closed_household 1.0.3 closed_household: ^1.0.3 copied to clipboard
This package enables health facility workers to mark household closed and update.
ClosedHousehold helps health workers to mark a house hold closed after visiting and record the details like latitude and name of household head member.
Features #
- Create a closed household
- Update user actions like Resolved, Sprayed etc.
Getting started #
To use this package, add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml
closed_household: ^any
Usage #
To Navigate to any screens of the package:
First add closed_household_router to your main app router
Navigate to the required screen using the below code and pass the required data:
To Consume any bloc of the package in main app:
BlocProvider(create: (context) {return ClosedHouseholdBloc();},),
Closed Household package requires below data to be passed from main app:
String? _tenantId;
String? _loggedInUserUuid;
String? _projectId;
BoundaryModel? _boundaryModel;
PersistenceConfiguration? _persistenceConfiguration = PersistenceConfiguration
To set the required data use: