PropsRTCIceCandidate extension
- address → String?
Available on RTCIceCandidate, provided by the PropsRTCIceCandidate extension
no setter - candidate → String
Available on RTCIceCandidate, provided by the PropsRTCIceCandidate extension
no setter - component → RTCIceComponent?
Available on RTCIceCandidate, provided by the PropsRTCIceCandidate extension
no setter - foundation → String?
Available on RTCIceCandidate, provided by the PropsRTCIceCandidate extension
no setter - port → int?
Available on RTCIceCandidate, provided by the PropsRTCIceCandidate extension
no setter - priority → int?
Available on RTCIceCandidate, provided by the PropsRTCIceCandidate extension
no setter - protocol → RTCIceProtocol?
Available on RTCIceCandidate, provided by the PropsRTCIceCandidate extension
no setter -
Available on RTCIceCandidate, provided by the PropsRTCIceCandidate extension
no setter -
Available on RTCIceCandidate, provided by the PropsRTCIceCandidate extension
no setter - sdpMid → String?
Available on RTCIceCandidate, provided by the PropsRTCIceCandidate extension
no setter - sdpMLineIndex → int?
Available on RTCIceCandidate, provided by the PropsRTCIceCandidate extension
no setter - tcpType → RTCIceTcpCandidateType?
Available on RTCIceCandidate, provided by the PropsRTCIceCandidate extension
no setter - type → RTCIceCandidateType?
Available on RTCIceCandidate, provided by the PropsRTCIceCandidate extension
no setter - usernameFragment → String?
Available on RTCIceCandidate, provided by the PropsRTCIceCandidate extension
no setter
) → RTCIceCandidateInit -
Available on RTCIceCandidate, provided by the PropsRTCIceCandidate extension