PropsMLGraphBuilder extension



abs(MLOperand x) MLOperand

Available on MLGraphBuilder, provided by the PropsMLGraphBuilder extension

add(MLOperand a, MLOperand b) MLOperand

Available on MLGraphBuilder, provided by the PropsMLGraphBuilder extension

averagePool2d(MLOperand input, [MLPool2dOptions? options]) MLOperand

Available on MLGraphBuilder, provided by the PropsMLGraphBuilder extension

batchNormalization(MLOperand input, MLOperand mean, MLOperand variance, [MLBatchNormalizationOptions? options]) MLOperand

Available on MLGraphBuilder, provided by the PropsMLGraphBuilder extension

build(dynamic outputs) MLGraph

Available on MLGraphBuilder, provided by the PropsMLGraphBuilder extension

buildAsync(dynamic outputs) Future<MLGraph>

Available on MLGraphBuilder, provided by the PropsMLGraphBuilder extension

ceil(MLOperand x) MLOperand

Available on MLGraphBuilder, provided by the PropsMLGraphBuilder extension

clamp([MLOperand? x, MLClampOptions? options]) MLOperand

Available on MLGraphBuilder, provided by the PropsMLGraphBuilder extension

concat(Iterable<MLOperand> inputs, int axis) MLOperand

Available on MLGraphBuilder, provided by the PropsMLGraphBuilder extension

constant(MLOperandDescriptor desc, dynamic bufferView) MLOperand

Available on MLGraphBuilder, provided by the PropsMLGraphBuilder extension

conv2d(MLOperand input, MLOperand filter, [MLConv2dOptions? options]) MLOperand

Available on MLGraphBuilder, provided by the PropsMLGraphBuilder extension

convTranspose2d(MLOperand input, MLOperand filter, [MLConvTranspose2dOptions? options]) MLOperand

Available on MLGraphBuilder, provided by the PropsMLGraphBuilder extension

cos(MLOperand x) MLOperand

Available on MLGraphBuilder, provided by the PropsMLGraphBuilder extension

div(MLOperand a, MLOperand b) MLOperand

Available on MLGraphBuilder, provided by the PropsMLGraphBuilder extension

elu([MLOperand? x, MLEluOptions? options]) MLOperand

Available on MLGraphBuilder, provided by the PropsMLGraphBuilder extension

exp(MLOperand x) MLOperand

Available on MLGraphBuilder, provided by the PropsMLGraphBuilder extension

floor(MLOperand x) MLOperand

Available on MLGraphBuilder, provided by the PropsMLGraphBuilder extension

gemm(MLOperand a, MLOperand b, [MLGemmOptions? options]) MLOperand

Available on MLGraphBuilder, provided by the PropsMLGraphBuilder extension

gru(MLOperand input, MLOperand weight, MLOperand recurrentWeight, int steps, int hiddenSize, [MLGruOptions? options]) Iterable<MLOperand>

Available on MLGraphBuilder, provided by the PropsMLGraphBuilder extension

gruCell(MLOperand input, MLOperand weight, MLOperand recurrentWeight, MLOperand hiddenState, int hiddenSize, [MLGruCellOptions? options]) MLOperand

Available on MLGraphBuilder, provided by the PropsMLGraphBuilder extension

hardSigmoid([MLOperand? x, MLHardSigmoidOptions? options]) MLOperand

Available on MLGraphBuilder, provided by the PropsMLGraphBuilder extension

hardSwish([MLOperand? x]) MLOperand

Available on MLGraphBuilder, provided by the PropsMLGraphBuilder extension

input(String name, MLOperandDescriptor desc) MLOperand

Available on MLGraphBuilder, provided by the PropsMLGraphBuilder extension

instanceNormalization(MLOperand input, [MLInstanceNormalizationOptions? options]) MLOperand

Available on MLGraphBuilder, provided by the PropsMLGraphBuilder extension

l2Pool2d(MLOperand input, [MLPool2dOptions? options]) MLOperand

Available on MLGraphBuilder, provided by the PropsMLGraphBuilder extension

leakyRelu([MLOperand? x, MLLeakyReluOptions? options]) MLOperand

Available on MLGraphBuilder, provided by the PropsMLGraphBuilder extension

linear([MLOperand? x, MLLinearOptions? options]) MLOperand

Available on MLGraphBuilder, provided by the PropsMLGraphBuilder extension

log(MLOperand x) MLOperand

Available on MLGraphBuilder, provided by the PropsMLGraphBuilder extension

matmul(MLOperand a, MLOperand b) MLOperand

Available on MLGraphBuilder, provided by the PropsMLGraphBuilder extension

max(MLOperand a, MLOperand b) MLOperand

Available on MLGraphBuilder, provided by the PropsMLGraphBuilder extension

maxPool2d(MLOperand input, [MLPool2dOptions? options]) MLOperand

Available on MLGraphBuilder, provided by the PropsMLGraphBuilder extension

min(MLOperand a, MLOperand b) MLOperand

Available on MLGraphBuilder, provided by the PropsMLGraphBuilder extension

mul(MLOperand a, MLOperand b) MLOperand

Available on MLGraphBuilder, provided by the PropsMLGraphBuilder extension

neg(MLOperand x) MLOperand

Available on MLGraphBuilder, provided by the PropsMLGraphBuilder extension

pad(MLOperand input, MLOperand padding, [MLPadOptions? options]) MLOperand

Available on MLGraphBuilder, provided by the PropsMLGraphBuilder extension

pow(MLOperand a, MLOperand b) MLOperand

Available on MLGraphBuilder, provided by the PropsMLGraphBuilder extension

reduceL1(MLOperand input, [MLReduceOptions? options]) MLOperand

Available on MLGraphBuilder, provided by the PropsMLGraphBuilder extension

reduceL2(MLOperand input, [MLReduceOptions? options]) MLOperand

Available on MLGraphBuilder, provided by the PropsMLGraphBuilder extension

reduceLogSum(MLOperand input, [MLReduceOptions? options]) MLOperand

Available on MLGraphBuilder, provided by the PropsMLGraphBuilder extension

reduceLogSumExp(MLOperand input, [MLReduceOptions? options]) MLOperand

Available on MLGraphBuilder, provided by the PropsMLGraphBuilder extension

reduceMax(MLOperand input, [MLReduceOptions? options]) MLOperand

Available on MLGraphBuilder, provided by the PropsMLGraphBuilder extension

reduceMean(MLOperand input, [MLReduceOptions? options]) MLOperand

Available on MLGraphBuilder, provided by the PropsMLGraphBuilder extension

reduceMin(MLOperand input, [MLReduceOptions? options]) MLOperand

Available on MLGraphBuilder, provided by the PropsMLGraphBuilder extension

reduceProduct(MLOperand input, [MLReduceOptions? options]) MLOperand

Available on MLGraphBuilder, provided by the PropsMLGraphBuilder extension

reduceSum(MLOperand input, [MLReduceOptions? options]) MLOperand

Available on MLGraphBuilder, provided by the PropsMLGraphBuilder extension

reduceSumSquare(MLOperand input, [MLReduceOptions? options]) MLOperand

Available on MLGraphBuilder, provided by the PropsMLGraphBuilder extension

relu([MLOperand? x]) MLOperand

Available on MLGraphBuilder, provided by the PropsMLGraphBuilder extension

resample2d(MLOperand input, [MLResample2dOptions? options]) MLOperand

Available on MLGraphBuilder, provided by the PropsMLGraphBuilder extension

reshape(MLOperand input, Iterable<int> newShape) MLOperand

Available on MLGraphBuilder, provided by the PropsMLGraphBuilder extension

sigmoid([MLOperand? x]) MLOperand

Available on MLGraphBuilder, provided by the PropsMLGraphBuilder extension

sin(MLOperand x) MLOperand

Available on MLGraphBuilder, provided by the PropsMLGraphBuilder extension

slice(MLOperand input, Iterable<int> starts, Iterable<int> sizes, [MLSliceOptions? options]) MLOperand

Available on MLGraphBuilder, provided by the PropsMLGraphBuilder extension

softmax(MLOperand x) MLOperand

Available on MLGraphBuilder, provided by the PropsMLGraphBuilder extension

softplus([MLOperand? x, MLSoftplusOptions? options]) MLOperand

Available on MLGraphBuilder, provided by the PropsMLGraphBuilder extension

softsign([MLOperand? x]) MLOperand

Available on MLGraphBuilder, provided by the PropsMLGraphBuilder extension

split(MLOperand input, dynamic splits, [MLSplitOptions? options]) Iterable<MLOperand>

Available on MLGraphBuilder, provided by the PropsMLGraphBuilder extension

squeeze(MLOperand input, [MLSqueezeOptions? options]) MLOperand

Available on MLGraphBuilder, provided by the PropsMLGraphBuilder extension

sub(MLOperand a, MLOperand b) MLOperand

Available on MLGraphBuilder, provided by the PropsMLGraphBuilder extension

tan(MLOperand x) MLOperand

Available on MLGraphBuilder, provided by the PropsMLGraphBuilder extension

tanh([MLOperand? x]) MLOperand

Available on MLGraphBuilder, provided by the PropsMLGraphBuilder extension

transpose(MLOperand input, [MLTransposeOptions? options]) MLOperand

Available on MLGraphBuilder, provided by the PropsMLGraphBuilder extension