Command line tools for the OnePub private Dart/Flutter repository.
You can install the package from the command line:
dart pub global activate onepub
The package has the following executables:
$ onepub $ opub
HomepageRepository (GitHub)View/report issues
DocumentationAPI reference
unknown (license)
analyzer, archive, args, async, basic_utils, boolean_selector, characters, charcode, chunked_stream, circular_buffer, cli_util, clock, collection, convert, coverage, crypto, csv, dart_console, dcli_core, dcli_input, dcli_terminal, equatable, ffi, file, frontend_server_client, functional_data, glob, globbing, http, http_multi_server, http_parser, ini, intl, io, js, json2yaml, json_annotation, lists, logging, meta, mime, node_preamble, oauth2, package_config, path, pointycastle, pool, posix, pub_semver, pubspec_lock, pubspec_manager, quiver, random_string, scope, settings_yaml, shelf, source_map_stack_trace, source_maps, source_span, stack_trace, stacktrace_impl, stream_channel, string_scanner, strings, sum_types, system_info2, term_glyph, typed_data, uri, url_builder, usage, uuid, validators2, watcher, web_socket_channel, webkit_inspection_protocol, win32, yaml, yaml_edit
Packages that depend on onepub