addContact static method

Future<bool?> addContact({
  1. required String number,
  2. required String name,

This method adds a contact with the specified phone number and name to the user's contact list. It is an asynchronous operation that returns a Future<bool?> indicating the success or failure of the contact addition.

Parameters: number - The phone number of the contact to be added. name - The name of the contact to be added.

Returns: A Future<bool?> that completes with true if the contact was successfully added, false if the operation failed, or null if an error occurred.

Example usage:

bool? isSuccess = await Mirrorfly.addContact(
  number: "1234567890",
  name: "John Doe",
if (isSuccess == true) {
  print("Contact added successfully");
} else {
  print("Failed to add contact");


static Future<bool?> addContact(
    {required String number, required String name}) async {
  return FlyChatFlutterPlatform.instance.addContact(number, name);