wlanapi topic

Wireless LAN API

The Native Wifi application programming interface (API) functions have two purposes: to manage wireless network profiles and to manage wireless network connections. The API elements are exposed by the Auto Configuration Module (ACM). The exposed connection and disconnection API elements can be used to override the automatic configuration logic.


WlanAllocateMemory(int dwMemorySize) Pointer<NativeType> wlanapi
The WlanAllocateMemory function allocates memory. Any memory passed to other Native Wifi functions must be allocated with this function.
WlanCloseHandle(int hClientHandle, Pointer<NativeType> pReserved) int wlanapi
The WlanCloseHandle function closes a connection to the server.
WlanConnect(int hClientHandle, Pointer<GUID> pInterfaceGuid, Pointer<WLAN_CONNECTION_PARAMETERS> pConnectionParameters, Pointer<NativeType> pReserved) int wlanapi
The WlanConnect function attempts to connect to a specific network.
WlanDeleteProfile(int hClientHandle, Pointer<GUID> pInterfaceGuid, Pointer<Utf16> strProfileName, Pointer<NativeType> pReserved) int wlanapi
The WlanDeleteProfile function deletes a wireless profile for a wireless interface on the local computer.
WlanDeviceServiceCommand(int hClientHandle, Pointer<GUID> pInterfaceGuid, Pointer<GUID> pDeviceServiceGuid, int dwOpCode, int dwInBufferSize, Pointer<NativeType> pInBuffer, int dwOutBufferSize, Pointer<NativeType> pOutBuffer, Pointer<Uint32> pdwBytesReturned) int wlanapi
Allows an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) or independent hardware vendor (IHV) component to communicate with a device service on a particular wireless LAN interface.
WlanDisconnect(int hClientHandle, Pointer<GUID> pInterfaceGuid, Pointer<NativeType> pReserved) int wlanapi
The WlanDisconnect function disconnects an interface from its current network.
WlanEnumInterfaces(int hClientHandle, Pointer<NativeType> pReserved, Pointer<Pointer<WLAN_INTERFACE_INFO_LIST>> ppInterfaceList) int wlanapi
The WlanEnumInterfaces function enumerates all of the wireless LAN interfaces currently enabled on the local computer.
WlanExtractPsdIEDataList(int hClientHandle, int dwIeDataSize, Pointer<Uint8> pRawIeData, Pointer<Utf16> strFormat, Pointer<NativeType> pReserved, Pointer<Pointer<WLAN_RAW_DATA_LIST>> ppPsdIEDataList) int wlanapi
The WlanExtractPsdIEDataList function extracts the proximity service discovery (PSD) information element (IE) data list from raw IE data included in a beacon.
WlanFreeMemory(Pointer<NativeType> pMemory) → void wlanapi
The WlanFreeMemory function frees memory. Any memory returned from Native Wifi functions must be freed.
WlanGetAvailableNetworkList(int hClientHandle, Pointer<GUID> pInterfaceGuid, int dwFlags, Pointer<NativeType> pReserved, Pointer<Pointer<WLAN_AVAILABLE_NETWORK_LIST>> ppAvailableNetworkList) int wlanapi
The WlanGetAvailableNetworkList function retrieves the list of available networks on a wireless LAN interface.
WlanGetFilterList(int hClientHandle, int wlanFilterListType, Pointer<NativeType> pReserved, Pointer<Pointer<DOT11_NETWORK_LIST>> ppNetworkList) int wlanapi
The WlanGetFilterList function retrieves a group policy or user permission list.
WlanGetInterfaceCapability(int hClientHandle, Pointer<GUID> pInterfaceGuid, Pointer<NativeType> pReserved, Pointer<Pointer<WLAN_INTERFACE_CAPABILITY>> ppCapability) int wlanapi
The WlanGetInterfaceCapability function retrieves the capabilities of an interface.
WlanGetNetworkBssList(int hClientHandle, Pointer<GUID> pInterfaceGuid, Pointer<DOT11_SSID> pDot11Ssid, int dot11BssType, int bSecurityEnabled, Pointer<NativeType> pReserved, Pointer<Pointer<WLAN_BSS_LIST>> ppWlanBssList) int wlanapi
The WlanGetNetworkBssList function retrieves a list of the basic service set (BSS) entries of the wireless network or networks on a given wireless LAN interface.
WlanGetProfile(int hClientHandle, Pointer<GUID> pInterfaceGuid, Pointer<Utf16> strProfileName, Pointer<NativeType> pReserved, Pointer<Pointer<Utf16>> pstrProfileXml, Pointer<Uint32> pdwFlags, Pointer<Uint32> pdwGrantedAccess) int wlanapi
The WlanGetProfile function retrieves all information about a specified wireless profile.
WlanGetProfileCustomUserData(int hClientHandle, Pointer<GUID> pInterfaceGuid, Pointer<Utf16> strProfileName, Pointer<NativeType> pReserved, Pointer<Uint32> pdwDataSize, Pointer<Pointer<Uint8>> ppData) int wlanapi
The WlanGetProfileCustomUserData function gets the custom user data associated with a wireless profile.
WlanGetProfileList(int hClientHandle, Pointer<GUID> pInterfaceGuid, Pointer<NativeType> pReserved, Pointer<Pointer<WLAN_PROFILE_INFO_LIST>> ppProfileList) int wlanapi
The WlanGetProfileList function retrieves the list of profiles in preference order.
WlanGetSecuritySettings(int hClientHandle, int SecurableObject, Pointer<Int32> pValueType, Pointer<Pointer<Utf16>> pstrCurrentSDDL, Pointer<Uint32> pdwGrantedAccess) int wlanapi
The WlanGetSecuritySettings function gets the security settings associated with a configurable object.
WlanGetSupportedDeviceServices(int hClientHandle, Pointer<GUID> pInterfaceGuid, Pointer<Pointer<WLAN_DEVICE_SERVICE_GUID_LIST>> ppDevSvcGuidList) int wlanapi
Retrieves a list of the supported device services on a given wireless LAN interface.
WlanHostedNetworkForceStart(int hClientHandle, Pointer<Int32> pFailReason, Pointer<NativeType> pvReserved) int wlanapi
The WlanHostedNetworkForceStart function transitions the wireless Hosted Network to the wlan_hosted_network_active state without associating the request with the application's calling handle.
WlanHostedNetworkForceStop(int hClientHandle, Pointer<Int32> pFailReason, Pointer<NativeType> pvReserved) int wlanapi
The WlanHostedNetworkForceStop function transitions the wireless Hosted Network to the wlan_hosted_network_idle without associating the request with the application's calling handle.
WlanHostedNetworkInitSettings(int hClientHandle, Pointer<Int32> pFailReason, Pointer<NativeType> pvReserved) int wlanapi
The WlanHostedNetworkInitSettings function configures and persists to storage the network connection settings (SSID and maximum number of peers, for example) on the wireless Hosted Network if these settings are not already configured.
WlanHostedNetworkQueryProperty(int hClientHandle, int OpCode, Pointer<Uint32> pdwDataSize, Pointer<Pointer<NativeType>> ppvData, Pointer<Int32> pWlanOpcodeValueType, Pointer<NativeType> pvReserved) int wlanapi
The WlanHostedNetworkQueryProperty function queries the current static properties of the wireless Hosted Network.
WlanHostedNetworkQuerySecondaryKey(int hClientHandle, Pointer<Uint32> pdwKeyLength, Pointer<Pointer<Uint8>> ppucKeyData, Pointer<Int32> pbIsPassPhrase, Pointer<Int32> pbPersistent, Pointer<Int32> pFailReason, Pointer<NativeType> pvReserved) int wlanapi
The WlanHostedNetworkQuerySecondaryKey function queries the secondary security key that is configured to be used by the wireless Hosted Network.
WlanHostedNetworkQueryStatus(int hClientHandle, Pointer<Pointer<WLAN_HOSTED_NETWORK_STATUS>> ppWlanHostedNetworkStatus, Pointer<NativeType> pvReserved) int wlanapi
The WlanHostedNetworkQueryStatus function queries the current status of the wireless Hosted Network.
WlanHostedNetworkRefreshSecuritySettings(int hClientHandle, Pointer<Int32> pFailReason, Pointer<NativeType> pvReserved) int wlanapi
The WlanHostedNetworkRefreshSecuritySettings function refreshes the configurable and auto-generated parts of the wireless Hosted Network security settings.
WlanHostedNetworkSetProperty(int hClientHandle, int OpCode, int dwDataSize, Pointer<NativeType> pvData, Pointer<Int32> pFailReason, Pointer<NativeType> pvReserved) int wlanapi
The WlanHostedNetworkSetProperty function sets static properties of the wireless Hosted Network.
WlanHostedNetworkSetSecondaryKey(int hClientHandle, int dwKeyLength, Pointer<Uint8> pucKeyData, int bIsPassPhrase, int bPersistent, Pointer<Int32> pFailReason, Pointer<NativeType> pvReserved) int wlanapi
The WlanHostedNetworkSetSecondaryKey function configures the secondary security key that will be used by the wireless Hosted Network.
WlanHostedNetworkStartUsing(int hClientHandle, Pointer<Int32> pFailReason, Pointer<NativeType> pvReserved) int wlanapi
The WlanHostedNetworkStartUsing function starts the wireless Hosted Network.
WlanHostedNetworkStopUsing(int hClientHandle, Pointer<Int32> pFailReason, Pointer<NativeType> pvReserved) int wlanapi
The WlanHostedNetworkStopUsing function stops the wireless Hosted Network.
WlanIhvControl(int hClientHandle, Pointer<GUID> pInterfaceGuid, int Type, int dwInBufferSize, Pointer<NativeType> pInBuffer, int dwOutBufferSize, Pointer<NativeType> pOutBuffer, Pointer<Uint32> pdwBytesReturned) int wlanapi
The WlanIhvControl function provides a mechanism for independent hardware vendor (IHV) control of WLAN drivers or services.
WlanOpenHandle(int dwClientVersion, Pointer<NativeType> pReserved, Pointer<Uint32> pdwNegotiatedVersion, Pointer<IntPtr> phClientHandle) int wlanapi
The WlanOpenHandle function opens a connection to the server.
WlanQueryAutoConfigParameter(int hClientHandle, int OpCode, Pointer<NativeType> pReserved, Pointer<Uint32> pdwDataSize, Pointer<Pointer<NativeType>> ppData, Pointer<Int32> pWlanOpcodeValueType) int wlanapi
The WlanQueryAutoConfigParameter function queries for the parameters of the auto configuration service.
WlanQueryInterface(int hClientHandle, Pointer<GUID> pInterfaceGuid, int OpCode, Pointer<NativeType> pReserved, Pointer<Uint32> pdwDataSize, Pointer<Pointer<NativeType>> ppData, Pointer<Int32> pWlanOpcodeValueType) int wlanapi
The WlanQueryInterface function queries various parameters of a specified interface.
WlanReasonCodeToString(int dwReasonCode, int dwBufferSize, Pointer<Utf16> pStringBuffer, Pointer<NativeType> pReserved) int wlanapi
The WlanReasonCodeToString function retrieves a string that describes a specified reason code.
WlanRegisterDeviceServiceNotification(int hClientHandle, Pointer<WLAN_DEVICE_SERVICE_GUID_LIST> pDevSvcGuidList) int wlanapi
Allows user mode clients with admin privileges, or User-Mode Driver Framework (UMDF) drivers, to register for unsolicited notifications corresponding to device services that they're interested in.
WlanRegisterNotification(int hClientHandle, int dwNotifSource, int bIgnoreDuplicate, Pointer<NativeFunction<WLAN_NOTIFICATION_CALLBACK>> funcCallback, Pointer<NativeType> pCallbackContext, Pointer<NativeType> pReserved, Pointer<Uint32> pdwPrevNotifSource) int wlanapi
The WlanRegisterNotification function is used to register and unregister notifications on all wireless interfaces.
WlanRegisterVirtualStationNotification(int hClientHandle, int bRegister, Pointer<NativeType> pReserved) int wlanapi
The WlanRegisterVirtualStationNotification function is used to register and unregister notifications on a virtual station.
WlanRenameProfile(int hClientHandle, Pointer<GUID> pInterfaceGuid, Pointer<Utf16> strOldProfileName, Pointer<Utf16> strNewProfileName, Pointer<NativeType> pReserved) int wlanapi
The WlanRenameProfile function renames the specified profile.
WlanSaveTemporaryProfile(int hClientHandle, Pointer<GUID> pInterfaceGuid, Pointer<Utf16> strProfileName, Pointer<Utf16> strAllUserProfileSecurity, int dwFlags, int bOverWrite, Pointer<NativeType> pReserved) int wlanapi
The WlanSaveTemporaryProfile function saves a temporary profile to the profile store.
WlanScan(int hClientHandle, Pointer<GUID> pInterfaceGuid, Pointer<DOT11_SSID> pDot11Ssid, Pointer<WLAN_RAW_DATA> pIeData, Pointer<NativeType> pReserved) int wlanapi
The WlanScan function requests a scan for available networks on the indicated interface.
WlanSetAutoConfigParameter(int hClientHandle, int OpCode, int dwDataSize, Pointer<NativeType> pData, Pointer<NativeType> pReserved) int wlanapi
The WlanSetAutoConfigParameter function sets parameters for the automatic configuration service.
WlanSetFilterList(int hClientHandle, int wlanFilterListType, Pointer<DOT11_NETWORK_LIST> pNetworkList, Pointer<NativeType> pReserved) int wlanapi
The WlanSetFilterList function sets the permit/deny list.
WlanSetInterface(int hClientHandle, Pointer<GUID> pInterfaceGuid, int OpCode, int dwDataSize, Pointer<NativeType> pData, Pointer<NativeType> pReserved) int wlanapi
The WlanSetInterface function sets user-configurable parameters for a specified interface.
WlanSetProfile(int hClientHandle, Pointer<GUID> pInterfaceGuid, int dwFlags, Pointer<Utf16> strProfileXml, Pointer<Utf16> strAllUserProfileSecurity, int bOverwrite, Pointer<NativeType> pReserved, Pointer<Uint32> pdwReasonCode) int wlanapi
The WlanSetProfile function sets the content of a specific profile.
WlanSetProfileCustomUserData(int hClientHandle, Pointer<GUID> pInterfaceGuid, Pointer<Utf16> strProfileName, int dwDataSize, Pointer<Uint8> pData, Pointer<NativeType> pReserved) int wlanapi
The WlanSetProfileCustomUserData function sets the custom user data associated with a profile.
WlanSetProfileEapUserData(int hClientHandle, Pointer<GUID> pInterfaceGuid, Pointer<Utf16> strProfileName, EAP_METHOD_TYPE eapType, int dwFlags, int dwEapUserDataSize, Pointer<Uint8> pbEapUserData, Pointer<NativeType> pReserved) int wlanapi
The WlanSetProfileEapUserData function sets the Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) user credentials as specified by raw EAP data. The user credentials apply to a profile on an interface.
WlanSetProfileEapXmlUserData(int hClientHandle, Pointer<GUID> pInterfaceGuid, Pointer<Utf16> strProfileName, int dwFlags, Pointer<Utf16> strEapXmlUserData, Pointer<NativeType> pReserved) int wlanapi
The WlanSetProfileEapXmlUserData function sets the Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) user credentials as specified by an XML string. The user credentials apply to a profile on an adapter. These credentials can be used only by the caller.
WlanSetProfileList(int hClientHandle, Pointer<GUID> pInterfaceGuid, int dwItems, Pointer<Pointer<Utf16>> strProfileNames, Pointer<NativeType> pReserved) int wlanapi
The WlanSetProfileList function sets the preference order of profiles for a given interface.
WlanSetProfilePosition(int hClientHandle, Pointer<GUID> pInterfaceGuid, Pointer<Utf16> strProfileName, int dwPosition, Pointer<NativeType> pReserved) int wlanapi
The WlanSetProfilePosition function sets the position of a single, specified profile in the preference list.
WlanSetPsdIEDataList(int hClientHandle, Pointer<Utf16> strFormat, Pointer<WLAN_RAW_DATA_LIST> pPsdIEDataList, Pointer<NativeType> pReserved) int wlanapi
The WlanSetPsdIeDataList function sets the proximity service discovery (PSD) information element (IE) data list.
WlanSetSecuritySettings(int hClientHandle, int SecurableObject, Pointer<Utf16> strModifiedSDDL) int wlanapi
The WlanGetProfileList function sets the security settings for a configurable object.