WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension



activeAttributes num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
activeTexture ↔ void Function(num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
activeTexture$ num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
activeUniforms num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
aliasedLineWidthRange num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
aliasedPointSizeRange num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
alpha num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
alphaBits num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
always num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
arrayBuffer num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
arrayBufferBinding num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
attachedShaders num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
attachShader ↔ void Function(WebGLProgram, WebGLShader)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
back num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
bindAttribLocation ↔ void Function(WebGLProgram, num, String)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
bindBuffer ↔ void Function(num, [WebGLBuffer?])

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
bindFramebuffer ↔ void Function(num, [WebGLFramebuffer?])

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
bindRenderbuffer ↔ void Function(num, [WebGLRenderbuffer?])

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
bindTexture ↔ void Function(num, [WebGLTexture?])

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
blend num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
blendColor ↔ void Function(num, num, num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
blendColor$ num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
blendDstAlpha num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
blendDstRgb num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
blendEquation ↔ void Function(num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
blendEquation$ num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
blendEquationAlpha num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
blendEquationRgb num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
blendEquationSeparate ↔ void Function(num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
blendFunc ↔ void Function(num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
blendFuncSeparate ↔ void Function(num, num, num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
blendSrcAlpha num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
blendSrcRgb num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
blueBits num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
bool$ num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
boolVec2 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
boolVec3 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
boolVec4 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
browserDefaultWebgl num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
bufferSize num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
bufferUsage num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
byte num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
ccw num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
checkFramebufferStatus num Function(num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
clampToEdge num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
clear ↔ void Function(num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
clearColor ↔ void Function(num, num, num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
clearDepth ↔ void Function(num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
clearStencil ↔ void Function(num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
colorAttachment0 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
colorBufferBit num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
colorClearValue num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
colorMask ↔ void Function(bool, bool, bool, bool)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
colorWritemask num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
compileShader ↔ void Function(WebGLShader)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
compileStatus num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
compressedTextureFormats num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
constantAlpha num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
constantColor num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
contextLostWebgl num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
copyTexImage2D ↔ void Function(num, num, num, num, num, num, num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
copyTexSubImage2D ↔ void Function(num, num, num, num, num, num, num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
createBuffer WebGLBuffer? Function()

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
createFramebuffer WebGLFramebuffer? Function()

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
createProgram WebGLProgram? Function()

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
createRenderbuffer WebGLRenderbuffer? Function()

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
createShader WebGLShader? Function(num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
createTexture WebGLTexture? Function()

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
cullFace ↔ void Function(num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
cullFace$ num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
cullFaceMode num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
currentProgram num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
currentVertexAttrib num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
cw num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
decr num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
decrWrap num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
deleteBuffer ↔ void Function([WebGLBuffer?])

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
deleteFramebuffer ↔ void Function([WebGLFramebuffer?])

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
deleteProgram ↔ void Function([WebGLProgram?])

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
deleteRenderbuffer ↔ void Function([WebGLRenderbuffer?])

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
deleteShader ↔ void Function([WebGLShader?])

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
deleteStatus num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
deleteTexture ↔ void Function([WebGLTexture?])

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
depthAttachment num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
depthBits num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
depthBufferBit num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
depthClearValue num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
depthComponent num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
depthComponent16 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
depthFunc ↔ void Function(num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
depthFunc$ num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
depthMask ↔ void Function(bool)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
depthRange ↔ void Function(num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
depthRange$ num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
depthStencil num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
depthStencilAttachment num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
depthTest num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
depthWritemask num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
detachShader ↔ void Function(WebGLProgram, WebGLShader)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
disable ↔ void Function(num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
disableVertexAttribArray ↔ void Function(num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
dither num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
dontCare num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
drawArrays ↔ void Function(num, num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
drawElements ↔ void Function(num, num, num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
drawingBufferColorSpace PredefinedColorSpace

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
drawingBufferHeight num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

MDN Reference
no setter
drawingBufferWidth num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

MDN Reference
no setter
dstAlpha num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
dstColor num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
dynamicDraw num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
elementArrayBuffer num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
elementArrayBufferBinding num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
enable ↔ void Function(num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
enableVertexAttribArray ↔ void Function(num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
equal num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
fastest num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
finish ↔ void Function()

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
float num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
floatMat2 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
floatMat3 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
floatMat4 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
floatVec2 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
floatVec3 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
floatVec4 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
flush ↔ void Function()

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
fragmentShader num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
framebuffer num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
framebufferAttachmentObjectName num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
framebufferAttachmentObjectType num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
framebufferAttachmentTextureCubeMapFace num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
framebufferAttachmentTextureLevel num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
framebufferBinding num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
framebufferComplete num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
framebufferIncompleteAttachment num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
framebufferIncompleteDimensions num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
framebufferIncompleteMissingAttachment num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
framebufferRenderbuffer ↔ void Function(num, num, num, [WebGLRenderbuffer?])

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
framebufferTexture2D ↔ void Function(num, num, num, num, [WebGLTexture?])

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
framebufferUnsupported num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
front num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
frontAndBack num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
frontFace ↔ void Function(num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
frontFace$ num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
funcAdd num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
funcReverseSubtract num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
funcSubtract num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
generateMipmap ↔ void Function(num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
generateMipmapHint num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
gequal num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
getActiveAttrib WebGLActiveInfo? Function(WebGLProgram, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
getActiveUniform WebGLActiveInfo? Function(WebGLProgram, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
getAttachedShaders List<WebGLShader>? Function(WebGLProgram)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
getAttribLocation num Function(WebGLProgram, String)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
getBufferParameter ↔ dynamic Function(num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
getContextAttributes WebGLContextAttributes? Function()

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
getError num Function()

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
getExtension → ({ANGLEInstancedArrays? Function(String extensionName) $1, EXTTextureCompressionRgtc? Function(String extensionName) $10, EXTTextureFilterAnisotropic? Function(String extensionName) $11, KHRParallelShaderCompile? Function(String extensionName) $12, OESElementIndexUint? Function(String extensionName) $13, OESFboRenderMipmap? Function(String extensionName) $14, OESStandardDerivatives? Function(String extensionName) $15, OESTextureFloat? Function(String extensionName) $16, OESTextureFloatLinear? Function(String extensionName) $17, OESTextureHalfFloat? Function(String extensionName) $18, OESTextureHalfFloatLinear? Function(String extensionName) $19, EXTBlendMinmax? Function(String extensionName) $2, OESVertexArrayObject? Function(String extensionName) $20, OVRMultiview2? Function(String extensionName) $21, WEBGLColorBufferFloat? Function(String extensionName) $22, WEBGLCompressedTextureAstc? Function(String extensionName) $23, WEBGLCompressedTextureEtc? Function(String extensionName) $24, WEBGLCompressedTextureEtc1? Function(String extensionName) $25, WEBGLCompressedTexturePvrtc? Function(String extensionName) $26, WEBGLCompressedTextureS3tc? Function(String extensionName) $27, WEBGLCompressedTextureS3tcSrgb? Function(String extensionName) $28, WEBGLDebugRendererInfo? Function(String extensionName) $29, EXTColorBufferFloat? Function(String extensionName) $3, WEBGLDebugShaders? Function(String extensionName) $30, WEBGLDepthTexture? Function(String extensionName) $31, WEBGLDrawBuffers? Function(String extensionName) $32, WEBGLLoseContext? Function(String extensionName) $33, WEBGLMultiDraw? Function(String extensionName) $34, dynamic Function(String name) $35, EXTColorBufferHalfFloat? Function(String extensionName) $4, EXTFloatBlend? Function(String extensionName) $5, EXTFragDepth? Function(String extensionName) $6, EXTSRGB? Function(String extensionName) $7, EXTShaderTextureLod? Function(String extensionName) $8, EXTTextureCompressionBptc? Function(String extensionName) $9})

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

Overload accessor: $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12, $13, $14, $15, $16, $17, $18, $19, $20, $21, $22, $23, $24, $25, $26, $27, $28, $29, $30, $31, $32, $33, $34, $35
no setter
getFramebufferAttachmentParameter ↔ dynamic Function(num, num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
getParameter ↔ dynamic Function(num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
getProgramInfoLog String? Function(WebGLProgram)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
getProgramParameter ↔ dynamic Function(WebGLProgram, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
getRenderbufferParameter ↔ dynamic Function(num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
getShaderInfoLog String? Function(WebGLShader)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
getShaderParameter ↔ dynamic Function(WebGLShader, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
getShaderPrecisionFormat WebGLShaderPrecisionFormat? Function(num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
getShaderSource String? Function(WebGLShader)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
getSupportedExtensions List<String>? Function()

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
getTexParameter ↔ dynamic Function(num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
getUniform ↔ dynamic Function(WebGLProgram, WebGLUniformLocation)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
getUniformLocation WebGLUniformLocation? Function(WebGLProgram, String)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
getVertexAttrib ↔ dynamic Function(num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
getVertexAttribOffset num Function(num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
greater num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
greenBits num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
highFloat num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
highInt num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
hint ↔ void Function(num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
implementationColorReadFormat num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
implementationColorReadType num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
incr num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
incrWrap num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
int$ num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
intVec2 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
intVec3 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
intVec4 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
invalidEnum num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
invalidFramebufferOperation num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
invalidOperation num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
invalidValue num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
invert num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
isBuffer bool Function([WebGLBuffer?])

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
isContextLost bool Function()

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
isEnabled bool Function(num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
isFramebuffer bool Function([WebGLFramebuffer?])

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
isProgram bool Function([WebGLProgram?])

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
isRenderbuffer bool Function([WebGLRenderbuffer?])

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
isShader bool Function([WebGLShader?])

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
isTexture bool Function([WebGLTexture?])

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
keep num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
lequal num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
less num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
linear num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
linearMipmapLinear num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
linearMipmapNearest num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
lineLoop num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
lines num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
lineStrip num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
lineWidth ↔ void Function(num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
lineWidth$ num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
linkProgram ↔ void Function(WebGLProgram)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
linkStatus num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
lowFloat num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
lowInt num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
luminance num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
luminanceAlpha num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
maxCombinedTextureImageUnits num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
maxCubeMapTextureSize num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
maxFragmentUniformVectors num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
maxRenderbufferSize num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
maxTextureImageUnits num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
maxTextureSize num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
maxVaryingVectors num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
maxVertexAttribs num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
maxVertexTextureImageUnits num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
maxVertexUniformVectors num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
maxViewportDims num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
mediumFloat num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
mediumInt num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
mirroredRepeat num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
nearest num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
nearestMipmapLinear num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
nearestMipmapNearest num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
never num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
nicest num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
noError num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
none num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
notequal num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
one num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
oneMinusConstantAlpha num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
oneMinusConstantColor num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
oneMinusDstAlpha num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
oneMinusDstColor num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
oneMinusSrcAlpha num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
oneMinusSrcColor num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
outOfMemory num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
packAlignment num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
pixelStorei ↔ void Function(num, Object)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
points num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
polygonOffset ↔ void Function(num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
polygonOffsetFactor num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
polygonOffsetFill num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
polygonOffsetUnits num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
redBits num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
renderbuffer num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
renderbufferAlphaSize num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
renderbufferBinding num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
renderbufferBlueSize num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
renderbufferDepthSize num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
renderbufferGreenSize num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
renderbufferHeight num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
renderbufferInternalFormat num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
renderbufferRedSize num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
renderbufferStencilSize num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
renderbufferStorage ↔ void Function(num, num, num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
renderbufferWidth num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
renderer num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
repeat num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
replace num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
rgb num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
rgb5A1 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
rgb565 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
rgba num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
rgba4 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
sampleAlphaToCoverage num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
sampleBuffers num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
sampleCoverage ↔ void Function(num, bool)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
sampleCoverage$ num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
sampleCoverageInvert num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
sampleCoverageValue num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
sampler2d num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
samplerCube num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
samples num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
scissor ↔ void Function(num, num, num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
scissorBox num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
scissorTest num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
shaderSource ↔ void Function(WebGLShader, String)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
shaderType num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
shadingLanguageVersion num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
short num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
srcAlpha num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
srcAlphaSaturate num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
srcColor num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
staticDraw num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
stencilAttachment num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
stencilBackFail num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
stencilBackFunc num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
stencilBackPassDepthFail num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
stencilBackPassDepthPass num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
stencilBackRef num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
stencilBackValueMask num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
stencilBackWritemask num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
stencilBits num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
stencilBufferBit num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
stencilClearValue num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
stencilFail num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
stencilFunc ↔ void Function(num, num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
stencilFunc$ num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
stencilFuncSeparate ↔ void Function(num, num, num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
stencilIndex8 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
stencilMask ↔ void Function(num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
stencilMaskSeparate ↔ void Function(num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
stencilOp ↔ void Function(num, num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
stencilOpSeparate ↔ void Function(num, num, num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
stencilPassDepthFail num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
stencilPassDepthPass num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
stencilRef num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
stencilTest num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
stencilValueMask num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
stencilWritemask num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
streamDraw num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
subpixelBits num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texParameterf ↔ void Function(num, num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
texParameteri ↔ void Function(num, num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
texture num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texture0 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texture1 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texture2 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texture2d num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texture3 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texture4 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texture5 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texture6 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texture7 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texture8 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texture9 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texture10 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texture11 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texture12 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texture13 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texture14 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texture15 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texture16 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texture17 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texture18 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texture19 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texture20 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texture21 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texture22 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texture23 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texture24 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texture25 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texture26 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texture27 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texture28 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texture29 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texture30 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
texture31 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
textureBinding2d num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
textureBindingCubeMap num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
textureCubeMap num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
textureCubeMapNegativeX num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
textureCubeMapNegativeY num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
textureCubeMapNegativeZ num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
textureCubeMapPositiveX num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
textureCubeMapPositiveY num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
textureCubeMapPositiveZ num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
textureMagFilter num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
textureMinFilter num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
textureWrapS num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
textureWrapT num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
triangleFan num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
triangles num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
triangleStrip num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
uniform1f ↔ void Function(num, [WebGLUniformLocation?])

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
uniform1i ↔ void Function(num, [WebGLUniformLocation?])

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
uniform2f ↔ void Function(num, num, [WebGLUniformLocation?])

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
uniform2i ↔ void Function(num, num, [WebGLUniformLocation?])

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
uniform3f ↔ void Function(num, num, num, [WebGLUniformLocation?])

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
uniform3i ↔ void Function(num, num, num, [WebGLUniformLocation?])

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
uniform4f ↔ void Function(num, num, num, num, [WebGLUniformLocation?])

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
uniform4i ↔ void Function(num, num, num, num, [WebGLUniformLocation?])

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
unpackAlignment num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
unpackColorspaceConversionWebgl num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
unpackFlipYWebgl num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
unpackPremultiplyAlphaWebgl num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
unsignedByte num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
unsignedInt num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
unsignedShort num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
unsignedShort565 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
unsignedShort4444 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
unsignedShort5551 num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
useProgram ↔ void Function([WebGLProgram?])

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
validateProgram ↔ void Function(WebGLProgram)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
validateStatus num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
vendor num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
version num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
vertexAttrib1f ↔ void Function(num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
vertexAttrib1fv → ({void Function(num index, Object values) $1, void Function(num index, Iterable<num> values) $2})

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

Overload accessor: $1, $2
no setter
vertexAttrib2f ↔ void Function(num, num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
vertexAttrib2fv → ({void Function(num index, Object values) $1, void Function(num index, Iterable<num> values) $2})

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

Overload accessor: $1, $2
no setter
vertexAttrib3f ↔ void Function(num, num, num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
vertexAttrib3fv → ({void Function(num index, Object values) $1, void Function(num index, Iterable<num> values) $2})

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

Overload accessor: $1, $2
no setter
vertexAttrib4f ↔ void Function(num, num, num, num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
vertexAttrib4fv → ({void Function(num index, Object values) $1, void Function(num index, Iterable<num> values) $2})

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

Overload accessor: $1, $2
no setter
vertexAttribArrayBufferBinding num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
vertexAttribArrayEnabled num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
vertexAttribArrayNormalized num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
vertexAttribArrayPointer num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
vertexAttribArraySize num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
vertexAttribArrayStride num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
vertexAttribArrayType num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
vertexAttribPointer ↔ void Function(num, num, num, bool, num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
vertexShader num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
viewport ↔ void Function(num, num, num, num)

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
viewport$ num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter
zero num

Available on WebGLRenderingContextBase, provided by the WebGLRenderingContextBase$Typings extension

no setter