PropsHTMLTableSectionElement extension
- align ↔ String
Available on HTMLTableSectionElement, provided by the PropsHTMLTableSectionElement extension
getter/setter pair - ch ↔ String
Available on HTMLTableSectionElement, provided by the PropsHTMLTableSectionElement extension
getter/setter pair - chOff ↔ String
Available on HTMLTableSectionElement, provided by the PropsHTMLTableSectionElement extension
getter/setter pair - rows → HTMLCollection
Available on HTMLTableSectionElement, provided by the PropsHTMLTableSectionElement extension
no setter - vAlign ↔ String
Available on HTMLTableSectionElement, provided by the PropsHTMLTableSectionElement extension
getter/setter pair
int index) → void -
Available on HTMLTableSectionElement, provided by the PropsHTMLTableSectionElement extension
[int? index = -1]) → HTMLTableRowElement -
Available on HTMLTableSectionElement, provided by the PropsHTMLTableSectionElement extension