flutter_stripe library
- AccountBalance
- information related to the bank account
- Address
- Address information
- AddressDetails
- Information regarding the Address sheet field
- AddToWalletDetails
- The Details object that provides some additional result
- AddToWalletResult
- The result when asking the Stripe sdk to add a card to wallet
- AppInfo
- ApplePayCartSummaryItem
- Object that can be used to explain the different charges on the Apple Pay sheet.
- ApplePayContactName
- Contact name data for Apple pay
- ApplePayErrorAddressField
- ApplePayMultiMerchant
- Data record for multimerchant payment
- ApplePayParams
- ApplePayPostalAddress
- Postal address data for Apple pay
- ApplePayPresentParams
- ApplePaySheetError
- ApplePayShippingMethod
- Shipping method details regarding apple pay
- AuBecsDebit
- AubecsDebit data associated with the payment method
- AubecsEditFormController
- AubecsFormField
- AubecsFormInputDetails
- Input details that will be returned from the form.
- AubecsFormStyle
- Styling information for the AubecsFormField
- BacsDebit
- BacsDebit data associated with the payment method
- BalanceRefresh
- BankAccount
- Bank account data related to the token
- BankAccountTokenParams
- parameters needed to create a token for bank account
- BillingAddressConfig
- Billing address collection config for Google Pay.
- BillingDetails
- Billing information associated with the payment method.
- BillingDetailsCollectionConfiguration
- CanAddCardToDetails
- The details if card can be added.
- CanAddCardToWalletParams
- The params for checking if a card is in the wallet.
- CanAddCardToWalletResult
- The result of checking if a card can be added to the wallet.
- Card
- Card data associated with the payment method
- CardData
- Card data associated with the token
- CardDetails
- Credit Card Details
- CardEditController
- CardField
- Customizable form that collects card information.
- CardFieldFocusName
- Used to communicate with the card handler on the native platform side when focus changes.
- CardFieldInputDetails
- User input details.
- CardFormEditController
- CardFormField
- Customizable form that collects card information.
- CardFormStyle
- Styiling information for the cardfield.
- CardPlaceholder
- Localized text for the placeholders of the card fields.
- CardStyle
- Styiling information for the cardfield.
- CardTokenParams
- parameters that are used to create a token for a card.
- CollectBankAccountParams
- Parameters that provide additional information for collecting the bankaccount for ACH payment
- CreateGooglePayPaymentParams
- Parameters to create a google pay payment.
- CreateTokenParams
- parameters that are used to create a token.
- CustomerSheetInitParams
- Parameters to setup a Customer sheet
- CustomerSheetPresentParams
- CustomerSheetResult
- DeferredSummaryItem
- FinancialConnectionAccount
- Data linked to an account
- FinancialConnectionBankAccountToken
- Data related to the session retrieved from the financial connection.
- FinancialConnectionSession
- Data related to the session retrieved from the financial connection.
- FinancialConnectionSessionResult
- FinancialConnectionTokenResult
- Fpx
- GooglePayBillingAddressConfig
- GooglePayCardToken
- Tokenized token for Google Pay.
- GooglePayInitParams
- Config parameters used to intialize google pay.
- GooglePayParams
- GooglePayPaymentMethodParams
- Payment method parameters for google pay
- GooglePayShippingAddressConfig
- Ideal
- Ideal data associated with the payment method
- ImmediateCartSummaryItem
- IntentConfiguration
- IntentCreationCallbackParams
- IntentMode
- IsCardInWalletResult
- The result of checking if a card is in the wallet.
- IsGooglePaySupportedParams
- LastSetupError
- Incormation about the error that has occured since last payment confirmation.
- LocalizedErrorMessage
- Provides details about the error
- MandateData
- A Mandate is a record of the permission a customer has given you to debit their payment method.
- MandateDataCustomerAcceptance
- Information about the online mandate
- MandateDataOnlineData
- Information about the online mandate
- NextAction
- Description of the possible next action that must be handled to complete the PaymentIntent.
- PaymentIntent
- A payment intent represents the interaction between the user and the payment form.
- PaymentMethod
- Representation of the payment instruments. See https://stripe.com/docs/payments/payment-methods for more info.
- PaymentMethodData
- Generic payment method data object that holds the billingdetails.
- PaymentMethodDataAfterPay
- Payment method data object for Afterpay / clearpay payment method.
- PaymentMethodDataAubecs
- Payment method data object for Aubecs payment method.
- PaymentMethodDataCardFromMethod
- Payment method data object for card from payment method.
- PaymentMethodDataCardFromToken
- Payment method data object for card with token payment method.
- PaymentMethodDataFpx
- Payment method data object for Fpx payment method.
- PaymentMethodDataIdeal
- Payment method data object for ideal payment method.
- PaymentMethodDataSepa
- Payment method data object for Sepa debit payment method.
- PaymentMethodDataSofort
- Payment method data object for Sofort payment method.
- PaymentMethodDataUsBank
- Payment method data object forUsbankaccount payment method.
- PaymentMethodOptions
- Data object that holds the payment options for a payment method.
- PaymentMethodParams
- Parameters that specify the desired configuration of a specific payment method.
- PaymentRequestType
- Request for a one time payment.
- PaymentSheetAppearance
- Parameters that change the appearance of the payment sheet.
- PaymentSheetAppearanceColors
- Color settings for the Paymentsheet.
- PaymentSheetApplePay
- Parameters related to the Payment sheet Apple Pay config.
- PaymentSheetGooglePay
- Parameters related to the Payment sheet Google Pay config.
- PaymentSheetPaymentOption
- PaymentSheetPresentOptions
- PaymentSheetPrimaryButtonAppearance
- PaymentSheetPrimaryButtonShape
- PaymentSheetPrimaryButtonTheme
- PaymentSheetPrimaryButtonThemeColors
- PaymentSheetShadowOffset
- Shadow config parameters
- PaymentSheetShadowParams
- Shadow config parameters
- PaymentSheetShape
- Parameters that change the appearance of the payment sheet.
- PIITokenParams
- Parameters that are used to create a token for a personally identifiable information (PII).
- PlatformPayButton
- Native button for Android (Google pay) and iOS (Apple pay), that complies to the guidelines of the respective platform
- PlatformPayConfirmParams
- PlatformPayConfirmParamsApplePay
- PlatformPayConfirmParamsGooglePay
- PlatformPayConfirmParamsWeb
- PlatformPayOrderDetails
- Parameters related to order details with Apple pay
- PlatformPayPaymentMethod
- Result object when creating a payment method through apple pay or google pay.
- PlatformPayPaymentMethodParams
- PlatformPayPaymentMethodParamsApplePay
- PlatformPayPaymentMethodParamsGooglePay
- PlatformPayPaymentMethodParamsWeb
- PlatformPaySheetUpdateParams
- Parameters related to updating the platform pay sheet
- PlatformPayShippingContact
- Entered Shipping contact data
- PlatformPayWebPaymentItem
- PlatformPayWebPaymentRequestCreateOptions
- PlatformPayWebShippingOption
- PresentGooglePayParams
- Parameters needed for presenting Google Pay.
- PresentPaymentSheetParameters
- Parameters used to display the payment sheet.
- RecurringCartSummaryItem
- SepaDebit
- SepaDebit data associated with the payment method
- SetupIntent
- SetupIntent information.
- SetupPaymentSheetParameters
- Parameters used to setup a Payment sheet.
- ShippingDetails
- Shipping information
- Sofort
- Sofort data associated with the payment method
- Stripe
- Stripe is the facade of the library and exposes the operations that can be executed on the Stripe platform.
- StripePlatform
- ThreeDSecureButtonThemeData
- Styling info related to the 3d secure button.
- ThreeDSecureConfigurationParams
- Parameters to configure the 3d secure screen.
- ThreeDSecureLabelThemeData
- Styling info related to the 3d secure label.
- Styling info related to the 3d secure navigation bar.
- ThreeDSecureTextFieldThemeData
- Styling info related to the 3d secure text field.
- ThreeDSecureUsage
- TokenData
- Data that provides information about the token
- Upi
- Upi data associated with the payment method.
- UsBankAccount
- Data associated with the payment method Us bank account.
- UserInterfaceStyleKey
- VerifyMicroDepositsParams
- Parameters that provide additional information for verifyting microdeposits
- AccountCategory
- AccountPermission
- AccountStatus
- AccountSubcategory
- AddressCollectionMode
- Types of how to collect the address.
- AndroidPlatformViewRenderType
- ApplePayButtonStyle
- Predefined styles for the Apple pay button.
- ApplePayButtonType
- Predefined types for the Apple pay button.
- ApplePayContactFieldsType
- Enum representing the different fields that can be added to the Apple Pay sheet.
- ApplePayIntervalUnit
- ApplePayMerchantCapability
- ApplePayShippingMethodType
- Enum that represent the support shipping method for Apple pay
- ApplePayShippingType
- A type that indicates how to ship purchased items
- BalanceRefreshStatus
- BalanceType
- BankAccountHolderType
- Entity that is holder of the account
- BankAccountStatus
- Verfication status of the bankaccount.
- BillingAddressFormat
- CanAddCardToWalletStatus
- The can add card to wallet status.
- CanAddToWalletErrorStatus
- Add to wallet error status
- CaptureMethod
- Defines how the money will be captured from the customer's account.
- CardBrand
- The card brand. This is used to declare the preferred network in the UI
- CardFieldName
- Enum representing the different fiels on the card field.
- CardValidationState
- CollectionMode
- Types of how to collect non address fields
- ConfirmationMethod
- Defines how the payment will be confirmed.
- CreateTokenError
- CustomerSheetAnimationStyle
- CustomerSheetError
- CustomerSheetPresentationStyle
- FailureCode
- FinancialConnectionsPaymentMethodType
- FinancialConnectSheetError
- GooglePayCardTokenStatus
- The google pay card token status.
- IntentFutureUsage
- The type of payment method to attach to a Customer.
- InvalidShippingField
- NextActionType
- The type of followup action the customer needs to do in order to complete the payment.
- PaymentIntentError
- PaymentIntentsFutureUsage
- Indicates how future payments will be handled.
- PaymentIntentsStatus
- Status of the payment intent.
- PaymentMethodType
- Enum that specifies the payment type.
- PaymentSheetError
- PlatformButtonStyle
- Property to style buttons.
- PlatformButtonType
- Determine the style for the platform button
- PlatformPayWebWalletType
- TokenType
- Type of token
- UsBankAccountType
- kCardFieldDefaultFontFamily → const String
- kCardFieldDefaultFontSize → const int
- kCardFieldDefaultHeight → const double
- kCardFieldDefaultTextColor → const Color
- kCardFormFieldDefaultAndroidHeight → const double
- kCardFormFieldDefaultFontFamily → const String
- kCardFormFieldDefaultFontSize → const int
- kCardFormFieldDefaultIOSHeight → const double
- kCardFormFieldDefaultTextColor → const Color
- kDebugPCIMessage → const String
- CardChangedCallback = void Function(CardFieldInputDetails? details)
- CardFocusCallback = void Function(CardFieldName? focusedField)
- ConfirmHandler = void Function(PaymentMethod result, bool shouldSavePaymentMethod)
= FutureOr<
void> Function(String couponCode) -
= FutureOr<
void> Function(PlatformPayShippingContact contact) -
= FutureOr<
void> Function(ApplePayShippingMethod method) -
= FutureOr<
void> Function()
Exceptions / Errors
- StripeConfigException
T> - Wrapper class that represents an error with the Stripe platform.
- StripeException
- Exception retrieved from the Stripe platform.