getUserLastSeenTime static method

Future<void> getUserLastSeenTime({
  1. required String jid,
  2. required dynamic flyCallBack(
    1. FlyResponse response

Retrieves the last seen time of a user identified by their JID.

This method asynchronously fetches and returns the last seen time of the user associated with the provided JID. The JID uniquely identifies a user within the Mirrorfly chat platform.

The jid parameter is required and represents the JID of the user whose last seen time is to be retrieved.

The flyCallBack parameter is a function that will be called upon completion of the operation. It receives a FlyResponse object as a parameter, which contains information about the success or failure of the operation.

Returns a data that completes with a String representing the last seen time in DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch of the user, or null if the last seen time is not available or an error occurs during the retrieval process.


Mirrorfly.getUserLastSeenTime(jid: '',flyCallBack: (response){
    String lastSeenTime =;
    if (lastSeenTime.isNotEmpty) {
      DateTime lastSeen = DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(int.parse(seconds), isUtc: false);
      print('Last seen time: $lastSeen');
    } else {
      print('Last seen time is not available.');


static Future<void> getUserLastSeenTime(
    {required String jid,
    required Function(FlyResponse response) flyCallBack}) {
  return FlyChatFlutterPlatform.instance
      .getUserLastSeenTime(jid, flyCallBack);