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The digit_data_model package is a data modeling library. It defines various classes, enums, and functions.

Data Model Package #

The digit_data_model package is a comprehensive data modeling library for the project. It defines various classes, enums, and functions used throughout the project. The package is written in Dart and is primarily used in Flutter applications.

Features #

  • Data Models: The package provides a set of predefined data models like DataModel, EntityModel, EntitySearchModel, AdditionalFields, AdditionalField, ClientAuditDetails, AuditDetails, etc. These models are used to structure the data in the project.

  • Model Provider: The package includes a ModelProvider abstract class that can be implemented to provide a list of models. It also includes a ModelProviderRegistry class to register and retrieve all model providers.

  • Data Model Type Enum: The package defines a DataModelType enum that represents the different types of data models in the project.

  • Mapping Annotations: The package uses the dart_mappable package to generate mapping code for the classes. This helps in converting the data models to and from JSON.

  • Data Repositories: The package provides abstract classes for data repositories, DataRepository, RemoteRepository, and LocalRepository, which can be extended to create repositories for different data models. It also includes error handling with InvalidApiResponseException.

  • Sql Store: The package includes a SqlStore class that can be used to store data in a SQLite database.

    • Here are the key features it provides to other packages:
      1. Database Connection: It provides a connection to the SQLite database. This connection is opened when the database is first accessed.
      2. Table Definitions: It defines the tables in the database. These tables correspond to various entities in the project.
      3. Database Operations: It provides methods for querying and manipulating the data in the tables. These methods can be used to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on the data.
      4. Schema Version: It provides the schema version of the database. This can be used to handle database migrations.
      5. Drift Integration: It uses the Drift package for interacting with the SQLite database. This provides a reactive persistence library for Flutter and Dart.

Getting Started #

To use this package, add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml file:

  digit_data_model: ^0.0.0-dev.1
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Usage #

Here are some examples of how to use the DataModel package in your project:

Extend the EntityModel or EntitySearchModel class and implement the required methods.

    class ExampleSearchModel extends EntitySearchModel {
    required this.employeeId,
    required this.attendanceDate,
    required this.status,
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    class ExampleAdditionalFields extends AdditionalFields {
    required this.field1,
    required this.field2,
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Extend the LocalRepository class and implement the required methods.

    class ExampleLocalRepository
        extends LocalRepository<ExampleModel, ExampleSearchModel> {
    ExampleLocalRepository(super.sql, super.opLogManager);
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Extend the RemoteRepository class and implement the required methods.

    class ExampleRemoteRepository
        extends RemoteRepository<ExampleModel, ExampleSearchModel> {
  ExampleRemoteRepository(super.apiClient, super.opLogManager);
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The digit_data_model package is a data modeling library. It defines various classes, enums, and functions.

Repository (GitHub)


API reference


MIT (license)


collection, dart_mappable, digit_ui_components, dio, drift, flutter, flutter_bloc, freezed_annotation, isar, isar_flutter_libs, mocktail, path, path_provider, recase, sqlite3_flutter_libs, uuid


Packages that depend on digit_data_model