unblockUser static method

Future<void> unblockUser({
  1. required String userJid,
  2. required dynamic flyCallBack(
    1. FlyResponse response

This method sends a request to unblock a user identified by userJid. Upon completion, the flyCallBack function is invoked with a FlyResponse object, which contains information about the success or failure of the operation.

Parameters: userJid - The JID (Jabber ID) of the user to be unblocked.

Returns: flyCallBack - A callback function that is called with a FlyResponse object upon completion.

Example usage:

await Mirrorfly.unblockUser(
  userJid: "user123@example.com",
  flyCallBack: (response) {
    if (response.isSuccess) {
      print("User unblocked successfully");
    } else {
      print("Failed to unblock user: ${response.errorMessage}");


///   [flyCallBack] - A callback function that is called with a [FlyResponse] object upon completion.
/// Example usage:
/// ```dart
/// await Mirrorfly.unblockUser(
///   userJid: "user123@example.com",
///   flyCallBack: (response) {
///     if (response.isSuccess) {
///       print("User unblocked successfully");
///     } else {
///       print("Failed to unblock user: ${response.errorMessage}");
///     }
///   },
/// );
/// ```
static Future<void> unblockUser(
    {required String userJid,
    required Function(FlyResponse response) flyCallBack}) {
  return FlyChatFlutterPlatform.instance.unblockUser(userJid, flyCallBack);