gkeonprem/v1 library
GKE On-Prem API - v1
For more information, see cloud.google.com/anthos/clusters/docs/on-prem/
Create an instance of GKEOnPremApi to access these resources:
- Authorization
- Authorization defines the On-Prem cluster authorization configuration to bootstrap onto the admin cluster.
- BareMetalAdminApiServerArgument
- BareMetalAdminApiServerArgument represents an arg name->value pair.
- BareMetalAdminCluster
- Resource that represents a bare metal admin cluster.
- BareMetalAdminControlPlaneConfig
- BareMetalAdminControlPlaneConfig specifies the control plane configuration.
- BareMetalAdminControlPlaneNodePoolConfig
- BareMetalAdminControlPlaneNodePoolConfig specifies the control plane node pool configuration.
- BareMetalAdminIslandModeCidrConfig
- BareMetalAdminIslandModeCidrConfig specifies the cluster CIDR configuration while running in island mode.
- BareMetalAdminLoadBalancerConfig
- BareMetalAdminLoadBalancerConfig specifies the load balancer configuration.
- BareMetalAdminMachineDrainStatus
- BareMetalAdminMachineDrainStatus represents the status of bare metal node machines that are undergoing drain operations.
- BareMetalAdminMaintenanceStatus
- BareMetalAdminMaintenanceStatus represents the maintenance status for bare metal Admin cluster CR's nodes.
- BareMetalAdminNetworkConfig
- BareMetalAdminNetworkConfig specifies the cluster network configuration.
- BareMetalAdminNodeAccessConfig
- Specifies the node access related settings for the bare metal admin cluster.
- BareMetalAdminOsEnvironmentConfig
- Specifies operating system operation settings for cluster provisioning.
- BareMetalAdminProxyConfig
- BareMetalAdminProxyConfig specifies the cluster proxy configuration.
- BareMetalAdminSecurityConfig
- Specifies the security related settings for the bare metal admin cluster.
- BareMetalAdminStorageConfig
- BareMetalAdminStorageConfig specifies the cluster storage configuration.
- BareMetalAdminVipConfig
- BareMetalAdminVipConfig for bare metal load balancer configurations.
- BareMetalAdminWorkloadNodeConfig
- BareMetalAdminWorkloadNodeConfig specifies the workload node configurations.
- BareMetalApiServerArgument
- Represents an arg name->value pair.
- BareMetalBgpLbConfig
- BareMetalBgpLbConfig represents configuration parameters for a Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) load balancer.
- BareMetalBgpPeerConfig
- BareMetalBgpPeerConfig represents configuration parameters for a Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) peer.
- BareMetalCluster
- Resource that represents a bare metal user cluster.
- BareMetalClusterUpgradePolicy
- BareMetalClusterUpgradePolicy defines the cluster upgrade policy.
- BareMetalControlPlaneConfig
- Specifies the control plane configuration.
- BareMetalControlPlaneNodePoolConfig
- Specifies the control plane node pool configuration.
- BareMetalIslandModeCidrConfig
- Specifies the cluster CIDR configuration while running in island mode.
- BareMetalKubeletConfig
- KubeletConfig defines the modifiable kubelet configurations for bare metal machines.
- BareMetalLoadBalancerConfig
- Specifies the load balancer configuration.
- BareMetalLoadBalancerNodePoolConfig
- Specifies the load balancer's node pool configuration.
- BareMetalLvpConfig
- Specifies the configs for local persistent volumes (PVs).
- Specifies the configs for local persistent volumes under a shared file system.
- BareMetalMachineDrainStatus
- Represents the status of node machines that are undergoing drain operations.
- BareMetalMaintenanceStatus
- Represents the maintenance status of the bare metal user cluster.
- BareMetalMetalLbConfig
- Represents configuration parameters for a MetalLB load balancer.
- BareMetalMultipleNetworkInterfacesConfig
- Specifies the multiple networking interfaces cluster configuration.
- BareMetalNetworkConfig
- Specifies the cluster network configuration.
- BareMetalNodeAccessConfig
- Specifies the node access related settings for the bare metal user cluster.
- BareMetalNodeConfig
- BareMetalNodeConfig lists machine addresses to access Nodes.
- BareMetalNodePool
- Resource that represents a bare metal node pool.
- BareMetalNodePoolConfig
- BareMetalNodePoolConfig describes the configuration of all nodes within a given bare metal node pool.
- BareMetalNodePoolUpgradePolicy
- BareMetalNodePoolUpgradePolicy defines the node pool upgrade policy.
- BareMetalOsEnvironmentConfig
- Specifies operating system settings for cluster provisioning.
- BareMetalParallelUpgradeConfig
- BareMetalParallelUpgradeConfig defines the parallel upgrade settings for worker node pools.
- BareMetalProxyConfig
- Specifies the cluster proxy configuration.
- BareMetalSecurityConfig
- Specifies the security related settings for the bare metal user cluster.
- BareMetalSrIovConfig
- Specifies the SR-IOV networking operator config.
- BareMetalStorageConfig
- BareMetalStorageConfig specifies the cluster storage configuration.
- BareMetalVersionInfo
- Contains information about a specific Anthos on bare metal version.
- BareMetalVipConfig
- Specifies the VIP config for the bare metal load balancer.
- BareMetalWorkloadNodeConfig
- Specifies the workload node configurations.
- BinaryAuthorization
- Configuration for Binary Authorization.
- Binding
, or principals, with arole
. - ClusterUser
- ClusterUser configures user principals for an RBAC policy.
- EnrollBareMetalAdminClusterRequest
- Message for enrolling an existing bare metal admin cluster to the GKE on-prem API.
- EnrollBareMetalClusterRequest
- Message for enrolling an existing bare metal cluster to the Anthos On-Prem API.
- EnrollBareMetalNodePoolRequest
- Message for enrolling an existing bare metal node pool to the GKE on-prem API.
- EnrollVmwareAdminClusterRequest
- Message for enrolling an existing VMware admin cluster to the GKE on-prem API.
- EnrollVmwareClusterRequest
- Message for enrolling an existing VMware cluster to the Anthos On-Prem API.
- EnrollVmwareNodePoolRequest
- Message for enrolling a VMware node pool.
- Fleet
- Fleet related configuration.
- GKEOnPremApi
- ListBareMetalAdminClustersResponse
- Response message for listing bare metal admin clusters.
- ListBareMetalClustersResponse
- Response message for listing bare metal Clusters.
- ListBareMetalNodePoolsResponse
- Response message for listing bare metal node pools.
- ListLocationsResponse
- The response message for Locations.ListLocations.
- ListOperationsResponse
- The response message for Operations.ListOperations.
- ListVmwareAdminClustersResponse
- Response message for listing VMware admin clusters.
- ListVmwareClustersResponse
- Response message for listing VMware Clusters.
- ListVmwareNodePoolsResponse
- Response message for listing VMware node pools.
- NodeTaint
- NodeTaint applied to every Kubernetes node in a node pool.
- Operation
- This resource represents a long-running operation that is the result of a network API call.
- Policy
- An Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy, which specifies access controls for Google Cloud resources.
- ProjectsLocationsBareMetalAdminClustersOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsBareMetalAdminClustersResource
- ProjectsLocationsBareMetalClustersBareMetalNodePoolsOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsBareMetalClustersBareMetalNodePoolsResource
- ProjectsLocationsBareMetalClustersOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsBareMetalClustersResource
- ProjectsLocationsOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsVmwareAdminClustersOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsVmwareAdminClustersResource
- ProjectsLocationsVmwareClustersOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsVmwareClustersResource
- ProjectsLocationsVmwareClustersVmwareNodePoolsOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsVmwareClustersVmwareNodePoolsResource
- ProjectsResource
- QueryBareMetalAdminVersionConfigResponse
- Response message for querying bare metal admin cluster version config.
- QueryBareMetalVersionConfigResponse
- Response message for querying bare metal admin cluster version config.
- QueryVmwareVersionConfigResponse
- Response message for querying VMware user cluster version config.
- ResourceCondition
- ResourceCondition provides a standard mechanism for higher-level status reporting from controller.
- ResourceStatus
- ResourceStatus describes why a cluster or node pool has a certain status.
- SetIamPolicyRequest
Request message for
method. - UpgradeDependency
- UpgradeDependency represents a dependency when upgrading a resource.
- ValidationCheck
- ValidationCheck represents the result of preflight check.
- ValidationCheckResult
- ValidationCheckResult defines the details about the validation check.
- ValidationCheckStatus
- ValidationCheckStatus defines the detailed validation check status.
- Version
- Version describes the number of nodes at a given version under a resource.
- Versions
- Versions describes the mapping of a given version to the number of machines under this version.
- VmwareAAGConfig
- Specifies anti affinity group config for the VMware user cluster.
- VmwareAdminAddonNodeConfig
- VmwareAdminAddonNodeConfig contains add-on node configurations for VMware admin cluster.
- VmwareAdminAuthorizationConfig
- VmwareAdminAuthorizationConfig represents configuration for admin cluster authorization.
- VmwareAdminCluster
- Resource that represents a VMware admin cluster.
- VmwareAdminControlPlaneNodeConfig
- VmwareAdminControlPlaneNodeConfig contains control plane node configuration for VMware admin cluster.
- VmwareAdminHAControlPlaneConfig
- Specifies HA admin control plane config.
- VmwareAdminLoadBalancerConfig
- VmwareAdminLoadBalancerConfig contains load balancer configuration for VMware admin cluster.
- VmwareAdminManualLbConfig
- VmwareAdminMetalLbConfig
- VmwareAdminMetalLbConfig represents configuration parameters for a MetalLB load balancer.
- VmwareAdminNetworkConfig
- VmwareAdminNetworkConfig contains network configuration for VMware admin cluster.
- VmwareAdminPreparedSecretsConfig
- VmwareAdminPreparedSecretsConfig represents configuration for admin cluster prepared secrets.
- VmwareAdminSeesawConfig
- VmwareSeesawConfig represents configuration parameters for an already existing Seesaw load balancer.
- VmwareAdminVCenterConfig
- VmwareAdminVCenterConfig contains VCenter configuration for VMware admin cluster.
- VmwareAdminVipConfig
- VmwareAdminVipConfig for VMware load balancer configurations.
- VmwareAutoRepairConfig
- Specifies config to enable/disable auto repair.
- VmwareAutoResizeConfig
- Represents auto resizing configurations for the VMware user cluster.
- VmwareBundleConfig
- VmwareBundleConfig represents configuration for the bundle.
- VmwareCluster
- Resource that represents a VMware user cluster.
- VmwareClusterUpgradePolicy
- VmwareClusterUpgradePolicy defines the cluster upgrade policy.
- VmwareControlPlaneNodeConfig
- Specifies control plane node config for the VMware user cluster.
- VmwareControlPlaneV2Config
- Specifies control plane V2 config.
- VmwareControlPlaneVsphereConfig
- Specifies control plane node config.
- VmwareDataplaneV2Config
- Contains configurations for Dataplane V2, which is optimized dataplane for Kubernetes networking.
- VmwareDhcpIpConfig
- Represents the network configuration required for the VMware user clusters with DHCP IP configurations.
- VmwareHostConfig
- Represents the common parameters for all the hosts irrespective of their IP address.
- VmwareHostIp
- Represents VMware user cluster node's network configuration.
- VmwareIpBlock
- Represents a collection of IP addresses to assign to nodes.
- VmwareLoadBalancerConfig
- Specifies the locad balancer config for the VMware user cluster.
- VmwareManualLbConfig
- Represents configuration parameters for an already existing manual load balancer.
- VmwareMetalLbConfig
- Represents configuration parameters for the MetalLB load balancer.
- VmwareNetworkConfig
- Specifies network config for the VMware user cluster.
- VmwareNodeConfig
- Parameters that describe the configuration of all nodes within a given node pool.
- VmwareNodePool
- Resource VmwareNodePool represents a VMware node pool.
- VmwareNodePoolAutoscalingConfig
- NodePoolAutoscaling config for the NodePool to allow for the kubernetes to scale NodePool.
- VmwarePlatformConfig
- VmwarePlatformConfig represents configuration for the VMware platform.
- VmwareSeesawConfig
- VmwareSeesawConfig represents configuration parameters for an already existing Seesaw load balancer.
- VmwareStaticIpConfig
- Represents the network configuration required for the VMware user clusters with Static IP configurations.
- VmwareStorageConfig
- Specifies vSphere CSI components deployment config in the VMware user cluster.
- VmwareVCenterConfig
- Represents configuration for the VMware VCenter for the user cluster.
- VmwareVersionInfo
- Contains information about a specific Anthos on VMware version.
- VmwareVipConfig
- Specifies the VIP config for the VMware user cluster load balancer.
- VmwareVsphereConfig
- VmwareVsphereConfig represents configuration for the VMware VCenter for node pool.
- VmwareVsphereTag
- VmwareVsphereTag describes a vSphere tag to be placed on VMs in the node pool.
- BareMetalAdminClusterOperationsConfig = $ClusterOperationsConfig
- BareMetalAdminClusterOperationsConfig specifies the admin cluster's observability infrastructure.
- BareMetalAdminDrainedMachine = $DrainedMachine
- BareMetalAdminDrainedMachine represents the machines that are drained.
- BareMetalAdminDrainingMachine = $DrainingMachine
- BareMetalAdminDrainingMachine represents the machines that are currently draining.
- BareMetalAdminMaintenanceConfig = $MaintenanceConfig
- BareMetalAdminMaintenanceConfig specifies configurations to put bare metal Admin cluster CRs nodes in and out of maintenance.
- BareMetalAdminManualLbConfig = $ManualLbConfig
- BareMetalAdminManualLbConfig represents configuration parameters for a manual load balancer.
- BareMetalAdminPortConfig = $PortConfig
- BareMetalAdminPortConfig is the specification of load balancer ports.
- BareMetalClusterOperationsConfig = $ClusterOperationsConfig
- Specifies the bare metal user cluster's observability infrastructure.
- BareMetalDrainedMachine = $DrainedMachine
- Represents a machine that is currently drained.
- BareMetalDrainingMachine = $DrainingMachine
- Represents a machine that is currently draining.
- BareMetalLoadBalancerAddressPool = $AddressPool
- Represents an IP pool used by the load balancer.
- BareMetalMaintenanceConfig = $MaintenanceConfig
- Specifies configurations to put bare metal nodes in and out of maintenance.
- BareMetalManualLbConfig = $ManualLbConfig
- Represents configuration parameters for a manual load balancer.
- BareMetalPortConfig = $PortConfig
- Specifies load balancer ports for the bare metal user cluster.
- CancelOperationRequest = $Empty
- The request message for Operations.CancelOperation.
- Empty = $Empty
- A generic empty message that you can re-use to avoid defining duplicated empty messages in your APIs.
- Expr = $Expr
- Represents a textual expression in the Common Expression Language (CEL) syntax.
- Location = $Location00
- A resource that represents a Google Cloud location.
- Status = $Status00
type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. - TestIamPermissionsRequest = $TestIamPermissionsRequest00
Request message for
method. - TestIamPermissionsResponse = $PermissionsResponse
Response message for
method. - VmwareAddressPool = $AddressPool
- Represents an IP pool used by the load balancer.
- VmwareAdminF5BigIpConfig = $F5BigIpConfig
- VmwareAdminF5BigIpConfig represents configuration parameters for an F5 BIG-IP load balancer.
- VmwareF5BigIpConfig = $F5BigIpConfig
- Represents configuration parameters for an F5 BIG-IP load balancer.
Exceptions / Errors
- ApiRequestError
- Represents a general error reported by the API endpoint.
- DetailedApiRequestError
- Represents a specific error reported by the API endpoint.