PropsPerformance extension



eventCounts EventCounts

Available on Performance, provided by the PropsPerformance extension

no setter
interactionCounts InteractionCounts

Available on Performance, provided by the PropsPerformance extension

no setter

Available on Performance, provided by the PropsPerformance extension

no setter
onresourcetimingbufferfull EventHandlerNonNull<Event>?

Available on Performance, provided by the PropsPerformance extension

getter/setter pair
timeOrigin double

Available on Performance, provided by the PropsPerformance extension

no setter
timing PerformanceTiming

Available on Performance, provided by the PropsPerformance extension

no setter


clearMarks([String? markName]) → void

Available on Performance, provided by the PropsPerformance extension

clearMeasures([String? measureName]) → void

Available on Performance, provided by the PropsPerformance extension

clearResourceTimings() → void

Available on Performance, provided by the PropsPerformance extension

getEntries() Iterable<PerformanceEntry>

Available on Performance, provided by the PropsPerformance extension

getEntriesByName(String name, [String? type]) Iterable<PerformanceEntry>

Available on Performance, provided by the PropsPerformance extension

getEntriesByType(String type) Iterable<PerformanceEntry>

Available on Performance, provided by the PropsPerformance extension

mark(String markName, [PerformanceMarkOptions? markOptions]) PerformanceMark

Available on Performance, provided by the PropsPerformance extension

measure(String measureName, [dynamic startOrMeasureOptions, String? endMark]) PerformanceMeasure

Available on Performance, provided by the PropsPerformance extension

measureUserAgentSpecificMemory() Future<MemoryMeasurement>

Available on Performance, provided by the PropsPerformance extension

now() double

Available on Performance, provided by the PropsPerformance extension

setResourceTimingBufferSize(int maxSize) → void

Available on Performance, provided by the PropsPerformance extension

toJSON() → dynamic

Available on Performance, provided by the PropsPerformance extension