getRecentChatListHistory static method
- required bool firstSet,
- int limit = 15,
- required dynamic flyCallback(
- FlyResponse response
Retrieves the recent chat list history asynchronously.
This method fetches the recent chat list history from the Mirrorfly platform.
You can specify whether it's the first set of data to fetch using firstSet
The maximum number of chat items to retrieve is specified by limit
with a default value of 15 if not provided.
The result is returned asynchronously through the flyCallback
which accepts a FlyResponse object as a parameter.
Example usage:
await Mirrorfly.getRecentChatListHistory(
firstSet: true,
limit: 20,
flyCallback: (response) {
// Handle the response here
if (response.isSuccess && response.hasData) {
// var data = recentChatFromJson(;
// }
/// }
/// );
/// ```
static Future<void> getRecentChatListHistory(
{required bool firstSet,
int limit = 15,
required Function(FlyResponse response) flyCallback}) {
return FlyChatFlutterPlatform.instance.getRecentChatListHistory(
firstSet: firstSet, limit: limit, callback: flyCallback);