Mirrorfly class

The main class for the MirrorFly Flutter plugin. This class provides static methods to interact with the MirrorFly platform. It serves as the entry point for the plugin and provides methods to initialize the SDK, send messages, and perform other operations. The class is implemented as a singleton, and its methods are accessed through static calls. To use the plugin, import the mirrorfly_plugin package and call the methods on the Mirrorfly class.


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

blockedThisUser Stream
A stream that emits events when a user is blocked.
no setter
isChatHistoryEnabled bool
isChatHistoryEnabled to check the chat history is enabled or not
getter/setter pair
isPrivateStorageEnabled bool
isPrivateStorageEnabled to check the private storage is enabled or not
getter/setter pair
isTrialLicence bool
isTrialLicence to check the trial or live licence
getter/setter pair
myProfileUpdated Stream
A stream that emits events when the user's profile is updated.
no setter
onAdminBlockedOtherUser Stream
A stream that emits events when an admin blocks another user.
no setter
onAdminBlockedUser Stream
A stream that emits events when a user is blocked by an admin.
no setter
onAvailableFeaturesUpdated Stream
A stream that emits events when available features are updated.
no setter
onCallAction Stream
A stream that emits events for call actions.
no setter
onCallLogDeleted Stream
A stream that emits events when a call log is deleted.
no setter
onCallLogsCleared Stream
A stream that emits events when all call logs are cleared.
no setter
onCallLogsUpdated Stream
A stream that emits events when call logs are updated.
no setter
onCallStatusUpdated Stream
A stream that emits events when call status is updated.
no setter
onChatTypingStatus Stream
A stream that emits chat typing status events.
no setter
onConnected Stream
A stream that emits events when the chat service is connected.
no setter
onConnectionFailed Stream
A stream that emits events when the chat service connection fails.
no setter
onContactSyncComplete Stream
A stream that emits events when contact synchronization is complete.
no setter
onDisconnected Stream
A stream that emits events when the chat service is disconnected.
no setter
onError Stream
Stream that emits events when the call link subscribe error
no setter
onFetchingGroupMembersCompleted Stream
A stream that emits events when the fetching of group members is completed.
no setter
onGroupDeletedLocally Stream
A stream that emits events when a group is deleted locally.
no setter
onGroupNotificationMessage Stream
A stream that emits events related to group notifications.
no setter
onGroupProfileFetched Stream
A stream that emits events when a group profile is fetched.
no setter
onGroupProfileUpdated Stream
A stream that emits events when a group profile is updated.
no setter
onGroupTypingStatus Stream
A stream that emits group typing status events.
no setter
onLeftFromGroup Stream
A stream that emits events when a member leaves a group.
no setter
onLocalVideoTrackAdded Stream
A stream that emits events when a local video track is added.
no setter
onLoggedOut Stream
A stream that emits events when a user is logged out.
no setter
onMediaStatusUpdated Stream
A stream that emits events when the status of a media message is updated.
no setter
onMemberMadeAsAdmin Stream
A stream that emits events when a member is made as an admin of a group.
no setter
onMemberRemovedAsAdmin Stream
A stream that emits events when a member is removed as an admin from a group.
no setter
onMemberRemovedFromGroup Stream
A stream that emits events when a member is removed from a group.
no setter
onMessageEdited Stream
A stream that emits events when a message is edited.
no setter
onMessageReceived Stream
A stream that emits events when a message is received.
no setter
onMessageStatusUpdated Stream
A stream that emits events when the status of a message is updated.
no setter
onMissedCall Stream
A stream that emits events for missed calls.
no setter
onMuteStatusUpdated Stream
A stream that emits events when mute status is updated.
no setter
onNewGroupCreated Stream
A stream that emits events when a new group is created.
no setter
onNewMemberAddedToGroup Stream
A stream that emits events when a new member is added to a group.
no setter
onRemoteVideoTrackAdded Stream
A stream that emits events when a remote video track is added.
no setter
onSubscribeSuccess Stream
Stream that emits events when the call link subscribed success.
no setter
onTrackAdded Stream
A stream that emits events when any track is added.
no setter
onUploadDownloadProgressChanged Stream
A stream that emits events when there is a change in upload or download progress of a media file.
no setter
onUserSpeaking Stream
A stream that emits events when a user starts speaking.
no setter
onUserStoppedSpeaking Stream
A stream that emits events when a user stops speaking.
no setter
onUsersUpdated Stream
Stream that emits events when the call link users are updated
no setter
setTypingStatus Stream
A stream to set the typing status of a user.
no setter
showOrUpdateOrCancelNotification Stream
A stream that emits events for showing, updating, or canceling notifications.
no setter
typingStatus Stream
A stream that emits typing status events.
no setter
unblockedThisUser Stream
A stream that emits events when a user is unblocked.
no setter
userBlockedMe Stream
A stream that emits events when a user blocks the current user.
no setter
userCameOnline Stream
A stream that emits events when a user comes online.
no setter
userDeletedHisProfile Stream
A stream that emits events when a user deletes his profile.
no setter
userProfileFetched Stream
A stream that emits events when a single user profile is fetched.
no setter
usersIBlockedListFetched Stream
A stream that emits events when the list of users the current user has blocked is fetched.
no setter
usersProfilesFetched Stream
A stream that emits events when multiple user profiles are fetched.
no setter
usersWhoBlockedMeListFetched Stream
A stream that emits events when the list of users who blocked the current user is fetched.
no setter
userUnBlockedMe Stream
A stream that emits events when a user unblocks the current user.
no setter
userUpdatedHisProfile Stream
A stream that emits events when a user updates his profile.
no setter
userWentOffline Stream
A stream that emits events when a user goes offline.
no setter

Static Methods

acceptVideoCallSwitchRequest() Future<bool>
Accepts a request to switch to a video call during an ongoing voice call.
addContact({required String number, required String name}) Future<bool?>
This method adds a contact with the specified phone number and name to the user's contact list. It is an asynchronous operation that returns a Future<bool?> indicating the success or failure of the contact addition.
addUsersToGroup({required String jid, required List<String> userList, required dynamic flyCallBack(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
Adds users to a group.
appLaunchedFromMissedCall() Future<bool?>
Checks if the app was launched from a missed call notification.
authToken() Future<String?>
This authToken is used to get refreshed Auth Token.
blockUser({required String userJid, required dynamic flyCallBack(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
This method sends a request to block a user identified by userJid. Upon completion, the flyCallBack function is invoked with a FlyResponse object, which contains information about the success or failure of the operation.
cancelMediaUploadOrDownload({required String messageId}) → dynamic
Cancels a media upload or download operation.
cancelVideoCallSwitch() Future<bool>
Cancels the video call switch operation.
clearAllConversation({required dynamic flyCallBack(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
Clears all conversations from the Mirrorfly chat platform.
clearChat({required String jid, required String chatType, required bool clearExceptStarred, required dynamic flyCallBack(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
This method clears the chat history for the chat identified by jid and chatType. It can optionally preserve starred messages if clearExceptStarred is set to true.
contactSyncStateValue() Future<bool>
Checks the current state of contact synchronization.
createGroup({required String groupName, required List<String> userList, required String image, required dynamic flyCallBack(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
This method creates a new group with the specified name, user list, and group image. Upon completion, the flyCallBack function is invoked with a FlyResponse object, which contains information about the success or failure of the operation.
Creates a meeting link.
createTopic({required String topicName, List<TopicMetaData> metaData = const [], required dynamic flyCallBack(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
Creates a new topic with the specified name and optional metadata.
declineCall() Future<bool?>
Used as a declineCall class for Mirrorfly used to decline the Call an out-going call
declineVideoCallSwitchRequest() Future<bool>
Declines a request to switch from a voice call to video call from other Remote user in the call.
deleteAccount({required String reason, String? feedback, required dynamic flyCallBack(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
Deletes the user account from the Mirrorfly platform.
deleteBusyStatus({required String id, required String status, required bool isCurrentStatus}) Future<bool?>
Deletes a busy status.
deleteCallLog({required List<String> jidList, required bool isClearAll, required dynamic flyCallBack(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
Deletes call logs from the Mirrorfly chat platform.
deleteGroup({required String jid, required dynamic flyCallBack(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
Deletes a group.
deleteMessagesForEveryone({required String jid, required String chatType, required List<String> messageIds, bool? isMediaDelete, required dynamic flyCallBack(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
This method deletes specified messages for all users in a chat, optionally including associated media files. Upon completion, flyCallBack is invoked with a FlyResponse object containing the result of the operation.
deleteMessagesForMe({required String jid, required String chatType, required List<String> messageIds, bool? isMediaDelete, required dynamic flyCallBack(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
This method deletes specified messages for the current user but not for other users in the chat. It can optionally delete associated media files if isMediaDelete is set to true.
deleteProfileStatus({required String id, required String status, required bool isCurrentStatus}) Future<bool?>
Deletes a profile status.
deleteRecentChat(String jid) → dynamic
Deletes recent chats for the specified JID.
deleteRecentChats({required List<String> jidList, required dynamic flyCallBack(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
Deletes recent chats for the specified list of JIDs.
deleteUnreadMessageSeparatorOfAConversation({required String jid}) Future<bool?>
Deletes the unread message separator of a conversation.
disconnectCall({required dynamic flyCallBack(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
Provides functionality to disconnect a call in the Mirrorfly platform.
disposePreview() Future<void>
Disposes of the meeting preview.
downloadMedia({required String messageId}) → dynamic
Download media associated with a message to the Mirrorfly chat platform.
editMediaCaption({required EditMessageParams editMessageParams, required dynamic flyCallback(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
A method used to edit a Caption Text message sent previously.
editTextMessage({required EditMessageParams editMessageParams, required dynamic flyCallback(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
A method used to edit a text message sent previously.
enableDisableArchivedSettings({required bool enable, required dynamic flyCallBack(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
This method enables or disables the archived settings feature in the Mirrorfly SDK, based on the value of the enable parameter.
enableDisableBusyStatus({required bool enable, required dynamic flyCallBack(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
Enables or disables the busy status feature.
enableDisableHideLastSeen(bool enable) Future<bool?>
Retrieves the last seen status of the current user.
exportChatConversationToEmail({required String jid, required dynamic flyCallBack(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
Exports chat conversation to email.
forwardMessagesToMultipleUsers({required List<String> messageIds, required List<String> userList, required dynamic flyCallBack(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
This method forwards a list of messages to multiple users. Upon completion, the flyCallBack function is invoked with a FlyResponse object, which contains information about the success or failure of the operation.
getAllAvailableAudioInput() Future<String>
Retrieves a list of all available audio input devices.
getAllGroups({bool fetchFromServer = false, required dynamic flyCallBack(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
Retrieves all groups.
getAppLaunchedDetails() Future<MirrorflyNotificationAppLaunchDetails?>
Checks if the app was launched from a Mirrorfly notification.
getArchivedChatList({required dynamic flyCallBack(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
Provides a list of archived chats.
getAvailableFeatures() Future<String>
Retrieves the available features provided by the Mirrorfly SDK. the features based on MirrorFly Plan from your license key You can Call this to show/hide features based on the availability If the feature is not available, then SDK methods wil throw 403 Exception.
getBusyStatusList() Future<String?>
Retrieves the list of busy statuses asynchronously.
getCallDirection() Future<String>
Retrieves the call direction from the Mirrorfly platform.
getCallGroupJid() Future<String>
Retrieves the group JID for video call purposes.
Retrieves the call link.
getCallLogsList({required int currentPage, required dynamic flyCallBack(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
Provides access to call logs list from the platform.
getCallType() Future<String>
Retrieves the type of ongoing call from the Mirrorfly platform.
getCallUsersList() Future<String>
Retrieves a list of users in the current call.
getCurrentAuthToken() Future<String>
Retrieves the current authentication token asynchronously.
getDocsMessages({required String jid}) Future<String?>
Retrieves document messages for a specific JID.
getFavouriteMessages() Future<String>
Retrieves the user's favorite messages from the Mirrorfly chat platform.
getGroupJid({required String groupId}) Future<String?>
Retrieves the group JID associated with a given group ID.
getGroupMembersList({required String jid, bool? fetchFromServer, required dynamic flyCallBack(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
Retrieves the list of group members.
getGroupMessageDeliveredRecipients({required String messageId, required String groupJid, required dynamic flyCallBack(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
Get Delivered Recipients of a Group message to the Mirrorfly chat platform.
getGroupMessageDeliveredToList(String messageId, String jid) Future<String>
This method fetches the list of recipients who have received the specified group message. Note that this method is deprecated and it is recommended to use Mirrorfly.getGroupMessageDeliveredRecipients() instead.
getGroupMessageReadByList(String messageId, String jid) Future<String>
This method fetches the list of recipients who have received the specified group message. Note that this method is deprecated and it is recommended to use Mirrorfly.getGroupMessageDeliveredRecipients() instead.
getGroupMessageSeenRecipients({required String messageId, required String groupJid, required dynamic flyCallBack(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
Get Seen Recipients of a Group message to the Mirrorfly chat platform.
getGroupProfile({required String groupJid, bool fetchFromServer = false, required dynamic flyCallBack(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
Retrieves the profile of a group.
getInvitedUsersList() Future<List<String>>
Retrieves a list of invited users from the Mirrorfly platform asynchronously.
getJid({required String username}) Future<String?>
Retrieves the JID associated with the given username.
getJidFromPhoneNumber({required String mobileNumber, required String countryCode}) Future<String?>
Retrieves the JID associated with a given phone number.
getLinkMessages({required String jid}) Future<String?>
Retrieves link messages for a specific JID.
getLocalCallLogs() Future<String>
Provides access to call logs list from the platform.
getMaxCallUsersCount() Future<int?>
/ Retrieves the maximum number of users allowed in a call.
getMediaAutoDownload() Future<bool?>
Retrieves the media auto-download setting.
getMediaMessages({required String jid}) Future<String?>
Retrieves media messages for a specific JID.
getMediaSetting({required int networkType, required String type}) Future<bool?>
This static method queries the Mirrorfly chat platform to retrieve media settings based on the specified networkType and type.
getMeetUsername({required String userJid}) Future<String>
Retrieves the meeting username for a given user JID.
getMessageOfId({required String messageId}) Future<String?>
This method fetches the details of a message identified by its unique messageId. It returns a Future<String?> that completes with the message details as a JSON string, or null if the message cannot be found or an error occurs.
getMessagesOfJid({required String jid}) Future<String?>
Provides a method to fetch messages for a specific JID.
getMessageStatusOf({required String messageId}) Future<String>
Get Status of a message to the Mirrorfly chat platform.
getMessageStatusOfASingleChatMessage(String messageID) Future<String>
This method fetches the status of the specified single chat message. Note that this method is deprecated and it is recommended to use Mirrorfly.getMessageStatusOf() instead.
getMessagesUsingIds({required List<String> messageIds}) Future<String?>
This method fetches messages based on a list of message IDs provided. It returns a Future<String?> that completes with the message details as a JSON string, or null if an error occurs.
getMetaData({required dynamic flyCallback(FlyResponse response)}) → dynamic
Provides information about the metadata of logged in with metadata .
getMyBusyStatus() Future<String>
Retrieves the busy status of the current user asynchronously.
getProfileDetails({required String jid}) Future<String?>
Retrieves profile details for a given user.
getProfileStatusList() Future<String?>
Retrieves a list of profile statuses.
getRecentChatList({required dynamic flyCallBack(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
Retrieves the recent chat list from the Mirrorfly chat platform.
getRecentChatListHistory({required bool firstSet, int limit = 15, required dynamic flyCallback(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
Retrieves the recent chat list history asynchronously.
getRecentChatListHistoryByTopic({required String topicId, required bool firstSet, int limit = 15, required dynamic flyCallback(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
Retrieves the recent chat list history by Topic asynchronously.
getRecentChatListIncludingArchived() Future<String>
Retrieves a list of recent chats including archived ones.
getRecentChatOf({required String jid}) Future<String>
This method fetches the details of the most recent chat for a user or group identified by jid.
getRecentChatPinnedCount() Future<int?>
Retrieves the count of recent chats that are pinned.
getRegisteredUserList({required bool fetchFromServer}) Future<String?>
A method used to get the list of registered users from the Mirrorfly platform.
getRegisteredUsers({required bool fetchFromServer, required dynamic flyCallback(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
This method fetches the list of users registered on the Mirrorfly platform under the license key.
getTopics({required List<String> topicIds, required dynamic flyCallBack(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
Retrieves topics from the Mirrorfly platform.
getUnreadMessageCountExceptMutedChat() Future<int?>
Retrieves the count of unread messages in all active chats, excluding muted chats.
getUnreadMessagesCount() Future<int?>
Retrieves the count of unread messages asynchronously.
getUnreadMissedCallCount() Future<int?>
Retrieves the number of unread missed calls.
getUnsentMessageOfAJid({required String jid}) Future<String?>
Retrieves the Typed unsent message of a given JID.
getUserLastSeenTime({required String jid, required dynamic flyCallBack(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
Retrieves the last seen time of a user identified by their JID.
getUserList({int page = 1, String search = "", int perPageResultSize = 20, MetaDataUserList? metaDataUserList, required dynamic flyCallback(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
Retrieves a list of users from the Mirrorfly platform.
getUserProfile({required String jid, bool fetchFromServer = false, bool saveAsFriend = false, required dynamic flyCallback(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
Retrieves the user profile from the Mirrorfly server.
getUsersIBlocked({bool fetchFromServer = false, required dynamic flyCallBack(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
Retrieves the list of users blocked by the current user.
getUsersWhoBlockedMe({bool fetchFromServer = false, required dynamic flyCallBack(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
Retrieves a list of users who have blocked the current user.
getValueFromManifestOrInfoPlist({String? androidManifestKey, String? iOSPlistKey}) Future<String>
Utility method to retrieve a value from either the AndroidManifest.xml (for Android) or the Info.plist (for iOS) based on the provided keys.
handleReceivedMessage({required Map notificationData, required dynamic flyCallBack(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
This handleReceivedMessage Handles an incoming FCM message received by the Mirrorfly SDK for only Android for iOS Need to add Notification Extension Service add this line in your Notification Extension service MirrorFlyNotification().handleNotification(notificationRequest: request, contentHandler: contentHandler, containerID: "xxx", licenseKey: "xxxx")
hasNextMessages() Future<bool>
This hasNextMessages is used to find it has any Previous messages
hasPreviousMessages() Future<bool>
This hasPreviousMessages is used to find it has any Previous messages
init({required String baseUrl, required String licenseKey, required String iOSContainerID, String? storageFolderName, bool enableMobileNumberLogin = true, bool isTrialLicenceKey = true, bool chatHistoryEnable = false, bool enableDebugLog = false}) → dynamic
Used as a initChat class for Mirrorfly
initializeMeet({required String callLinkId, required String userName, required dynamic flyCallback(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
Initializes a meeting with the specified call link and user name.
initializeMessageList({required String userJid, String? messageId, double? messageTime, bool exclude = true, bool ascendingOrder = false, String? topicId, MetaDataMessageList? metaDataMessageList, int limit = 25}) Future<bool>
This method is used to initialize the Single/Group Chat User History to set the message filters.
initializeSDK({required String licenseKey, required String iOSContainerID, String? storageFolderName = "Mirrorfly", bool chatHistoryEnable = false, bool enableMobileNumberLogin = true, bool enableDebugLog = false, bool enablePrivateStorage = false, required dynamic flyCallback(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
Initializes the SDK with the provided configuration parameters.
insertBusyStatus({required String busyStatus}) Future<bool?>
Inserts the busy status for the current user.
insertDefaultStatus({required String status}) Future<bool?>
Inserts a default status.
insertNewProfileStatus({required String status}) Future<bool?>
Inserts a new profile status.
inviteUsersToOngoingCall({required List<String> jidList, required dynamic flyCallback(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
Invites users to an ongoing call.
isAdmin(String userJid, String groupJID) Future<bool?>
Checks if a user is an admin of a group.
isArchivedSettingsEnabled() Future<bool?>
Checks whether the archived settings feature is enabled in the Mirrorfly platform.
isBusyStatusEnabled() Future<bool>
Checks whether the busy status feature is enabled for the current user.
isCallConversionRequestAvailable() Future<bool?>
Provides information about the availability of call conversion requests.
isChatMuted({required String jid}) Future<bool?>
Checks if a chat is muted for the given JID.
isChatUnArchived({required String jid}) Future<bool?>
Checks if a chat is unarchived based on their JID.
isGroupAdmin({required String userJid, required String groupJid}) Future<bool?>
Checks if a user is an admin of a group.
isHideLastSeenEnabled() Future<bool?>
Checks whether the last seen status is hidden from other users.
isLastSeenVisible() Future<bool?>
Checks whether the last seen status is visible to other users.
isLockScreen() Future<bool>
Checks if the device is locked.
isMemberOfGroup({required String userJid, required String groupJid}) Future<bool?>
Checks if a user is a member of a group.
isMuted(String jid) Future<bool?>
Checks if a chat is muted for the given JID.
isOnGoingCall() Future<bool?>
Checks whether there is an ongoing call.
isPrivateStorageEnabledOrNot() Future<bool>
isPrivateStorageEnabledOrNot to check the private storage is enabled or not
isTrailLicence() Future<bool?>
This method is used to check if the user is a trail user or not.
isUserAudioMuted({String? userJid}) Future<bool?>
Checks if the user's audio is muted during a call.
isUserUnArchived(String jid) Future<bool?>
Checks if a chat is unarchived based on their JID.
isUserVideoMuted({String? userJid}) Future<bool?>
Checks if the user's video is muted during a call.
isValidGroupJid(String groupJid) bool
Validates a group JID (Jabber ID) for a group.
isValidUserJid({required String userJid}) bool
Validates a user JID (Jabber ID).
joinCall({required dynamic flyCallback(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
Joins a call.
leaveFromGroup({required String userJid, required String groupJid, required dynamic flyCallBack(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
User Leaves from a group.
loadMessages({required dynamic flyCallback(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
This loadMessages is used to Fetch initial conversations between you and a single chat user or group. The flyCallBack parameter is a function that will be called upon completion of the operation. It receives a FlyResponse object as a parameter, which contains information about the success or failure of the operation.
loadNextMessages({required dynamic flyCallback(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
This loadNextMessages is used to fetch next set of conversations between you and a single chat user or group. The flyCallBack parameter is a function that will be called upon completion of the operation. It receives a FlyResponse object as a parameter, which contains information about the success or failure of the operation.
loadPreviousMessages({required dynamic flyCallback(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
This loadPreviousMessages is used to fetch previous set of conversations between you and a single chat user or group. The flyCallBack parameter is a function that will be called upon completion of the operation. It receives a FlyResponse object as a parameter, which contains information about the success or failure of the operation.
login({required String userIdentifier, String fcmToken = "", String userType = "d", bool isForceRegister = true, List<IdentifierMetaData>? identifierMetaData, required dynamic flyCallback(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
Provides functionality to log in a user to the Mirrorfly platform.
logoutOfChatSDK({required dynamic flyCallBack(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
Logs the user out of the Mirrorfly chat SDK.
makeAdmin({required String groupJid, required String userJid, required dynamic flyCallBack(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
Makes a user an admin of a group.
makeGroupVideoCall({String groupJid = "", List<String> toUserJidList = const [], required dynamic flyCallBack(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
Initiates a group video call using Mirrorfly.
makeGroupVoiceCall({String groupJid = "", List<String> toUserJidList = const [], required dynamic flyCallBack(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
Initiates a group voice call using Mirrorfly.
makeVideoCall({required String toUserJid, required dynamic flyCallBack(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
Initiates a video call with the specified user.
makeVoiceCall({required String toUserJid, required dynamic flyCallBack(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
Makes a voice call to the specified user.
markAllUnreadMissedCallsAsRead() Future<bool?>
Marks all unread missed calls as read.
markAsRead({required String jid}) Future<bool?>
Marks a message as read on the Mirrorfly chat platform.
markAsReadDeleteUnreadSeparator({required String jid}) Future<bool?>
This method is used to mark all messages as read up to the most recent message received in a chat identified by jid. It also removes the unread message separator that visually distinguishes unread messages from read messages in the chat interface.
markConversationAsRead({required List<String> jidList}) → dynamic
Marks the conversations with the specified JIDs as read.
markConversationAsUnread({required List<String> jidList}) → dynamic
Marks the conversations with the specified JIDs as Unread.
mediaEndPoint() Future<String?>
Retrieves the media endpoint URL from the Mirrorfly platform.
muteAudio({required bool status, required dynamic flyCallBack(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
Mutes or unmutes audio during a call.
muteVideo({required bool status, required dynamic flyCallBack(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
Mutes or unmutes the video during an ongoing call.
openAudioFilePicker() Future<String?>
Opens the audio file picker to select an audio file for [Platform.isAndroid].
recentChatPinnedCount() Future<int?>
Retrieves the count of recent chats that are pinned.
refreshAndGetAuthToken({required dynamic flyCallBack(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
This refreshAndGetAuthToken is used to get refreshed Auth Token. The flyCallBack parameter is a function that will be called upon completion of the operation. It receives a FlyResponse object as a parameter, which contains information about the success or failure of the operation.
registerUser({required String userIdentifier, String fcmToken = "", bool isForceRegister = true, required dynamic flyCallback(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
Provides functionality to register the user to the Mirrorfly platform.
removeGroupProfileImage({required String jid, required dynamic flyCallBack(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
Removes the profile image of a group.
removeMemberFromGroup({required String groupJid, required String userJid, required dynamic flyCallBack(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
Removes a member from a group.
removeProfileImage({required dynamic flyCallBack(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
Removes the profile image of the current user.
reportUserOrMessages({required String jid, required String type, String messageId = "", required dynamic flyCallBack(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
Reports a user or messages.
requestVideoCallSwitch() Future<bool>
Used to requestVideoCallSwitch from Audio to Video Call You can switch the Audio Call to Video Call on requesting the Remote User If the remote User Accepts, Audio Call will be changed to Video Call.
revokeContactSync({required dynamic flyCallBack(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
Revokes the contact synchronization process.
routeAudioTo({required String routeType}) Future<bool?>
Routes audio to the specified destination.
saveMediaSettings({required bool photos, required bool videos, required bool audios, required bool documents, required int networkType}) → dynamic
Saves media settings for the user.
saveUnsentMessage({required String jid, required String message}) → dynamic
Saves an unsent message for a specific user or group.
searchConversation({required String searchKey, String? jidForSearch, bool globalSearch = true, required dynamic flyCallBack(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
This method searches for conversations that match the given searchKey.
selectedAudioDevice() Future<String?>
Returns the selected audio device during a call.
sendAudioMessage(String jid, String filePath, bool isRecorded, String duration, String replyMessageId, {String? audioFileUrl, String? topicId}) Future<String>
Sends an audio message to a specified JID.
sendContactMessage(List<String> contactList, String jid, String contactName, String replyMessageId, {String? topicId}) Future<String>
Sends a contact message to a specified JID.
sendContactUsInfo({required String title, required String description, required dynamic flyCallBack(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
Sends contact us information.
sendDocumentMessage(String jid, String documentPath, String replyMessageId, {String? fileUrl, String? topicId}) Future<String>
Sends a document message to a specified JID.
sendImageMessage(String jid, String filePath, String? caption, String? replyMessageID, {String? imageFileUrl, String? topicId}) Future<String>
Sends an image message to a specified JID.
sendLocationMessage(String jid, double latitude, double longitude, String replyMessageId, {String? topicId}) Future<String>
Sends a location message to a specified JID.
sendMessage({required MessageParams messageParams, required dynamic flyCallback(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
Sends a message using the Mirrorfly messaging platform.
sendTextMessage(String message, String jid, String replyMessageId, {String? topicId}) Future<String>
Sends a text message to a specified JID.
sendTypingGoneStatus({required String toJid, required String chatType}) → dynamic
Sends a typing-gone status to the specified recipient.
sendTypingStatus({required String toJid, required String chatType}) → dynamic
Sends the typing status to the specified recipient.
sendVideoMessage(String jid, String filePath, String? caption, String? replyMessageID, {String? videoFileUrl, num? videoDuration, String? thumbImageBase64, String? topicId}) Future<String>
Sends a video message to a specified JID.
setCallEventListener(CallEventListeners callEventListeners) → dynamic
Sets the call event listener.
setCallLinkEventListener(CallLinkEventListeners callLinkEventsListener) → void
This listener is set to listen the call link events.
setChatArchived({required String jid, required bool isArchived, required dynamic flyCallBack(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
Provides functionality to set the archived status of a chat.
setConnectionEventListener(ConnectionEventListeners connectionEventListeners) → dynamic
Sets the connection event listener.
setGroupEventListener(GroupEventListeners groupEventListeners) → dynamic
Sets the group event listener.
setLastSeenVisibility({required bool enable, required dynamic flyCallBack(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
Sets the visibility of the last seen status.
setMediaAutoDownload({required bool enable}) → dynamic
Sets whether media files should be automatically downloaded.
setMediaEncryption({required bool enable}) → dynamic
Sets the media encryption status for the Mirrorfly chat platform.
setMessageEventListener(MessageEventListeners messageEventListeners) → dynamic
Sets the message event listener.
setMyBusyStatus({required String busyStatus, required dynamic flyCallBack(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
Sets the busy status of the current user.
setMyProfileStatus({required String status, required String statusId, required dynamic flyCallBack(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
Sets the user's profile status. Parameters: status - The new status message to set. statusId - The ID of the status to be updated. flyCallBack - A callback function that is called with a FlyResponse object upon completion.
setOnGoingChatUser({required String jid}) → dynamic
Sets the ongoing chat user for the current session.
setProfileEventListener(ProfileEventListeners profileEventListeners) → dynamic
Sets the profile event listener.
setRegionCode({required String regionCode}) Future<void>
Sets the region code for the User.
startVideoCapture({required dynamic flyCallback(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
Start Video Capture in joined via link call.
switchCamera() → dynamic
Switches the camera used for video call.
syncCallLogs() Future<bool?>
Synchronizes call logs with the Mirrorfly platform.
syncContacts({required bool isFirstTime, required dynamic flyCallBack(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
Asynchronously synchronizes contacts with the Mirrorfly platform.
unblockUser({required String userJid, required dynamic flyCallBack(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
This method sends a request to unblock a user identified by userJid. Upon completion, the flyCallBack function is invoked with a FlyResponse object, which contains information about the success or failure of the operation.
unFavouriteAllFavouriteMessages({required dynamic flyCallBack(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
Unfavorites all the favorite messages.
updateArchiveUnArchiveChat(String jid, bool isArchived) Future<bool?>
Provides functionality to set the archived status of a chat.
updateChatMuteStatus({required String jid, required bool muteStatus}) → dynamic
Updates the mute status of a chat identified by its JID.
updateFavouriteStatus({required String messageId, required String chatUserJid, required bool isFavourite, required String chatType, required dynamic flyCallBack(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
This method updates the favourite status of a specific message for a chat user. The favourite status can be set to true or false. Upon completion, the flyCallBack function is invoked with a FlyResponse object, which contains information about the success or failure of the operation.
updateFcmToken({required String firebaseToken, required dynamic flyCallBack(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
Updates the Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) token for the Mirrorfly SDK.
updateGroupName({required String jid, required String name, required dynamic flyCallBack(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
Updates the name of a group.
updateGroupProfileImage({required String jid, required String file, required dynamic flyCallBack(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
Updates the profile image of a group.
updateMetaData({required List<IdentifierMetaData> identifierMetaDataList, dynamic flyCallback(FlyResponse response)?}) → dynamic
Provides information about the metadata of logged in with metadata .
updateMyProfile({required String name, String? email, String? mobile, String? status, String? image, required dynamic flyCallback(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
Updates the user's profile information asynchronously.
updateMyProfileImage({required String image, required dynamic flyCallback(FlyResponse response)}) Future<void>
image can be File path String or Url of the image
updateRecentChatPinStatus({required String jid, required bool pinStatus}) → dynamic
Updates the pin status of a recent chat.
uploadMedia({required String messageId}) Future<bool?>
Uploads media associated with a message to the Mirrorfly chat platform.
verifyToken(String userName, String token) Future<String?>
This method is used to refresh the Auth Token.