magnification topic

Magnification API

The Magnification API enables applications to magnify the entire screen or portions of the screen, and to apply color effects.


MagGetColorEffect(int hwnd, Pointer<MAGCOLOREFFECT> pEffect) int magnification
Gets the color transformation matrix for a magnifier control.
MagGetFullscreenColorEffect(Pointer<MAGCOLOREFFECT> pEffect) int magnification
Retrieves the color transformation matrix associated with the full-screen magnifier.
MagGetFullscreenTransform(Pointer<Float> pMagLevel, Pointer<Int32> pxOffset, Pointer<Int32> pyOffset) int magnification
Retrieves the magnification settings for the full-screen magnifier.
MagGetImageScalingCallback(int hwnd) Pointer<NativeFunction<MagImageScalingCallback>> magnification
Retrieves the registered callback function that implements a custom transform for image scaling.
MagGetInputTransform(Pointer<Int32> pfEnabled, Pointer<RECT> pRectSource, Pointer<RECT> pRectDest) int magnification
Retrieves the current input transformation for pen and touch input, represented as a source rectangle and a destination rectangle.
MagGetWindowFilterList(int hwnd, Pointer<Uint32> pdwFilterMode, int count, Pointer<IntPtr> pHWND) int magnification
Retrieves the list of windows that are magnified or excluded from magnification.
MagGetWindowSource(int hwnd, Pointer<RECT> pRect) int magnification
Gets the rectangle of the area that is being magnified.
MagGetWindowTransform(int hwnd, Pointer<MAGTRANSFORM> pTransform) int magnification
Retrieves the transformation matrix associated with a magnifier control.
MagInitialize() int magnification
Creates and initializes the magnifier run-time objects.
MagSetColorEffect(int hwnd, Pointer<MAGCOLOREFFECT> pEffect) int magnification
Sets the color transformation matrix for a magnifier control.
MagSetFullscreenColorEffect(Pointer<MAGCOLOREFFECT> pEffect) int magnification
Changes the color transformation matrix associated with the full-screen magnifier.
MagSetFullscreenTransform(double magLevel, int xOffset, int yOffset) int magnification
Changes the magnification settings for the full-screen magnifier.
MagSetImageScalingCallback(int hwnd, Pointer<NativeFunction<MagImageScalingCallback>> callback) int magnification
Sets the callback function for external image filtering and scaling.
MagSetInputTransform(int fEnabled, Pointer<RECT> pRectSource, Pointer<RECT> pRectDest) int magnification
Sets the current active input transformation for pen and touch input, represented as a source rectangle and a destination rectangle.
MagSetWindowFilterList(int hwnd, int dwFilterMode, int count, Pointer<IntPtr> pHWND) int magnification
Sets the list of windows to be magnified or the list of windows to be excluded from magnification.
MagSetWindowSource(int hwnd, RECT rect) int magnification
Sets the source rectangle for the magnification window.
MagSetWindowTransform(int hwnd, Pointer<MAGTRANSFORM> pTransform) int magnification
Sets the transformation matrix for a magnifier control.
MagShowSystemCursor(int fShowCursor) int magnification
Shows or hides the system cursor.
MagUninitialize() int magnification
Destroys the magnifier run-time objects.