RenderingContext class
activeTexture (int texture )
→ void
attachShader (Program program , WebGLShader shader )
→ void
beginTransformFeedback (int primitiveMode )
→ void
bindAttribLocation (Program program , int index , String name )
→ void
bindBuffer (int target , Buffer ? buffer )
→ void
bindBufferBase (int target , int index , Buffer ? buffer )
→ void
bindFramebuffer (int target , Framebuffer ? framebuffer )
→ void
bindRenderbuffer (int target , Renderbuffer ? renderbuffer )
→ void
bindTexture (int target , WebGLTexture ? texture )
→ void
bindTransformFeedback (int target , TransformFeedback feedback )
→ void
bindVertexArray (VertexArrayObject array )
→ void
blendEquation (int mode )
→ void
blendEquationSeparate (int modeRGB , int modeAlpha )
→ void
blendFunc (int sfactor , int dfactor )
→ void
blendFuncSeparate (int srcRGB , int dstRGB , int srcAlpha , int dstAlpha )
→ void
blitFramebuffer (int srcX0 , int srcY0 , int srcX1 , int srcY1 , int dstX0 , int dstY0 , int dstX1 , int dstY1 , int mask , int filter )
→ void
bufferData (int target , NativeArray <num > data , int usage )
→ void
Be careful which type of integer you really pass here. Unfortunately an UInt16List
is viewed by the Dart type system just as List
bufferSubData (int target , int dstByteOffset , NativeArray <num > srcData )
→ void
checkError ([String message = '' ])
→ void
As allocating and freeing native memory is expensive and we need regularly
buffers to receive values from FFI function we create a small set here that will
be reused constantly
checkFramebufferStatus (int target )
→ int
clear (int mask )
→ void
clearBufferiv (int buffer , int drawbuffer , int value )
→ void
clearBufferuiv (int buffer , int drawbuffer , int value )
→ void
clearColor (double red , double green , double blue , double alpha )
→ void
clearDepth (double depth )
→ void
clearStencil (int s )
→ void
colorMask (bool red , bool green , bool blue , bool alpha )
→ void
compileShader (WebGLShader shader , [bool checkForErrors = true ])
→ void
compressedTexImage2D (int target , int level , int internalformat , int width , int height , int border , NativeArray <num > ? pixels )
→ void
compressedTexImage3D (int target , int level , int internalformat , int width , int height , int depth , int border , NativeArray <num > ? pixels )
→ void
compressedTexSubImage2D (int target , int level , int xoffset , int yoffset , int width , int height , int format , NativeArray <num > ? pixels )
→ void
compressedTexSubImage3D (int target , int level , int xoffset , int yoffset , int zoffset , int width , int height , int depth , int format , NativeArray <num > ? pixels )
→ void
copyTexImage2D (int target , int level , int internalformat , int x , int y , int width , int height , int border )
→ void
copyTexSubImage2D (int target , int level , int xoffset , int yoffset , int x , int y , int width , int height )
→ void
createBuffer ()
→ Buffer
createFramebuffer ()
→ Framebuffer
createProgram ()
→ Program
createRenderbuffer ()
→ Renderbuffer
createShader (int type )
→ WebGLShader
createTexture ()
→ WebGLTexture
createTransformFeedback ()
→ TransformFeedback
createVertexArray ()
→ VertexArrayObject
cullFace (int mode )
→ void
deleteBuffer (Buffer buffer )
→ void
deleteFramebuffer (Framebuffer ? framebuffer )
→ void
deleteProgram (Program program )
→ void
deleteRenderbuffer (Renderbuffer renderbuffer )
→ void
deleteShader (WebGLShader shader )
→ void
deleteTexture (WebGLTexture texture )
→ void
deleteTransformFeedback (TransformFeedback feedback )
→ void
deleteVertexArray (VertexArrayObject array )
→ void
depthFunc (int func )
→ void
depthMask (bool flag )
→ void
disable (int cap )
→ void
disableVertexAttribArray (int index )
→ void
drawArrays (int mode , int first , int count )
→ void
drawArraysInstanced (int mode , int first , int count , int instanceCount )
→ void
drawBuffers (Uint32Array buffers )
→ void
drawElements (int mode , int count , int type , int offset )
→ void
drawElementsInstanced (int mode , int count , int type , int offset , int instanceCount )
→ void
enable (int cap )
→ void
enableVertexAttribArray (int index )
→ void
endTransformFeedback ()
→ void
finish ()
→ void
floatListToArrayPointer (List <double > list )
→ Pointer <Float >
flush ()
→ void
framebufferRenderbuffer (int target , int attachment , int renderbuffertarget , Renderbuffer ? renderbuffer )
→ void
framebufferTexture2D (int target , int attachment , int textarget , WebGLTexture ? texture , int level )
→ void
framebufferTextureLayer (int target , int attachment , int texture , int level , int layer )
→ void
frontFace (int mode )
→ void
generateMipmap (int target )
→ void
getActiveAttrib (Program v0 , int v1 )
→ ActiveInfo
getActiveUniform (Program v0 , int v1 )
→ ActiveInfo
getAttribLocation (Program program , String name )
→ UniformLocation
getContextAttributes ()
→ dynamic
getError ()
→ int
getExtension (String key )
→ Object ?
getExtensionMacos (String key )
→ List <String >
getIntegerv (int v0 )
→ int
getParameter (int key )
→ int
getProgramInfoLog (Program program )
→ String ?
getProgramParameter (Program program , int pname )
→ WebGLParameter
getShaderInfoLog (WebGLShader shader )
→ String ?
getShaderParameter (WebGLShader shader , int pname )
→ bool
getShaderPrecisionFormat (int shadertype , int precisiontype )
→ ShaderPrecisionFormat
getShaderSource (int shader )
→ String ?
getStringi (int key , int index )
→ String
getTransformFeedbackVarying (int program , int index )
→ ActiveInfo
getUniformBlockIndex (Program program , String uniformBlockName )
→ int
getUniformLocation (Program program , String name )
→ UniformLocation
invalidateFramebuffer (int target , List <int > attachments )
→ void
isProgram (Program program )
→ bool
isTransformFeedback (TransformFeedback feedback )
→ bool
lineWidth (double width )
→ void
linkProgram (Program program , [bool checkForErrors = true ])
→ void
loadImageFromAsset (String assetPath )
→ Future <Image >
noSuchMethod (Invocation invocation )
→ dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
pauseTransformFeedback ()
→ void
pixelStorei (int pname , int param )
→ void
polygonOffset (double factor , double units )
→ void
readPixels (int x , int y , int width , int height , int format , int type , NativeArray <num > ? pixels )
→ void
renderbufferStorage (int target , int internalformat , int width , int height )
→ void
renderbufferStorageMultisample (int target , int samples , int internalformat , int width , int height )
→ void
resumeTransformFeedback ()
→ void
scissor (int x , int y , int width , int height )
→ void
shaderSource (WebGLShader shader , String shaderSource )
→ void
startCheck (String type )
→ void
stencilFunc (int func , int ref , int mask )
→ void
stencilMask (int mask )
→ void
stencilOp (int fail , int zfail , int zpass )
→ void
texImage2D (int target , int level , int internalformat , int width , int height , int border , int format , int type , NativeArray <num > ? pixels )
→ void
texImage2D_NOSIZE (int target , int level , int internalformat , int format , int type , NativeArray <num > ? pixels )
→ void
texImage2DfromAsset (int target , String assetPath , {int level = 0 , int internalformat = WebGL.RGBA32UI , int format = WebGL.RGBA , int type = WebGL.UNSIGNED_INT })
→ Future <void >
texImage2DfromImage (int target , Image image , {int level = 0 , int internalformat = WebGL.RGBA , int format = WebGL.RGBA , int type = WebGL.UNSIGNED_BYTE })
→ Future <void >
texImage3D (int target , int level , int internalformat , int width , int height , int depth , int border , int format , int type , NativeArray <num > ? pixels )
→ void
texParameterf (int target , int pname , double param )
→ void
texParameteri (int target , int pname , int param )
→ void
texStorage2D (int target , int levels , int internalformat , int width , int height )
→ void
texStorage3D (int target , int levels , int internalformat , int width , int height , int depth )
→ void
texSubImage2D (int target , int level , int xoffset , int yoffset , int width , int height , int format , int type , NativeArray <num > ? pixels )
→ void
texSubImage2D_NOSIZE (int target , int level , int xoffset , int yoffset , int format , int type , NativeArray <num > ? pixels )
→ void
texSubImage3D (int target , int level , int xoffset , int yoffset , int zoffset , int width , int height , int depth , int format , int type , NativeArray <num > ? pixels )
→ void
toString ()
→ String
A string representation of this object.
transformFeedbackVaryings (Program program , int count , List <String > varyings , int bufferMode )
→ void
uniform1f (UniformLocation location , double x )
→ void
uniform1fv (UniformLocation location , List <double > v )
→ void
uniform1i (UniformLocation location , int x )
→ void
uniform1iv (UniformLocation location , List <int > v )
→ void
uniform1ui (UniformLocation ? location , int v0 )
→ void
uniform1uiv (UniformLocation ? location , Uint32Array v )
→ void
uniform2f (UniformLocation location , double x , double y )
→ void
uniform2fv (UniformLocation location , List <double > v )
→ void
uniform2i (UniformLocation location , int x , int y )
→ void
uniform2iv (UniformLocation location , List <int > v )
→ void
uniform2ui (UniformLocation ? location , int v0 , int v1 )
→ void
uniform2uiv (UniformLocation ? location , Uint32Array v )
→ void
uniform3f (UniformLocation location , double x , double y , double z )
→ void
uniform3fv (UniformLocation location , List <double > vectors )
→ void
uniform3iv (UniformLocation location , List <int > v )
→ void
uniform3ui (UniformLocation ? location , int v0 , int v1 , int v2 )
→ void
uniform3uiv (UniformLocation ? location , Uint32Array v )
→ void
uniform4f (UniformLocation location , double x , double y , double z , double w )
→ void
uniform4fv (UniformLocation location , List <double > vectors )
→ void
uniform4iv (UniformLocation location , List <int > v )
→ void
uniform4ui (UniformLocation ? location , int v0 , int v1 , int v2 , int v3 )
→ void
uniform4uiv (UniformLocation ? location , Uint32Array v )
→ void
uniformBlockBinding (Program program , int uniformBlockIndex , int uniformBlockBinding )
→ void
uniformMatrix2fv (UniformLocation location , bool transpose , List <double > values )
→ void
uniformMatrix3fv (UniformLocation location , bool transpose , List <double > values )
→ void
uniformMatrix4fv (UniformLocation location , bool transpose , List <double > values )
→ void
be careful, data always has a length that is a multiple of 16
useProgram (Program ? program )
→ void
vertexAttrib1fv (int index , List <double > values )
→ void
vertexAttrib2fv (int index , List <double > values )
→ void
vertexAttrib3fv (int index , List <double > values )
→ void
vertexAttrib4fv (int index , List <double > values )
→ void
vertexAttribDivisor (int index , int divisor )
→ void
vertexAttribIPointer (int index , int size , int type , int stride , int pointer )
→ void
vertexAttribPointer (int index , int size , int type , bool normalized , int stride , int offset )
→ void
viewport (int x , int y , int width , int height )
→ void