PropsMutationEvent extension



attrChange int

Available on MutationEvent, provided by the PropsMutationEvent extension

no setter
attrName String

Available on MutationEvent, provided by the PropsMutationEvent extension

no setter
newValue String

Available on MutationEvent, provided by the PropsMutationEvent extension

no setter
prevValue String

Available on MutationEvent, provided by the PropsMutationEvent extension

no setter
relatedNode Node?

Available on MutationEvent, provided by the PropsMutationEvent extension

no setter


initMutationEvent(String typeArg, [bool? bubblesArg = false, bool? cancelableArg = false, Node? relatedNodeArg, String? prevValueArg = '', String? newValueArg = '', String? attrNameArg = '', int? attrChangeArg = 0]) → void

Available on MutationEvent, provided by the PropsMutationEvent extension