PropsGPURenderCommandsMixin extension



draw(int vertexCount, [int? instanceCount = 1, int? firstVertex = 0, int? firstInstance = 0]) → void

Available on GPURenderCommandsMixin, provided by the PropsGPURenderCommandsMixin extension

drawIndexed(int indexCount, [int? instanceCount = 1, int? firstIndex = 0, int? baseVertex = 0, int? firstInstance = 0]) → void

Available on GPURenderCommandsMixin, provided by the PropsGPURenderCommandsMixin extension

drawIndexedIndirect(GPUBuffer indirectBuffer, int indirectOffset) → void

Available on GPURenderCommandsMixin, provided by the PropsGPURenderCommandsMixin extension

drawIndirect(GPUBuffer indirectBuffer, int indirectOffset) → void

Available on GPURenderCommandsMixin, provided by the PropsGPURenderCommandsMixin extension

setIndexBuffer(GPUBuffer buffer, GPUIndexFormat indexFormat, [int? offset = 0, int? size]) → void

Available on GPURenderCommandsMixin, provided by the PropsGPURenderCommandsMixin extension

setPipeline(GPURenderPipeline pipeline) → void

Available on GPURenderCommandsMixin, provided by the PropsGPURenderCommandsMixin extension

setVertexBuffer(int slot, GPUBuffer buffer, [int? offset = 0, int? size]) → void

Available on GPURenderCommandsMixin, provided by the PropsGPURenderCommandsMixin extension