Results70 packages
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A new markdown package. It supports TOC function, code highlighting, and it supports all platforms#markdown#flutter#widget
A non-interactive HTML documentation generator for Dart source code.
Function for sanitizing HTML to prevent XSS by restrict elements and attributes to a safe subset of allowed values.#security#html
Tools for Dart package maintainers. Automates changelog and pubspec updates.
Displays an About dialog, which describes the application, can show licenses, changelog, and other information.
A Markdown renderer for Flutter. Create rich text output, including text styles, tables, links, and more, from plain text data formatted with simple Markdown tags.#markdown#widget
A rich text editor built for the modern Android, iOS, web and desktop platforms. It is the WYSIWYG editor and a Quill component for Flutter.#ui#widget#rich-text-editor#quill
A Flutter Package to render Mathematics / Maths, Physics and Chemistry, Statistics Equations and expressions based on LaTeX, TeX, and MathML with HTML and JavaScript support.
A library to communicate with a service implementing the Dart VM service protocol.
A highly customizable rich-text editor for Flutter. The AppFlowy Editor project for AppFlowy and beyond.#ui#widget#editor#appflowy

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