createTopic static method

Future<void> createTopic({
  1. required String topicName,
  2. List<TopicMetaData> metaData = const [],
  3. required dynamic flyCallBack(
    1. FlyResponse response

Creates a new topic with the specified name and optional metadata.


  • The topicName parameter is required and represents the name of the topic to be created.

  • The metaData parameter is optional and represents additional metadata associated with the topic.

Returns a Future that completes with a String representing the unique identifier of the created topic.

Throws an error if the creation of the topic fails.


static Future<void> createTopic(
    {required String topicName,
    List<TopicMetaData> metaData = const [],
    required Function(FlyResponse response) flyCallBack}) async {
  return FlyChatFlutterPlatform.instance.createTopic(
      topicName: topicName, metaData: metaData, callback: flyCallBack);