updateGroupName static method

Future<void> updateGroupName({
  1. required String jid,
  2. required String name,
  3. required dynamic flyCallBack(
    1. FlyResponse response

Updates the name of a group.

This method updates the name of the specified group.


  • jid : The JID of the group.
  • name : The new name for the group.


  • flyCallBack : A callback function that is called with with a FlyResponse.

Usage example:

  jid: jid,
  name: name,
  flyCallBack: (response) {
    // Handle the response
    print("Group name updated: $response");


static Future<void> updateGroupName(
    {required String jid,
    required String name,
    required Function(FlyResponse response) flyCallBack}) {
  return FlyChatFlutterPlatform.instance
      .updateGroupName(jid, name, flyCallBack);