PropsCanvasDrawPath extension



beginPath() → void

Available on CanvasDrawPath, provided by the PropsCanvasDrawPath extension

clip([Path2D? path, CanvasFillRule? fillRule = CanvasFillRule.nonzero]) → void

Available on CanvasDrawPath, provided by the PropsCanvasDrawPath extension

fill([Path2D? path, CanvasFillRule? fillRule = CanvasFillRule.nonzero]) → void

Available on CanvasDrawPath, provided by the PropsCanvasDrawPath extension

isPointInPath(Path2D path, dynamic x, [dynamic y, CanvasFillRule? fillRule = CanvasFillRule.nonzero]) bool

Available on CanvasDrawPath, provided by the PropsCanvasDrawPath extension

isPointInStroke(Path2D path, [dynamic x, dynamic y]) bool

Available on CanvasDrawPath, provided by the PropsCanvasDrawPath extension

stroke([Path2D? path]) → void

Available on CanvasDrawPath, provided by the PropsCanvasDrawPath extension