PropsHTMLTableRowElement extension



align String

Available on HTMLTableRowElement, provided by the PropsHTMLTableRowElement extension

getter/setter pair
bgColor String

Available on HTMLTableRowElement, provided by the PropsHTMLTableRowElement extension

getter/setter pair
cells HTMLCollection

Available on HTMLTableRowElement, provided by the PropsHTMLTableRowElement extension

no setter
ch String

Available on HTMLTableRowElement, provided by the PropsHTMLTableRowElement extension

getter/setter pair
chOff String

Available on HTMLTableRowElement, provided by the PropsHTMLTableRowElement extension

getter/setter pair
rowIndex int

Available on HTMLTableRowElement, provided by the PropsHTMLTableRowElement extension

no setter
sectionRowIndex int

Available on HTMLTableRowElement, provided by the PropsHTMLTableRowElement extension

no setter
vAlign String

Available on HTMLTableRowElement, provided by the PropsHTMLTableRowElement extension

getter/setter pair


deleteCell(int index) → void

Available on HTMLTableRowElement, provided by the PropsHTMLTableRowElement extension

insertCell([int? index = -1]) HTMLTableCellElement

Available on HTMLTableRowElement, provided by the PropsHTMLTableRowElement extension