settings_yaml 8.2.0
settings_yaml: ^8.2.0 copied to clipboard
Provides a simple means of saving/loading settings from a yaml file without the yaml fuss.
Provide a very simple method to use yaml files for reading/writing an app's configuration.
Saving a config data #
void save() {
/// create a new .settings.yaml
var settings = SettingsYaml.load(pathToSettings: '.settings.yaml');
settings['dbname'] = 'billing';
settings['dbusername'] = 'username';
settings['dbpassword'] = 'apassword';
settings['timeout'] = 200;
settings['ats'] = <String>['cat', 'bat', 'rat'];
settings['hosts'] = <String, String>{
'host1': 'one',
'host2': 'two',
'host3': 'three'
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Loading config data #
void load() {
/// load an existing .settings.yaml, if it doesn't exist then create it.
var settings = SettingsYaml.load(pathToSettings: '.settings.yaml', create: true);
var dbname = settings['dbname'] as String;
var username = settings['dbusername']as String;
var password = settings['dbpassword']as String;
var timeout = settings['timeout']as String;
var ats = settings['ats']; // List<dynamic>
List<String> atsAsString = yaml.asStringList['ats'];
var hosts = settings['hosts'] as Map<String, String>;
settings['a_String'] = 'hello world';
settings['an_int'] = 10;
settings['a_double'] = 10.0;
settings['a_bool'] = true;
var a_String = settings.asString('a_String');
var an_int = settings.asInt('an_int');
var a_double = settings.asDoule('a_double');
var a_bool = settings.asBool('a_bool');
print('dbname $dbname, username: $username, password: $password, timeout: $timeout');
/// change something
var newPassword = ask('password');
settings['dbpassword'] = newPassword;
settings['hosts'] = <String, String>{
'host1': 'one',
'host2': 'two',
'host3': 'three';
settings['ats'] = <String>['cat', 'bat', 'rat'];;
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Access nested content #
SettingsYaml also provides access to nested attributes using path selectors:
var content = '''name: brett
hostname: slayer
port: 10
active: true
volume: 10.0
imageid: "65385002e970"
- person:
name: brett
- person:
name: john
var settings = SettingsYaml.fromString(content: content, filePath: path);
// use a path selector to read an attribute.
expect(settings.selectAsString('people.person[0].name'), equals('brett'));
expect(settings.selectAsString('people.person[1].name'), equals('john'));
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Each selector is made up of a word.
To access an element in a list use 'word[n]'. where 'n' is the nth instance of the word in a yaml array.
- two
- two
name: brett
password: abc123
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To return the value of four
settings.selectAsString('one.two[1]') == 'brett'
settings.selectAsString('one.two[1].three.password') == 'abc123'
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You can also get a Dart map or list:
settings.selectAsString('one.two[1].three') is Map;
settings.selectAsString('one') is List;
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