PropsHTMLInputElement extension



accept String

Available on HTMLInputElement, provided by the PropsHTMLInputElement extension

getter/setter pair
align String

Available on HTMLInputElement, provided by the PropsHTMLInputElement extension

getter/setter pair
alt String

Available on HTMLInputElement, provided by the PropsHTMLInputElement extension

getter/setter pair
autocomplete String

Available on HTMLInputElement, provided by the PropsHTMLInputElement extension

getter/setter pair
capture String

Available on HTMLInputElement, provided by the PropsHTMLInputElement extension

getter/setter pair
checked bool

Available on HTMLInputElement, provided by the PropsHTMLInputElement extension

getter/setter pair
defaultChecked bool

Available on HTMLInputElement, provided by the PropsHTMLInputElement extension

getter/setter pair
defaultValue String

Available on HTMLInputElement, provided by the PropsHTMLInputElement extension

getter/setter pair
dirName String

Available on HTMLInputElement, provided by the PropsHTMLInputElement extension

getter/setter pair
disabled bool

Available on HTMLInputElement, provided by the PropsHTMLInputElement extension

getter/setter pair
files FileList?

Available on HTMLInputElement, provided by the PropsHTMLInputElement extension

getter/setter pair
form HTMLFormElement?

Available on HTMLInputElement, provided by the PropsHTMLInputElement extension

no setter
formAction String

Available on HTMLInputElement, provided by the PropsHTMLInputElement extension

getter/setter pair
formEnctype String

Available on HTMLInputElement, provided by the PropsHTMLInputElement extension

getter/setter pair
formMethod String

Available on HTMLInputElement, provided by the PropsHTMLInputElement extension

getter/setter pair
formNoValidate bool

Available on HTMLInputElement, provided by the PropsHTMLInputElement extension

getter/setter pair
formTarget String

Available on HTMLInputElement, provided by the PropsHTMLInputElement extension

getter/setter pair
height int

Available on HTMLInputElement, provided by the PropsHTMLInputElement extension

getter/setter pair
indeterminate bool

Available on HTMLInputElement, provided by the PropsHTMLInputElement extension

getter/setter pair
labels NodeList?

Available on HTMLInputElement, provided by the PropsHTMLInputElement extension

no setter
list HTMLElement?

Available on HTMLInputElement, provided by the PropsHTMLInputElement extension

no setter
max String

Available on HTMLInputElement, provided by the PropsHTMLInputElement extension

getter/setter pair
maxLength int

Available on HTMLInputElement, provided by the PropsHTMLInputElement extension

getter/setter pair
min String

Available on HTMLInputElement, provided by the PropsHTMLInputElement extension

getter/setter pair
minLength int

Available on HTMLInputElement, provided by the PropsHTMLInputElement extension

getter/setter pair
multiple bool

Available on HTMLInputElement, provided by the PropsHTMLInputElement extension

getter/setter pair
name String

Available on HTMLInputElement, provided by the PropsHTMLInputElement extension

getter/setter pair
pattern String

Available on HTMLInputElement, provided by the PropsHTMLInputElement extension

getter/setter pair
placeholder String

Available on HTMLInputElement, provided by the PropsHTMLInputElement extension

getter/setter pair
readOnly bool

Available on HTMLInputElement, provided by the PropsHTMLInputElement extension

getter/setter pair
required bool

Available on HTMLInputElement, provided by the PropsHTMLInputElement extension

getter/setter pair
selectionDirection String?

Available on HTMLInputElement, provided by the PropsHTMLInputElement extension

getter/setter pair
selectionEnd int?

Available on HTMLInputElement, provided by the PropsHTMLInputElement extension

getter/setter pair
selectionStart int?

Available on HTMLInputElement, provided by the PropsHTMLInputElement extension

getter/setter pair
size int

Available on HTMLInputElement, provided by the PropsHTMLInputElement extension

getter/setter pair
src String

Available on HTMLInputElement, provided by the PropsHTMLInputElement extension

getter/setter pair
step String

Available on HTMLInputElement, provided by the PropsHTMLInputElement extension

getter/setter pair
type String

Available on HTMLInputElement, provided by the PropsHTMLInputElement extension

getter/setter pair
useMap String

Available on HTMLInputElement, provided by the PropsHTMLInputElement extension

getter/setter pair
validationMessage String

Available on HTMLInputElement, provided by the PropsHTMLInputElement extension

no setter
validity ValidityState

Available on HTMLInputElement, provided by the PropsHTMLInputElement extension

no setter
value String

Available on HTMLInputElement, provided by the PropsHTMLInputElement extension

getter/setter pair
valueAsDate ↔ dynamic

Available on HTMLInputElement, provided by the PropsHTMLInputElement extension

getter/setter pair
valueAsNumber ↔ dynamic

Available on HTMLInputElement, provided by the PropsHTMLInputElement extension

getter/setter pair
webkitdirectory bool

Available on HTMLInputElement, provided by the PropsHTMLInputElement extension

getter/setter pair
webkitEntries Iterable<FileSystemEntry>

Available on HTMLInputElement, provided by the PropsHTMLInputElement extension

no setter
width int

Available on HTMLInputElement, provided by the PropsHTMLInputElement extension

getter/setter pair
willValidate bool

Available on HTMLInputElement, provided by the PropsHTMLInputElement extension

no setter


checkValidity() bool

Available on HTMLInputElement, provided by the PropsHTMLInputElement extension

reportValidity() bool

Available on HTMLInputElement, provided by the PropsHTMLInputElement extension

select() → void

Available on HTMLInputElement, provided by the PropsHTMLInputElement extension

setCustomValidity(String error) → void

Available on HTMLInputElement, provided by the PropsHTMLInputElement extension

setRangeText([String? replacement, int? start, int? end, SelectionMode? selectionMode = SelectionMode.preserve]) → void

Available on HTMLInputElement, provided by the PropsHTMLInputElement extension

setSelectionRange(int start, int end, [String? direction]) → void

Available on HTMLInputElement, provided by the PropsHTMLInputElement extension

showPicker() → void

Available on HTMLInputElement, provided by the PropsHTMLInputElement extension

stepDown([int? n = 1]) → void

Available on HTMLInputElement, provided by the PropsHTMLInputElement extension

stepUp([int? n = 1]) → void

Available on HTMLInputElement, provided by the PropsHTMLInputElement extension