PropsBluetoothPermissionDescriptor extension
- acceptAllDevices ↔ bool
Available on BluetoothPermissionDescriptor, provided by the PropsBluetoothPermissionDescriptor extension
getter/setter pair - deviceId ↔ String
Available on BluetoothPermissionDescriptor, provided by the PropsBluetoothPermissionDescriptor extension
getter/setter pair -
↔ Iterable<
BluetoothLEScanFilterInit> -
Available on BluetoothPermissionDescriptor, provided by the PropsBluetoothPermissionDescriptor extension
getter/setter pair -
↔ Iterable<
int> -
Available on BluetoothPermissionDescriptor, provided by the PropsBluetoothPermissionDescriptor extension
getter/setter pair - optionalServices ↔ Iterable
Available on BluetoothPermissionDescriptor, provided by the PropsBluetoothPermissionDescriptor extension
getter/setter pair