markAsReadDeleteUnreadSeparator static method

Future<bool?> markAsReadDeleteUnreadSeparator({
  1. required String jid,

This method is used to mark all messages as read up to the most recent message received in a chat identified by jid. It also removes the unread message separator that visually distinguishes unread messages from read messages in the chat interface.

Parameters: jid - The JID (Jabber ID) of the chat for which messages should be marked as read and the unread separator deleted.

Returns: A Future<bool?> that completes with true if the operation was successful, false if unsuccessful, or null if an error occurred during the operation.

Example usage:

bool? isSuccess = await Mirrorfly.markAsReadDeleteUnreadSeparator(jid: "");
if (isSuccess == true) {
  print("Messages marked as read and unread separator deleted successfully");
} else {
  print("Failed to mark messages as read or delete unread separator");


static Future<bool?> markAsReadDeleteUnreadSeparator({required String jid}) {
  return FlyChatFlutterPlatform.instance.markAsReadDeleteUnreadSeparator(jid);