PropsRTCIceCandidateStats extension
- address ↔ String?
Available on RTCIceCandidateStats, provided by the PropsRTCIceCandidateStats extension
getter/setter pair - candidateType ↔ RTCIceCandidateType
Available on RTCIceCandidateStats, provided by the PropsRTCIceCandidateStats extension
getter/setter pair - port ↔ int
Available on RTCIceCandidateStats, provided by the PropsRTCIceCandidateStats extension
getter/setter pair - priority ↔ int
Available on RTCIceCandidateStats, provided by the PropsRTCIceCandidateStats extension
getter/setter pair - protocol ↔ String
Available on RTCIceCandidateStats, provided by the PropsRTCIceCandidateStats extension
getter/setter pair - relayProtocol ↔ String
Available on RTCIceCandidateStats, provided by the PropsRTCIceCandidateStats extension
getter/setter pair - transportId ↔ String
Available on RTCIceCandidateStats, provided by the PropsRTCIceCandidateStats extension
getter/setter pair - url ↔ String
Available on RTCIceCandidateStats, provided by the PropsRTCIceCandidateStats extension
getter/setter pair