digit_ui_components 0.0.1+7
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Digit UI Design specification
digit ui components #
Flutter Common UI Widgets #
Digit UI Components is a collection of common Flutter widgets designed to simplify UI development. These components offer easy-to-use and customizable features to enhance UI design and streamline the development process.
Installation #
Add this to your pubspec.yaml
digit_ui_components: 1.0.0
Then run:
flutter pub get
Usage #
Import the package in your Dart code:
import 'package:digit_ui_components/digit_components.dart';
Example #
Text Input Variants #
Digit UI Components includes various text input fields with optional features such as character count display, inner labels, and help text. These fields also come with built-in validation support for improved data integrity.
Text Input Field
label: "Text Field",
initialValue: 'value',
controller: TextEditingController(),
innerLabel: 'label',
helpText: 'help text',
charCount: true,
Date Input Field
label: "Date Field",
controller: TextEditingController(),
innerLabel: 'innerlabel',
helpText: 'help text',
Time Input Field
label: "Time Field",
controller: TextEditingController(),
innerLabel: 'innerlabel',
helpText: 'help text',
Location Input Field
label: "Location Field",
controller: TextEditingController(),
innerLabel: 'innerlabel',
helpText: 'help text',
Numeric Input Field
label: "Numeric Field",
controller: TextEditingController(),
innerLabel: 'innerlabel',
helpText: 'help text',
initialValue: '0',
step: 1,
Password Input Field
label: "password Field",
controller: TextEditingController(),
innerLabel: 'innerlabel',
helpText: 'help text',
validations: [
Validator(ValidatorType.minLength, 6,
'Password must be at least 6 characters.'),
Search Input Field
label: "Search Field",
controller: TextEditingController(),
innerLabel: 'innerlabel',
helpText: 'help text',
onSuffixTap: (value){},
TextArea Input Field
label: "Text Area",
controller: TextEditingController(),
innerLabel: 'innerlabel',
helpText: 'help text',
Button Variants #
Digit UI Components provides a variety of buttons with optional suffix and prefix icons, contributing to a cohesive and visually appealing UI.
Primary Button
label: 'Primary Button',
onPressed: () {},
type: ButtonType.primary,
with Suffix Icon
suffixIcon: Icons.add,
label: 'Primary Button',
onPressed: () {},
type: ButtonType.primary,
Secondary Button
label: 'secondary Button',
onPressed: () {},
type: ButtonType.secondary,
Tertiary Button
label: 'tertiary Button',
onPressed: () {},
type: ButtonType.tertiary,
label: 'link',
onPressed: () {},
type: ButtonType.link,
Radio Buttons #
The Radio Buttons component in Digit UI Components empowers users to make a single selection from a list of options. This intuitive interface provides a smooth user experience with hover and mouse-down effects.
onChanged: (value) {},
groupValue: '1',
radioButtons: [
RadioButtonModel(code: '1',name: 'One',),
RadioButtonModel(code: '2', name: 'Two'),
RadioButtonModel(code: '3', name: 'Three'),
Toggle Buttons #
The Toggle Buttons component in Digit UI Components presents a list of interactive toggle buttons, providing users with the ability to select a option. Each button is equipped with callbacks for both mouse-down and hover effects, ensuring a responsive and engaging user interface.
toggleButtons: [
name: 'Toggle 1', key: 'key1', onSelected: (value) {}),
name: 'Toggle 2', key: 'key2', onSelected: (value) {}),
name: 'Toggle 3', key: 'key3', onSelected: (value) {}),
selectedIndex: 1,
onChanged: (selectedValues) {},
Dropdown Variants #
Digit UI Components offers various dropdown menus, including single-select, multi-select, and tree-select options.
Single Select Dropdown
The Single Select Dropdown in Digit UI Components provides a dropdown menu for users to make a single selection. This intuitive component supports options with additional features such as images, icons, and descriptions, complemented by hover and mouse-down effects.
onChange: (String value, String index) => {},
textEditingController: TextEditingController(),
items: const [
DropdownItem(name: 'first',code: '1',),
DropdownItem(name: 'second',code: '2',),
DropdownItem(name: 'third',code: '3',),
DropdownItem(name: 'fourth',code: '4',
With description and profile Image
onChange: (String value, String index) => {},
textEditingController: TextEditingController(),
items: const [
name: 'first',
code: '1',
description: 'description for first one',
profileImage: NetworkImage(
name: 'second',
code: '2',
description: 'description for second one',
profileImage: NetworkImage(
name: 'third',
code: '3',
description: 'description for third one',
profileImage: NetworkImage(
name: 'fourth',
code: '4',
description: 'description for fourth one',
profileImage: NetworkImage(
With Different Type of Options
onChange: (String value, String index) => {},
textEditingController: TextEditingController(),
dropdownType: DropdownType.nestedSelect,
items: const [
DropdownItem(name: 'first',code: '1',type: 'Type A',),
DropdownItem(name: 'second',code: '2',type: 'Type B'),
DropdownItem(name: 'third',code: '3',type: 'Type A',),
DropdownItem(name: 'fourth',code: '4',type: 'Type B'),
Multi Select Dropdown
The Multi Select Dropdown in Digit UI Components offers a user-friendly interface for selecting multiple options simultaneously. This clean and intuitive component is equipped with built-in chips and provides responsive mouse-down and hover effects.
onOptionSelected: (List<DropdownItem> selectedOptions) {},
options: const [
DropdownItem(code: '1', name: 'first'),
DropdownItem(code: '2', name: 'second'),
DropdownItem(code: '3', name: 'third'),
DropdownItem(code: '4', name: 'four'),
Tree Select Dropdown
A hierarchical dropdown menu enabling single or multiple selections from a tree-like structure.
Single Select Option
onOptionSelected: (List<TreeNode> selectedOptions) {},
options: [
TreeNode('C', 'C', [
TreeNode('C.C1', 'C1', []),
TreeNode('C.C2', 'C2', []),
TreeNode('D', 'D', [
TreeNode('D.D1', 'D1', []),
TreeNode('D.D2', 'D2', []),
controller: TreeSelectController(),
Multi Select Option
onOptionSelected: (List<TreeNode> selectedOptions) {},
options: [
TreeNode('C', 'C', [
TreeNode('C.C1', 'C1', []),
TreeNode('C.C2', 'C2', []),
TreeNode('D', 'D', [
TreeNode('D.D1', 'D1', []),
TreeNode('D.D2', 'D2', []),
treeSelectionType: TreeSelectionType.MultiSelect,
controller: TreeSelectController(),
Toast #
The toast component is used for displaying toast messages with various types such as success, error, and warning.
Success toast
options: ToastOptions(
"Your Warning message", ToastType.success));
error toast
options: ToastOptions(
"Your Warning message", ToastType.error));
Warning toast
options: ToastOptions(
"Your Warning message", ToastType.warning));
Info Card #
InfoCard is a versatile widget designed to showcase informational content in a visually appealing manner. It is commonly used to display messages, alerts, or other important information. The card supports various customization options to adapt to different use cases.
Info card
title: 'Info',
type: InfoType.info,
'Application process will take a minute to complete. It might cost around Rs.500/- to Rs.1000/- to clean your septic tank and you can expect theservice to get completed in 24 hrs from the time of payment.',
Success card
title: 'Success',
type: InfoType.success,
'Application process will take a minute to complete. It might cost around Rs.500/- to Rs.1000/- to clean your septic tank and you can expect theservice to get completed in 24 hrs from the time of payment.',
Warning card
title: 'Warning',
type: InfoType.warning,
'Application process will take a minute to complete. It might cost around Rs.500/- to Rs.1000/- to clean your septic tank and you can expect theservice to get completed in 24 hrs from the time of payment.',
Error card
title: 'Error',
type: InfoType.error,
'Application process will take a minute to complete. It might cost around Rs.500/- to Rs.1000/- to clean your septic tank and you can expect theservice to get completed in 24 hrs from the time of payment.',