSpace
PropsXRCompositionLayer on XRCompositionLayer
PropsXRCPUDepthInformation on XRCPUDepthInformation
PropsXRCubeLayer on XRCubeLayer
PropsXRCubeLayerInit on XRCubeLayerInit
PropsXRCylinderLayer on XRCylinderLayer
PropsXRCylinderLayerInit on XRCylinderLayerInit
PropsXRDepthInformation on XRDepthInformation
PropsXRDepthStateInit on XRDepthStateInit
PropsXRDOMOverlayInit on XRDOMOverlayInit
PropsXRDOMOverlayState on XRDOMOverlayState
PropsXREquirectLayer on XREquirectLayer
PropsXREquirectLayerInit on XREquirectLayerInit
PropsXRFrame on XRFrame
PropsXRHand on XRHand
PropsXRHitTestOptionsInit on XRHitTestOptionsInit
PropsXRHitTestResult on XRHitTestResult
PropsXRHitTestSource on XRHitTestSource
PropsXRInputSource on XRInputSource
PropsXRInputSourceArray on XRInputSourceArray
PropsXRInputSourceEvent on XRInputSourceEvent
PropsXRInputSourceEventInit on XRInputSourceEventInit
PropsXRInputSourcesChangeEvent on XRInputSourcesChangeEvent
PropsXRInputSourcesChangeEventInit on XRInputSourcesChangeEventInit
PropsXRJointPose on XRJointPose
PropsXRJointSpace on XRJointSpace
PropsXRLayerEvent on XRLayerEvent
PropsXRLayerEventInit on XRLayerEventInit
PropsXRLayerInit on XRLayerInit
PropsXRLightEstimate on XRLightEstimate
PropsXRLightProbe on XRLightProbe
PropsXRLightProbeInit on XRLightProbeInit
PropsXRMediaBinding on XRMediaBinding
PropsXRMediaCylinderLayerInit on XRMediaCylinderLayerInit
PropsXRMediaEquirectLayerInit on XRMediaEquirectLayerInit
PropsXRMediaLayerInit on XRMediaLayerInit
PropsXRMediaQuadLayerInit on XRMediaQuadLayerInit
PropsXRPermissionDescriptor on XRPermissionDescriptor
PropsXRPermissionStatus on XRPermissionStatus
PropsXRPose on XRPose
PropsXRProjectionLayer on XRProjectionLayer
PropsXRProjectionLayerInit on XRProjectionLayerInit
PropsXRQuadLayer on XRQuadLayer
PropsXRQuadLayerInit on XRQuadLayerInit
PropsXRRay on XRRay
PropsXRRayDirectionInit on XRRayDirectionInit
PropsXRReferenceSpace on XRReferenceSpace
PropsXRReferenceSpaceEvent on XRReferenceSpaceEvent
PropsXRReferenceSpaceEventInit on XRReferenceSpaceEventInit
PropsXRRenderState on XRRenderState
PropsXRRenderStateInit on XRRenderStateInit
PropsXRRigidTransform on XRRigidTransform
PropsXRSession on XRSession
PropsXRSessionEvent on XRSessionEvent
PropsXRSessionEventInit on XRSessionEventInit
PropsXRSessionInit on XRSessionInit
PropsXRSessionSupportedPermissionDescriptor on XRSessionSupportedPermissionDescriptor
PropsXRSubImage on XRSubImage
PropsXRSystem on XRSystem
PropsXRTransientInputHitTestOptionsInit on XRTransientInputHitTestOptionsInit
PropsXRTransientInputHitTestResult on XRTransientInputHitTestResult
PropsXRTransientInputHitTestSource on XRTransientInputHitTestSource
PropsXRView on XRView
PropsXRViewerPose on XRViewerPose
PropsXRViewport on XRViewport
PropsXRWebGLBinding on XRWebGLBinding
PropsXRWebGLDepthInformation on XRWebGLDepthInformation
PropsXRWebGLLayer on XRWebGLLayer
PropsXRWebGLLayerInit on XRWebGLLayerInit
PropsXRWebGLSubImage on XRWebGLSubImage
PropsXSLTProcessor on XSLTProcessor


document Document
no setter
infinity → dynamic
no setter
nan num
no setter
undefined → dynamic
no setter
window Window
no setter


AnimatorInstanceConstructor = dynamic Function(dynamic options, [dynamic state])
AudioDataOutputCallback = dynamic Function(AudioData output)
AudioWorkletProcessCallback = dynamic Function(Iterable<Iterable<Float32List>> inputs, Iterable<Iterable<Float32List>> outputs, dynamic parameters)
AudioWorkletProcessorConstructor = dynamic Function(dynamic options)
BlobCallback = dynamic Function(Blob? blob)
CreateHTMLCallback = dynamic Function(String input, [dynamic arguments1, dynamic arguments2, dynamic arguments3])
CreateScriptCallback = dynamic Function(String input, [dynamic arguments1, dynamic arguments2, dynamic arguments3])
CreateScriptURLCallback = dynamic Function(String input, [dynamic arguments1, dynamic arguments2, dynamic arguments3])
CustomElementConstructor = dynamic Function()
DecodeErrorCallback = dynamic Function(Exception error)
DecodeSuccessCallback = dynamic Function(AudioBuffer decodedData)
EffectCallback = dynamic Function(double? progress, dynamic currentTarget, Animation animation)
EncodedAudioChunkOutputCallback = dynamic Function(EncodedAudioChunk output, [EncodedAudioChunkMetadata? metadata])
EncodedVideoChunkOutputCallback = dynamic Function(EncodedVideoChunk chunk, [EncodedVideoChunkMetadata? metadata])
ErrorCallback = dynamic Function(Exception err)
EventHandlerNonNull<T extends Event> = dynamic Function(T event)
EventListener = dynamic Function(Event event)
FileCallback = dynamic Function(File file)
FileSystemEntriesCallback = dynamic Function(Iterable<FileSystemEntry> entries)
FileSystemEntryCallback = dynamic Function(FileSystemEntry entry)
FnFunction = dynamic Function([dynamic arguments1, dynamic arguments2, dynamic arguments3])
FrameRequestCallback = dynamic Function(double time)
FunctionStringCallback = dynamic Function(String data)
GenerateAssertionCallback = dynamic Function(String contents, String origin, RTCIdentityProviderOptions options)
IdleRequestCallback = dynamic Function(IdleDeadline deadline)
IntersectionObserverCallback = dynamic Function(Iterable<IntersectionObserverEntry> entries, IntersectionObserver observer)
LaunchConsumer = dynamic Function(LaunchParams params)
LoadDocumentCallback = dynamic Function(String url, [LoadDocumentOptions? options])
LockGrantedCallback = dynamic Function(Lock? lock)
MediaSessionActionHandler = dynamic Function(MediaSessionActionDetails details)
MutationCallback = dynamic Function(Iterable<MutationRecord> mutations, MutationObserver observer)
NotificationPermissionCallback = dynamic Function(NotificationPermission permission)
OnBeforeUnloadEventHandlerNonNull = dynamic Function(Event event)
OnErrorEventHandlerNonNull = dynamic Function(dynamic event, [String? source, int? lineno, int? colno, dynamic error])
PerformanceObserverCallback = dynamic Function(PerformanceObserverEntryList entries, PerformanceObserver observer, [PerformanceObserverCallbackOptions? options])
PositionCallback = dynamic Function(GeolocationPosition position)
PositionErrorCallback = dynamic Function(GeolocationPositionError positionError)
PressureUpdateCallback = dynamic Function(Iterable<PressureRecord> changes, PressureObserver observer)
QueuingStrategySize = dynamic Function(dynamic chunk)
RemotePlaybackAvailabilityCallback = dynamic Function(bool available)
ReportingObserverCallback = dynamic Function(Iterable<Report> reports, ReportingObserver observer)
ResizeObserverCallback = dynamic Function(Iterable<ResizeObserverEntry> entries, ResizeObserver observer)
RTCPeerConnectionErrorCallback = dynamic Function(Exception error)
RTCSessionDescriptionCallback = dynamic Function(RTCSessionDescriptionInit description)
SchedulerPostTaskCallback = dynamic Function()
TransformerFlushCallback = dynamic Function(TransformStreamDefaultController controller)
TransformerStartCallback = dynamic Function(TransformStreamDefaultController controller)
TransformerTransformCallback = dynamic Function(dynamic chunk, TransformStreamDefaultController controller)
UnderlyingSinkAbortCallback = dynamic Function([dynamic reason])
UnderlyingSinkCloseCallback = dynamic Function()
UnderlyingSinkStartCallback = dynamic Function(WritableStreamDefaultController controller)
UnderlyingSinkWriteCallback = dynamic Function(dynamic chunk, WritableStreamDefaultController controller)
UnderlyingSourceCancelCallback = dynamic Function([dynamic reason])
UnderlyingSourcePullCallback = dynamic Function(dynamic controller)
UnderlyingSourceStartCallback = dynamic Function(dynamic controller)
ValidateAssertionCallback = dynamic Function(String assertion, String origin)
VideoFrameOutputCallback = dynamic Function(VideoFrame output)
VideoFrameRequestCallback = dynamic Function(double now, VideoFrameMetadata metadata)
VoidFunction = dynamic Function()
WebCodecsErrorCallback = dynamic Function(Exception error)
XRFrameRequestCallback = dynamic Function(double time, XRFrame frame)