PropsDocument extension



alinkColor String

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

getter/setter pair
all HTMLAllCollection

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

no setter
anchors HTMLCollection

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

no setter
applets HTMLCollection

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

no setter
bgColor String

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

getter/setter pair
body HTMLElement?

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

getter/setter pair
characterSet String

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

no setter
charset String

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

no setter
compatMode String

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

no setter
contentType String

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

no setter

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

getter/setter pair
currentScript → dynamic

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

no setter
defaultView Window?

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

no setter
designMode String

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

getter/setter pair
dir String

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

getter/setter pair
doctype DocumentType?

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

no setter
documentElement Element?

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

no setter
documentURI String

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

no setter
domain String

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

getter/setter pair
embeds HTMLCollection

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

no setter
fgColor String

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

getter/setter pair
forms HTMLCollection

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

no setter
fragmentDirective FragmentDirective

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

no setter
fullscreen bool

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

no setter
fullscreenEnabled bool

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

no setter

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

no setter
hidden bool

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

no setter
images HTMLCollection

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

no setter
implementation DOMImplementation

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

no setter
inputEncoding String

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

no setter
lastModified String

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

no setter
linkColor String

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

getter/setter pair

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

no setter
location Location?

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

no setter
namedFlows NamedFlowMap

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

no setter
onfreeze EventHandlerNonNull<Event>?

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

getter/setter pair
onfullscreenchange EventHandlerNonNull<Event>?

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

getter/setter pair
onfullscreenerror EventHandlerNonNull<Event>?

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

getter/setter pair
onpointerlockchange EventHandlerNonNull<Event>?

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

getter/setter pair
onpointerlockerror EventHandlerNonNull<Event>?

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

getter/setter pair
onprerenderingchange EventHandlerNonNull<Event>?

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

getter/setter pair
onreadystatechange EventHandlerNonNull<Event>?

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

getter/setter pair
onresume EventHandlerNonNull<Event>?

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

getter/setter pair
onvisibilitychange EventHandlerNonNull<Event>?

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

getter/setter pair
permissionsPolicy PermissionsPolicy

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

no setter
pictureInPictureEnabled bool

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

no setter
plugins HTMLCollection

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

no setter
prerendering bool

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

no setter
readyState DocumentReadyState

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

no setter
referrer String

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

no setter
rootElement SVGSVGElement?

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

no setter
scripts HTMLCollection

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

no setter
scrollingElement Element?

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

no setter
timeline DocumentTimeline

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

no setter
title String

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

getter/setter pair
url String

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

no setter
visibilityState DocumentVisibilityState

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

no setter
vlinkColor String

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

getter/setter pair
wasDiscarded bool

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

no setter


adoptNode(Node node) Node

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

captureEvents() → void

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

caretPositionFromPoint(double x, double y) CaretPosition?

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

clear() → void

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

close() → void

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

createAttribute(String localName) Attr

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

createAttributeNS(String? namespace, String qualifiedName) Attr

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

createCDATASection(String data) CDATASection

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

createComment(String data) Comment

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

createDocumentFragment() DocumentFragment

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

createElement(String localName, [dynamic options]) Element

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

createElementNS(String? namespace, String qualifiedName, [dynamic options]) Element

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

createEvent(String interface) Event

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

createNodeIterator(Node root, [int? whatToShow = 0xFFFFFFFF, NodeFilter? filter]) NodeIterator

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

createProcessingInstruction(String target, String data) ProcessingInstruction

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

createRange() Range

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

createTextNode(String data) Text

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

createTreeWalker(Node root, [int? whatToShow = 0xFFFFFFFF, NodeFilter? filter]) TreeWalker

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

elementFromPoint(double x, double y) Element?

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

elementsFromPoint(double x, double y) Iterable<Element>

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

execCommand(String commandId, [bool? showUI = false, String? value = '']) bool

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

exitFullscreen() Future<void>

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

exitPictureInPicture() Future<void>

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

exitPointerLock() → void

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

getElementsByClassName(String classNames) HTMLCollection

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

getElementsByName(String elementName) NodeList

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

getElementsByTagName(String qualifiedName) HTMLCollection

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

getElementsByTagNameNS(String? namespace, String localName) HTMLCollection

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

getSelection() Selection?

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

hasFocus() bool

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

hasStorageAccess() Future<bool>

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

importNode(Node node, [bool? deep = false]) Node

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

measureElement(Element element) FontMetrics

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

measureText(String text, StylePropertyMapReadOnly styleMap) FontMetrics

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

open(String url, [String? name, String? features]) Window?

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

queryCommandEnabled(String commandId) bool

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

queryCommandIndeterm(String commandId) bool

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

queryCommandState(String commandId) bool

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

queryCommandSupported(String commandId) bool

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

queryCommandValue(String commandId) String

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

releaseEvents() → void

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

requestStorageAccess() Future<void>

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

write([String? text1, String? text2, String? text3]) → void

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension

writeln([String? text1, String? text2, String? text3]) → void

Available on Document, provided by the PropsDocument extension