getProfileStatusList static method

Future<String?> getProfileStatusList()

Retrieves a list of profile statuses.

This method asynchronously fetches a list of profile statuses from the Mirrorfly platform. It returns a Future<String?> that resolves to a JSON string representing the list of statuses, or null if an error occurs during the fetch operation.

Returns: A Future<String?> containing the JSON string of profile statuses or null in case of an error.

Example usage:

String? profileStatusList = await Mirrorfly.getProfileStatusList();
if (profileStatusList != null) {
  print("Profile Status List: $profileStatusList");
} else {
  print("Failed to fetch profile status list");


static Future<String?> getProfileStatusList() {
  return FlyChatFlutterPlatform.instance.getProfileStatusList();