zwap_design_system 0.1.801 copy "zwap_design_system: ^0.1.801" to clipboard
zwap_design_system: ^0.1.801 copied to clipboard

This is a package to build a standard design system kit for any zwap projects

90/ 140
pub points

We analyzed this package 4 days ago, and awarded it 90 pub points (of a possible 140):

Follow Dart file conventions
30 / 30trigger folding of the section

10/10 points: Provide a valid pubspec.yaml

5/5 points: Provide a valid

5/5 points: Provide a valid

10/10 points: Use an OSI-approved license

Detected license: MIT.

Provide documentation
0 / 20trigger folding of the section

0/10 points: 20% or more of the public API has dartdoc comments

OUT: Documenting zwap_design_system... Discovering libraries... Linking elements... Precaching local docs for 807445 elements... Initialized dartdoc with 1632 libraries Generating docs for library ext_packages/calendar_date_picker_2/src/widgets/index.dart from package:zwap_design_system/ext_packages/calendar_date_picker_2/src/widgets/index.dart... Generating docs for library ext_packages/calendar_date_picker_2/src/widgets/calendar_date_picker2.dart from package:zwap_design_system/ext_packages/calendar_date_picker_2/src/widgets/calendar_dat[...] Generating docs for library ext_packages/calendar_date_picker_2/src/widgets/calendar_date_picker2_with_action_buttons.dart from package:zwap_design_system/ext_packages/calendar_date_picker_2/src/[...] Generating docs for library ext_packages/calendar_date_picker_2/src/models/index.dart from package:zwap_design_system/ext_packages/calendar_date_picker_2/src/models/index.dart... Generating docs for library ext_packages/calendar_date_picker_2/src/models/calendar_date_picker2_config.dart from package:zwap_design_system/ext_packages/calendar_date_picker_2/src/models/calenda[...] [160 more lines] ERR: warning: unresolved doc reference [showDatePicker2] from calendar_date_picker2.YearPicker: (file:///tmp/pana_OUJTXV/lib/ext_packages/calendar_date_picker_2/src/widgets/calendar_date_picker2.dart:1128:7) warning: zwap_design_system has no library level documentation comments from zwap_design_system: (file:///tmp/pana_OUJTXV/lib/zwap_design_system.dart:1:9) warning: unresolved doc reference [isSelected] from zwapCheckbox.ZwapCheckBox.onCheckBoxClick: (file:///tmp/pana_OUJTXV/lib/atoms/checkbox/zwapCheckbox.dart:123:36) in documentation inherited from zwapCheckbox.ZwapCheckBox.onCheckBoxClick: (file:///tmp/pana_OUJTXV/lib/atoms/checkbox/zwapCheckbox.dart:123:36) warning: unresolved doc reference [true] from zwapInfiniteScroll.ZwapInfiniteScroll.expand: (file:///tmp/pana_OUJTXV/lib/atoms/layouts/infiniteScroll/zwapInfiniteScroll.dart:73:14) in documentation inherited from zwapInfiniteScroll.ZwapInfiniteScroll.expand: (file:///tmp/pana_OUJTXV/lib/atoms/layouts/infiniteScroll/zwapInfiniteScroll.dart:73:14) [174 more lines]

0/10 points: Package has an example

No example found.

See package layout guidelines on how to add an example.

Platform support
20 / 20trigger folding of the section

20/20 points: Supports 5 of 6 possible platforms (iOS, Android, Web, Windows, macOS, Linux)

  • ✓ Android
  • ✓ iOS
  • ✓ Windows
  • ✓ Linux
  • ✓ macOS

These platforms are not supported:

Package not compatible with platform Web


  • package:zwap_design_system/zwap_design_system.dart that imports:
  • package:zwap_design_system/molecules/molecules.dart that imports:
  • package:zwap_design_system/molecules/copy_field_widget/copy_field_widget.dart that imports:
  • package:zwap_design_system/molecules/toast/zwapToast.dart that imports:
  • package:zwap_design_system/atoms/atoms.dart that imports:
  • package:zwap_design_system/atoms/dropdownSearch/dropdownSearch.dart that imports:
  • package:zwap_design_system/atoms/layouts/zwapLayouts.dart that imports:
  • package:zwap_design_system/atoms/layouts/infiniteScroll/zwapInfiniteScroll.dart that imports:
  • package:zwap_design_system/atoms/text/text.dart that imports:
  • package:zwap_design_system/atoms/text/rich/zwap_rich_text.dart that imports:
  • package:zwap_utils/zwap_utils.dart that imports:
  • package:zwap_utils/zwap_utils/api/apiService.dart that imports:
  • dart:io
Pass static analysis
30 / 50trigger folding of the section

30/50 points: code has no errors, warnings, lints, or formatting issues

Found 631 issues. Showing the first 2:

WARNING: The value of the field '_filter' isn't used.


129 │   late bool Function(T e)? _filter;
    │                            ^^^^^^^

To reproduce make sure you are using the lints_core and run flutter analyze lib/atoms/layouts/infiniteScroll/zwapInfiniteScroll.dart

WARNING: The value of the local variable '_canSearch' isn't used.


65 │     final bool _canSearch =<_ZwapSelectProvider, bool>((pro) => pro._canSearch);
   │                ^^^^^^^^^^

To reproduce make sure you are using the lints_core and run flutter analyze lib/atoms/select/zwap_select_mobile_bottom_sheet.dart

Support up-to-date dependencies
10 / 20trigger folding of the section

0/10 points: All of the package dependencies are supported in the latest version

Package Constraint Compatible Latest
collection ^1.15.0 1.18.0 1.18.0
dotted_border ^2.0.0+3 2.1.0 2.1.0
flutter flutter 0.0.0 0.0.0
flutter_localizations flutter 0.0.0 0.0.0
flutter_sticky_header ^0.6.5 0.6.5 0.6.5
flutter_svg ^2.0.6 2.0.9 2.0.10+1
font_awesome_flutter ^9.1.0 9.2.0 10.7.0
get_it ^7.1.3 7.7.0 7.7.0
intl ^0.18.0 0.18.1 0.19.0
linked_scroll_controller ^0.2.0 0.2.0 0.2.0
oktoast ^3.1.3+12 3.4.0 3.4.0
percent_indicator ^4.0.0 4.2.3 4.2.3
provider ^6.0.0 6.1.2 6.1.2
shared_preferences ^2.0.8 2.2.3 2.2.3
taastrap ^0.1.29 0.1.29 0.1.29
url_launcher ^6.0.20 6.2.6 6.2.6
zwap_utils ^0.0.47 0.0.64 0.0.64
Transitive dependencies
Package Constraint Compatible Latest
args - 2.5.0 2.5.0
async - 2.11.0 2.11.0
boolean_selector - 2.1.1 2.1.1
characters - 1.3.0 1.3.0
clock - 1.1.1 1.1.1
ffi - 2.1.2 2.1.2
file - 7.0.0 7.0.0
flutter_web_plugins - 0.0.0 0.0.0
http - 0.13.6 1.2.1
http_parser - 4.0.2 4.0.2
matcher - 0.12.16+1 0.12.16+1
material_color_utilities - 0.8.0 0.11.1
meta - 1.11.0 1.14.0
nested - 1.0.0 1.0.0
path - 1.9.0 1.9.0
path_drawing - 1.0.1 1.0.1
path_parsing - 1.0.1 1.0.1
path_provider_linux - 2.2.1 2.2.1
path_provider_platform_interface - 2.1.2 2.1.2
path_provider_windows - 2.2.1 2.2.1
petitparser - 6.0.2 6.0.2
platform - 3.1.4 3.1.4
plugin_platform_interface - 2.1.8 2.1.8
quiver - 3.2.1 3.2.1
shared_preferences_android - 2.2.2 2.2.2
shared_preferences_foundation - 2.3.5 2.3.5
shared_preferences_linux - 2.3.2 2.3.2
shared_preferences_platform_interface - 2.3.2 2.3.2
shared_preferences_web - 2.3.0 2.3.0
shared_preferences_windows - 2.3.2 2.3.2
sky_engine - 0.0.99 0.0.99
source_span - 1.10.0 1.10.0
stack_trace - 1.11.1 1.11.1
stream_channel - 2.1.2 2.1.2
string_scanner - 1.2.0 1.2.0
term_glyph - 1.2.1 1.2.1
test_api - 0.7.0 0.7.1
typed_data - 1.3.2 1.3.2
url_launcher_android - 6.3.1 6.3.1
url_launcher_ios - 6.2.5 6.2.5
url_launcher_linux - 3.1.1 3.1.1
url_launcher_macos - 3.1.0 3.1.0
url_launcher_platform_interface - 2.3.2 2.3.2
url_launcher_web - 2.3.1 2.3.1
url_launcher_windows - 3.1.1 3.1.1
value_layout_builder - 0.3.1 0.3.1
vector_graphics - 1.1.10+1 1.1.11+1
vector_graphics_codec - 1.1.10+1 1.1.11+1
vector_graphics_compiler - 1.1.10+1 1.1.11+1
vector_math - 2.1.4 2.1.4
web - 0.5.1 0.5.1
win32 - 5.4.0 5.4.0
xdg_directories - 1.0.4 1.0.4
xml - 6.5.0 6.5.0

To reproduce run dart pub outdated --no-dev-dependencies --up-to-date --no-dependency-overrides.

The constraint `^9.1.0` on font_awesome_flutter does not support the stable version `10.0.0`.

Try running dart pub upgrade --major-versions font_awesome_flutter to update the constraint.

The constraint `^0.18.0` on intl does not support the stable version `0.19.0`.

Try running dart pub upgrade --major-versions intl to update the constraint.

10/10 points: Package supports latest stable Dart and Flutter SDKs

Analyzed with Pana 0.22.3, Flutter 3.19.5, Dart 3.3.3.

Check the analysis log for details.