PropsWindowOrWorkerGlobalScope extension



caches CacheStorage

Available on WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope, provided by the PropsWindowOrWorkerGlobalScope extension

no setter
crossOriginIsolated bool

Available on WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope, provided by the PropsWindowOrWorkerGlobalScope extension

no setter
crypto Crypto

Available on WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope, provided by the PropsWindowOrWorkerGlobalScope extension

no setter
indexedDB IDBFactory

Available on WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope, provided by the PropsWindowOrWorkerGlobalScope extension

no setter
isSecureContext bool

Available on WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope, provided by the PropsWindowOrWorkerGlobalScope extension

no setter
origin String

Available on WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope, provided by the PropsWindowOrWorkerGlobalScope extension

no setter
performance Performance

Available on WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope, provided by the PropsWindowOrWorkerGlobalScope extension

no setter
scheduler Scheduler

Available on WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope, provided by the PropsWindowOrWorkerGlobalScope extension

no setter
trustedTypes TrustedTypePolicyFactory

Available on WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope, provided by the PropsWindowOrWorkerGlobalScope extension

no setter


atob(String data) String

Available on WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope, provided by the PropsWindowOrWorkerGlobalScope extension

btoa(String data) String

Available on WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope, provided by the PropsWindowOrWorkerGlobalScope extension

clearInterval([int? id = 0]) → void

Available on WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope, provided by the PropsWindowOrWorkerGlobalScope extension

clearTimeout([int? id = 0]) → void

Available on WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope, provided by the PropsWindowOrWorkerGlobalScope extension

createImageBitmap(dynamic image, [int? sx, int? sy, int? sw, int? sh, ImageBitmapOptions? options]) Future<ImageBitmap>

Available on WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope, provided by the PropsWindowOrWorkerGlobalScope extension

fetch(dynamic input, [RequestInit? init]) Future<Response>

Available on WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope, provided by the PropsWindowOrWorkerGlobalScope extension

queueMicrotask(VoidFunction callback) → void

Available on WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope, provided by the PropsWindowOrWorkerGlobalScope extension

reportError(dynamic e) → void

Available on WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope, provided by the PropsWindowOrWorkerGlobalScope extension

setInterval(dynamic handler, [int? timeout = 0, dynamic arguments1, dynamic arguments2, dynamic arguments3]) int

Available on WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope, provided by the PropsWindowOrWorkerGlobalScope extension

setTimeout(dynamic handler, [int? timeout = 0, dynamic arguments1, dynamic arguments2, dynamic arguments3]) int

Available on WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope, provided by the PropsWindowOrWorkerGlobalScope extension

structuredClone(dynamic value, [StructuredSerializeOptions? options]) → dynamic

Available on WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope, provided by the PropsWindowOrWorkerGlobalScope extension