PropsHTMLScriptElement extension
- async ↔ bool
Available on HTMLScriptElement, provided by the PropsHTMLScriptElement extension
getter/setter pair - blocking → DOMTokenList
Available on HTMLScriptElement, provided by the PropsHTMLScriptElement extension
no setter - charset ↔ String
Available on HTMLScriptElement, provided by the PropsHTMLScriptElement extension
getter/setter pair - crossOrigin ↔ String?
Available on HTMLScriptElement, provided by the PropsHTMLScriptElement extension
getter/setter pair - defer ↔ bool
Available on HTMLScriptElement, provided by the PropsHTMLScriptElement extension
getter/setter pair - event ↔ String
Available on HTMLScriptElement, provided by the PropsHTMLScriptElement extension
getter/setter pair - fetchPriority ↔ String
Available on HTMLScriptElement, provided by the PropsHTMLScriptElement extension
getter/setter pair - htmlFor ↔ String
Available on HTMLScriptElement, provided by the PropsHTMLScriptElement extension
getter/setter pair - integrity ↔ String
Available on HTMLScriptElement, provided by the PropsHTMLScriptElement extension
getter/setter pair - noModule ↔ bool
Available on HTMLScriptElement, provided by the PropsHTMLScriptElement extension
getter/setter pair - referrerPolicy ↔ String
Available on HTMLScriptElement, provided by the PropsHTMLScriptElement extension
getter/setter pair - src ↔ String
Available on HTMLScriptElement, provided by the PropsHTMLScriptElement extension
getter/setter pair - text ↔ String
Available on HTMLScriptElement, provided by the PropsHTMLScriptElement extension
getter/setter pair - type ↔ String
Available on HTMLScriptElement, provided by the PropsHTMLScriptElement extension
getter/setter pair