digit_showcase 1.0.2+1
digit_showcase: ^1.0.2+1 copied to clipboard
Customized showcase view
Digit Showcase #
The showcase widget is a wrapper widget that provides a way to highlight or showcase a widget. It is useful for highlighting a widget in a list of widgets or provide a functionality to provide visual help to understand the functionality of the widget.
Features #
- Provides a showcase or highlight of the wrapped widget.
Getting started #
To use this package, add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml
digit_showcase: ^latest
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Usage #
Wrap the top layer of your widget tree with the Showcase
enableAutoScroll: true,
builder: Builder(
builder: (context) {
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Provide localizations for the showcase widget.
final date = ShowcaseItemBuilder(
messageLocalizationKey: i18.showcase_date.date,
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Now use .buildWith to build the showcase widget.
date.buildWith(child: Text('Date'));
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Explore the package for more showcase items and their usage.