PropsHTMLImageElement extension



align String

Available on HTMLImageElement, provided by the PropsHTMLImageElement extension

getter/setter pair
alt String

Available on HTMLImageElement, provided by the PropsHTMLImageElement extension

getter/setter pair
border String

Available on HTMLImageElement, provided by the PropsHTMLImageElement extension

getter/setter pair
complete bool

Available on HTMLImageElement, provided by the PropsHTMLImageElement extension

no setter
crossOrigin String?

Available on HTMLImageElement, provided by the PropsHTMLImageElement extension

getter/setter pair
currentSrc String

Available on HTMLImageElement, provided by the PropsHTMLImageElement extension

no setter
decoding String

Available on HTMLImageElement, provided by the PropsHTMLImageElement extension

getter/setter pair
fetchPriority String

Available on HTMLImageElement, provided by the PropsHTMLImageElement extension

getter/setter pair
height int

Available on HTMLImageElement, provided by the PropsHTMLImageElement extension

getter/setter pair
hspace int

Available on HTMLImageElement, provided by the PropsHTMLImageElement extension

getter/setter pair
isMap bool

Available on HTMLImageElement, provided by the PropsHTMLImageElement extension

getter/setter pair
loading String

Available on HTMLImageElement, provided by the PropsHTMLImageElement extension

getter/setter pair
longDesc String

Available on HTMLImageElement, provided by the PropsHTMLImageElement extension

getter/setter pair
lowsrc String

Available on HTMLImageElement, provided by the PropsHTMLImageElement extension

getter/setter pair
name String

Available on HTMLImageElement, provided by the PropsHTMLImageElement extension

getter/setter pair
naturalHeight int

Available on HTMLImageElement, provided by the PropsHTMLImageElement extension

no setter
naturalWidth int

Available on HTMLImageElement, provided by the PropsHTMLImageElement extension

no setter
referrerPolicy String

Available on HTMLImageElement, provided by the PropsHTMLImageElement extension

getter/setter pair
sizes String

Available on HTMLImageElement, provided by the PropsHTMLImageElement extension

getter/setter pair
src String

Available on HTMLImageElement, provided by the PropsHTMLImageElement extension

getter/setter pair
srcset String

Available on HTMLImageElement, provided by the PropsHTMLImageElement extension

getter/setter pair
useMap String

Available on HTMLImageElement, provided by the PropsHTMLImageElement extension

getter/setter pair
vspace int

Available on HTMLImageElement, provided by the PropsHTMLImageElement extension

getter/setter pair
width int

Available on HTMLImageElement, provided by the PropsHTMLImageElement extension

getter/setter pair
x int

Available on HTMLImageElement, provided by the PropsHTMLImageElement extension

no setter
y int

Available on HTMLImageElement, provided by the PropsHTMLImageElement extension

no setter


decode() Future<void>

Available on HTMLImageElement, provided by the PropsHTMLImageElement extension