PropsSubtleCrypto extension



decrypt(dynamic algorithm, CryptoKey key, dynamic data) Future

Available on SubtleCrypto, provided by the PropsSubtleCrypto extension

deriveBits(dynamic algorithm, CryptoKey baseKey, int length) Future<ByteBuffer>

Available on SubtleCrypto, provided by the PropsSubtleCrypto extension

deriveKey(dynamic algorithm, CryptoKey baseKey, dynamic derivedKeyType, bool extractable, Iterable<KeyUsage> keyUsages) Future

Available on SubtleCrypto, provided by the PropsSubtleCrypto extension

digest(dynamic algorithm, dynamic data) Future

Available on SubtleCrypto, provided by the PropsSubtleCrypto extension

encrypt(dynamic algorithm, CryptoKey key, dynamic data) Future

Available on SubtleCrypto, provided by the PropsSubtleCrypto extension

exportKey(KeyFormat format, CryptoKey key) Future

Available on SubtleCrypto, provided by the PropsSubtleCrypto extension

generateKey(dynamic algorithm, bool extractable, Iterable<KeyUsage> keyUsages) Future

Available on SubtleCrypto, provided by the PropsSubtleCrypto extension

importKey(KeyFormat format, dynamic keyData, dynamic algorithm, bool extractable, Iterable<KeyUsage> keyUsages) Future<CryptoKey>

Available on SubtleCrypto, provided by the PropsSubtleCrypto extension

sign(dynamic algorithm, CryptoKey key, dynamic data) Future

Available on SubtleCrypto, provided by the PropsSubtleCrypto extension

unwrapKey(KeyFormat format, dynamic wrappedKey, CryptoKey unwrappingKey, dynamic unwrapAlgorithm, dynamic unwrappedKeyAlgorithm, bool extractable, Iterable<KeyUsage> keyUsages) Future<CryptoKey>

Available on SubtleCrypto, provided by the PropsSubtleCrypto extension

verify(dynamic algorithm, CryptoKey key, dynamic signature, dynamic data) Future

Available on SubtleCrypto, provided by the PropsSubtleCrypto extension

wrapKey(KeyFormat format, CryptoKey key, CryptoKey wrappingKey, dynamic wrapAlgorithm) Future

Available on SubtleCrypto, provided by the PropsSubtleCrypto extension