chunked_stream 1.4.2
chunked_stream: ^1.4.2 copied to clipboard
Utilities for working with chunked streams, such as byte streams which is often given as a stream of byte chunks with type `Stream<List<int>>`.
Chunked Stream Utilities #
Utilities for working with chunked streams, such as Stream<List<int>>
Disclaimer: This is not an officially supported Google product.
A chunked stream is a stream where the data arrives in chunks. The most
common example is a byte stream, which conventionally has the type
. We say a byte stream in chunked because bytes arrives in
chunks, rather than individiually.
A byte stream could technically have the type Stream<int>
, however, this would
be very inefficient, as each byte would be passed as an individual event.
Instead bytes arrives in chunks (List<int>
) and the type of a byte stream
is Stream<List<int>>
For easily converting a byte stream Stream<List<int>>
into a single byte
buffer Uint8List
(which implements List<int>
) this package provides
readByteStream(stream, maxSize: 1024*1024)
, which conveniently takes an
optional maxSize
parameter to help avoid running out of memory.
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:chunked_stream/chunked_stream.dart';
Future<void> main() async {
// Open as a byte stream
Stream<List<int>> fileStream = File('').openRead();
// Read all bytes from the stream
final Uint8List bytes = await readByteStream(fileStream);
// Convert content to string using utf8 codec from dart:convert and print
To make it easy to process chunked streams, such as Stream<List<int>>
this package provides ChunkedStreamIterator
which allows you to specify how
many elements you want, and buffer unconsumed elements, making it easy to work
with chunked streams one element at the time.
final reader = ChunkedStreamIterator(File('my-file.txt').openRead());
// While the reader has a next byte
while (true) {
var data = await; // read one byte
if (data.length < 0) {
print('End of file reached');
print('next byte: ${data[0]}');