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overlay_builder: ^1.1.0 copied to clipboard

Overlay Builder is used to build overlays using declarative programming

Overlay Builder #

Build overlays using declarative programming.

Getting Started #

  • Install with command

Run this command with Flutter:

flutter pub add overlay_builder
  • Install manually

Add this line to your package's pubspec.yaml and run flutter pub/packages get

    overlay_builder: ^1.1.0

Usage #

In your Dart code, you can use:

import 'package:overlay_builder/overlay_builder.dart';

To use the OverlayBuilder, you'll need a child anywhere to be rendered in the widget tree as below:

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return const Text('Overlay Builder Demo');

Then only wrap the current child using OverlayBuilder as below:

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return OverlayBuilder(
	child: const Text('Overlay Builder Demo'),
	overlayChild: const Material(
	  type: MaterialType.transparency,
	  child: Center(child: Text('Overlay Test')),

To render the overlay widget overlaying the entire screen is needed to declare the OverlayType as below:

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return OverlayBuilder(
    type: OverlayType.fullscreen,
	child: const Text('Overlay Builder Demo'),
	overlayChild: const Material(
	  type: MaterialType.transparency,
	  child: Center(child: Text('Overlay Test')),

To show or remove the overlay is needed to use a GlobalKey as below:

final _overlay = GlobalKey<OverlayWidgetState>();

OverlayWidgetState get overlayController {
  return _overlay.currentState!;
  // or return _overlay.currentState; to not use Null Safety

Put the key in an OverlayBuilder widget as below:

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return OverlayBuilder(
	key: _overlay,

Then use the key to show, remove or known when the overlay is showing as below:

void doSomething() {
  // Use this method to show the overlay
  // overlayController.show();

  // Use this method do remove the overlay
  // overlayController.remove();

  // Use this getter to known if the overlay is showing
  // overlayController.isShowing;

  // Use this method to show or remove the overlay


The Overlay Builder has many apis to build the layout with custom overlays.


Is used to display an overlay widget based on its type.

  • Props
Name Description Required
overlayChild Is used to get the current overlay widget. When it changes the current overlay will be updated. true
child Is used to get the current widget that the OverlayBuilder is wrapping and then display it in the application interface. true
initialShow When true, then it will build the overlayChild on the first frame. Defaults to false. false
maintainState Whether this entry must be included in the tree even if there is a fully opaque entry above it. By default, if there is an entirely opaque entry over this one, then this one will not be included in the widget tree (in particular, stateful widgets within the overlay entry will not be instantiated). To ensure that your overlay entry is still built even if it is not visible, set maintainState to true. This is more expensive, so should be done with care. In particular, if widgets in an overlay entry with maintainState set to true repeatedly call State.setState, the user's battery will be drained unnecessarily. This is used by the Navigator and Route objects to ensure that routes are kept around even when in the background, so that Futures promised from subsequent routes will be handled properly when they complete. Defaults to false. false
opaque Whether this entry occludes the entire overlay. If an entry claims to be opaque, then, for efficiency, the overlay will skip building entries below that entry unless they have maintainState set. Defaults to false. false
type Is used to render the overlay widget based on its type. If it is OverlayType.fullscreen then will render an overlay widget that overlays the entire screen, else if it is OverlayType.positioned then will render an overlay widget that overlays its child. Defaults to OverlayType.positioned. false
alignment Is used to align the overlayChild based on its child's constraints when type is OverlayType.positioned. Defaults to OverlayAlignment.bottomCenter. false
verticalSpacing Is used to add padding vertically to its overlayChild when type is OverlayType.positioned. Defaults to 0.0, can be negative. false
horizontalSpacing Is used to add padding horizontally to its overlayChild when type is OverlayType.positioned. Defaults to 0.0, can be negative. false


Is used with OverlayBuilder to align the overlay widget when its type is OverlayType.positioned.

  • Getters
Name Description
topCenter The center point along the top edge.
topLeft The top left corner.
topRight The top right corner.
center The center point, both horizontally and vertically.
centerLeft The center point along the left edge.
centerRight The center point along the right edge.
bottomCenter The center point along the bottom edge.
bottomLeft The bottom left corner.
bottomRight The bottom right corner.


Is used to render the overlay based on its type. If it is OverlayType.fullscreen then will render an overlay widget that overlays the entire screen, else if it is OverlayType.positioned then will render an overlay widget that overlays its child.

  • Getters
Name Description
fullscreen Is used to render a fullscreen overlay widget.
positioned Is used to render a positioned overlay widget based on its child.


Is used with a GlobalKey to get the current OverlayBuilder's state for showing, removing or known when it is showing an overlay widget.

  • Methods
Name Description
show Is used to show the OverlayBuilder.overlayChild widget overlaying its screen or child.
remove Is used to remove the OverlayBuilder.overlayChild widget when it is overlaying its screen or child.
toggle Is used to show or remove the OverlayBuilder.overlayChild widget.
  • Getters
Name Description
isShowing is used to known when the overlay is showing.

Deprecation Notice #

For some code optimizations the apis OverlayWidget and OverlayFullscreen were deprecated. Please use the OverlayBuilder instead.



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Overlay Builder is used to build overlays using declarative programming

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