flutter_keyboard_visibility 6.0.0 copy "flutter_keyboard_visibility: ^6.0.0" to clipboard
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Flutter plugin for discovering the state of the soft-keyboard visibility on Android and iOS.

Flutter Keyboard Visibility #

pub package codecov

React to keyboard visibility changes.

Note about Flutter Web support #

Web support is an open issue here. Currently this library will just return false for keyboard visibility on web.

Install #

Install the package

Usage: React to Keyboard Visibility Changes #

Option 1: Within your Widget tree using a builder #

Build your Widget tree based on whether or not the keyboard is visible by using KeyboardVisibilityBuilder.

import 'package:flutter_keyboard_visibility/flutter_keyboard_visibility.dart';

/// In any of your widgets...
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return KeyboardVisibilityBuilder(
      builder: (context, isKeyboardVisible) {
        return Text(
          'The keyboard is: ${isKeyboardVisible ? 'VISIBLE' : 'NOT VISIBLE'}',
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Option 2: Within your Widget tree using a provider #

Build your Widget tree based on whether or not the keyboard is visible by including a KeyboardVisibilityProvider near the top of your tree.

import 'package:flutter_keyboard_visibility/flutter_keyboard_visibility.dart';

// Somewhere near the top of your tree...
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return KeyboardVisibilityProvider(
    child: MyDemoPage(),

// Within MyDemoPage...
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  final bool isKeyboardVisible = KeyboardVisibilityProvider.isKeyboardVisible(context);
  return Text(
    'The keyboard is: ${isKeyboardVisible ? 'VISIBLE' : 'NOT VISIBLE'}',
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Option 3: Direct query and subscription #

Query and/or subscribe to keyboard visibility directly with the KeyboardVisibilityController class.

import 'package:flutter_keyboard_visibility/flutter_keyboard_visibility.dart';
import 'dart:async';

late StreamSubscription<bool> keyboardSubscription;

void initState() {

  var keyboardVisibilityController = KeyboardVisibilityController();
  // Query
  print('Keyboard visibility direct query: ${keyboardVisibilityController.isVisible}');

  // Subscribe
  keyboardSubscription = keyboardVisibilityController.onChange.listen((bool visible) {
    print('Keyboard visibility update. Is visible: $visible');

void dispose() {
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Usage: Dismiss keyboard on tap #

Place a KeyboardDismissOnTap near the top of your Widget tree. When a user taps outside of the currently focused Widget, the Widget will drop focus and the keyboard will be dismissed.

import 'package:flutter_keyboard_visibility/flutter_keyboard_visibility.dart';

// Somewhere near the top of your tree...
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return KeyboardDismissOnTap(
    child: MyDemoPage(),
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By default KeyboardDismissOnTap will only dismiss taps not captured by other interactive Widgets, like buttons. If you would like to dismiss the keyboard for any tap, including taps on interactive Widgets, set dismissOnCapturedTaps to true.

import 'package:flutter_keyboard_visibility/flutter_keyboard_visibility.dart';

// Somewhere near the top of your tree...
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return KeyboardDismissOnTap(
    dismissOnCapturedTaps: true,
    child: MyDemoPage(),
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The IgnoreKeyboardDismiss Widget can be used to further refine which taps do and do not dismiss the keyboard. Checkout the example app for more detail.

Testing #

Testing using mocks #

KeyboardVisibilityProvider and KeyboardVisibilityBuilder accept a controller parameter that allow you to mock or replace the logic for reporting keyboard visibility updates.

void main() {
  testWidgets('It reports true when the keyboard is visible', (WidgetTester tester) async {
    // Pretend that the keyboard is visible.
    var mockController = MockKeyboardVisibilityController();
        .thenAnswer((_) => Stream.fromIterable([true]));
    when(mockController.isVisible).thenAnswer((_) => true);

    // Build a Widget tree and query KeyboardVisibilityProvider
    // for the visibility of the keyboard.
    bool? isKeyboardVisible;

    await tester.pumpWidget(
        controller: mockController,
        child: Builder(
          builder: (BuildContext context) {
            isKeyboardVisible =
            return SizedBox();

    // Verify that KeyboardVisibilityProvider reported that the
    // keyboard is visible.
    expect(isKeyboardVisible, true);
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Testing with a global override #

Call KeyboardVisibilityTesting.setVisibilityForTesting(false); to set a custom value to use during flutter test. This is set globally and will override the standard logic of the native platform.

void main() {
  testWidgets('My Test', (WidgetTester tester) async {
    await tester.pumpWidget(MyApp());
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