books/v1 library
Books API - v1
The Google Books API allows clients to access the Google Books repository.
For more information, see
Create an instance of BooksApi to access these resources:
- Annotation
- AnnotationClientVersionRanges
- Selection ranges sent from the client.
- AnnotationCurrentVersionRanges
- Selection ranges for the most recent content version.
- AnnotationLayerSummary
- Annotations
- Annotationsdata
- AnnotationsSummary
- AnnotationsSummaryLayers
- BooksAnnotationsRange
- BooksApi
- The Google Books API allows clients to access the Google Books repository.
- BooksCloudloadingResource
- Bookshelf
- Bookshelves
- BookshelvesResource
- BookshelvesVolumesResource
- BooksVolumesRecommendedRateResponse
- Category
- CategoryItems
- CloudloadingResource
- ConcurrentAccessRestriction
- DictionaryAnnotationdata
- DictionaryResource
- Dictlayerdata
- DictlayerdataCommon
- DictlayerdataDict
- DictlayerdataDictSource
- The source, url and attribution for this dictionary data.
- DictlayerdataDictWords
- DictlayerdataDictWordsDerivatives
- DictlayerdataDictWordsDerivativesSource
- DictlayerdataDictWordsExamples
- DictlayerdataDictWordsExamplesSource
- DictlayerdataDictWordsSenses
- DictlayerdataDictWordsSensesConjugations
- DictlayerdataDictWordsSensesDefinitions
- DictlayerdataDictWordsSensesDefinitionsExamples
- DictlayerdataDictWordsSensesDefinitionsExamplesSource
- DictlayerdataDictWordsSensesSource
- DictlayerdataDictWordsSensesSynonyms
- DictlayerdataDictWordsSensesSynonymsSource
- DictlayerdataDictWordsSource
- The words with different meanings but not related words, e.g. "go" (game) and "go" (verb).
- Discoveryclusters
- DiscoveryclustersClusters
- DiscoveryclustersClustersBannerWithContentContainer
- DownloadAccesses
- DownloadAccessRestriction
- FamilyInfo
- FamilyInfoMembership
- Family membership info of the user that made the request.
- FamilysharingResource
- GeoAnnotationdata
- Geolayerdata
- GeolayerdataCommon
- GeolayerdataGeo
- GeolayerdataGeoViewport
- The viewport for showing this location.
- GeolayerdataGeoViewportHi
- GeolayerdataGeoViewportLo
- LayersAnnotationDataResource
- LayersResource
- Layersummaries
- Layersummary
- LayersVolumeAnnotationsResource
- Metadata
- MetadataItems
- MyconfigResource
- MylibraryAnnotationsResource
- MylibraryBookshelvesResource
- MylibraryBookshelvesVolumesResource
- MylibraryReadingpositionsResource
- MylibraryResource
- Notification
- NotificationResource
- Offers
- OffersItems
- OffersItemsItems
- OnboardingResource
- PersonalizedstreamResource
- PromoofferResource
- ReadingPosition
- RequestAccessData
- Review
- ReviewAuthor
- Author of this review.
- ReviewSource
- Information regarding the source of this review, when the review is not from a Google Books user.
- Series
- Seriesmembership
- SeriesMembershipResource
- SeriesResource
- SeriesSeries
- SeriesSeriesSeriesSubscriptionReleaseInfo
- SeriesSeriesSeriesSubscriptionReleaseInfoCurrentReleaseInfo
- SeriesSeriesSeriesSubscriptionReleaseInfoNextReleaseInfo
- Usersettings
- UsersettingsNotesExport
- User settings in sub-objects, each for different purposes.
- UsersettingsNotification
- UsersettingsNotificationMatchMyInterests
- UsersettingsNotificationMoreFromAuthors
- UsersettingsNotificationMoreFromSeries
- UsersettingsNotificationPriceDrop
- UsersettingsNotificationRewardExpirations
- Volume
- Volume2
- VolumeAccessInfo
- Any information about a volume related to reading or obtaining that volume text.
- VolumeAccessInfoEpub
- Information about epub content.
- VolumeAccessInfoPdf
- Information about pdf content.
- Volumeannotation
- VolumeannotationContentRanges
- The content ranges to identify the selected text.
- Volumeannotations
- VolumeLayerInfo
- What layers exist in this volume and high level information about them.
- VolumeLayerInfoLayers
- VolumeRecommendedInfo
- Recommendation related information for this volume.
- Volumes
- VolumeSaleInfo
- Any information about a volume related to the eBookstore and/or purchaseability.
- VolumeSaleInfoListPrice
- Suggested retail price.
- VolumeSaleInfoOffers
- VolumeSaleInfoOffersListPrice
- Offer list (=undiscounted) price in Micros.
- VolumeSaleInfoOffersRentalDuration
- The rental duration (for rental offers only).
- VolumeSaleInfoOffersRetailPrice
- Offer retail (=discounted) price in Micros
- VolumeSaleInfoRetailPrice
- The actual selling price of the book.
- VolumesAssociatedResource
- VolumeSearchInfo
- Search result information related to this volume.
- Volumeseriesinfo
- VolumeseriesinfoVolumeSeries
- VolumeseriesinfoVolumeSeriesIssue
- VolumesMybooksResource
- VolumesRecommendedResource
- VolumesResource
- VolumesUseruploadedResource
- VolumeUserInfo
- User specific information related to this volume.
- VolumeUserInfoCopy
- Copy/Paste accounting information.
- VolumeUserInfoFamilySharing
- Information on the ability to share with the family.
- VolumeUserInfoRentalPeriod
- Period during this book is/was a valid rental.
- VolumeUserInfoUserUploadedVolumeInfo
- VolumeVolumeInfo
- General volume information.
- VolumeVolumeInfoDimensions
- Physical dimensions of this volume.
- VolumeVolumeInfoImageLinks
- A list of image links for all the sizes that are available.
- VolumeVolumeInfoIndustryIdentifiers
- VolumeVolumeInfoPanelizationSummary
- A top-level summary of the panelization info in this volume.
- VolumeVolumeInfoReadingModes
- The reading modes available for this volume.
Exceptions / Errors
- ApiRequestError
- Represents a general error reported by the API endpoint.
- DetailedApiRequestError
- Represents a specific error reported by the API endpoint.