PropsAudioBuffer extension



duration double

Available on AudioBuffer, provided by the PropsAudioBuffer extension

no setter
length int

Available on AudioBuffer, provided by the PropsAudioBuffer extension

no setter
numberOfChannels int

Available on AudioBuffer, provided by the PropsAudioBuffer extension

no setter
sampleRate double

Available on AudioBuffer, provided by the PropsAudioBuffer extension

no setter


copyFromChannel(Float32List destination, int channelNumber, [int? bufferOffset = 0]) → void

Available on AudioBuffer, provided by the PropsAudioBuffer extension

copyToChannel(Float32List source, int channelNumber, [int? bufferOffset = 0]) → void

Available on AudioBuffer, provided by the PropsAudioBuffer extension

getChannelData(int channel) Float32List

Available on AudioBuffer, provided by the PropsAudioBuffer extension