WebGLRenderingContextBase class

Available extensions
  • @JS()
  • @staticInterop
  • @anonymous


WebGLRenderingContextBase({EventTarget? canvas, PredefinedColorSpace? drawingBufferColorSpace, num? drawingBufferHeight, num? drawingBufferWidth, num? depthBufferBit, num? stencilBufferBit, num? colorBufferBit, num? points, num? lines, num? lineLoop, num? lineStrip, num? triangles, num? triangleStrip, num? triangleFan, num? zero, num? one, num? srcColor, num? oneMinusSrcColor, num? srcAlpha, num? oneMinusSrcAlpha, num? dstAlpha, num? oneMinusDstAlpha, num? dstColor, num? oneMinusDstColor, num? srcAlphaSaturate, num? funcAdd, num? blendEquation$, num? blendEquationRgb, num? blendEquationAlpha, num? funcSubtract, num? funcReverseSubtract, num? blendDstRgb, num? blendSrcRgb, num? blendDstAlpha, num? blendSrcAlpha, num? constantColor, num? oneMinusConstantColor, num? constantAlpha, num? oneMinusConstantAlpha, num? blendColor$, num? arrayBuffer, num? elementArrayBuffer, num? arrayBufferBinding, num? elementArrayBufferBinding, num? streamDraw, num? staticDraw, num? dynamicDraw, num? bufferSize, num? bufferUsage, num? currentVertexAttrib, num? front, num? back, num? frontAndBack, num? cullFace$, num? blend, num? dither, num? stencilTest, num? depthTest, num? scissorTest, num? polygonOffsetFill, num? sampleAlphaToCoverage, num? sampleCoverage$, num? noError, num? invalidEnum, num? invalidValue, num? invalidOperation, num? outOfMemory, num? cw, num? ccw, num? lineWidth$, num? aliasedPointSizeRange, num? aliasedLineWidthRange, num? cullFaceMode, num? frontFace$, num? depthRange$, num? depthWritemask, num? depthClearValue, num? depthFunc$, num? stencilClearValue, num? stencilFunc$, num? stencilFail, num? stencilPassDepthFail, num? stencilPassDepthPass, num? stencilRef, num? stencilValueMask, num? stencilWritemask, num? stencilBackFunc, num? stencilBackFail, num? stencilBackPassDepthFail, num? stencilBackPassDepthPass, num? stencilBackRef, num? stencilBackValueMask, num? stencilBackWritemask, num? viewport$, num? scissorBox, num? colorClearValue, num? colorWritemask, num? unpackAlignment, num? packAlignment, num? maxTextureSize, num? maxViewportDims, num? subpixelBits, num? redBits, num? greenBits, num? blueBits, num? alphaBits, num? depthBits, num? stencilBits, num? polygonOffsetUnits, num? polygonOffsetFactor, num? textureBinding2d, num? sampleBuffers, num? samples, num? sampleCoverageValue, num? sampleCoverageInvert, num? compressedTextureFormats, num? dontCare, num? fastest, num? nicest, num? generateMipmapHint, num? byte, num? unsignedByte, num? short, num? unsignedShort, num? int$, num? unsignedInt, num? float, num? depthComponent, num? alpha, num? rgb, num? rgba, num? luminance, num? luminanceAlpha, num? unsignedShort4444, num? unsignedShort5551, num? unsignedShort565, num? fragmentShader, num? vertexShader, num? maxVertexAttribs, num? maxVertexUniformVectors, num? maxVaryingVectors, num? maxCombinedTextureImageUnits, num? maxVertexTextureImageUnits, num? maxTextureImageUnits, num? maxFragmentUniformVectors, num? shaderType, num? deleteStatus, num? linkStatus, num? validateStatus, num? attachedShaders, num? activeUniforms, num? activeAttributes, num? shadingLanguageVersion, num? currentProgram, num? never, num? less, num? equal, num? lequal, num? greater, num? notequal, num? gequal, num? always, num? keep, num? replace, num? incr, num? decr, num? invert, num? incrWrap, num? decrWrap, num? vendor, num? renderer, num? version, num? nearest, num? linear, num? nearestMipmapNearest, num? linearMipmapNearest, num? nearestMipmapLinear, num? linearMipmapLinear, num? textureMagFilter, num? textureMinFilter, num? textureWrapS, num? textureWrapT, num? texture2d, num? texture, num? textureCubeMap, num? textureBindingCubeMap, num? textureCubeMapPositiveX, num? textureCubeMapNegativeX, num? textureCubeMapPositiveY, num? textureCubeMapNegativeY, num? textureCubeMapPositiveZ, num? textureCubeMapNegativeZ, num? maxCubeMapTextureSize, num? texture0, num? texture1, num? texture2, num? texture3, num? texture4, num? texture5, num? texture6, num? texture7, num? texture8, num? texture9, num? texture10, num? texture11, num? texture12, num? texture13, num? texture14, num? texture15, num? texture16, num? texture17, num? texture18, num? texture19, num? texture20, num? texture21, num? texture22, num? texture23, num? texture24, num? texture25, num? texture26, num? texture27, num? texture28, num? texture29, num? texture30, num? texture31, num? activeTexture$, num? repeat, num? clampToEdge, num? mirroredRepeat, num? floatVec2, num? floatVec3, num? floatVec4, num? intVec2, num? intVec3, num? intVec4, num? bool$, num? boolVec2, num? boolVec3, num? boolVec4, num? floatMat2, num? floatMat3, num? floatMat4, num? sampler2d, num? samplerCube, num? vertexAttribArrayEnabled, num? vertexAttribArraySize, num? vertexAttribArrayStride, num? vertexAttribArrayType, num? vertexAttribArrayNormalized, num? vertexAttribArrayPointer, num? vertexAttribArrayBufferBinding, num? implementationColorReadType, num? implementationColorReadFormat, num? compileStatus, num? lowFloat, num? mediumFloat, num? highFloat, num? lowInt, num? mediumInt, num? highInt, num? framebuffer, num? renderbuffer, num? rgba4, num? rgb5A1, num? rgb565, num? depthComponent16, num? stencilIndex8, num? depthStencil, num? renderbufferWidth, num? renderbufferHeight, num? renderbufferInternalFormat, num? renderbufferRedSize, num? renderbufferGreenSize, num? renderbufferBlueSize, num? renderbufferAlphaSize, num? renderbufferDepthSize, num? renderbufferStencilSize, num? framebufferAttachmentObjectType, num? framebufferAttachmentObjectName, num? framebufferAttachmentTextureLevel, num? framebufferAttachmentTextureCubeMapFace, num? colorAttachment0, num? depthAttachment, num? stencilAttachment, num? depthStencilAttachment, num? none, num? framebufferComplete, num? framebufferIncompleteAttachment, num? framebufferIncompleteMissingAttachment, num? framebufferIncompleteDimensions, num? framebufferUnsupported, num? framebufferBinding, num? renderbufferBinding, num? maxRenderbufferSize, num? invalidFramebufferOperation, num? unpackFlipYWebgl, num? unpackPremultiplyAlphaWebgl, num? contextLostWebgl, num? unpackColorspaceConversionWebgl, num? browserDefaultWebgl, void activeTexture(num)?, void attachShader(WebGLProgram, WebGLShader)?, void bindAttribLocation(WebGLProgram, num, String)?, void bindBuffer(num, [WebGLBuffer?])?, void bindFramebuffer(num, [WebGLFramebuffer?])?, void bindRenderbuffer(num, [WebGLRenderbuffer?])?, void bindTexture(num, [WebGLTexture?])?, void blendColor(num, num, num, num)?, void blendEquation(num)?, void blendEquationSeparate(num, num)?, void blendFunc(num, num)?, void blendFuncSeparate(num, num, num, num)?, num checkFramebufferStatus(num)?, void clear(num)?, void clearColor(num, num, num, num)?, void clearDepth(num)?, void clearStencil(num)?, void colorMask(bool, bool, bool, bool)?, void compileShader(WebGLShader)?, void copyTexImage2D(num, num, num, num, num, num, num, num)?, void copyTexSubImage2D(num, num, num, num, num, num, num, num)?, WebGLBuffer? createBuffer()?, WebGLFramebuffer? createFramebuffer()?, WebGLProgram? createProgram()?, WebGLRenderbuffer? createRenderbuffer()?, WebGLShader? createShader(num)?, WebGLTexture? createTexture()?, void cullFace(num)?, void deleteBuffer([WebGLBuffer?])?, void deleteFramebuffer([WebGLFramebuffer?])?, void deleteProgram([WebGLProgram?])?, void deleteRenderbuffer([WebGLRenderbuffer?])?, void deleteShader([WebGLShader?])?, void deleteTexture([WebGLTexture?])?, void depthFunc(num)?, void depthMask(bool)?, void depthRange(num, num)?, void detachShader(WebGLProgram, WebGLShader)?, void disable(num)?, void disableVertexAttribArray(num)?, void drawArrays(num, num, num)?, void drawElements(num, num, num, num)?, void enable(num)?, void enableVertexAttribArray(num)?, void finish()?, void flush()?, void framebufferRenderbuffer(num, num, num, [WebGLRenderbuffer?])?, void framebufferTexture2D(num, num, num, num, [WebGLTexture?])?, void frontFace(num)?, void generateMipmap(num)?, WebGLActiveInfo? getActiveAttrib(WebGLProgram, num)?, WebGLActiveInfo? getActiveUniform(WebGLProgram, num)?, List<WebGLShader>? getAttachedShaders(WebGLProgram)?, num getAttribLocation(WebGLProgram, String)?, dynamic getBufferParameter(num, num)?, WebGLContextAttributes? getContextAttributes()?, num getError()?, dynamic getFramebufferAttachmentParameter(num, num, num)?, dynamic getParameter(num)?, String? getProgramInfoLog(WebGLProgram)?, dynamic getProgramParameter(WebGLProgram, num)?, dynamic getRenderbufferParameter(num, num)?, String? getShaderInfoLog(WebGLShader)?, dynamic getShaderParameter(WebGLShader, num)?, WebGLShaderPrecisionFormat? getShaderPrecisionFormat(num, num)?, String? getShaderSource(WebGLShader)?, List<String>? getSupportedExtensions()?, dynamic getTexParameter(num, num)?, dynamic getUniform(WebGLProgram, WebGLUniformLocation)?, WebGLUniformLocation? getUniformLocation(WebGLProgram, String)?, dynamic getVertexAttrib(num, num)?, num getVertexAttribOffset(num, num)?, void hint(num, num)?, bool isBuffer([WebGLBuffer?])?, bool isContextLost()?, bool isEnabled(num)?, bool isFramebuffer([WebGLFramebuffer?])?, bool isProgram([WebGLProgram?])?, bool isRenderbuffer([WebGLRenderbuffer?])?, bool isShader([WebGLShader?])?, bool isTexture([WebGLTexture?])?, void lineWidth(num)?, void linkProgram(WebGLProgram)?, void pixelStorei(num, Object)?, void polygonOffset(num, num)?, void renderbufferStorage(num, num, num, num)?, void sampleCoverage(num, bool)?, void scissor(num, num, num, num)?, void shaderSource(WebGLShader, String)?, void stencilFunc(num, num, num)?, void stencilFuncSeparate(num, num, num, num)?, void stencilMask(num)?, void stencilMaskSeparate(num, num)?, void stencilOp(num, num, num)?, void stencilOpSeparate(num, num, num, num)?, void texParameterf(num, num, num)?, void texParameteri(num, num, num)?, void uniform1f(num, [WebGLUniformLocation?])?, void uniform1i(num, [WebGLUniformLocation?])?, void uniform2f(num, num, [WebGLUniformLocation?])?, void uniform2i(num, num, [WebGLUniformLocation?])?, void uniform3f(num, num, num, [WebGLUniformLocation?])?, void uniform3i(num, num, num, [WebGLUniformLocation?])?, void uniform4f(num, num, num, num, [WebGLUniformLocation?])?, void uniform4i(num, num, num, num, [WebGLUniformLocation?])?, void useProgram([WebGLProgram?])?, void validateProgram(WebGLProgram)?, void vertexAttrib1f(num, num)?, void vertexAttrib1fv(num, Object)?, void vertexAttrib2f(num, num, num)?, void vertexAttrib2fv(num, Object)?, void vertexAttrib3f(num, num, num, num)?, void vertexAttrib3fv(num, Object)?, void vertexAttrib4f(num, num, num, num, num)?, void vertexAttrib4fv(num, Object)?, void vertexAttribPointer(num, num, num, bool, num, num)?, void viewport(num, num, num, num)?})


activeAttributes num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
activeTexture ↔ void Function(num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
activeTexture$ num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
activeUniforms num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
aliasedLineWidthRange num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
aliasedPointSizeRange num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
alpha num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
alphaBits num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
always num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
arrayBuffer num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
arrayBufferBinding num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
attachedShaders num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
attachShader ↔ void Function(WebGLProgram, WebGLShader)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
back num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
bindAttribLocation ↔ void Function(WebGLProgram, num, String)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
bindBuffer ↔ void Function(num, [WebGLBuffer?])

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
bindFramebuffer ↔ void Function(num, [WebGLFramebuffer?])

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
bindRenderbuffer ↔ void Function(num, [WebGLRenderbuffer?])

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
bindTexture ↔ void Function(num, [WebGLTexture?])

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
blend num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
blendColor ↔ void Function(num, num, num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
blendColor$ num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
blendDstAlpha num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
blendDstRgb num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
blendEquation ↔ void Function(num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
blendEquation$ num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
blendEquationAlpha num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
blendEquationRgb num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
blendEquationSeparate ↔ void Function(num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
blendFunc ↔ void Function(num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
blendFuncSeparate ↔ void Function(num, num, num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
blendSrcAlpha num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
blendSrcRgb num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
blueBits num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
bool$ num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
boolVec2 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
boolVec3 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
boolVec4 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
browserDefaultWebgl num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
bufferSize num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
bufferUsage num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
byte num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
canvas EventTarget

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

MDN Reference
no setter
ccw num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
checkFramebufferStatus num Function(num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
clampToEdge num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
clear ↔ void Function(num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
clearColor ↔ void Function(num, num, num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
clearDepth ↔ void Function(num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
clearStencil ↔ void Function(num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
colorAttachment0 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
colorBufferBit num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
colorClearValue num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
colorMask ↔ void Function(bool, bool, bool, bool)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
colorWritemask num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
compileShader ↔ void Function(WebGLShader)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
compileStatus num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
compressedTextureFormats num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
constantAlpha num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
constantColor num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
contextLostWebgl num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
copyTexImage2D ↔ void Function(num, num, num, num, num, num, num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
copyTexSubImage2D ↔ void Function(num, num, num, num, num, num, num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
createBuffer WebGLBuffer? Function()

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
createFramebuffer WebGLFramebuffer? Function()

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
createProgram WebGLProgram? Function()

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
createRenderbuffer WebGLRenderbuffer? Function()

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
createShader WebGLShader? Function(num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
createTexture WebGLTexture? Function()

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
cullFace ↔ void Function(num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
cullFace$ num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
cullFaceMode num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
currentProgram num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
currentVertexAttrib num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
cw num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
decr num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
decrWrap num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
deleteBuffer ↔ void Function([WebGLBuffer?])

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
deleteFramebuffer ↔ void Function([WebGLFramebuffer?])

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
deleteProgram ↔ void Function([WebGLProgram?])

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
deleteRenderbuffer ↔ void Function([WebGLRenderbuffer?])

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
deleteShader ↔ void Function([WebGLShader?])

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
deleteStatus num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
deleteTexture ↔ void Function([WebGLTexture?])

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
depthAttachment num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
depthBits num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
depthBufferBit num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
depthClearValue num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
depthComponent num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
depthComponent16 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
depthFunc ↔ void Function(num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
depthFunc$ num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
depthMask ↔ void Function(bool)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
depthRange ↔ void Function(num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
depthRange$ num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
depthStencil num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
depthStencilAttachment num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
depthTest num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
depthWritemask num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
detachShader ↔ void Function(WebGLProgram, WebGLShader)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
disable ↔ void Function(num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
disableVertexAttribArray ↔ void Function(num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
dither num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
dontCare num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
drawArrays ↔ void Function(num, num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
drawElements ↔ void Function(num, num, num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
drawingBufferColorSpace PredefinedColorSpace

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
drawingBufferHeight num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

MDN Reference
no setter
drawingBufferWidth num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

MDN Reference
no setter
dstAlpha num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
dstColor num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
dynamicDraw num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
elementArrayBuffer num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
elementArrayBufferBinding num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
enable ↔ void Function(num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
enableVertexAttribArray ↔ void Function(num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
equal num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
fastest num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
finish ↔ void Function()

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
float num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
floatMat2 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
floatMat3 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
floatMat4 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
floatVec2 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
floatVec3 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
floatVec4 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
flush ↔ void Function()

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
fragmentShader num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
framebuffer num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
framebufferAttachmentObjectName num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
framebufferAttachmentObjectType num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
framebufferAttachmentTextureCubeMapFace num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
framebufferAttachmentTextureLevel num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
framebufferBinding num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
framebufferComplete num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
framebufferIncompleteAttachment num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
framebufferIncompleteDimensions num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
framebufferIncompleteMissingAttachment num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
framebufferRenderbuffer ↔ void Function(num, num, num, [WebGLRenderbuffer?])

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
framebufferTexture2D ↔ void Function(num, num, num, num, [WebGLTexture?])

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
framebufferUnsupported num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
front num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
frontAndBack num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
frontFace ↔ void Function(num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
frontFace$ num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
funcAdd num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
funcReverseSubtract num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
funcSubtract num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
generateMipmap ↔ void Function(num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
generateMipmapHint num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
gequal num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
getActiveAttrib WebGLActiveInfo? Function(WebGLProgram, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
getActiveUniform WebGLActiveInfo? Function(WebGLProgram, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
getAttachedShaders List<WebGLShader>? Function(WebGLProgram)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
getAttribLocation num Function(WebGLProgram, String)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
getBufferParameter ↔ dynamic Function(num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
getContextAttributes WebGLContextAttributes? Function()

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
getError num Function()

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
getExtension → ({ANGLEInstancedArrays? Function(String extensionName) $1, EXTTextureCompressionRgtc? Function(String extensionName) $10, EXTTextureFilterAnisotropic? Function(String extensionName) $11, KHRParallelShaderCompile? Function(String extensionName) $12, OESElementIndexUint? Function(String extensionName) $13, OESFboRenderMipmap? Function(String extensionName) $14, OESStandardDerivatives? Function(String extensionName) $15, OESTextureFloat? Function(String extensionName) $16, OESTextureFloatLinear? Function(String extensionName) $17, OESTextureHalfFloat? Function(String extensionName) $18, OESTextureHalfFloatLinear? Function(String extensionName) $19, EXTBlendMinmax? Function(String extensionName) $2, OESVertexArrayObject? Function(String extensionName) $20, OVRMultiview2? Function(String extensionName) $21, WEBGLColorBufferFloat? Function(String extensionName) $22, WEBGLCompressedTextureAstc? Function(String extensionName) $23, WEBGLCompressedTextureEtc? Function(String extensionName) $24, WEBGLCompressedTextureEtc1? Function(String extensionName) $25, WEBGLCompressedTexturePvrtc? Function(String extensionName) $26, WEBGLCompressedTextureS3tc? Function(String extensionName) $27, WEBGLCompressedTextureS3tcSrgb? Function(String extensionName) $28, WEBGLDebugRendererInfo? Function(String extensionName) $29, EXTColorBufferFloat? Function(String extensionName) $3, WEBGLDebugShaders? Function(String extensionName) $30, WEBGLDepthTexture? Function(String extensionName) $31, WEBGLDrawBuffers? Function(String extensionName) $32, WEBGLLoseContext? Function(String extensionName) $33, WEBGLMultiDraw? Function(String extensionName) $34, dynamic Function(String name) $35, EXTColorBufferHalfFloat? Function(String extensionName) $4, EXTFloatBlend? Function(String extensionName) $5, EXTFragDepth? Function(String extensionName) $6, EXTSRGB? Function(String extensionName) $7, EXTShaderTextureLod? Function(String extensionName) $8, EXTTextureCompressionBptc? Function(String extensionName) $9})

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

Overload accessor: $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12, $13, $14, $15, $16, $17, $18, $19, $20, $21, $22, $23, $24, $25, $26, $27, $28, $29, $30, $31, $32, $33, $34, $35
no setter
getFramebufferAttachmentParameter ↔ dynamic Function(num, num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
getParameter ↔ dynamic Function(num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
getProgramInfoLog String? Function(WebGLProgram)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
getProgramParameter ↔ dynamic Function(WebGLProgram, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
getRenderbufferParameter ↔ dynamic Function(num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
getShaderInfoLog String? Function(WebGLShader)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
getShaderParameter ↔ dynamic Function(WebGLShader, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
getShaderPrecisionFormat WebGLShaderPrecisionFormat? Function(num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
getShaderSource String? Function(WebGLShader)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
getSupportedExtensions List<String>? Function()

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
getTexParameter ↔ dynamic Function(num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
getUniform ↔ dynamic Function(WebGLProgram, WebGLUniformLocation)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
getUniformLocation WebGLUniformLocation? Function(WebGLProgram, String)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
getVertexAttrib ↔ dynamic Function(num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
getVertexAttribOffset num Function(num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
greater num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
greenBits num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
highFloat num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
highInt num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
hint ↔ void Function(num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
implementationColorReadFormat num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
implementationColorReadType num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
incr num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
incrWrap num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
int$ num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
intVec2 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
intVec3 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
intVec4 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
invalidEnum num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
invalidFramebufferOperation num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
invalidOperation num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
invalidValue num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
invert num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
isBuffer bool Function([WebGLBuffer?])

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
isContextLost bool Function()

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
isEnabled bool Function(num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
isFramebuffer bool Function([WebGLFramebuffer?])

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
isProgram bool Function([WebGLProgram?])

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
isRenderbuffer bool Function([WebGLRenderbuffer?])

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
isShader bool Function([WebGLShader?])

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
isTexture bool Function([WebGLTexture?])

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
keep num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
lequal num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
less num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
linear num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
linearMipmapLinear num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
linearMipmapNearest num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
lineLoop num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
lines num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
lineStrip num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
lineWidth ↔ void Function(num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
lineWidth$ num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
linkProgram ↔ void Function(WebGLProgram)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
linkStatus num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
lowFloat num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
lowInt num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
luminance num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
luminanceAlpha num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
maxCombinedTextureImageUnits num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
maxCubeMapTextureSize num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
maxFragmentUniformVectors num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
maxRenderbufferSize num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
maxTextureImageUnits num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
maxTextureSize num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
maxVaryingVectors num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
maxVertexAttribs num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
maxVertexTextureImageUnits num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
maxVertexUniformVectors num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
maxViewportDims num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
mediumFloat num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
mediumInt num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
mirroredRepeat num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
nearest num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
nearestMipmapLinear num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
nearestMipmapNearest num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
never num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
nicest num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
noError num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
none num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
notequal num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
one num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
oneMinusConstantAlpha num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
oneMinusConstantColor num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
oneMinusDstAlpha num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
oneMinusDstColor num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
oneMinusSrcAlpha num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
oneMinusSrcColor num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
outOfMemory num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
packAlignment num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
pixelStorei ↔ void Function(num, Object)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
points num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
polygonOffset ↔ void Function(num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
polygonOffsetFactor num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
polygonOffsetFill num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
polygonOffsetUnits num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
redBits num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
renderbuffer num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
renderbufferAlphaSize num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
renderbufferBinding num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
renderbufferBlueSize num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
renderbufferDepthSize num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
renderbufferGreenSize num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
renderbufferHeight num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
renderbufferInternalFormat num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
renderbufferRedSize num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
renderbufferStencilSize num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
renderbufferStorage ↔ void Function(num, num, num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
renderbufferWidth num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
renderer num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
repeat num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
replace num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
rgb num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
rgb565 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
rgb5A1 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
rgba num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
rgba4 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
sampleAlphaToCoverage num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
sampleBuffers num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
sampleCoverage ↔ void Function(num, bool)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
sampleCoverage$ num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
sampleCoverageInvert num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
sampleCoverageValue num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
sampler2d num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
samplerCube num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
samples num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
scissor ↔ void Function(num, num, num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
scissorBox num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
scissorTest num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
shaderSource ↔ void Function(WebGLShader, String)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
shaderType num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
shadingLanguageVersion num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
short num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
srcAlpha num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
srcAlphaSaturate num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
srcColor num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
staticDraw num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
stencilAttachment num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
stencilBackFail num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
stencilBackFunc num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
stencilBackPassDepthFail num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
stencilBackPassDepthPass num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
stencilBackRef num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
stencilBackValueMask num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
stencilBackWritemask num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
stencilBits num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
stencilBufferBit num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
stencilClearValue num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
stencilFail num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
stencilFunc ↔ void Function(num, num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
stencilFunc$ num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
stencilFuncSeparate ↔ void Function(num, num, num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
stencilIndex8 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
stencilMask ↔ void Function(num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
stencilMaskSeparate ↔ void Function(num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
stencilOp ↔ void Function(num, num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
stencilOpSeparate ↔ void Function(num, num, num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
stencilPassDepthFail num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
stencilPassDepthPass num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
stencilRef num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
stencilTest num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
stencilValueMask num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
stencilWritemask num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
streamDraw num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
subpixelBits num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texParameterf ↔ void Function(num, num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
texParameteri ↔ void Function(num, num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
texture num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texture0 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texture1 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texture10 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texture11 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texture12 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texture13 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texture14 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texture15 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texture16 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texture17 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texture18 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texture19 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texture2 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texture20 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texture21 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texture22 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texture23 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texture24 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texture25 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texture26 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texture27 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texture28 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texture29 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texture2d num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texture3 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texture30 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texture31 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texture4 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texture5 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texture6 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texture7 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texture8 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texture9 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
textureBinding2d num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
textureBindingCubeMap num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
textureCubeMap num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
textureCubeMapNegativeX num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
textureCubeMapNegativeY num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
textureCubeMapNegativeZ num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
textureCubeMapPositiveX num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
textureCubeMapPositiveY num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
textureCubeMapPositiveZ num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
textureMagFilter num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
textureMinFilter num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
textureWrapS num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
textureWrapT num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
triangleFan num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
triangles num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
triangleStrip num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
uniform1f ↔ void Function(num, [WebGLUniformLocation?])

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
uniform1i ↔ void Function(num, [WebGLUniformLocation?])

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
uniform2f ↔ void Function(num, num, [WebGLUniformLocation?])

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
uniform2i ↔ void Function(num, num, [WebGLUniformLocation?])

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
uniform3f ↔ void Function(num, num, num, [WebGLUniformLocation?])

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
uniform3i ↔ void Function(num, num, num, [WebGLUniformLocation?])

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
uniform4f ↔ void Function(num, num, num, num, [WebGLUniformLocation?])

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
uniform4i ↔ void Function(num, num, num, num, [WebGLUniformLocation?])

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
unpackAlignment num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
unpackColorspaceConversionWebgl num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
unpackFlipYWebgl num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
unpackPremultiplyAlphaWebgl num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
unsignedByte num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
unsignedInt num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
unsignedShort num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
unsignedShort4444 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
unsignedShort5551 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
unsignedShort565 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
useProgram ↔ void Function([WebGLProgram?])

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
validateProgram ↔ void Function(WebGLProgram)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
validateStatus num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
vendor num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
version num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
vertexAttrib1f ↔ void Function(num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
vertexAttrib1fv ↔ void Function(num, Object)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
vertexAttrib2f ↔ void Function(num, num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
vertexAttrib2fv ↔ void Function(num, Object)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
vertexAttrib3f ↔ void Function(num, num, num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
vertexAttrib3fv ↔ void Function(num, Object)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
vertexAttrib4f ↔ void Function(num, num, num, num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
vertexAttrib4fv ↔ void Function(num, Object)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
vertexAttribArrayBufferBinding num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
vertexAttribArrayEnabled num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
vertexAttribArrayNormalized num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
vertexAttribArrayPointer num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
vertexAttribArraySize num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
vertexAttribArrayStride num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
vertexAttribArrayType num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
vertexAttribPointer ↔ void Function(num, num, num, bool, num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
vertexShader num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
viewport ↔ void Function(num, num, num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
viewport$ num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
zero num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

activeAttributes num
no setter
activeTexture num
no setter
activeUniforms num
no setter
aliasedLineWidthRange num
no setter
aliasedPointSizeRange num
no setter
alpha num
no setter
alphaBits num
no setter
always num
no setter
arrayBuffer num
no setter
arrayBufferBinding num
no setter
attachedShaders num
no setter
back num
no setter
blend num
no setter
blendColor num
no setter
blendDstAlpha num
no setter
blendDstRgb num
no setter
blendEquation num
no setter
blendEquationAlpha num
no setter
blendEquationRgb num
no setter
blendSrcAlpha num
no setter
blendSrcRgb num
no setter
blueBits num
no setter
bool$ num
no setter
boolVec2 num
no setter
boolVec3 num
no setter
boolVec4 num
no setter
browserDefaultWebgl num
no setter
bufferSize num
no setter
bufferUsage num
no setter
byte num
no setter
ccw num
no setter
clampToEdge num
no setter
colorAttachment0 num
no setter
colorBufferBit num
no setter
colorClearValue num
no setter
colorWritemask num
no setter
compileStatus num
no setter
compressedTextureFormats num
no setter
constantAlpha num
no setter
constantColor num
no setter
contextLostWebgl num
no setter
cullFace num
no setter
cullFaceMode num
no setter
currentProgram num
no setter
currentVertexAttrib num
no setter
cw num
no setter
decr num
no setter
decrWrap num
no setter
deleteStatus num
no setter
depthAttachment num
no setter
depthBits num
no setter
depthBufferBit num
no setter
depthClearValue num
no setter
depthComponent num
no setter
depthComponent16 num
no setter
depthFunc num
no setter
depthRange num
no setter
depthStencil num
no setter
depthStencilAttachment num
no setter
depthTest num
no setter
depthWritemask num
no setter
dither num
no setter
dontCare num
no setter
dstAlpha num
no setter
dstColor num
no setter
dynamicDraw num
no setter
elementArrayBuffer num
no setter
elementArrayBufferBinding num
no setter
equal num
no setter
fastest num
no setter
float num
no setter
floatMat2 num
no setter
floatMat3 num
no setter
floatMat4 num
no setter
floatVec2 num
no setter
floatVec3 num
no setter
floatVec4 num
no setter
fragmentShader num
no setter
framebuffer num
no setter
framebufferAttachmentObjectName num
no setter
framebufferAttachmentObjectType num
no setter
framebufferAttachmentTextureCubeMapFace num
no setter
framebufferAttachmentTextureLevel num
no setter
framebufferBinding num
no setter
framebufferComplete num
no setter
framebufferIncompleteAttachment num
no setter
framebufferIncompleteDimensions num
no setter
framebufferIncompleteMissingAttachment num
no setter
framebufferUnsupported num
no setter
front num
no setter
frontAndBack num
no setter
frontFace num
no setter
funcAdd num
no setter
funcReverseSubtract num
no setter
funcSubtract num
no setter
generateMipmapHint num
no setter
gequal num
no setter
greater num
no setter
greenBits num
no setter
highFloat num
no setter
highInt num
no setter
implementationColorReadFormat num
no setter
implementationColorReadType num
no setter
incr num
no setter
incrWrap num
no setter
int$ num
no setter
intVec2 num
no setter
intVec3 num
no setter
intVec4 num
no setter
invalidEnum num
no setter
invalidFramebufferOperation num
no setter
invalidOperation num
no setter
invalidValue num
no setter
invert num
no setter
keep num
no setter
lequal num
no setter
less num
no setter
linear num
no setter
linearMipmapLinear num
no setter
linearMipmapNearest num
no setter
lineLoop num
no setter
lines num
no setter
lineStrip num
no setter
lineWidth num
no setter
linkStatus num
no setter
lowFloat num
no setter
lowInt num
no setter
luminance num
no setter
luminanceAlpha num
no setter
maxCombinedTextureImageUnits num
no setter
maxCubeMapTextureSize num
no setter
maxFragmentUniformVectors num
no setter
maxRenderbufferSize num
no setter
maxTextureImageUnits num
no setter
maxTextureSize num
no setter
maxVaryingVectors num
no setter
maxVertexAttribs num
no setter
maxVertexTextureImageUnits num
no setter
maxVertexUniformVectors num
no setter
maxViewportDims num
no setter
mediumFloat num
no setter
mediumInt num
no setter
mirroredRepeat num
no setter
nearest num
no setter
nearestMipmapLinear num
no setter
nearestMipmapNearest num
no setter
never num
no setter
nicest num
no setter
noError num
no setter
none num
no setter
notequal num
no setter
one num
no setter
oneMinusConstantAlpha num
no setter
oneMinusConstantColor num
no setter
oneMinusDstAlpha num
no setter
oneMinusDstColor num
no setter
oneMinusSrcAlpha num
no setter
oneMinusSrcColor num
no setter
outOfMemory num
no setter
packAlignment num
no setter
points num
no setter
polygonOffsetFactor num
no setter
polygonOffsetFill num
no setter
polygonOffsetUnits num
no setter
redBits num
no setter
renderbuffer num
no setter
renderbufferAlphaSize num
no setter
renderbufferBinding num
no setter
renderbufferBlueSize num
no setter
renderbufferDepthSize num
no setter
renderbufferGreenSize num
no setter
renderbufferHeight num
no setter
renderbufferInternalFormat num
no setter
renderbufferRedSize num
no setter
renderbufferStencilSize num
no setter
renderbufferWidth num
no setter
renderer num
no setter
repeat num
no setter
replace num
no setter
rgb num
no setter
rgb565 num
no setter
rgb5A1 num
no setter
rgba num
no setter
rgba4 num
no setter
sampleAlphaToCoverage num
no setter
sampleBuffers num
no setter
sampleCoverage num
no setter
sampleCoverageInvert num
no setter
sampleCoverageValue num
no setter
sampler2d num
no setter
samplerCube num
no setter
samples num
no setter
scissorBox num
no setter
scissorTest num
no setter
shaderType num
no setter
shadingLanguageVersion num
no setter
short num
no setter
srcAlpha num
no setter
srcAlphaSaturate num
no setter
srcColor num
no setter
staticDraw num
no setter
stencilAttachment num
no setter
stencilBackFail num
no setter
stencilBackFunc num
no setter
stencilBackPassDepthFail num
no setter
stencilBackPassDepthPass num
no setter
stencilBackRef num
no setter
stencilBackValueMask num
no setter
stencilBackWritemask num
no setter
stencilBits num
no setter
stencilBufferBit num
no setter
stencilClearValue num
no setter
stencilFail num
no setter
stencilFunc num
no setter
stencilIndex8 num
no setter
stencilPassDepthFail num
no setter
stencilPassDepthPass num
no setter
stencilRef num
no setter
stencilTest num
no setter
stencilValueMask num
no setter
stencilWritemask num
no setter
streamDraw num
no setter
subpixelBits num
no setter
texture num
no setter
texture0 num
no setter
texture1 num
no setter
texture10 num
no setter
texture11 num
no setter
texture12 num
no setter
texture13 num
no setter
texture14 num
no setter
texture15 num
no setter
texture16 num
no setter
texture17 num
no setter
texture18 num
no setter
texture19 num
no setter
texture2 num
no setter
texture20 num
no setter
texture21 num
no setter
texture22 num
no setter
texture23 num
no setter
texture24 num
no setter
texture25 num
no setter
texture26 num
no setter
texture27 num
no setter
texture28 num
no setter
texture29 num
no setter
texture2d num
no setter
texture3 num
no setter
texture30 num
no setter
texture31 num
no setter
texture4 num
no setter
texture5 num
no setter
texture6 num
no setter
texture7 num
no setter
texture8 num
no setter
texture9 num
no setter
textureBinding2d num
no setter
textureBindingCubeMap num
no setter
textureCubeMap num
no setter
textureCubeMapNegativeX num
no setter
textureCubeMapNegativeY num
no setter
textureCubeMapNegativeZ num
no setter
textureCubeMapPositiveX num
no setter
textureCubeMapPositiveY num
no setter
textureCubeMapPositiveZ num
no setter
textureMagFilter num
no setter
textureMinFilter num
no setter
textureWrapS num
no setter
textureWrapT num
no setter
triangleFan num
no setter
triangles num
no setter
triangleStrip num
no setter
unpackAlignment num
no setter
unpackColorspaceConversionWebgl num
no setter
unpackFlipYWebgl num
no setter
unpackPremultiplyAlphaWebgl num
no setter
unsignedByte num
no setter
unsignedInt num
no setter
unsignedShort num
no setter
unsignedShort4444 num
no setter
unsignedShort5551 num
no setter
unsignedShort565 num
no setter
validateStatus num
no setter
vendor num
no setter
version num
no setter
vertexAttribArrayBufferBinding num
no setter
vertexAttribArrayEnabled num
no setter
vertexAttribArrayNormalized num
no setter
vertexAttribArrayPointer num
no setter
vertexAttribArraySize num
no setter
vertexAttribArrayStride num
no setter
vertexAttribArrayType num
no setter
vertexShader num
no setter
viewport num
no setter
zero num
no setter