dxva2 topic

DirectX Video Acceleration API

DirectX Video Acceleration (DXVA) is an API and a corresponding DDI for using hardware acceleration to speed up video processing. Software codecs and software video processors can use DXVA to offload certain CPU-intensive operations to the GPU. For example, a software decoder can offload the inverse discrete cosine transform (iDCT) to the GPU.


DestroyPhysicalMonitor(int hMonitor) int dxva2
Closes a handle to a physical monitor. Call this function to close a monitor handle obtained from the GetPhysicalMonitorsFromHMONITOR or GetPhysicalMonitorsFromIDirect3DDevice9 function.
DestroyPhysicalMonitors(int dwPhysicalMonitorArraySize, Pointer<PHYSICAL_MONITOR> pPhysicalMonitorArray) int dxva2
Closes an array of physical monitor handles. Call this function to close an array of monitor handles obtained from the GetPhysicalMonitorsFromHMONITOR or GetPhysicalMonitorsFromIDirect3DDevice9 function.
GetMonitorBrightness(int hMonitor, Pointer<Uint32> pdwMinimumBrightness, Pointer<Uint32> pdwCurrentBrightness, Pointer<Uint32> pdwMaximumBrightness) int dxva2
Retrieves a monitor's minimum, maximum, and current brightness settings.
GetMonitorCapabilities(int hMonitor, Pointer<Uint32> pdwMonitorCapabilities, Pointer<Uint32> pdwSupportedColorTemperatures) int dxva2
Retrieves the configuration capabilities of a monitor. Call this function to find out which high-level monitor configuration functions are supported by the monitor.
GetMonitorColorTemperature(int hMonitor, Pointer<Int32> pctCurrentColorTemperature) int dxva2
Retrieves a monitor's current color temperature.
GetMonitorContrast(int hMonitor, Pointer<Uint32> pdwMinimumContrast, Pointer<Uint32> pdwCurrentContrast, Pointer<Uint32> pdwMaximumContrast) int dxva2
Retrieves a monitor's minimum, maximum, and current contrast settings.
GetMonitorDisplayAreaPosition(int hMonitor, int ptPositionType, Pointer<Uint32> pdwMinimumPosition, Pointer<Uint32> pdwCurrentPosition, Pointer<Uint32> pdwMaximumPosition) int dxva2
Retrieves a monitor's minimum, maximum, and current horizontal or vertical position.
GetMonitorDisplayAreaSize(int hMonitor, int stSizeType, Pointer<Uint32> pdwMinimumWidthOrHeight, Pointer<Uint32> pdwCurrentWidthOrHeight, Pointer<Uint32> pdwMaximumWidthOrHeight) int dxva2
Retrieves a monitor's minimum, maximum, and current width or height.
GetMonitorRedGreenOrBlueDrive(int hMonitor, int dtDriveType, Pointer<Uint32> pdwMinimumDrive, Pointer<Uint32> pdwCurrentDrive, Pointer<Uint32> pdwMaximumDrive) int dxva2
Retrieves a monitor's red, green, or blue drive value.
GetMonitorRedGreenOrBlueGain(int hMonitor, int gtGainType, Pointer<Uint32> pdwMinimumGain, Pointer<Uint32> pdwCurrentGain, Pointer<Uint32> pdwMaximumGain) int dxva2
Retrieves a monitor's red, green, or blue gain value.
GetMonitorTechnologyType(int hMonitor, Pointer<Int32> pdtyDisplayTechnologyType) int dxva2
Retrieves the type of technology used by a monitor.
GetNumberOfPhysicalMonitorsFromHMONITOR(int hMonitor, Pointer<Uint32> pdwNumberOfPhysicalMonitors) int dxva2
Retrieves the number of physical monitors associated with an HMONITOR monitor handle. Call this function before calling GetPhysicalMonitorsFromHMONITOR.
GetPhysicalMonitorsFromHMONITOR(int hMonitor, int dwPhysicalMonitorArraySize, Pointer<PHYSICAL_MONITOR> pPhysicalMonitorArray) int dxva2
Retrieves the physical monitors associated with an HMONITOR monitor handle.
SaveCurrentMonitorSettings(int hMonitor) int dxva2
Saves the current monitor settings to the display's nonvolatile storage.
SetMonitorBrightness(int hMonitor, int dwNewBrightness) int dxva2
Sets a monitor's brightness value. Increasing the brightness value makes the display on the monitor brighter, and decreasing it makes the display dimmer.
SetMonitorColorTemperature(int hMonitor, int ctCurrentColorTemperature) int dxva2
Sets a monitor's color temperature.
SetMonitorContrast(int hMonitor, int dwNewContrast) int dxva2
Sets a monitor's contrast value.
SetMonitorDisplayAreaPosition(int hMonitor, int ptPositionType, int dwNewPosition) int dxva2
Sets the horizontal or vertical position of a monitor's display area. Increasing the horizontal position moves the display area toward the right side of the screen; decreasing it moves the display area toward the left. Increasing the vertical position moves the display area toward the top of the screen; decreasing it moves the display area toward the bottom.
SetMonitorDisplayAreaSize(int hMonitor, int stSizeType, int dwNewDisplayAreaWidthOrHeight) int dxva2
Sets the width or height of a monitor's display area.
SetMonitorRedGreenOrBlueDrive(int hMonitor, int dtDriveType, int dwNewDrive) int dxva2
Sets a monitor's red, green, or blue drive value.
SetMonitorRedGreenOrBlueGain(int hMonitor, int gtGainType, int dwNewGain) int dxva2
Sets a monitor's red, green, or blue gain value.