isGroupAdmin static method

Future<bool?> isGroupAdmin({
  1. required String userJid,
  2. required String groupJid,

Checks if a user is an admin of a group.

This method checks whether the specified user is an admin of the specified group.


  • userJid : The JID of the user to check.
  • groupJid : The JID of the group.


  • A Future<bool?> that completes with true if the user is an admin, false otherwise.

Usage example:

Mirrorfly.isGroupAdmin(userJid: userJid, groupJid: groupJid).then((isAdmin) {
  // Handle the result
  if (isAdmin == true) {
    print("User is an admin of the group");
  } else {
    print("User is not an admin of the group");


static Future<bool?> isGroupAdmin(
    {required String userJid, required String groupJid}) {
  return FlyChatFlutterPlatform.instance.isAdmin(userJid, groupJid);