mirrorfly_plugin 1.1.1 copy "mirrorfly_plugin: ^1.1.1" to clipboard
mirrorfly_plugin: ^1.1.1 copied to clipboard

A MirrorFly Chat to Experience an outstanding real time messaging solution. The powerful communication that adds an extra mileage to build your chat app.

Mirrofly Plugin for Flutter #

Platform Language

Table of contents #

  1. Introduction
  2. Requirements
  3. Sending your first message
  4. Call_Feature
  5. Getting help

Introduction #

Customizable, Low-code Chat & Video Call Flutter Sample App For Android #

MirrorFly Flutter Plugin is a robust tool designed for developers to integrate real-time communication features into mobile apps using Flutter, within 10 mins. It allows you to add over 1000+ messaging and calling functionalities, including in-app messaging, HD video calls, and voice calling, all customizable to fit your brand requirements. The solution is well-known for its plug and play features, where you’ll need no coding experience to build the app. You’ll just pick and place the features and functionalities, saving a lot of time and effort. Plus, you can seamlessly incorporate your company logo, brand colors, and other elements into your Flutter chat app and give a branded look to your platform.

⚒️ Key Product Offerings #

MirrorFly Flutter Chat Plugin allows you to add the following capabilities to your platform.

  • 💬 In-app Messaging - real-time chat features for private or group interactions
  • 📹 HD Video Calling - High-definition video calling for face to face conversations
  • 🔊 HQ Voice Calling - Crystal-clear audio calling for voice calling experiences
  • 📺 Live Streaming - Broadcasting functionality to take content to millions of audience.

You can also add 1000+ real-time communication capabilities. Check out our other offerings here.

☁️ Deployment Models - Self-hosted and Cloud #

MirrorFly offers full freedom with the hosting options:

📱 Mobile Client #

MirrorFly offers a fully-built client SafeTalk that is available in:

playstore   appstore

You can use this client as a messaging app, or customize, rebrand & white-label it as your chat client.

📺 Video Tutorial #

If you’d like to learn the full integration steps as a video, Watch here

Steps To Build A Chat App With Flutter Plugin #

Prerequisites #

The requirements for Android

  • Android Lollipop 5.0 (API Level 21) or above
  • Java 7 or higher
  • Gradle 4.1.0 or higher
  • targetSdkVersion,compileSdk 34 or above.

The minimum requirements for iOS

  • iOS 13.0 or later

The minimum requirements for Mirrorfly Plugin for Flutter are:

  • Dart 2.19.2 or above
  • Flutter 2.0.0 or higher

Getting Started #

The first step in building a Flutter app with MirrorFly is to obtain a License Key. This key is necessary to authenticate the SDK with the server.

To get this License Key,

Create Android dependency #

  • Add the following to your root build.gradle file in your Android folder.
   allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven {
            url "https://repo.mirrorfly.com/release"

Create iOS dependency #

  • Check and Add the following code at end of your ios/Podfile
post_install do |installer|
  installer.aggregate_targets.each do |target|
           target.xcconfigs.each do |variant, xcconfig|
           xcconfig_path = target.client_root + target.xcconfig_relative_path(variant)
           IO.write(xcconfig_path, IO.read(xcconfig_path).gsub("DT_TOOLCHAIN_DIR", "TOOLCHAIN_DIR"))

  installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
    target.build_configurations.each do |config|
      config.build_settings['IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET'] = '13.0'
      config.build_settings['ENABLE_BITCODE'] = 'NO'
      config.build_settings['APPLICATION_EXTENSION_API_ONLY'] = 'No'
      config.build_settings['BUILD_LIBRARY_FOR_DISTRIBUTION'] = 'YES'
      config.build_settings["EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=iphonesimulator*]"] = 'arm64'

      shell_script_path = "Pods/Target Support Files/#{target.name}/#{target.name}-frameworks.sh"
            if File::exist?(shell_script_path)
              shell_script_input_lines = File.readlines(shell_script_path)
              shell_script_output_lines = shell_script_input_lines.map { |line| line.sub("source=\"$(readlink \"${source}\")\"", "source=\"$(readlink -f \"${source}\")\"") }
              File.open(shell_script_path, 'w') do |f|
                shell_script_output_lines.each do |line|
                  f.write line
  • Now, enable the below mentioned capabilities into your project by opening ios folder using Xcode.
Goto Project -> Target -> Signing & Capabilities -> Click `+ Capability` at the top left corner -> Search for `App groups` and add the `App group capability`

Note: The App Group Must be same as iOSContainerId given during the SDK Initialization. See Initialization Step 1.


Create Flutter dependency #

  • Add following dependency in pubspec.yaml.
  mirrorfly_plugin: ^1.1.1
  • Run flutter pub get command in your project directory. You can access all classes and methods with the following import statement:
import 'package:mirrorfly_plugin/mirrorfly.dart';

Initialize the MirrorFly Plugin #

To initialize the plugin, add the following code to your main.dart file inside the main function, before calling runApp().

void main() {
      licenseKey: 'your license key',
      iOSContainerID: 'your app group id',
      chatHistoryEnable: false, // true to enable chat history, default is false
      enablePrivateStorage: false, // true to enable private storage, default is false
      flyCallback: (FlyResponse response) {
        if (response.isSuccess) {
          LogMessage.d("onSuccess", response.message);
        } else {
          LogMessage.d("onFailure", response.exception?.message.toString());
        runApp(const MyApp());

Step 2: Login #

Use the below method to login a user in sandbox Live mode.

Mirrorfly.login(userIdentifier,flyCallback: (FlyResponse response) {
    // you will get the user registration response
    if (response.isSuccess && response.hasData) {
        var userData = registerModelFromJson(response.data); //message

    } else {
      // Register user failed print throwable to find the exception details.
        if (response.exception?.code == "403") {
          //admin blocked the user
        } else if (response.exception?.code  == "405") {
          //maximum device limit reached

Important Note #

  • Login Method Usage:
    Do not call the login method more than once in the application unless you explicitly log out the session.

  • FCM Token (Optional):
    During login, the login method can accept an optional FCM_TOKEN parameter and pass it across. The connection will be established automatically upon completing the login process. For new users, the login method will also handle registration.

  • Update Profile After Registration:
    After registering, make sure to update the profile of the registered user. Refer to the Update Profile documentation.

  • Re-login Requirement:
    Re-login is required if the onLoggedOut event is triggered.

  • Backup Restrictions:
    If your app contains sensitive data, it is recommended to disallow app backups. When android:allowBackup="true", it becomes possible to modify or read the app's content even on non-rooted devices.

  • Session Management Caution:

    • If FORCE_REGISTER is set to false and the maximum number of multi-sessions has been reached, registration will fail with a 405 exception.
    • To proceed, you must either set FORCE_REGISTER to true or log out one of the existing sessions.

Send a One-to-One Message #

Use the below method to send a text message to other user,

Note: To generate a unique user jid by username, you must call the below method

To get JID of User #

var userJid = await Mirrorfly.getJid(username: username);

To get Group JID #

var groupJid = await Mirrorfly.getGroupJid(groupId: groupID);

To send a Message #

Mirrorfly.sendMessage(messageParams: MessageParams.Text(toJid: "",
    replyMessageId: "",textMessageParams: TextMessageParams(messageText: "Hi")), flyCallback: (response){
        var chatMessage = sendMessageModelFromJson(response.data);
        print('Message sent successfully');
     } else {
       print('Failed to send message: ${response.errorMessage}');

Receive a One-to-One Message #

The listeners will only be triggered when a new message is received from another user. For more details, please refer to the callback listeners

    // you will get the new messages
    var chatMessage = sendMessageModelFromJson(result)

Call Feature #

Note: To enable the Call Feature in iOS, need to enable VOIP as shown below.


To make a Video Call #

Mirrorfly.makeVideoCall(toUserJid: userJID,flyCallBack: (FlyResponse response) {
    if (response.isSuccess) {

    } else {


To make a Voice Call #

Mirrorfly.makeVoiceCall(toUserJid: userJID,flyCallBack: (FlyResponse response) {
    if (response.isSuccess) {

    } else {


Note: Provide Microphone and Camera permission and usage description in the iOS plist and Android Manifest file of your project.

To make a Group Voice Call #

Mirrorfly.makeGroupVoiceCall(groupJid: GROUP_ID, toUserJidList: USER_LIST,flyCallBack: (FlyResponse response) {
    if (response.isSuccess) {

    } else {


To make a Group Video Call #

Mirrorfly.makeGroupVideoCall(groupJid: GROUP_ID, toUserJidList: USER_LIST,flyCallBack: (FlyResponse response) {
    if (response.isSuccess) {

    } else {


Try the sample app #

The fastest way to test Mirrorfly Plugin for Flutter is to build your chat app on top of our sample app. To create a project for the sample app, download the app from our GitHub repository. The link is down below.

🤝Getting Help #

If you need any further help with our Flutter Chat Plugin, check out our resources

If you need any help in resolving any issues or have questions, Drop a mail to integration@contus.in.

📚 Learn More #

🧑‍💻 Hire Experts #

Need a tech team to develop your enterprise app in Flutter? Hire experienced professionals who will handle everything from concept to launch, delivering a high-quality app that’s expertly crafted and ready to go.

⏱️ Round-the-clock Support #

If you need assistance with our solution, don’t hesitate to reach out to our experts, available 24/7 to help you.

💼 Become a Part of our amazing team #

We're always on the lookout for talented developers, support specialists, and product managers. Visit our careers page to explore current opportunities.

🗞️ Get the Latest Updates #



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A MirrorFly Chat to Experience an outstanding real time messaging solution. The powerful communication that adds an extra mileage to build your chat app.



#chat #sdk #video-call #messaging #audio-call


API reference


unknown (license)


flutter, plugin_platform_interface


Packages that depend on mirrorfly_plugin