uxtheme topic

User Theming APIs

Handles user experience theming and visual styles.


CloseThemeData(int hTheme) int uxtheme
Closes the theme data handle.
DrawThemeBackground(int hTheme, int hdc, int iPartId, int iStateId, Pointer<RECT> pRect, Pointer<RECT> pClipRect) int uxtheme
Draws the border and fill defined by the visual style for the specified control part.
DrawThemeEdge(int hTheme, int hdc, int iPartId, int iStateId, Pointer<RECT> pDestRect, int uEdge, int uFlags, Pointer<RECT> pContentRect) int uxtheme
Draws one or more edges defined by the visual style of a rectangle.
DrawThemeIcon(int hTheme, int hdc, int iPartId, int iStateId, Pointer<RECT> pRect, int himl, int iImageIndex) int uxtheme
Draws an image from an image list with the icon effect defined by the visual style.
DrawThemeParentBackground(int hwnd, int hdc, Pointer<RECT> prc) int uxtheme
Draws the part of a parent control that is covered by a partially-transparent or alpha-blended child control.
DrawThemeParentBackgroundEx(int hwnd, int hdc, int dwFlags, Pointer<RECT> prc) int uxtheme
Used by partially-transparent or alpha-blended child controls to draw the part of their parent in front of which they appear. Sends a WM_ERASEBKGND message followed by a WM_PRINTCLIENT.
DrawThemeTextEx(int hTheme, int hdc, int iPartId, int iStateId, Pointer<Utf16> pszText, int cchText, int dwTextFlags, Pointer<RECT> pRect, Pointer<DTTOPTS> pOptions) int uxtheme
Draws text using the color and font defined by the visual style.
EnableThemeDialogTexture(int hwnd, int dwFlags) int uxtheme
Enables or disables the visual style of the background of a dialog window.
GetCurrentThemeName(Pointer<Utf16> pszThemeFileName, int cchMaxNameChars, Pointer<Utf16> pszColorBuff, int cchMaxColorChars, Pointer<Utf16> pszSizeBuff, int cchMaxSizeChars) int uxtheme
Retrieves the name of the current visual style, and optionally retrieves the color scheme name and size name.
GetThemeMetric(int hTheme, int hdc, int iPartId, int iStateId, int iPropId, Pointer<Int32> piVal) int uxtheme
Retrieves the value of a metric property.
GetThemePartSize(int hTheme, int hdc, int iPartId, int iStateId, Pointer<RECT> prc, int eSize, Pointer<SIZE> psz) int uxtheme
Calculates the original size of the part defined by a visual style.
GetThemeRect(int hTheme, int iPartId, int iStateId, int iPropId, Pointer<RECT> pRect) int uxtheme
Retrieves the value of a RECT property.
GetThemeSysColor(int hTheme, int iColorId) int uxtheme
Retrieves the value of a system color.
GetThemeSysColorBrush(int hTheme, int iColorId) int uxtheme
Retrieves a system color brush.
GetThemeSysFont(int hTheme, int iFontId, Pointer<LOGFONT> plf) int uxtheme
Retrieves the LOGFONT of a system font.
GetThemeSysSize(int hTheme, int iSizeId) int uxtheme
Retrieves the value of a system size metric from theme data.
GetWindowTheme(int hwnd) int uxtheme
Retrieves a theme handle to a window that has visual styles applied.
IsAppThemed() int uxtheme
Reports whether the current application's user interface displays using visual styles.
IsCompositionActive() int uxtheme
Determines whether Desktop Window Manager (DWM) composition effects are available to the theme.
IsThemeActive() int uxtheme
Tests if a visual style for the current application is active.
IsThemeBackgroundPartiallyTransparent(int hTheme, int iPartId, int iStateId) int uxtheme
Retrieves whether the background specified by the visual style has transparent pieces or alpha-blended pieces.
IsThemeDialogTextureEnabled(int hwnd) int uxtheme
Reports whether a specified dialog window supports background texturing.
IsThemePartDefined(int hTheme, int iPartId, int iStateId) int uxtheme
Retrieves whether a visual style has defined parameters for the specified part and state.
OpenThemeData(int hwnd, Pointer<Utf16> pszClassList) int uxtheme
Opens the theme data for a window and its associated class.
OpenThemeDataEx(int hwnd, Pointer<Utf16> pszClassList, int dwFlags) int uxtheme
Opens the theme data associated with a window for specified theme classes.
OpenThemeDataForDpi(int hwnd, Pointer<Utf16> pszClassList, int dpi) int uxtheme
A variant of OpenThemeData that opens a theme handle associated with a specific DPI.
SetThemeAppProperties(int dwFlags) → void uxtheme
Sets the flags that determine how visual styles are implemented in the calling application.
SetWindowTheme(int hwnd, Pointer<Utf16> pszSubAppName, Pointer<Utf16> pszSubIdList) int uxtheme
Causes a window to use a different set of visual style information than its class normally uses.
SetWindowThemeAttribute(int hwnd, int eAttribute, Pointer<NativeType> pvAttribute, int cbAttribute) int uxtheme
Sets attributes to control how visual styles are applied to a specified window.
SetWindowThemeNonClientAttributes(int hwnd, int dwMask, int dwAttributes) int uxtheme
Sets attributes to control how visual styles are applied to a specified window.